106th Infantry Division Roster

Roster Provided by Jim West,   www.IndianaMilitary.org

  For additions and changes, please send us an email.

  Last Revision 02/27/2025 Revised as necessary
Last Name:   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z    
Name ASN Rank Duty Unit Casualties Awards POW Death/Buried Memo Headstone Current War Years Source
T??elon, Leroy ?.34 546 608Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,
T??gel, Harlan J.36 739 836Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,
Tabele, George A.31 458 684Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Taber, Thomas   SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945  Features "The Amplifier" 07/26/1945
    "The Amplifier" 07/26/1945
Tabor, M. W.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Tabor, Vance R.38 683 724  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tacker, James Frank, Jr.34 710 831TSgt 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/24/1944CIB, PH, Silber Star (MIA), Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 12/24/1944
  2. 12-A Limburg, Germany
  3. 10-B Bremervorde, Germany
  4. Liberated 04/1945
12/21/2016 Nashville TN
  1. Silver Star (MIA) for gallantry in action. Rescued two wounded men in a burning half-track, exposing himself to exploding ammunition and observation of the enemy. GO 1945-011
  2. at Baraque de Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads)
  3. Retired from Air Natl Guard as a Lt Col.
  Tacker-JamesF.jpg CUB 1995-4/5/6, 8, GO 1945-011, "Red Legs of the Bulge", CUB 01/2018
Taddeo, Peter J. Sgt 424 INF/CWIACIB, PH Deceased but death date or location not given in Obit.    CUB 1992-7/8/9, CUB 2003-4/5/6 10, Obit from W. Dunn
Tadeo, Peter J. SSgt 424 INF/1 BN/C EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Tafel, Robert O.36 590 613  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Taft, Lawrence42 037 092PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Tagliarini, Santo D.42 037 690Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Takarski, Stephen nmi36 649 707Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,
Talbot, Kenneth Pfc QM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945      1944-03-10
Talbot, William Allen 'Billy'   106TH   05/18/2010    Obit
Taliaferro, Hubert Pfc          Chattanooga Daily Times (Chattanooga, Tennessee) 14 Jan 1945, Sun Page 19 (WGD)
Taliaferro, J. H., Jr.14 189 393  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Taliaferro, unk Pfc   CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Talkington, Claris D.   424 INF/3 BN CIB, POW
  1. Captured 12/18/1944,
  2. liberated last day of the war.
Talko, Michael J. Pfc 424 INF/C        10,
Talkowski, Edmund Pfc745 Rifleman424 INF/I/2nd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Tallent, Ernie   ???/3 BN         
Talley, Charles W. Pfc 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Talley, Otto B.,Jr.33 628 186Pvt 81 ENG(C)WIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 01/26/1945.

    GO 1945-021,
Tallman, Raymond A.32 038 654  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tallman, Raymond S.32 038 654TSgt 422 INF/2 BN/K EIB, CIB, PHPOW camp unknown
     1, 27, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Tallon, George E.34 645 933Pfc 422 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Tamborino, Frank, Jr.   81 ENG   d. 6/4/2024     
Tamko, Henry L.11 132 973Pvt 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Tammadge, William H.42 057 970  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-F
  2. Work Camps
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tammaso, Maurio Di Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/2nd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Tammaus, Clifford W.36 477 993Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Tampack, Oliver A. TSgt 589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       Cub IN Review
Tangeman, Charles L.36 515 108  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-F
  2. Work Camps
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tankersley, John C.34 031 223  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tannenbaum, Lester J.32 825 778  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3Stalag 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59,
Tanner, George M.20 510 914Pfc 423 INF/SVC, 422 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/3, EAME/4
  1. Captured 12/19/1944
  2. 9-B
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   27, 62, 1993-1/2/3, GO 1945-051, CUB 8-11/2013,
Tanner, Lester Sgt 422 INF/HQ        Tanner-Lester-422HQ-1.jpgCUB Aug/Nov 2021,
Tannheimer, Louis J. SSgt 423 or 424 INF   Birth 18 Jan 1916; Death 17 Aug 2004    Email from son, Gregory
Tapani, Carl W. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Tapley, Denny L.14 004 719SSgt 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Tapley, Milton M.31 317 310Pvt 422 INF/Medic        23,
Tapner, Burton M., Jr.31 383 933Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/IKIACIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Tapper, Acey L.34 624 909T/5 423 INF/H or LKIA 12/29/1944 by shrapnel woundsCIB, PH, EAME/4 12/29/1944 Plot A Row 8 Grave 6 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     Tapper-AceyL.jpgCUB 1951-10/11, CUB 1983-5/6/7, 65, ABMC,
Tapper, Harry42 076 848Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tapscott, Unk Pfc 424 INF/I/1st PltKIA       Roster from Gayle VerVoorn (WGD)
Tarantino, Joseph C.33 618 456T/4Cook.423 INF/HQ  CIB, PH, BS, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
12/04/2012 Bethlehem NY
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Also assigned to Band - know an "Jumping Joe".
  Tarantino-Joseph.jpg 62, 1988-4/5/6, 1988-10/11/12, GO 1945-051, Find A Grave Memorial# 101729123, Legacy
Tarantino, Louis A.31 459 868Pfc 422 INF/ATMIACIB, POW, EAME/34-D 
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. CUB returned 2018
   1990-1/2/3 1,59,
Tarbuck, Walter L.33 806 032Pfc 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Tarby, Martin T/5 422 INF/Special Services    Provided skit for Christmas Show 1943
    422 "The Fighter" 12/22/1943
Tarnosky, Bernard36 122 054SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Tarrant, Billy M.38 682 601  422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1981-4/5/6, 1981-9/10/11/12 59,
Tartaglia, Frank J.35 048 917Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tartaglia, George A.32 835 427Pvt 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Tarver, George E.38 567 971  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tatarczuk, Edward A. A.O-1 309 439SSgt/2LTComm Plt Ldr424 INF/1 BN/HQ & HQ        77,
Tate, Coy Lee38 693 363Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, BS, EAME/4
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. 12/16/1944 to 04/13/1945
04/21/2016 Talihina OK

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.

  1. He served his country by serving in the United States Army during WWII from March 28 1944 until April 13 1945. Coy was in Company F 423rd Infantry Regiment 106th Infantry Division

   62, CUB 2002-1/2/3, GO 1945-051, Legacy, CUB 08/2016
Tate, Davis W.34 623 530  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-A Hohnstein, Saxony 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tate, Edmund M.33 432 036T/5 422 INF/HQ & Service CIB, POW, EAME/3, GC 10/2/1944 SO 1795-A 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1953-1/2 1,
Tate, Lawrence             
Tate, Lloyd H.34 607 973Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Tate, Roy L.34 209 692SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tate, unk   424 INF/E        Wayne Groller,
Tate, Walter G.34 250 035Cpl 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. POW along with A. B. Grigsby
  2. 12-A.
  3. 2-A
     1985-8/9/10 8,58,
Tatje, Robert   424 INF/M        1947-01-02
Tatman, Carl J.36 801 139  422 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Tatro, Robert            2005-7/8/9
Tatro, Robert D.36 583 051  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 26 926
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 2005-7/8/9, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
Tatum, Finis J.18 019 349T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Tatum, Lonnie L.34 607 850Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Taverna, Salvatore F.31 458 607Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-D Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tavlin, Milton R.  Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945      1989-10/11/12
Tayler, Richard D.16 174 622Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   GO 1945-051,
Taylor, Alexander W.14 021 344  422 INF/D 1st Squad 1st Platoon CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1989-10/11/12
Taylor, Carl E.36 456 600T/5 591 FABN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/16/1944 in Belgium.

    GO 1945-024,
Taylor, Claude Pfc 424 INF/A        1947-12
Taylor, Clifford W.38 564 103Pfc 422 INF CIB, PH, BS4-B Muhlberg Sachsen  Bronze Star WD GO 1946-046   WD GO 146-046, 059,
Taylor, Curtis   589 FABN        CUB 19-4
Taylor, Dennis W.38 522 251Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Taylor, Earl D.38 606 874Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Taylor, Emzy L.W-2 106 927WOJG 423 INF/SVCMIA, KIA 12/23/1944CIB (MIA), POW, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
AR B-40-29 Died as POWCombat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, 65, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Taylor, Ernest E.34 600 802Pfc 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Taylor, George E. (1)36 810 551Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Taylor, Gordon E. (2)15 302 192Pfc 423 INF/SVC, 423 INF/CN, 423 INF/ATWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/AT) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Taylor, Hal R.37 615 292Cpl 423 INF/SVC, 423 INF/CN CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-D, 
  2. KDO Halle, Germany
04/11/2010 Grand Junction CO    62, 1947-01-02, 1993-4/5/6, Obit from B. Welke 2/2012
Taylor, Harris Sgt  MIA since 12/21/1944   
  1. MIA since 12/16/1944.
  2. Wife worked at Bartholomew County Hospital
   Republic 01/19/1945, Daily Courier, Edinburg IN 01/18/1945
Taylor, Howarth ErwinO-551 211LT 422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Oflag 13-B
  2. POW # 25 353
Birth 11 Mar 1921 Hanna City, Peoria County, Illinois, USA Death 2 Jan 2015 (aged 93) Hickory Ridge, Cross County, Arkansas, USA Burial Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery Birdeye, Cross County, Arkansas, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Taylor-HowarthE.jpg  1, 59, FAG 140800139
Taylor, J. W.34 624 709  422 INF/FWIA shrapnel to right shinCIB, PH, PH/OLC
  1. 9-B,
  2. 12/19/1944,
  3. Badorb, Germany.
  4. Liberated after 4 months
     Taylor-JW.jpg2000-4/5/6, 59, http://www.swtimes.com 11/2011,
Taylor, James A.38 491 369  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Taylor, James E.6 393 699  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Taylor, Jerome G.O-342 608MajXO 2 BN424 INF/2 BN, Reception Station #6, Camp Atterbury, IndianaWIACIB, PH, BS, BS/OLC  
  • Bronze Star (as 424)for gallantry in action 12/25/1944 to 12/26/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-002
  • Bronze Star/OLC (as 424) for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 01/01/1945 to 05/08/1945 in Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-077
  • Purple Heart 12/26/1944 GO 1945-034
  • TN
   Taylor-JeromeG.jpg1945-09-16, 1946-10, 1949-10/11, 1958-2/3, GO 1945-002, GO 1945-034, GO 1945-076,c
Taylor, John E.34 023 851Pfc 422 INF/C CIB      27,
Taylor, John H.33 232 526TSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 27, 59,
Taylor, John J.O-1 311 0921LTOverstrength424 INF/1 BN/HQ & HQ, 424 INF/SVCWIACIB, PH, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1947-01-02, 1947-03, 77,
Taylor, John T.O-1 311 0921LT 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Taylor, John W.   423 INF/H EAME/4      1991-10/11/12
Taylor, Lacey C.6 277 895SSgt 820 TD BN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for gallantry in action, 12/16/1944 in Belgium.

   GO 1945-012,
Taylor, Lee   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Taylor, Lee Brown34 657 394Pfc 424 INF/K CIB  
  1. His toothbrush sold on Ebay 11/09/2018 for $24.95. Seller also has his jacket which indicates one year overseas.
  2. The only thing I can add about Corporal Taylor is that he was a tall man, his Ike is size 36 Long and his trousers were 34 inch waist and 35 inch inseam, by my reckoning that would make him 6' 2" or taller. Also in his jacket is written a P) (with parenthesis mark) and the word "Post." This might apply to his Ports of Embarkation time, not sure. The uniform had been stripped of collar brass, ribbons, DUIs, CIB, and everything else except patches, chevrons, and overseas stripes when I acquired it about 15 years ago, so no clues there.
  3. My father was a rifleman in the 94th Infantry Division, wounded in action by soldiers of the 6th Mountain SS during a very rough day in March, 1945 (he passed away in 2000).. He volunteered for combat and transferred out of the 58th General Hospital (where he was a stenographer) to join the fighting. He had been motivated to volunteer when the call went out for replacements because the Battle of the Bulge was chewing up so many men. The 106th Division of course was one of the ones that got chewed especially badly.
   Taylor-Lee-Toothbrush.jpgCUB 1949-12-1950-1, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1965-5/6/74, CUB 1966-4/5/6, Ebay 11/10/2018 by Chris Downcum
Taylor, Lonzo D.34 377 801T/5 422 INF/G CIB      27,
Taylor, Neal  Chaplain     Wandered for 6 days before making his way back to American lines.
   Columbus Herald 01/17/1945
Taylor, Ray   592 FABN/SVC        1957-11/12,
Taylor, Richard D.16 174 622Pvt 423 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     27,62,
Taylor, Richard Hal   423 INF/CN EAME/4       
Taylor, Russell L.32 753 707Sgt 424 INF/M CIB      27,
Taylor, Russell N.37 663 583T/5 423 INF/ATKIA 12/22/1944CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 HC B-1-2 Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Taylor, Sam C.14 013 218TSgt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Taylor, Thomas E.   424 INF/L        CUB 73-3
Taylor, Wade F.34 966 953Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 2-A,
  2. 6-G
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Taylor, Wayne Pfc 422 INF/CMIA       1,
Taylor, William E.            1961-4/5
Taylor, William H.37 670 763Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Taylor, William J.32 815 889SSgt 422 INF/HQ, 422 INF/M CIB, BS      1944-02-18, 1948-12/1949-1 27, 2/18/44
Taylor, Woodbury C.31 458 779  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Teahan, John A.   422 INF/K        2002-1/2/3
Teason, James G.O-2 048 1702LT MACMedicBand, 423, 331/B, 331/MEDIC CMB 12/16/1944, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 , EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen04/08/1985 Chicago ILCombat Medical Badge (as 331) GO 1945-076   Camp Crier 5/12/1944, CUB 1959-5/6, CUB 1976-4-5-6-V32#3, CUB 1980-4/5/6, CUB 1985-8/9/10, 1985-12-1986-1/2 33, Band Camp Crier 5/12/1944, CUB 1959-5/6, 1976-4-5-6-V32#3, 1980-4/5/6, 1985-8/9/10, 1985-12-1986-1/2, GO 1945-076,
Tebow, Kenneth B.20 746 962TSgt 106th Band CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 03/16/1945 in France, Belgium and Germany. GO 1945-065   BS-Cub 08/25/1945, GO 1945-065,
Tedeschi, Joseph A.32 113 055  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Teel, James Erwin   424/K   05/28/1988    1975-4/5/6, 1980-1/2/3, 1988-7/8/9
Teel, Kyle M.34 831 874  422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1958-06-07-V14#6 59,
Tehois, John33 701 529Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Telensky, Anthony Cpl 422 INF CIB, BS GO#46, WD 1946      56,
Telensky, Anthony J.31 277 265  422 INF CIB, POW, BS, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. Bronze Star WD GO 1946-046
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   WD GO 1946-046, 059,
Telfer, Richard C.36 584 327Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/3POW captured 12/19/1944 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1982-4/5/6/7, 1988-7/8/9 27,
Telfer, Richard G.36 584 327  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Telkow, Bernard B.32 819 194Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,
Tellez, Lucio G.38 682 914Pvt 423 INF/DKIACIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, GO 1945-051,
Teltsch, Victor I.O-503 0051LTRegtl Dental Surgeon424 INF/Medic        77,
Telzlaff, James   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Temple, Emil35 925 672  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Temple, Harlan J. Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      17, 31,
Temple, Will S., Jr.14 161 980Sgt 422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1991-7/8/9 1, 27,
Templin, Robert H.33 873 030Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Ten Brink, Samuel   424 INF/H        2007-4-5-6-7-8
Tenbrink, Samuel, Rev.   424 INF/H        1992-10/11/12
Tendler, William32 896 393  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tenery, John H., Jr.O-1 775 9041LT Medical CorpMedic589 FABN/UnkCo, 331/Medic MC CMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 , Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 Dulag 6-B Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, 68, GO 1945-076,
Tengwald, Victor A.5 282 082Cpl 424 INF/I CIB  newspaper article arrived home   27, Medford Mail TRibune, Medford OR 07/20/1945
Tenkley, Wilmer37 682 010Pvt 424 INFKIA 01/13/1945CIB, PH HC B-18-11    ABMC,
Tennant, Richard W.   422 INF/K   5/27/2009    2009-5/8,
Tenney, Wayne V.37 587 484Pfc 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Tenory, John H. JrO-1 775 9041LTMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945       
Tentinger, Gordon F.37 478 427T/5 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Teply, Milo39 294 384T/5 423 INF/HQ KIACIB, POW, EAME/49-A Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Tepper, Paul    KIA       65,
Terborg, John C.36 648 903T/5 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 8-A Gorlitz
  2. Moved to Moosburg Murenberg
Terepka, Anthony R.42 185 870Pvt 159 CIB, PH  Purple Heart 01/23/1945 GO 1945-046,

   GO 1945-046,
Tergesen, Sugurd42 059 038  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Ternasky, Peter P.35 388 522  422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59,
Terranava, William N.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Terrell, Henry Maj GenCommandingXXII Corps        Camp Crier 4/28/44,
Terrio, Howard J.   423 INF/I, 424 INF/K, 423 INF/K, 424 INF/I EAME/4 CUB returned 11/1951    Terrio-HowardJ.jpgCUB 1949-10/11, CUB 1949-12-1950-1, CUB 1950-4/5, CUB 1950-8/9, CUB 1951-10/11, CUB 1962-8/9, CUB 1976-4-5-6-V32#3, CUB 1985-3/4/5/6/7, CUB 1985-8/9/10, 1988-2/3, 2006-1/2/3
Terrone, Dominic J.   589 FABN/C        CUB 21-4
Terrone, Sominick J.32 827 986  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Terry, Fred B.35 903 196  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Terry, Gene L.       04/13/2016 Carthage MOGene served in the United States Army and was in the Battle of the Bulge in the 106th Infantry division May 22 1943 to December 1944   Legacy
Terry, Harry H.36 786 128  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Terry, Harvey S., Jr.34 770 911Sgt 424 INF/G CIB      23,
Terry, Louis     CIB, POW
  1. 12-A,
  2. 2-A Ponneriania, Poland
Terry, Russell G. Major81 mm Mortar Plt Ldr424 INF/D   1987 Heart Attack Bugle 4-5-6/1996 says death 1985   77, 424-D Bugle 1-2-3-1996, Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Terwilleger, Leonard F., III7 691 938Pvt 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Terzi, Lionel P.42 008 689Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tessari, Christ   424 INF/H        CUB 16-1
Tessmer, Robert   424 INF/3 BN/HQ        CUB 29-1
Tesson, James  Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945      1985-3/4/5/6/7
Testa, Charles D., Jr.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Tester, Wilbur J.   422 INF/C CIB, POW, EAME/3German Hospital near Stuttgart, IV-D, XI-B08/24/1995422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1992-4/5/6, 1996-10/11/12
Testerman, Ben Jr.            The Knoxville Journal (Knoxville, Tennessee) 13 Jan 1945, Sat Page 10 (WGD)
Tetrault, Arthur   422 INF/HQ        1997-10/11/12, 1998-10/11/12
Tetreault, Arthur   422 INF/HQ I&R        1956-9/10
Tetreault, Arthur H. J.14 192 200  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tetrfeault, Arthur, Jr.14 192 200Pvt 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Tetzlaff, James E.   81 ENG (C)/B  POW camp unknown
  1. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944.
  2. Jim served in the U.S. Armyduring World War II and was a POW, captured at the Battle of the Bulge. He wasdischarged in 1945.
   CUB 1988-7/8/9, CUB 1990-1/2/3, CUB 2009-5/8, Obit from W. Dunn
Tetzloff, Henry F.36 217 423Pfc 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Tewell, Kenneth H. 1LTMachine Gun Plt Ldr424 INF/DKIA 1945       77, 424-D Bugle 1-2-3-1996, Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Thacker, Curtis6 985 853Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tharp, Leland R.3 868 000  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thawley, Clarence O. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/2nd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Thayer, James E. Pvt      mentoned in newspaper"1994-12-16 Panhandle Vets remember Battle"
Thayer, William E.12 107 744  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany10/1983    62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Theilen, Harold L.37 667 482 Medic422 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen09/06/2007422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1990-10/11/12, 59, CUB 04/2018
Theisen, Merlin   591 FABN/SVC   CUB returned 2013    CUB 2003-10/11/12, CUB 03/2013
Therriault, Adrian J.31 178 114Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      1985-8/9/10
Therriault, Leo J.31 458 319Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Thiel, Leon38 545 577Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G, Military Police CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/2 BN/G) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1995-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Thiel, Robert W. Pfc DHQ Military Police        1945-09-16CUB 09/16/1945
Thielen, Leroy T. Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      17, 31,
Thielman, Elmer L.6 858 278TSgt605422 INF/H    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Thiesen, Kenneth J.   806 ORD   07/26/2014 Mr. Thiesen served hiscountry with the U.S. Army, in the 106th Infantry Division, from 1942 until1945.    Thiesen-KennethJ.jpgCUB 1949-2/3, CUB 07-08-09/1992, CUB 1995-4/5/6, Obit from W. Dunn
Thigpen, George R.O-1 294 222Capt 424 INF/E CIB 09/11/1998 EvansvilleIN    CUB 1997-10/11/12, CUB 1979-7/8/9, 1959-07-08-V15#5, CUB 1994-4/5/6, CUB 10/1998
Thirlwell, E. C.35 703 593SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/19/1944.
  2. 12-A,
  3. 3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia,
  4. 3-A,
  5. 4-B

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1998-10/11/12, 2004-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Thoelke, William Milan T/5 423 INF/1 BN/HQ/A&P Platoon GC, EAME/4      diary
Thom, Harold L.16 175 182Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/DMIA, KIA 12/19/1944CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 LO C-16-4Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Thoma, George            1962-10/11
Thomann, A.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Thomas, Arthur W.37 510 420Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Thomas, Chester O.38 116 772Pfc 422 INF/I CIB      27,
Thomas, Clarence H.42 026 121  422 INF/CMIACIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1953-1/2 1,59,
Thomas, Clyde J.37 051 712  422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
06/20/2008422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Thomas, Dallas L.34 831 129Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Thomas, Deward C.   424 INF/K        1949-12-1950-1, 1950-10/11
Thomas, Ernest Sgt  MIA since 12/16/1944   MIA since 12/16/1944. Wife worked at Bartholomew County Hospital
   Republic 01/191/1945, Daily Courier Edinburg IN 01/18/1945
Thomas, George Dewey, Jr.34 736 432Sgt 424 INF/I   06/08/2008    1995-10/11/12 23,
Thomas, George E.6 834 871SSgtAsst Reg. Supply Sgt422 INF/SVCMIA 12/16/1944, KIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH AR 0-0
  1. Wife was employed at Atterbury's Post Exchange #5.
  2. Listed as KIA after one year.
  3. newspaper article of death notice to wife
   1946-09,1996-1/2/3, 13, 53, 65, ABMC, 102, Republic 01/17/1946, 01/17/1946
Thomas, George T.20 403 555Pfc 422 INF/2 BN/L EIB, CIB      27, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Thomas, George W., Jr.38 683 522Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Thomas, Harold O.32 270 536Pfc 18 CAV RCN SQKIA 12/19/1944CIB, PH Ar 0-0    ABMC,
Thomas, Henry Wheaton31 356 158Cplmachine gun squad leader423 INF/3 BN/MWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia10/20/2018 Laconia NH

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, 2000-10/11/12, GO 1945-051,
Thomas, James B.35 810 720Pvt 423 INF/C, 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg SachsenCUB returned 2017
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/3 BN/I) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. CUB returned no explanation CUB 12/2016

   62, CUB 2000-4/5/6, GO 1945-051, CUB 12/2016
Thomas, James E.33 563 238Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 8A
  2. Moosberg

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Thomas, James G.O-1LT SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Thomas, John R. Pvt 592 FABN/Batt A    recently assigned to unit.   Gettysburg Times, Gettysburg PA. 03/26/1943
Thomas, John W.33 609 163Pvt 422 INF/2 BN/HQKIA 01/28/1945CIB, PH NE B-16-8    1946-09, 13, 53, 65, ABMC, 102,
Thomas, Joseph A.35 298 344  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thomas, Linden S.33 678 754Pvt 589 FABN/SVCMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 3-A     1962-06-07-V18#5, 1965-5/6/7 8,
Thomas, Loren L.33 618 470Pvt 422 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,59,
Thomas, Lyle L.36 810 974  590 FABN CIB, POW
  1. 4-B 
  2. POW # 315 770
     57, IV-B dogtag on Ebay 7/2012
Thomas, Merton6 926 098Sgt 422 INF/G CIB      27,
Thomas, Oscar A.34 738 993  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thomas, Patrick V.35 491 566Sgt 422 INF/HQKIA 03/15/1945CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A,
  2. Moosburg
NE C-12-29
  1. Died during march from VIII-A west, VIII-A to Moosburg.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   1946-09,1947-01-02, 1, 13, 53, 59, 65, ABMC, 102,
Thomas, Richard Arthur39 000 006SSgtMotor Sgt422 INF/HMIA 12/21/1944PH, Distinguished Service Cross 04/1948, Croix de Guerre
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. Liberated
Alive 04/2020 at 101 years old.
  1. Richard A. Thomas, 930 Bay St. San Francisco, Calif., is among the charmed circle of living American infantrymen to wear the Distinguished Service Cross foe valor above and beyond the call of duty. We do not have a copy of the citation accompanying this award, so we bring you the story as told by 2d Lt. Lewis R. Walker, as an excerpt from the full story of Co H. 422d Inf, which will appear in the June 1948 issue of the CUB. It is nightfall, on 19 Dec. ‘44. Remnants of the 422d are gathered in a 1,000 yard oval, defending on all sides against the steel ring thrown around the regiment after the Schonberg attack. Continuing, in the words of Lt. Walker: Complete darkness fell. My sergeants came to the log shelter which served as CP for Company H. It was here that I learned of the heroism of S/Sgt Richard A. Thomas, company motor sergeant. Walker goes on to tell of four separate acts of valor performed by Thomas. Details are lacking from this narrative, but those who served in the Ardennes can visualize what each of the following direct dose-packed sentences means. ‘He had led a patrol through enemy territory, and brought back a trailer and truck of food to the encircled regiment. He saved the remnants of the 81st Engineer Company at Auw. He scouted out cross-country routes to St. Vith, through enemy terrain. He attempted to recapture an American officer-prisoner from a strong force of Germans. For those and later deeds, attested to by eye-witness affidavits, he has been awarded the DSC.
  2. It was here that I learned of the heroism of S/Sgt. Richard A. Thomas, 39 000 006, in leading patrols that had brought the area a truck and trailer load of food, saved the remnants of the 81st Engr. Company at Auw, scouted out cross‑country routes to St. Vith, and attempted to save a captured American officer. For these and later deeds, Sgt. Thomas has been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, second only to the Congressional Medal of Honor.
  Thomas-Richard-2.jpg Thomas-RichardA.jpg59, Lewis Walker diary, diary, Cub In Review, Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis IN 04/19/1944, son Gary Thomas 04/01/2020
Thomas, Richard E.W-2 127 788WOJG 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Thomas, Richard J.19 203 650Sgt 424 INF/C CIB 02/12/2016    CUB 1998-10/11/12, CUB 2004-1/2/3, 11, CUB 11/2017
Thomas, Richard W.15 108 104Pfc 423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia newspaper article    62, Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 05/18/1945
Thomas, Roger J. Cpl ?/ATMIA 12/16/1944   Reported MIA since 12/16/1944 according to a message received by his parents. He had been serving with an Anti-Tank Bn with the 106th Division.
   Thomas-Roger.jpgPress-Gazette, Green Bay WI 01/16/1945
Thomas, Steve32 014 425Pfc 422 INF/L CIB      27,
Thomas, Tom W.34 624 558  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Thomas, Warren HardingO-1 309 6781LT/Capt 423 INF/2 BN/HMIA KIACIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 13-B Weiden Bavaria
  2. POW # 25 137
Birth 3 Jul 1921 Death 28 Nov 2000 (aged 79) Burial Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, 62, 1960-3/4/5, 1979-4/5/6, GO 1945-051, FAG 49324840
Thomas, William A.35 351 782Cpl 422 INF/SVC CIB      27,
Thomas, William C.34 509 445Pfc 424 INF/IKIA 01/13/1945CIB, PH 01/13/1945 Plot D Row 7 Grave 18 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     27, ABMC,
Thomas, William H.33 768 230Pfc 422 INF/A CIB, PH9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     27,59,
Thomason, Earl B. J.35 809 350Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Thomasson, Arthur C.   424 INF/A        1991-1/2/3
Thome, Michael N.O-1 314 7261LT 422 INF/1 BN CIB, PH, BS, BS/OLC, OGL-Gold 1997
  1. captured 12/21/1944
  2. 4-B,
  3. 6-A
  4. Oflag 64 Schubin Poland 01/11/1945
  5. liberated by Russians
09/23/2014 Sacramento CA CUB 08/2014
  1. Combat Infantryman's Badge
  2. Purple Heart
  3. Order of the Golden Lions - Gold 1997.
  4. 4 POW Buddies from Oflag 64 reunited.
   Thome-MichaelN.jpgCUB 1988-4/5/6, 27, CUB 08/2014, Waukesha Daily Freeman, Waukesha Wisc 07/07/1945
Thompson, Allan R. Pfc 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Thompson, Alvin U.37 010 035T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Thompson, Arthur   106TH SIGNAL CO.        2006-1/2/3 email from daughter 9/2008
Thompson, Arthur T.O-1 642 6481LTCO 106th SignalSIGNAL CIB, BS, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945   Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy from 12/19/1944 to 12/20/1944 in Belgium.

   Thompson-Arthur-1.jpgSon 5/2011, GO 1945-024,
Thompson, Billy Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CMB      1945-08-11
Thompson, Carson A. T/4          1947-03
Thompson, Charles Henry35 691 769Pfc 590 FABN/Batt A CIB, POW
  1. 12/21/1944 
  2. 4-B 
  3. liberated 04/12/1945
04/2012    57, Email from son 9/2008, CUB 8-11/2013,
Thompson, Charles K.19 061 420  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thompson, Charles R.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Thompson, Clarence J.37 552 635Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Thompson, Donald F.O-020 885Ltc. 422 INF/3 BN CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
05/24/1996422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Thompson-DonaldF.jpg59,
Thompson, Donald L.37 663 380  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Thompson, Douglas L.15 089 093SSgt 590 FABN/SVCMIA 12/24/1944CIB, POW
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 MIA since 12/24/1944
   57, Republic 04/05/1945, 61
Thompson, Eulon38 055 505Pvt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3  422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, NARA & son's email, CUB 1946-09, CUB 1947-01-02
Thompson, Everette H.34 762 972  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thompson, Fredric W.O-1 332 6562LT 159 FABN    transferred from 159th INF to 16th Reinf Depot, 07/19/1945   Extract # 161
Thompson, George E.16 189 034Pfc 423 INF/HKIA 04/01/1945CIB (Posthumous), POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, PrussiaLO D-41-22 Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Thompson, George E., Jr.   424 INF/A        1950-10/11
Thompson, Gil (Bob)   591 FABN Attached   07/28/2008 Carolina Beach NCGil grew up in Greensboroand enlisted in the United States Army at the beginning of World War II. Heserved in the 106th Infantry Division. He stormed the beaches at Normandy, andwas severely injured in the Battle of the Bulge.   CUB 2001-1/2/3, CUB 2003-10/11/12, Obit from W. Dunn
Thompson, Harold W. Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Thompson, Henry O.34 125 000  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Thompson, Herman C.32 353 412SSgt 424 INF/M CIB      27,
Thompson, James L.   81 ENG (C)/C    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1957-9/10, 1957-11/12, 1959-2/3, 1988-7/8/9
Thompson, John F. 'Jack'       03/08/2008    Legacy
Thompson, John R. SSgt 424 INF/K        5/5/44,
Thompson, John T., Jr.34 085 020  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thompson, John W.33 574 802PvtMortar Section424 INF/I/Weapons PltKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH 12/17/1944 Plot B Row 2 Grave 37 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg   Thompson-JohnW.jpg  65, 424/I 1943 Christmas Menu, CUB 1946-11, ABMC,
Thompson, Joseph B.14 056 703Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Thompson, Leon E.14 060 039Pvt345-Truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
Thompson, Louis D.34 140 909Pfc 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 newspaper article   8, 58, The Republic, Columbus IN 02/03/1945
Thompson, Orville Grant   422 INF/F         
Thompson, Paul E.36 456 624Cpl 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 2-D     8,58,
Thompson, Paul Griswold16 171 839Cpl648 Radio Repairman106 Recon Cav (Mech) POW, WW2 Victory, EAME/2
  1. Captured near Grosslangenfeld, 12/17/1944.
  2. 12-A,12/21/1944 to 12/28/1944
  3. 3-A,12/30/1944 to 12/15/1945
  4. 11-A,02/07/11945 to 04/02/1945
  5. KDO repairing railroads.
  6. POW # 094 220
d. Sept. 1 2022 at age 97
  1. See Lt. Haines account of the battle under "Grosslangenfeld" link.
  2. “Pfc Paul Thompson was the 19 year old late ASTP replacement to the Troop after the Replacement Depot mass transfer-out at Camp Atterbury. Assigned to the Headquarters Platoon under Lt Leonard Prosnick, he was the forward machine-gunner defending attacks from the 164th Regiment of the 62nd Volksgrenidier Division. Shooting into waves of attackers, he went from disliking his Platoon leader to acquiring a deep admiration and respect for Lt Leonard Prosnick calling him an “Aces high” individual.”

  3. I am not entitled to the Purple Heart or the Combat Infantry Badge. In the first instance, the Army does not award the Purple Heart for wounds received in prison camp. the Navy, Marines and Air Force do. In the second instance,although we were ordered dismounted and fought as infantry, the orders were verbal and never became official.

  4. See DIARY at www.IndianaMilitary.org
  Thompson-PaulG-2.jpg Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944, CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 01-02-03/1994, Diary, M. Johnstone 01/2015, Diary Update 09/12/2020
Thompson, Richard A.13 088 221SSgt 422 INF/G CIB, BS 1991 (?) Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 in Germany. 106 INF GO 1945-010.
Find A Grave # 925 853 63 (?)

   1983-5/6/7, 106 INF GO 1945-010, Ancestry.com,
Thompson, Richard C.37 330 177TSgt 422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1986-11/12-1987-1/2 27, 59,
Thompson, Robert36 809 382Pfc 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   newspaper article 422nd dance   8, Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis IN 04/30/1944
Thompson, Robert H.O-1 323 8751LT 423 INF/1 BN/CWIA 12/18/1944CIB, POW, Distinguished Service Cross, PH, EAME/411-B 
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Distinguished Service Cross 02/1946 at Ft McClellan. "for extraordinary heroism in action against the enemy on 12/18/1944 in Germany. During an intense enemy artillery barrage, he led his platoon through the concentration only to encounter heavy resistance. He crawled through the fire and eliminated an enemy gun position. He then silenced a 2nd gun. He was seriously wounded by fire from a German 88.
   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Chronicle-Telegram, Elyria OH 02/19/1945
Thompson, Rufus J.34 832 313Pvt 424 INFKIA 01/13/1945CIB, PH 01/13/1945 Plot H Row 1 Grave 65 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     ABMC,
Thompson, Samuel R.15 330 903  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thompson, Scott35 729 479Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-D 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, GO 1945-051,
Thompson, Thomas J.42 027 062Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Thompson, Truman B.   591 FABN        2002-7/8/9
Thompson, Walter H.36 865 945  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thompson, Wayne M. Pfc 422 INF/K        55,
Thompson, William Pfc 424 INF/CNWIACIB, PH      1946-08
Thompson, William M.39 049 018Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Thompson, William W.13 175 668Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Thoms, Alfred R.42 026 969Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Thomsen, Harry C.37 487 824Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Thomson, Samuel G.36 123 172  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thor, Lloyd M.36 251 505SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 POW along with A. B. Grigsby XII-A Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   1985-8/9/10, 33, GO 1945-076,
Thorn, William O.32 773 399Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Thorn, William Thomas ReginaldO-1 308 882Lt/Major 422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 13-B Weiden Bavaria
  2. POW # 095 285
Birth 7 Nov 1904 Port Talbot, Neath Port Talbot, Wales Death 3 May 1972 (aged 67) Scranton, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USA Burial Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1969-2/3/4, CUB 1977-1/2/3, CUB 1978-4/5/6 1, 59, FAG 49325575
Thorne, Donald            Thorne-Donald.jpg1948-2
Thorne, Michael   424 INF/1 BN/HQ        CUB 45-2
Thornewell, Charles A.42 061 840  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Thornley, Cleo C.6 273 383  590 FABN/Batt C CIB, POW
  1. 8-A,
  2. moved to Goosburg
     1993-7/8/9 57,
Thornley, Peter H.35 653 369SSgt 424 INF/GWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 12/17/1944
   1946-12, 1948-10/11, GO 1945-002,
Thornton, Leslie C.39 383 989T/5 424 INF/HQ CIB      23,
Thornton, Robert L.36 478 554Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Thornton, Robert R. TSgt 424 INF/1 BN/A EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Thorpe, Clyde Pvt 423 INF/E EAME/4      Camp Crier 5/19/44,
Thorpe, James33 465 058SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Thorsen, Devon Charles   424 INF/A   04/17/2016 Charles City, IAHe served in the United States Army 106th Infantry Division during World War II and fought in the Battle of the Bulge.   CUB 1989-4/5/6, Legacy
Thrash, Maxwell D.34 106 981Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Thrasher, Wayne L.37 512 116  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Thul, Fredrick W.42 006 844Sgt 422 INF/K        1948-04, 1992-1/2/3
Thunhurst, Wilford L., Jr.O-1 309 1152LTBN S-2424 INF/1 BN/HQ & HQ        77,
Thurber, Ralph E.   423 INF/SVC EAME/4      1990-4/5/6
Thurlow, John W., Jr.36 575 770Sgt 589 FABN/HQ, 592 FABN/A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  08/11/2013    1984-9/10/11, 04-05-06/1990, 2009-5/8 8, CUB 8-11/2013,
Thurner, Henry C., Jr. 'Hank'36 810 968T/5 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  02/05/2015 Janesville     CUB 1979-4/5/6, 8, CUB 04/2015,
Thurston, Arnold A.36 019 860Cpl          1952-6/7
Tibbot, Gladys   Red Cross    newspaper article Red Cross worker. Bivouac training with the 106th   Tibbot-Gladys.jpgSan Bernardino County Sun, San Bernardino CA 10/25/1946
Tice, Alvin E.38 536 739Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Ticker, James H.34 608 291  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tickfer, Morris G.36 810 271T/5 106 Recon Cav (Mech)KIA 03/09/1945 Died on road march as POWCIB, PH
  1. 4-B
  2. Died as POW
LO A-24-26    ABMC, Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944, William Borst diary & map, Field of Honor, NARA
Tidwell, Alvin L.19 106 014SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tidwell, Jesse R.34 004 486Sgt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Tiede, Edward A.36 165 746  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tietze, Irvine B., Jr.O-346 932MajorS-3 590 FABN (105 mm)590 FABN/HQ Batt CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1954-1/2, 1, 57,
Tikkanen, Charles E.36 456 928T/5 589 FABN/Batt BMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 13-C     8,58,
Tiller, Lloyd L.37 663 854Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. D.E.Cooley's 40&8 Roster 12/25/1944.
  3. Wife received a letter from Pfc Tiller stating that he is a prisoner of war in Germany, He had previously be reported as MIA

   27, GO 1945-051, Courier, Waterloo IA 02/27/1945
Tiller, William R.34 724 335SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tilley, Edgar D.34 021 648T/4 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,


  • Total battle casualties: 8,627
  • Killed in action: 417
  • Wounded in action: 1,278
  • Missing in action: 235
  • Prisoner of war: 6,697

Order of battle

Assigned units

1942 ("Triangular") Organization

  • Headquarters, 106th Infantry Division
  • 422nd Infantry Regiment
  • 423rd Infantry Regiment[
  • 424th Infantry Regiment
  • Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 106th Infantry Division Artillery
    • 589th Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm)
    • 590th Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm)
    • 591st Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm)
    • 592nd Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm)
  • 81st Engineer Combat Battalion
  • 331st Medical Battalion
  • 106th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized)
  • Headquarters, Special Troops, 106th Infantry Division
    • Headquarters Company, 106th Infantry Division
    • 806th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company
    • 106th Quartermaster Company
    • 106th Signal Company
    • Military Police Platoon
    • Band
  • 106th Counterintelligence Corps Detachment

Attached units

  • 820th Tank Destroyer Battalion (Towed): 8 December 1944—4 January 1945.
  • 444th Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion (Auto Weapons): 17 December 1944—25 December 1944.
  • 563rd Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion (Auto Weapons): 9 December 1944—18 December 1944.
  • 634th Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion (Auto Weapons): 8 December 1944—18 December 1944.


Campaign participation credit

World War II


Unit recognition

  • Distinguished Unit Citations
  • Belgian Fourragère 1940 (424th Infantry cited per DA GO 45, 1950)
  • Cited in the Order Of The Day of the Belgian Army for action in the Ardennes (424th Infantry cited per DA GO 43, 1950).
  • Cited in the Order Of The Day of the Belgian Army for action at St Vith (424th Infantry cited per DA GO 43, 1950).

Individual recognition

All infantry members who received the Combat Infantryman Badge were also later awarded the Bronze Star.


SCROLL DOWN FOR FIRST ROSTER NAME The 106th Infantry Division Association extends its thanks to Mr. Ralph G. Steed (423rd Regt), Robbins, North Carolina, and U. S. Senator, Clyde R. Hoey (North Carolina), for obtaining this official information from the Adjutant General, regarding the Battle Participation Credits, Distinguished ( Citations, Meritorious Unit Commendations, and Foreign Unit Awards, won by the 106th Infantry Division during World War II.

BATTLE PARTICIPATION CREDITS 106th Infantry Division Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace 423d Infantry Regiment 424th Infantry Regiment 589th Field Artillery Battalion 590th Field Artillery Battalion 106th Reconnaissance Troops (Mecz) 591st Field Artillery Battalion Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace and Central Europe 592d Field Artillery Battalion 806th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company 106th Signal Company 106th Quartermaster Company 81st Engineer Combat Battalion 331st Medical Battalion 106th Coaster Intelligence Corps Detachment

DISTINGUISHED UNIT CITATIONS (UNITED STATES ARMY) 3d Platoon, Company F, 423d Infantry Regiment Cited for action at St Vith, Belgium from 17 December to 23 December 1944
The CUB, Vol. 8, No. 2 .. 106th Infantry Division Association http://www.106thinfdivassn.org/index/html/v8n2.htm
5 of 8 8/28/18, 10:33 AM

81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for action in Germany from 16 December to 23 December 1944

MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945. 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945. 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945. 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945

FOREIGN UNIT AWARDS Hq & Svc Co, 81st Engr Combat Bn 3d Plat, Co F, 423d Inf Regt 424th Inf Regiment; 591st FA Bn (Attached to 7th Armored Div) : CITED IN THE ORDER OF THE DAY of the Belgian Army by Decree No. 7253, 13 July 1950, by Charles, Price of Belgium, Regent of the Kingdom with the following citation: During the crucial period of the German offensive of the Ardennes, in 1944, the American 7th Armored Division attacked by enemy forces estimated at eight divisions, among them 3 SS Panzer Divisions and 2 Panzer Divisions, held the important center of Saint Vith, preventing any advance and any exploitation on this main line, thus dooming the German offensive to frustration and, by its sacrifice, permitting the launching of the Allied counteroffensive. 10

Co C, 81st Engr Combat Bn; Co C, 331st Med Bn; 424th Inf Regiment; 591st FA Bn (Attached to 7th Armored Div) : CITED IN THE ORDER OF THE DAY of the Belgian Army by Decree No. 7253, 13 July 1950, by Charles, Prince of Belgian, Regent of the Kingdom, with the following citation: Passing over to the attack on 20 January in the Saint Vith sector where it had fought previously, the 7th Armored Division pushed the enemy out of the position that it had been organizing for two weeks and pushed it without respite seven kilometers beyond the Belgian frontier, inflicting heavy losses on this enemy. During these nine days it captured more than one thousand prisoners.

424th Inf Regiment; 591st FA Bn: BELGIAN FOURRAGERE (1940), awarded under Decree No. 7253, 13 July 1950, by Charles, Prince of Belgium, Regent of the Kingdom 589th FA Bn (105-How)

FRENCH (MIX DE GUERRE WITH SILVER-GILT STAR, awarded under Decision No. 247, 15 July 1946, by the President of the Provisional Government of the French Republic, with the following citation: A remarkable battalion whose brilliant conduct was greatly valued during the battles of St. Vith and Manhay on 16 to 23 December 1944. Attacked by an enemy operating in force but filled with the desire to conquer at any cost, it remained in position and, with direct and accurate fire, kept the attackers from access to vital communications south of Manhay. Short of food, water and pharmaceutical products the 589th Field Artillery Battalion endured three attacks without flinching, inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and forced him to retire.

BRONZE STAR MEDAL Under the provision of Current Regulations, the Bronze Star Medal may be awarded to those members of the Armed Forces of the United States who, on or after 7 December 1941 have been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge or Medical Badge, or whose meritorious achievement or exemplary conduct in ground combat against the armed enemy between 7 December 1941 and 2 September 1945, inclusive, has been, between 7 December 1941 and 30 June 1947, inclusive, otherwise confirmed in writing by competent authority. Individuals who have been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge or Medical Badge for service between 7 December 1941 and 2 September 1945 by Department of the Army Letter Orders dated subsequent to 2 September 1945 are eligible for the retroactive award of the Bronze Star Medal. Applications for this award may be made to the Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C., furnishing therewith full name, service (serial) number, and copy of orders awarding the badge, if available.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The only authentic authority available at the editorial office at the present time is Headquarters 106th Infantry Division General Orders Number 52 dated 1 August 1945, pertaining only to the 423rd Infantry Regiment.

  ****MISSING PHOTO **** 106th_infantry_Division_BIG.jpg 
Tillick, Conrad              
Tillick, Conrad J., Jr.35 245 233  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tillick, Conrad M. Pvt. 422 INF/K        55,
Tilton, Jarvis L.33 542 464Pvt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Timberlake, Henry F.33 628 495Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/FMIA KIACIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Timblin, Robert W.33 704 733T/5 422 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Timinski, John     CIB, POW
  1. 2-B
  2. Escaped
Timko, Andrew J.33 683 078Cpl 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Timm, Charles V.36 810 271T/5733 Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 4-B
     Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Timm, Eugene A.16 157 670Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/19/1944
  2. 9-B
  3. POW # 23 615
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Liberated by 106th CAV
   62, 67, CUB 1952-12, 1996-4/5/6, CUB 2009-5/8, B. Welke 1/2012, GO 1945-051,
Timm, Wesley F.36 299 554Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Timmers, Edward F.35 789 065SSgt 81 ENG (C)KIA 12/21/1944CIB, PH HC E-13-4481st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   ABMC, video of 81 Combat Engineers graves @ Henri Chappelle
Timmons, Dale A.36 952 571  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Timmons, Donnal   422 INF/HQ        1997-1/2/3
Timmons, Donnal M.38 344 434  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Timochko, Theodore32 065 001Sgt 424 INF/H CIB      23,
Tinery, John H.O-CaptMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945      1964-02-03-04-V20#3
Tingle, Benjamin A.34 724 498SSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-19-1944 near Schumberg.
  2. 12,
  3. 4-B,
  4. 3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia ,
  5. 3-A
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1982-4/5/6/7 59,
Tingstrom, Elton W.39 726 917  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/33-C Alt Drewitz Brandenburg, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tinnin, Edwin M.        Co-Editor "The Amplifier"   "The Amplifier" 07/26/1945
Tinnon, Edwin M. 'Ted'12 173 228T/4 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 02/28/2016 Columbus NCTed enlisted in the U.S. Army during World War II. He served in the 106th Infantry Division and fought in the Battle of the Bulge.   CUB 1947-03, email 10/2008, Legacy
Tinti, Frank31 458 214Pfc 422 INF/E CIB      27,
Tipton, Cecil B.35 677 225Pvt 589 FABN/B, 589 FABN/AKIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 Captured at Parker's Crossroads. 1 of 3 howitzers at Parker's Crossroads.     1979-10/11/12, 1980-4/5/6 8,58,
Tipton, Osla D.20 446 991  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tipton, Wilbur R.35 792 601Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tipton, William   423 INF/3 BN CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1951-2/3, 1992-10/11/12
Tirone, Thomas J.20 230 968TSgt745 Rifleman423 INF/E EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Tishaw, Floyd Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Tisko, Joseph A.33 603 524  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tissot, Harrison C. (Harry) Cpl 422 INF/CWIACIB, PH 1/1/2001    Tissot-Harry.jpg1949-10/11, 1951-2/3, 1951-8/9, 1952-6/7, 1955-7/8/9, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1958-2/3, 1960-10/11/12, 1960-10/11/12, 1985-8/9/10, 1990-4/5/6
Titone, James C.38 499 705  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Titone, Joseph Vito, Jr. Major UNIT NOT PROVIDEDWIAPH, BS, CIB, EAME/2 06/04/2018 Seabrook, NHhe started his lifelong military career in 1943 serving in World War II in the 106th Infantry Division rising to the ranks of Major before his retirement from the Army Reserve. He was awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman Badge, two battle stars, European Theater and American Defense Ribbons, and the Occupational Medal. He was very proud of his service to his country  Titone-JosephVito.jpg Legacy, CUB 08/2018,
Toason, James G.O-2 048 1702LTMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945       
Tober, Robert Lewis       08/27/2015After he completed his first year of college, and just before his 18th birthday, he was inducted into the army where he served two years as a Staff Sargent and Squadron Leader in WW II. He trained in Camp Blanding, Florida, in 1944. His basic training was cut two weeks short to reinforce the 106thDivision from Ft. Meade, MD, where he embarked for post Battle of the Bulge engagements. He traveled to Glasgow, Scotland; Southampton, England and LeHarve, France. From there, he took a train to Belgium. He traveled by convoy to the outskirts of Paris, along the Rhine River, through Manheim, Germany, to the mountains of Koblenz (The Black Forest). He was a heavy weapons platoon squad leader. He was stationed in Bremen, Germany, until the end of the war and received many medals of commendation.  ****MISSING PHOTO **** Tober-Robert-2.jpg Legacy
Tobin, Albert32 695 253Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Tobis, Edward A.   592 FABN/B   03/13/1981    CUB 1981-9/10/11/12
Toce, Joseph A.   591 FABN        1984-9/10/11
Todaro, Joseph   81 ENG (C)    newspaper article about beginning of the Bulge   Asbury Park Press, Asbury NJ 12/16/1994
Todd, David H., Jr.36 739 729Pfc 424 INF/L EIB 8/4/44, CIB 04/16/2009 Dunedin FL    27, 63, Camp Crier 8/4/44, CUB 1-4/2011, CUB 04/2010
Todd, Earl L.   81 ENG (C)/B    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1989-7/8/9 7,
Todd, Edgar F.34 848 533  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Todd, James31 327 224SSgt 422 INF/AMIA   The first guy I met at Camp Atterbury, as I arrived wearing a store‑bought overseas cap with light blue infantry braid, was Sergeant James Todd. Sergeant Todd, a rugged but soft‑spoken man from the hills of Tennessee, was my squad leader from that point on. When I met him, though, he was on KP duty in the battalion mess hall. An infantry outfit really has to be decimated, one way or another, when the non‑coms are pulling KP.
   1, Cub In Review
Todd, James W.34 710 876  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Todd-JamesW-422-9B.jpg59,
Todea, Joseph   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Toews, Monroe S.39 689 145  589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 POW camp unknown
Tokarski, Stephen Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      17, 31,
Toklish, Joseph L.33 808 250Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tokson, Alvin   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Tolkow, Bernard B. Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      17, 31,
Tollackson, Harold O.36 810 512SSgt 424 INF/F CIB      12,
Tollefsen, Emil C.37 489 581  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tollefson, Ray             
Tolles, Leon E.36 740 304Pvt014-Auto Mechanic106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
Tollett, Woodrow L.34 044 029  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tolley, Robert E.39 051 487  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tolodxi, William S. Pvt 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Tomasas, RalphO-1 716 255Capt 423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     62,1951-8/9
Tomchek, Florian P.33 574 800SSgt 422 INF/M CIB, PH3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia      27, 59,
Tomese, Peter A.36 649 645Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Tomhave, Lawrence R.37 562 597  590 FABN CIB, POW
  1. 4-F
  2. Work Camps Hartmannsdorf-Chemnitz Saxony
Tomilson, Ryan   423 INF/2 BN/HQ EAME/4 01/23/2003    2003-4/5/6
Tomko, Robert P.35 895 411Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 61, GO1945-051,
Tomlimson, Jack O. Pvt 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Tomlinson, James   423 INF/2 BN CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B,
  2. 9-A
Tomlinson, Ryan E.O-461 053Capt 423 INF/2 BN/HQ & HQMIACIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/21/1944
  2. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. MIA 12/16/1944.
  3. newspaper article coming home
   62, Camp Crier 5/12/1944, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1979-4/5/6, CUB 1988-4/5/6, 422/A Camp Crier 5/12/1944 baseball, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1979-4/5/6, CUB 1988-4/5/6, GO 1945-051, Columbus Herald 02/14/1945, Florence Morning News, Florence SC 05/20/1945
Tomlinson, Winton Stewart   81 ENG/C H&S        Tomlinson_WintonStewart-1.jpg 
Tompkins, Kennet I.32 770 070  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tompkins, Kenneth             
Tompson, Tommy   Unk        CUB 22-4
Toms, Donald Ray       02/28/2019 Hagerstown MDMr. Toms was a US Army veteran of WWII where he served in Pattons 3rd Army Co. I 106th Division in France, Germany and Belgium and fought in the Battle of the Bulge  Toms-DonaldR.jpg  
Toner, Stephen J.33 025 766Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/FMIA, KIACIB (MIA), PH, EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 65, GO 1945-051,
Toner, Steve             
Toney, Curtis C.38 538 773Pvt 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Toney, Karl N. T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      Toney-Karl.jpg1950-4/5, 17, 31,
Tong, Hom Y.32 654 864Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/HQ COMIA, KIA 05/08/1945CIB (MIA), POW, EAME/43-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia EP 0-0Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 61, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Tonn, Norman E.36 837 315Pfc 424 INF/I/1st PltKIACIB      27,
Tonsy, Merl M.36 584 419Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,
Tooke, William A.39 621 339Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/K CIB      27, CUB 1995-4/5/6
Toole, James F.34 545 098Cpl 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosberg

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tooles, Calvin W.O-54885982LT 424 INF/AT CIB      1947-03
Toothaker, Rudy   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Tootle, Eron R.34 624 434T/4 DHQ Surgeon's Office CMB 12/16/1944, BS  
  • Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 11/15/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-049,
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Mississippi
   1949-8/9, 33, GO 1945-049, GO 1945-076,
Topel, Harold G. A.36 839 094Pvt 424 INF/LKIA 08/26/1945 (See Note below ?)CIB, PH      1947-09, 65,
Topicz, Joseph35 882 976Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
11/19/1994Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1995-10/11/12, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Topka, Joseph R.20 319 262SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Topolski, Edward M.35 922 025Pfc 424 INF/ATKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH 12/16/1944 Plot B Row 34 Grave 45 Ardennes American Cemetery Neupré, Belgium newspaper article memorial service. Declared MIA 12/1944 and officially declared dead 1945. Later identified and buried in Neuvilleen-Condroz Cem, Belgium   CUB 1947-01-02, 65, ABMC, Akron Beacon Journal, Akron OH 07/01/1948
Topper, Earl L. 'TIny' SgtMajor (Ret) 423 INF/2 BN/AT EAME/4 11/10/2017 New Oxfordhe retired from the U.S.Army as a Sgt. Major   CUB 2005-7/8/9, Obit from W. Dunn
Topping, Robert W.12 191 254T/5 422 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Torcellini, Lawrence J.O-1 311 0992LT2nd Rifle Plt Ldr424 INF/B        77,
Torgerson, Weslie M.37 581 371Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Torkelson, Lloyd T.   81 ENG (C) CIB, POW
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 720
 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7, B. Welke 1/2012, 067
Torno, John37 132 608T/4060 Cook423 INF/C EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Torosian, Barkove33 034 766PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Torpey, James R.   Div Arty        2000-4/5/6
Torrance, Guy R.39 412 015  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tortorici, Frank J.31 358 237  422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
02/29/2000422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1991-7/8/9, 59, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Toscano, John F.32 703 248  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Toslusany, Brunno J.32 918 153Pvt 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Totors, Joseph34 078 984Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Totura, Stanley   422 INF/F        1988-7/8/9
Totura, Stanley, Jr.O-550 098  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Touchette, Robert W.36 583 804T/5 592 FABN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 in Germany.

    GO 1945-015,
Tourey, Ben            1993-10/11/12
Tousey, Ben   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Toussaint, John B.   424 INF        1960-1/2
Tower, William O.36 584 302PfcMortar Gunner106 Recon Cav (Mech)WIAPH, POW, GC
  1. 12-A,
  2. 3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia ,
  3. Work Camp 12/17/1944
  4. Liberated 04/24/1945
  1. See Lt. Haines' account of the battle under "Grosslangenfeld" link.
   Tower-Bill.jpgEd Strand from MR 12/19/1944, CUB 1989-4/5/6, http://www.axpow.org/towerwilliam.htm
Towes, Monroe S.39 689 145T/5 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Towne, RalphO-Capt 81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1952-8/9
Towne, Ralph W.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Townes, PaulO-1 048 2202LT 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Capt W. S. Crews and 2LT Paul Townes helped Cecil O. Johnson walk with his frozen feet on the day they were captured.
   27, 62, GO 1945-051, CUB 1946-11
Townsend, Ed   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Townsend, William W.34 013 090Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Townsley, Leonard Dale   106TH   b. Nov. 1918; d. 1 Dec. 1985Also served in 53rd Inf., 159th Inf.   Grandson Mike Townsley
Toy, Waid S.33 111 1341st Sgt 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen01/17/2005
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. Mr. Toy was a WW II Armyveteran and a former Prisoner of War, captured at the Battle of the Bulge. Hewas a life member of the 106th Infantry Division Association and served on itsnational board of directors. He was a life member of the American Ex-Prisonersof War, a member of its Palmetto Chapter, and a member of the Battle of theBulge Organization. For many years, Mr. Toy and his wife served as annualreunion hosts for the 106th Infantry Division for veterans in North and SouthCarolina.

   55, CUB 2005-01-02-03 27, 55, 59, Wife's Obit from W. Dunn
Tracewell, James39 705 674Pfc 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Tracey, Stanley L.     CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia      
Tracey, unk   424 INF/AKIACIB, POWKilled at 12-A in bombing raid     1989-7/8/9
Trachsel, Junior D.35 922 248Pfc 424 INF/F CIB      1993-1/2/3, 2002-1/2/3 12,
Trachsel, William E.36 564 554  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tracy, Robert L.O-1 044 4141LT 424 INFKIA 12/23/1944 in Limburg BombingCIB, PH 12/23/1944 Plot A Row 12 Grave 13 Ardennes American Cemetery Neupré, Belgium “I am positive that the following officers were members of the 106th: Captains Cashron, Chateauneuf and Roberts; 1st Lieutenants Herwelling, Michaud and Tracy: 2d Lieutenants Kilkenny and Rafferty.    65, ABMC, Cub In Review
Tracy, Stanley L.42 085 638Cpl 422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-12 59,
Tracz, Frank   424 INF/M        CUB 63-4
Trafka, Franklin P.36 259 198Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Trahan, Leo38 490 036Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/4Stalag 4A Hohnstein, Saxony 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, B. Welke 2/2012, 62, GO 1945-051,
Trail, William Pvt 592 FABN/BATT B        Camp Crier 4/28/44,
Traina, Joseph nmi36 640 159Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Trainor, James E.34 625 140T/5 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Trakinat, Albert F.35 478 214T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Tramack, Oliver A.33 272 998TSgt 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1997-4/5/6, 1998-10/11/12 8,
Trampack, Oliver A. TSgt 589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1946-08
Tranchita, Paul A.32 623 782  422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1988-2/3 59,
Tranquilli, Ulindo L.12 173 056  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Trapino, Anthony J. Cpl 424 INF/C        10,
Traum, Joseph35 788 014  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3Stalag 4A Hohnstein, Saxony 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Trautman, Frank S.   422 INF/D, 424 INF/L OGL Gold 2006
9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
06/16/2014 CUB 08/2014
Order of the Golden Lions - Gold 2006
   1974-10/11/12, 1979-10/11/12, 1985-3/4/5/6/7, 1985-8/9/10, 2005-7/8/9, CUB 08/2014, "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 56,
Travassos, James P.31 457 464Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Travelstead, Earl E.36 953 761  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen01/14/1980 North America Cemetery, Brushy Township, Saline County, IL422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, nephew Charles Hankins 4/2012
Travers, Carl F.33 556 192T/4 423 INF/SVCMIACIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, 62, 1953-4/5, GO 1945-051,
Travers, Howard V.38 650 285PvtRadio SectionSIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31, email Edwin Tinnon 10/2008
Travers, William E.12 107 744Pvt 423 INF/SVC CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Travis, Harry F.35 386 095  423 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     62,1956-11/12,1957-11/12,1989-4/5/6
Travis, Joseph C., Jr.42 061 336Pfc 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Trawert, Emanuel     CIB, POW9-A      
Trawick, Charles L.34 708 067Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Traxinger, Herbert M.37 589 722Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Traxler, Veril L.35 298 435Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, EAME/4   

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Trayler, Richard Lee39 120 148T/4          nephew Bruce Reynolds 9/2012,
Treachler, Russell C.36 584 231T/3 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Treadaway, Stephen Tyler34 179 8381st SgtPlt SgtDHQ/HQ        1944-05-05 5/5/44,
Treece, Claude W.17 009 845CplMedic331 Medical BN CMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Treemer, Norman R.31 253 178Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Trefren, Elmer Leonard    KIA 10/21/1944CIB, PH       
Treglowne, Robert Sgt 424 INF/D   1985    11, 22, Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Trehan, John A.   422 INF/K        1999-1/2/3
Treimer, Wilbert            1969-2/3/4
Trejo, Isidro O.38 676 384Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Tremblay, Lionel L.31 400 307Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Trenn, Arthur A.37 132 785TSgt502 Administrative NCO422 INF/1 BN/HQ    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Trent, James L.6 852 762Pfc DHQ/HQ         
Trentacosti, Columbus R.32 771 514Pvt 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Trentler, George H., Jr33 563 064PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Tresko, Stanley Pvt 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Treu, Herman37 706 154SSgt 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Treuner, Erwin A.39 604 843Pvt 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Trevino, David G.38 540 822Pvt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Trevino, Ignacio G.38 671 941  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Trevino, Samuel6 260 278Cpl 589 FABN/Batt B, 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/17/1944CIB, POW 12/16/1944, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 9-B
  2. Liberated 04/04/1945
Trewergy, Robert E.   DHQ        1998-1/2/3
Treworgy, Tobert E.31 318 650T/5 DHQ G-1         
Trexler, Roy A.33 620 107  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Trezza, Carmine F.32 773 351Cpl 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Tribble, Sam P.34 576 289T/5 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Trible, Delmer J.37 726 790  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tribout, Arthur J. SSgt 424 INF/GWIACIB, PH      1960-10/11/12, 1979-4/5/6, 1988-4/5/6 1948-6/7, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1962-1/2/3, 1966-4/5/6, 1974-10/11/12 CUB 1960-10/11/12, 1979-4/5/6, 1988-4/5/6,999 1948-6/7, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1962-1/2/3, 1966-4/5/6, 1974-10/11/12
Tricklo, Gerald E.36 811 012SSgt 422 INF/L CIB      27,
Triest, Howard Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Trimbath, David L.33 428 738Cpl 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Trinka, Charles J., Jr.32 773 466T/5 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Triplett, Wilson E. T/4 424 INF/2 BN CMB      1945-08-11
Trisczyla, Michael S.6 871 296Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Troha, Joseph33 034 140PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Trohanowsky, Theodore Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/3rd Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Troidl, G. Roy   424 INF/D        1948-6/7
Trost, Paul M. L.37 665 640Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1948-6/7, 1948-12/1949-1, 1951-2/3, 2007-4/5/6/7/8, GO 1945-051,
Trottier, William A.37 546 561Pfc 423 INFKIACIB, PH, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Trotz, Walter    KIA       65,
TRout, David O.   MP    newspaper article re-enlisting. Was MP for 106th   Press and Sun-Bulletin, Binghamton NY 07/02/1946
Trout, Johnny T. SSgt C Co/Low Regt        1944-03-03
Troutman, Gordon D.6 383 224Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Troutman, Martin E. 'Marty'33 498 706Pfc 424 INF/B CIB  
  1. Troutman was known as “Marty the Gas Man” for providing chemical warfare instruction to troops in World War II. (His unique wartime occupation was featured in a May 2003 article in The News-Item.)
  2. He and his unit guarded German POWs at Biebelsheim, Germany
   CUB 1988-2/3, Diary
Troutman, Robert G.12 018 581T/4 / SSgt Cadre824 Mess Sergeant422 INF/C    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66, 27
Trouton, Luther   422 INF/E        1950-4/5
Trouton, Luther F.31 458 218  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Troutt, John J.37 121 976  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Trowbridge, Gifford D.37 124 304  590 FABN CIB, POWStalag 2A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg     57,
Trowman, Vernon C.20 232 612Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Troxel, Wayman D.35 898 975Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/19/1944
  2.  IV-B,
  3. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
  4. Liberated 05/08/1945

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1999-10/11/12, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Troxell, Kenneth L.36 649 843  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Troy, John P., Jr.33 464 918SSgt 422 INF/GMIACIB, PH
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
     1, 27, 59, Discussion Board 08/13/2009 by grandson
Troy, Robert H. SSgt 424 INF/1 BN/A EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Truax, Donald    KIA       65,
Trubey, Raymond C.O-Capt 592 FABN    newspaper article assigned to OK Military District instructor   Daily Reporter, Dover OH 02/13/1950
Truchess, Warren F.32 817 080T/3 DHQ CMB       
Truchsess, Warren F.32 817 080T/3 DHQ Surgeon's OfficeWIACMB, PH  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   1947-01-02, 1949-8/9, 33, GO 1945-076,
True, Gordon H. Capt 590 FABN, 591 FABNWIACIB, PH, SM  Soldiers' Medal for heroism not involving actual conflict with an enemy 05/13/1945 in France. While proceeding in a convoy, a truck carrying ammunition struck a mine and exploded violently. Ignoring the imminent personal danger, he crawled to the truck to remove any men who may have been imprisoned there. Locating a body pinned beneath the truck's wheel, he struggled ineffectually to pull it loose, until the severe heat and intensity of the explosions forced him to discontinue his efforts. GO 1945-045,

   CUB 1948-12/1949-1, GO 1945-045,
Trueblood, Noel D.35 726 274Sgt 424 INF/I, 422 INF/I CIB      1948-04, 1951-2/3, 1967-05-06-07-V23#4, 424/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Trueblood, Ronald E.15 331 572Pvt 424 INF/Cfrostbitten feetCIB  newspaper article in hospital in England for frostbitten feet.   11, 27, Indianapolis Stat, Indianapolis IN 02/02/1945
Trueman, Duncan T.32 864 540Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB, OGL-Gold 2001 03/09/2010 Warwick NY    Trueman-Duncan.jpgCUB 1947-09, CUB 1989-10/11/12, CUB 2005-1/2/3, CUB 01/2018
Truett, Everett B.35 910 539T/5 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Truex, Samuel L., Jr. Pfc 422 INF/Medic CIB      27,
Trull, Leonard R.31 431 698Pfc 423 INF/A CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Trusty, Arthur35 895 918Pfc 424 INF/K CIB, PHPOW Liberated 05/10/1945     25,
Truxell, Melvin C.33 667 039SSgt 422 INF/D CIB, PH, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1, 27, 59
Tsaffaras, William P.31 260 439SSgt 422 INF/G CIB, PH
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
     27, 59,
Tschumpert, Roy F., Jr.39 718 518Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1947-01-02, GO 1945-051,
Tubb, Charles T.38 611 761Pvt 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Tubby, Edgar L.6 816 725  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Tucker, Charles R.38 693 311Pfc 591 FABN/HQ, 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/1 BN/A) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Boxer
   27, 62, Camp Crier 4/21/1944 - boxing, GO 1945-051,
Tucker, Daniel             
Tucker, Francis J.35 934 162Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tucker, George C., Jr.31 253 081Pfc 422 INF/G CIB      27,
Tucker, Howard E.38 153 630SSgt733 Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 8-A
Tucker, Jack Warren33 562 119T/5 590 FABN/HQ BattKIA 12/24/1944CIB, POW12-20-1944 POW     1946-10, 1952-12, 1996-1/2/3, 65, ABMC,
Tucker, James Howard  Motor Pool424 INF/H, 422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured 12/16/1944.
  2. 9-B
  3. Liberated 04/01/1945 (Easter)
CUB returned 07/2013
  1. "For the most part our guards were older men, they spoke English, they even kept us informed on how the War was going. Except for one young officer they brought for a short while (he got a little sassy) most of them were decent enough. Looking back I think they realized the war was going to be over soon and they were just trying to get through it, just as we were."
  2. In the Limberg Bombing.
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   1989-1/2/3, 1989-4/5/6, http://wwii.unctv.org/rev-james-howard-tucker
Tucker, James Willard36 890 814Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G WIACIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, email from daughter 10/2007, GO 1945-051,
Tucker, JohnO-LT 422 INF        Tucker-John-422.jpg 
Tucker, Marvin T. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/1st Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Tucker, Robert W.39 857 012Pvt 424 INFMIA 12/18/1944 Declared KIA 12/18/1945CIB, PH, BS 12/18/1944 Missing In Action Memorialized Tablets of the Missing Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     Tucker-Robert.jpgCUB-1952-Dec, 65, ABMC,
Tuckey, James W.39 926 484Pvt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Tufano, Jacob (Jack)   589 FABN/Batt C Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 4-B, 
  2. KDO 1315 in Oberullesdorf, Poland
12/08/1997    59, 1998-1/2/3
Tuhoski, Stanley32 949 000Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E, I & R CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsenb. 9/27/25 New York; d. 3/2/2013 Loveland, COCombat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1979-4/5/6, 2009-5/8, GO 1945-051,
Tule, George Warham   423 INF/C EAME/4 10/21/2009
he was called into the Army to serve three years in Europe with the 106th Division, 423rd Regiment. He fought in noted battles, including the Battle of the Bulge, and was awarded numerous medals including the Combat Infantryman's Badge and the Bronze Star. Prior to his Federal service, he had joined the First Company, Governors Foot Guard, the oldest military organization in continuous service in the nation. Returning from Federal service, he rejoined the Governors Foot Guard and advanced in rank over the years and was elected Major Commandant, serving two terms from 1964 to 1972. During his term, the Command celebrated their Bicentennial Anniversary with notable guests and military organizations from across the country, England, and Canada. The State of Connecticut and Governors Foot Guard awarded him a 60 year medal for his long service.
 ****MISSING PHOTO **** Tule-George.jpg CUB 1996-10/11/12, Legacy, CUB 04/2010, Hartford Courant, Hartford Conn 11/06/2009
Tulio, Gonaro J.32 046 454PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Promoted to Pfc 01/01/1945
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Tullis, Max L.37 663 693  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Tully, Donald M.   106THWIACIB, PH, BS 07/07/2018 Waterville ME served in the U.S. Army 106th Infantry Division throughout the European theater during World War II. Before returning to the U.S., he served at the Nuremburg trials  Tully-DonaldM.jpg Legacy, CUB 08/2018,
Tully, Madison J.7 080 170Sgt733 Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 4-B

“Madison Tully was an old time cavalryman who had been at Kasserine Pass. When the shelling started at Grosslangenfeld he went berserk and had to be “sent back”. He was the company Master Sergeant.”

   CUB 1996-10/11/12, Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Tuomi, Theodore E. Pvt 591 FABN/SVCMIA   "Former Service Battery 591 Men Still Lost" CUB 1974 Oct/Nov/Dec. Page 15   CUB 1972-1/2/3, CUB 1972-7/8/9, CUB 1974-10/11/12, #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Tuorila, James R.   422 INF/H        CUB 07/2017
Tuovila, Roy W. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Tuozzo, Paul J. TSgt 106TH   05/09/????    Obit
Turchetta, Tony A.33 574 707  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Turchin, Michael M.20 227 5351st Sgt502 Administrative NCO422 INF/HQ    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Turek, Casimer 'Casey'   422 INF/H PH, BS, BS/OLC 12/07/2013    1986-3/4/5/6, CUB 2014-March,
Turek, Joseph35 408 021            
Turek, Leon A.32 045 683SSgt DHQ G-5 CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 01/15/1945 to 05/08/1945 in Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-049,
   GO 1945-049,
Turgeon, Leonard A.11 108 247Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, BS, EAME/4
  1. 12/19/1944.
  2. 9-B
08/12/2013 Belleview Cemetery, Adams FL

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.

Obituary 04/12/2013, St. Petersburg, FL. Served in the 106th Division during the Battle of the Bulge where he was taken prisoner of war. He was awarded a Bronze Star for Meritorious Achievement in Ground Operations against the enemy 1944. Upon his return to the United States, he attended Boston University where he attained his Juris Doctorate. Survived by his wife Evelyn of 57 years of marriage.

   Turgeon-Leonard.jpgCUB 1999-7/8/9, GO 1945-051, Obit 04/12/2013, CUB 2014-March, Legacy
Turi, Robert H.32 900 061Sgt 422 INF/I CIB9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     27, 59
Turie, Vincent A.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Turkiewricz, Frank T.33 621 897Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Turley, Leland J.38 191 038Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/44-D08/2014

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, CUB 1979-4/5/6, CUB 1979-7/8/9, CUB 1993-4/5/6, GO 1945-051, CUB 03/2016,
Turnamian, John H.42 103 709Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Turner, Alfred O.31 329 282Pfc 423 INF/DWIA, KIA 06/05/1948 DOWCIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/44-D8/5/1948Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, GO 1945-051,
Turner, Austin (Bud)O-1 320 791Capt 422 INFKIA DOWCIB, POW, EAME/39-C 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Turner-Austin.jpg1948-10/11, 59, 65,
Turner, Charles E.31 459 338Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Turner, Clyde D.35 866 988  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Turner, Coy C.34 910 377Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Turner, Due W. Pfc 333 FABNKIA   
  1. Captured after a German sympathizer alerted the Germans to their hiding place in the village of Werth. Captured, tortured, beaten and finally shot dead. The 99th INF DIV discovered the eleven mutilated bodies 12/17/1944.
  2. Members of the 333rd Artillery Battalion who were killed in Wereth, Belgium, Dec. 17, 1944: Staff Sgt. Thomas Forte, Cpl. Mager Bradley, technicians William Pritchett and James Stewart, Privates First Class George Davis, James Leatherwood, George Moten, Due Turner and Privates Curtis Adams, Robert Green and Nathaniel Moss.
   "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Turner, Howard (Hap)42 081 064Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/17/1944
  2. 9-B

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1993-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Turner, J. B.34 724 886SSgt 422 INF/I CIB, PH4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     27, 59,
Turner, Jack H.38 591 407Pfc 424 INF/KKIA 12/16/1944CIB 12/16/1944 Boswell, Choctaw Cty, OK

Private Turner is buried at Boswell, Choctaw County, Oklahoma.  His father, William H. Turner completed an application for his military marker on April 16, 1949 (perhaps around the time that his son's body was repatriated).  On the application the date of death of Private First Class Turner is given as December 16, 1944.  The place of death is not given on this application.

   27, Sylvia Tongson - Red River Valley Vets Memorial www.rrvvm.com 09/07/2016
Turner, James G. SSgt 422 INF/K        1945-08-25
Turner, Raymond S.37 628 863Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Turner, Thomas H.38 015 034  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
Turner, Thomas L.34 818 285Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Turner, Troy R.38 600 940Pvt 424 INFKIA 01/14/1945CIB, PH 01/14/1945 Plot D Row 10 Grave 40 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     ABMC,
Turnine, Rollin L.   CIC        1965-5/6/74
Turongian, John D.12 239 174  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B,
  2. POW # 24 708
  3. Liberated 04/05/1945 cir
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Turongian-John.jpg59, Newspaper clippings
Turrentine, Julian A., Jr.34 761 800Pfc 424 INF/GWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 01/09/1945.

   1947-01-02, 1950-4/5, GO 1945-025,
Tury, Louis William, Jr. SSgt 424 INF/AMIA 12/19/1944CIB, POW
  1. 12-A, 
  2. 2-A, 
  3. 10-C, 
  4. 10-B,
  5. 2-D.
  6. On burial detail at 12-A.
  7. Liberated 05/05/1945 by Welch "Black Watch"
     CU 1977-7/8/9, CUB 1978-1/2/3, CUB 1981-1/2/3, CUB 1989-10/11/12, Franklin Evening Star 01/26/1945
Tuttle, James Pvt 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Tuttle, Ronald F.6 932 130SSgt/TSgt Cadre745 Rifleman422 INF/L    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Tuttle, Walter L.37 512 523SSgt 589 FABN/HQ, 592 FABN CIB, BS, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   
  1. Bronze Star for heroic achievement against the enemy on 12/17/1944 in Belgium.
  2. We dug in at the "Crossroads" or "Parker's Crossroads", as it became known. We didn't have to wait very long until the Germans struck. With machine gun fire from prepared positions, we slaughtered them. Daylight found about fifteen running in, begging for mercy. The field that they had tried to cross had dead bodies laying everywhere. We held that crossroads for four days, those dopey Krauts would just keep coming in and our .50 caliber machine-guns would mow them down. One came up real close to my foxhole with drawn gun in the morning fog and I nailed him with my carbine.
   CUB 1946-08, 8, GO 1945-014, diary
Tuttle, William B.O-5 844ColCO 422 INF 04/1945422 INF CIB, BS, BS/OLC  
  1. Assumes temporary command of 106th INF DIV 08/28/1945 GO 1945-067
  2. Commander 422nd "Smash and Drive"
  3. Bronze Star Oak Leaf Cluster for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 04/04/1945 to 05/08/1945 in France and Germany. GO 1945-073
   Tuttle-WilliamB.jpg1945-09-16, 43, 44, 47, GO 1945-067, GO 1945-073, 106th Photo Album
Tuxhore, Delbert K.36 289 864  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Tveten, Artis D.39 218 038Sgt 422 INF/L CIB      27,
Tvrdik, Joseph T.37 034 088T/3 Special Troops CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Twardus, Walter S.36 111 452PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Twardzik, Raymond J. T/4Radio SectionSIGNALMIACIB, POW, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945
  1. Captured 12/19/1944. 
  2. Limburg, 
  3. 4-B, 
  4. 3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia , 
  5. 3-A. 
  6.  Liberated by Russians
08/12/2017 Bradenton FL   Twardzik-Raymond.jpg CUB 1992-7/8/9, 1, email from Ted Tinnon 10/2008, CUB 11/2017
Twarok, Fred P. 'Toni'   424 INF/A   02/02/2014    2003-10/11/12, Obit by Jim Forsythe, CUB 04/2016
Twining, Rollin L.42 110 395Pfc 424 INF/3 BN, 106th CIC Det CIB      1946-09,1952-12, 1957-2/3, 1957-11/12, 1958-2/3, 1978-1/2/3
Twinn, James H.   589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 4-B, 
  2. KDO Zittaw, 
  3. escaped
Twombly, Roland C.O-2LT 423 INF/B EAME/4      1946-11, 1947-03, 1948-10/11
Tyhurst, Paul L.20 927 506  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
Tyler, Joe Bob18 186 165SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/M EIB 09/19/1944, CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1997-4/5/6, GO 17, GO 1945-051,
Tyler, Noah Sgt          02/11/44
Tyler, Walter S.16 177 317Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 2001-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Tyner, O. David36 776 631Pvt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Tyree, Ralph J.35 633 102SSgt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1949-12-1950-1, GO 1945-051,
Tyrell, Wilson E.   424 INF/K        CUB 46-3
Tyrrell, Wilson Edmund33 126 446Sgt 424 INF/KMIA 01/11/1945, KIA 01/11/1945CIB, PH DOW 01/11/1945 on patrol near Manse, Belgium
  1. KIA while on patrol near Wanne, Belgium.
  2. Body never recovered.
   Tyrrell-WilsonE.jpgCUB 1946-11, CUB 1952-2/3, 65,
Tyser, Leonard37 119 608Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/IWIA, WIACIB, POW, BS PH, PH/OLC, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen04/02/2013 CUB 08/2014

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1989-1/2/3, GO 1945-051, CUB 08/2014,
Updated: 02/27/2025 10:18