106th Infantry Division Roster

Roster Provided by Jim West,   www.IndianaMilitary.org

  For additions and changes, please send us an email.

  Last Revision 06/15/2024 Revised as necessary
Last Name:   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z    
Name ASN Rank Duty Unit Casualties Awards POW Death/Buried Memo Headstone Current War Years Source
S’yvrud, Donald E.             
Sabarise, Frank   81 ENG (C)/HQ    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1985-8/9/10
Sabatino, Frank J.32 919 548Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sabiston, Robert A.   424 INF/D        1998-1/2/3
Sablich, Michael M.33 083 569  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sablosky, Irving L.15 304 192Cpl 422 INF/D 3rd Plt Heavy Weaons PltMIA 12/16/1944CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. 1st reported casualty from Indianapolis, IN
  2. newspaper article confirming POW status
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   Sablosky-Irving.jpgCUB 1947-12, 59, Republic 01/13/1945, Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 04/16/1945
Sabo, Alex32 772 718T/4 589 FABN/ SVC CIB, BS, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   Bronze Star (Pfc) for heroic service in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/22/1944 in Belgium. While participating in the defense of a road block against a violent enemy attack, and with another soldier, occupied a slit trench which was subjected to fierce mortar and small arms fire. When a fragment hit the other soldier in the leg making it impossible for him to walk, Pvt Sabo dragged the wounded man across an open field through the withering enemy fire to safety. Shortly afterward, he voluntarily delivered ammunition to howitzers defending the road block despite the heave fire concentrated on his vehicle. GO 1945-077

   8, GO 1945-077,
Sabo, Jimmy36 861 793T/5 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Sabo, John33 575 350Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-C 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sabo, Lester L.6 840 7691st Sgt585589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   Fol EM 401st FA Bn trfd in gr to SV Btry units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15thUS Army.
   SO 66,
Sabo, Louis E.6 895 867SSgt604 Light Machine Gunner422 INF/K    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Sabo, Robert A.35 924 516Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Sabo, Robert F.31 286 465Pvt776-Radio Oper L.S.106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
Sabo, Stephen C.35 588 238  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 742
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
Sacco, Alfred F.33 920 660TSgtMortar Section424 INF/I/Weapons Plt  CIB      27, 424/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Saccoccia, Joseph             
Saches, Lawrence C.36 579 825  590 FABN CIB, POW
  1. 11-B
  2. work camps
Sack, William L.31 311 514T/5 424 INF/LWIACIB, PH      1947-03
Sackett, Robert E.37 692 192Pvt 422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. Liberated 03/1945 by 89th INF DIV
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. Pvt Sackett will spend a 6-day furlough with his wife and four children, resting from his experiences in Germany. HE entered service in 03/1944, took basic training at Camp Roberts, CA and at Camp Atterbury IN, and went overseas in 10/1944.
  Sackett-Robert-2.jpg Sackett-RE.jpgCUB 1961-1/2/3, CUB 1962-1/2/3 59, Courier, Waterloo IA 05/27/1945
Sacko, Albert F. Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/HQ Co        Camp Crier 4/7/44,
Sackson, Leonard N.6 932 374Cpl/Sgt Cadre014 Automotive Mechanic (2d echelon)422 INF/D    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Sadacca, Joseph15 302 015Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 2002-7/8/9, GO 1945-051,
Saddler, George             
Sadler, Arthur P.34 171 538T/5060 Cook422 INF/M    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Saenz, Angelo S.39 145 485Pvt 424 INF/L CIB  
  1. Injured in truck accident 05/29/1945 near Bretzenhaim, Germany. NBI.
  2. Assigned to 136 Evac Hospital 05/29/1945
   27, 99,
Saffley, Clarence Pfc     1987     Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Safley, Clarence Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Sageman, Harold T.36 519 919Pfc 424 INF/I/1st PltWIACIB      27,
Sagemuehl, Hans W.33 618 578Pfc SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Sager, Edmond             
Sagers, Cinton R.39 926 976Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G WIA 12/19/1944CIB, PH, EAME/4POW camp unknown
    Newspaper article 6/2008, GO 1945-051,
Sagers, Robert D.39 926 964Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sahs, Fred A.36 269 889Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sailer, Russell H.32 771 956T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Sailers, Alonzo R.35 247 221Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Sailor, Russell T/5 DHQ, 424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1946-08
Saklad, Simon32 815 878  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Salata, Edward C.   423 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen1/1/1989    62,1990-4/5/6
Salazar, Ernest Z.38 008 692SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1987-11/12-1988-1, GO 1945-051,
Salber, Joseph P.O-318 195CaptCO 424/SVC423 INF, 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945, EAME/4 09/04/1995    1946-12,1950-12-1951-1, 1952-12,1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1958-2/3, 1983-5/6/7, 1984-12-1985-1/2, 1996-1/2/3, 77,
Salemink, Richard J.37 679 704T/4 422 INF/C, 424 INF/GWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC
  1. Captured 12/19/1944.
  2. 6-G.
  3. Several marches.
  4. Liberated at Moosburg
02/28/2019 Iowa City Iowa
  1. newspaper article CIB award.
  2. Death Notice: He was drafted and served his country from 1943-1946 with the 106th Infantry Division in northern France, Battle of the Bulge and the occupation of Germany. Hew was awarded the CIB, BS, EAME/4. HE aas then called to service in Korea in 1950-1951. He was awarded the Korean Service Medal with 3 battle stars.
  Salemink-RichardJ.jpg CUB 2008-4/5/6, Internet, 23, Oelwein Daily Register, Oelwein Iowa 04/12/1945
Salerno, Joseph Thomas32 921 965 / O-969 893Pfc / 1LT 04/23/19512nd Platoon messenger, Rifleman,423 INF/1 BN/B BS, PH, PH/OLC, Commendation, Natl Defense, UN Service, Korean Service/3 stars, Rep of Korea PUC, CIB, EAME/3, American Defense, GC, POW, WW2 Victory. NJ Distinguished Service
  1. 12-A Limburg Germany
  2. 4-B Muhlbert Germanyfor one week
  3. Gleina, Germany
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Recalled to active duty 10/1950, promoted to 1LT.
  Salerno-Joseph-2.jpg Salerno-JosephT.jpg CUB 8/2011, GO 1945-051, CUB 1951-10/11
Salio, Arthur F.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Salisbury, James T. Pvt 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Salissi, John        
  1. In a rest camp in Belgium.
  2. Credited for destruction of more than nine of the enemy.
   Republic 01/23/1945
Salm, Jerome L.   Red Cross at Atterbury for 106th        Salm-Jerome.jpgFranklin Evening Star 1944/04/07
Salman, Robert W.36 649 425Cpl 424 INF/M CIB      27,
Salmen, William O.35 509 983Pfc 424 INF/D EIB 8/4/44      23, Camp Crier 8/4/44,
Salmon, Charles I.35 565 694TSgt DHQ AG Section CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 10/24/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-060
   1965-5/6/7, GO 1945-060,
Salmon, Max E.35 096 029T/3 DHQ AG Section   08/31/2014 Thornton IL    1946-12, 1992-1/2/3
Salmose, William33 093 917Pfc 424 INF/M CIB      Camp Crier 04/07/194427-QM Camp Crier 04/07/1944-baseball
Salsberry, Joseph E.39 326 826  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/32-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Salter, Bertram E.16 151 654Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Salter, Burton Pvt 423 INF/CMIAEAME/4      1,
Salter, Charles B.36 892 043Pvt 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Salter, Deldyn N. PfcBAR man591 FABN/BATT B        Salter-Deldyn.jpg3/17/44,
Salvo, Frank J.33 589 890Cpl 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Salvo, James TSgt 28th FA CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Salyers, GlynnO-1 300 534Capt 424 INF/H CIB, BS  
  1. Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/25/1944 in Belgium.
  2. Capt. Glynn Salyers, Somerset, Ky., commanding Co. H, 414th, was wounded while leading his men across an open field. He refused medical attention until the objective was won and all his wounded men were cared for.
   27, GO 1945-023, CUB 1946-10
Sam, Charlie E.38 590 767Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Sammaratino, Gino             
Samples, Lemon Orvis T/4 591 FABN/SV   06/26/2002    1974-10/11/12, 1985-8/9/10, #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Sampley, Albert F.31 261 319Cpl 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Sampson, George C.31 459 853Pfc 422 INF/EMIACIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. KDO Lobau,
  3. 4-A Hohnstein, Saxony
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-01-02, 1953-1/2 1, 59,
Sams, Talbird    KIA       65,
Sanchez, Thomas G.18 120 160  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sanchez, Urbano39 019 980Pfc 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Sancic, Frank A.35 607 911Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sandahl, Dean E.37 737 341  422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B.
  2. Liberated 04/02/1945 by 44th Div
06/16/2013422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1991-4/5/6, 59, CUB 8-11/2013,
Sandahl, Dean K.37 737 341Pfc 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Sandberg, Robert A.   81 ENG (C)/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1948-12/1949-1, 1953-8/9, 1976-1/2/3, 1985-3/4/5/6/7, 1985-8/9/10
Sandberg, Robert E.   81 ENG (C)/A   11/11/199481st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1957-11/12, 1979-4/5/6, 1980-4/5/6
Sandburg, Bob   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sandcuist, Robert L.37 707 481Pvt 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Sandefur, James P., Jr.38 134 405SSgt 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Sandel, Henry N. T/5 424 INF/A CIB, POW
  1. 12-A,
  2. 3-A,
  3. 11-A
     1946-10, 1981-9/10/11/12
Sanden, Milton R. Pfc 424 INF         
Sanders, Edgar, Jr.34 724 727T/4 423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sanders, Joseph T.   422 INF/D        2005-01-02-03
Sanders, Solon A.34 724 899SSgt 424 INF/L, 422 INFWIACIB, PH  Purple Star 01/15/1945 GO 1945-050,
   CUB 1945-08-11, GO 1945-050,
Sanderson, James     CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     1991-1/2/3
Sandifer, Woodrow M.14 046 175SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/LMIA 11/1944, KIA 12/21/1944 EIB 6/1944, CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 HC G-11-43Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   CUB 1947-12, 65, ABMC, Camp Crier 6/16/44, GO 1945-051,
Sandman, Ivan J.37 585 650Pvt 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Sando, Joseph42 120 654Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Sandone, Charles S., Jr.33 927 684  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sandor, Nickolas M.42 102 574  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sandquist, John M.37 552 725CplMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Sandrowsky, William   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sandtveit, Arthur O.36 581 518  422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen08/13/1996422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1996-10/11/12, 1988-10/11/12, 59,
Sandtviet, Arthur O.   424 INF/D        CUB 52-1
Sandviet, Arthur O.             
Sandwick, Arthur E.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sanford, Horace A.31 323 234Pfc 168 ENG (C) (attached)KIA 03/12/1945CIB, PH AR D-11-31    ABMC,
Sanford, Robert B., Jr.33 116 906T/4648 Radio Repairman589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   Fol EM 627th FA Bn trfd in gr to Sv Btry units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15 US Army   SO 66,
Sangassan, Mandeville J., Jr.20 432 3661st Sgt 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 9-A, 
  2. 9-B
     1946-12, 1948-12/1949-1, 1950-2/3 8,58,
Sansone, Santo C.32 938 113Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Santancini, Joseph   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Santarelli, Julian J.36 068 018  423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, GO 1945-051,
Santerelli, Julian J.36 086 018Pvt 423 INF/F CIB, EAME/4  423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)   27,
Santiago, Victor32 979 827Pvt 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Santich, Mike SSgt          1944-05-05
Santoris, Lawrence W.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Santoro, Bud   422 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   2002-1/2/3, diary,
Santoro, Patsy A.31 410 218  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/32-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Santoro, Primo M.31 064 284  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Saottini, William36 435 456Sgt 424 INF/G CIB      23,
Sapp, James B.   423 INF/E EAME/4      1989-7/8/9
Sapp, Wilbur L.34 798 720  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Saragosa, Orasio F.39 716 853Pvt 423 INF/DKIACIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, GO 1945-051,
Sarantopoulos, Nicholas G.31 327 488Pvt 422 INF/CN CIB, PH13-C     27,59,
Sarbo, Joseph nmi32 820 292Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Sarg, Henry P.   423 INF/F        CUB 53-1
Sargent, Clarence W.33 901 849Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Sargent, Wellesley R.32 585 415Pfc 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
Sarich, Unk Pvt 424 INF/I/1st Plt        Roster from Gayle VerVoorn (WGD)
Sarieor, Henry B.O-1 316 2161LT 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Sarkis, Thomas A.42 026 875Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Sarlend, Joseph            1982-10/11/12
Sarlo, Nicholas   424 INF/D        CUB 37-2
Sarno, Sebatino S.31 068 099T/5 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sarno, Stephen     CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Sarratt, Gordon W.34 393 225Pfc 422 INF/Medic CIB      27,
Sarsorito, John J.32 100 875Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Sarthon, Charles 1LT 422 INF/K        55,
Sarthou, Charles LawrenceO-1 041 0141LT 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Oflag 13-B
  2. POW # 25 367
Birth 5 Sep 1919 Death 12 Apr 2008 (aged 88) Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, USA Burial Westminster Presbyterian Church Cemetery Ripley, Tippah County, Mississippi, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 39702189
Sartor, Henry B.O-1 316 2161LTInt & Rcn Plt Ldr424 INF/HQ & HQ, 100 INF DIV CIB, PH  Purple Heart (as 424) 12/20/1944 GO 1945-077
   77, GO 1945-077,
Sartori, Charles R.31 327 230 S-2 driver423 INF/Hq I & R EAME/4 02/02/2002    1988-2/3, 2002-1/2/3
Sarube, Frank   592 FABN/SVC        1952-6/7
Sarver, John W.33 018 886  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sater, G. Fred37 006 805Pfc 423 INf/AT, 424 INF/CN CIB, BS, EAME/4  Bronze Star (as 424th) for heroic achievements in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944.

   1972-7/8/9, 9, GO 1945-033,
Sather, Gordon H.   590 FABN/Batt A   11/18/1992    1989-10/11/12
Satrang, Russell G.   424 INF/D   10/05/2002    1997-1/2/3
Sattem, Robert   81 ENG (C)/A CIB, POW
  1. Captured 12/19/1944,
  2. 4-B, 
  3. 8-A.
  4. Liberated 04/13/1945
 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1989-10/11/12
Satz, Gerald L.37 132 868T/5824 Mess Sergeant422 INF/D    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Saucedo, Leo G.39 721 010Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Saucerman, Eugene L.35 810 082  422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/39-C 
  1. Wife Sally died 07/08/2016, recipient of Order of the Golden Lions, Companion Class 2008.
  2. Gene living 2016
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   Saucerman-EugeneL.jpgCUB 1949-12-1950-1, CUB 1952-2/3, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1959-2/3, CUB 1968-3/4/5/6, CUB 1980-10/11/12, CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 1987-11/12-1988-1, 59, CUB 08/2016
Sauer, Maurice M., Jr.36 810 956  590 FABN/HQ Batt CIB, POW
  1. 4-B,
  2. KDO Dresden,
  3. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
01/15/2002    2002-1/2/3, 57, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Saugrich, Paul John   591 FABN/HQ Batt   04/1988newspaper article Marries 03/08/1945. Bride employed in Dental Clinic at Atterbury.

   CUB 1989-1/2/3, Republic 03/08/1946
Saul, Sidney R.32 533 441T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27, 5/5/44,
Saunders, Francis J.31 459 184  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Saunders, James A.20 729 011  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Saunders, Merton W.33 615 407Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Saunders, Thomas J., Jr.18 810 477TSgt DHQ G-5         
Saurusaitis, Matthew M.   424 INF/B        1993-1/2/3
Sautter, Christian E.7 021 556Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Savage, Charles A. Pfc 424 INF/FWIACIB, PH      1946-12
Savage, Ernest C., Jr.12 109 135Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB 10/26/2007    1987-7/8/9/10
Savage, Richard D. Pvt 591 FABNWIA 12/17/1944   At 2330 hours December 17 the Battalion went into position in the vicinity of Gruffligan. One platoon of Cannon Company 424th Infantry under Lt. Buedingen joined the Battalion and was used as another battery for the following two days. In this position the unit was under heavy enemy fire. Pvt. Richard Savage and Pvt. John Paniza were wounded.   CUB 1989-4/5/6, Cub In Review
Savianeso, Jero32 773 409SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/L EIB, CIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, Camp Crier 6/2/44, GO 1945-051,
Savick, Martin33 083 966Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Savickas, Walter B.36 658 746Pfc 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Savitskie, Leonard J.36 558 519Pfc 820 TD BNWIACIB, PH, SS (MIA)  Silver Star (MIA) for gallantry in action 12/17/1944 in Germany. During a determined enemy assualt on their company, Pfc Savitskie and a driver jumped into a parked armored vehicle and moved o a position astride a road. By manning the vehicle's heavy machine gun, forced the enemy to take cover in a nearby house. Using a hand grenade,he wiped out a mortar squad, then ran back to the vehicle and continued delivering deadly blasts, retaining his position unitl severely wounded. GO 1945-042,

    GO 1945-042,
Sawyer, John F.31 253 005Pfc DHQ QM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945       
Sawyer, Richard L.31 217 297SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/411-B 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sawyer, William T.32 770 328Pvt 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Sawyers, Francis E.33 193 1381st Sgt1st Sgt424 INF/HQ EIB 8/4/44, CIB      27, Camp Crier 8/4/44,
Sawyers, James Thomas34 146 233Sgt 422 INF/H, 423 INFMIACIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen11/24/1999 Montgomery AL422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 59, CUB 1991-10/11/12, CUB 2000-4/5/6
Saxe, George B.13 083 755SSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Saxe-GeorgeB-422-4B.jpg59, Group photo @ Camp Atterbury
Saxon, Charles   424 INF        CUB 15-1
Saxon, James W., Jr.38 015 269  590 FABN/Batt C CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1990-1/2/3 57,
Saxton, Charles   81 ENG (C)/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1965-5/6/74, 1967-2/3/4, 1968-3/4/5/6, 1994-7-8-9
Sayers, Denziel "Dee" Cpl 81 ENG (C)    member 106th baseball team
   7, Franklin Evening Star 08/11/1944
Sayler, Marlin M.37 150 212Sgt/SSgt Cadre667 Message Center Clerk422 INF/HQ    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Saylor, Jerome G.   424 INF        1956-11/12
Saylor, Richard E.35 173 732Pfc 422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1957-4/5 1,59,
Sayre, Paul L.37 017 143Sgt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Scaggs, Joseph D.33 203 939SSgt 423 INF/MedicMIACIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1,
Scala, Phillip J.36 009 834Pvt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Scala, Ralph M.32 337 872T/5511 Armorer422 INF/AT    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Scalera, Peter Pvt           
Scales, Fred "Frank"   423 INF/I EAME/4 08/07/2002    2000-1/2/3
Scales, William ClaudeO-334 728Ltc./COLCO 2 BN422 INF/2 BNMIAPOW
  1. 13-B Weiden Bavaria
  2. POW # 25 312
Birth 11 Jul 1908 Death 21 Sep 1989 (aged 81) Burial Garden of Memories Cemetery Sweetwater, Nolan County, Texas, USA
  1. Volunteered to go with the Hammelburg Raiders. One of few to escape.
  2. Escaped the POW camp living 7 days and nights without food in the woods and finally working his way to the 45th division.
  3. Col. William Claude Scales was awarded a Purple Heart for being wounded in the Battle of the Bulge in WW II, as well as POW medal. He said, "I would never have received a Good Conduct Medal for I was known as the soldier that was demoted the most". That was said modestly, for a movie could be made about his heroics after being captured twice by the Germans, tortured and finally escaped. He told of the horrors of unkind German soldiers, for each time a U.S. bombing attack occured near the Stalag, one POW would be systematically shot. 75% of all escapees were shot on site when captured, a true miracle that he survived 2 escapes. He truly was a brave man. We honor you Col Scales and Company E 142nd Infantry.

Scales-WilliamS.jpg  Scales-WilliamC.jpg1, Lewis Walker Diary, "Red Legs of the Bulge", 59, Abilene Reporter-News, Abilene TX 04/20/1945, FAG 16491032
Scalia, Leonard   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Scalia, William Cpl          1945-08-25
Scalissi, John J.36 811 142TSgt 424 INF/H CIB      1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1962-1/2/3, 1963-1/2/3, 1965-5/6/74, 1966-4/5/6, 1974-10/11/12
Scalzo, Salvatore A.32 773 819  422 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1992-1/2/3, 2005-1/2/3 59,
Scandalis, Peter P.36 596 799Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/CKIA 12/14/1944CIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia12/14/1944Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Scanlan, Edward J.36 778 445Cpl733 Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 4-B
     Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Scanlon, Maurice E.31 008 605Cpl 589 FABN/HQ BattKIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Scannapico, John A.31 300 205SgtSection Chief589 FABN/Batt A, Section 3KIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 12/17/1944 
  1. While making its way to the road, one of the trucks pulling a gun got stuck. Scannapico and his men, along with LT Eric Wood, the battery XO stayed behind to help get it loose.
  2. Upon crossing the Our river they were met by German armor and infantry. Scannapico rushed from his truck with a bazooka and was riddled by machine gun fire which killed him instantly.
   1948-04, 8, 65, "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Scarano, Leonard A.32 490 089Pfc 422 INF/L CIB      27,
Scarborough, Lannie L.38 522 965Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Scarca, Frank            1997-7/8/9
Scardino, Joe J.38 545 968Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Scardo, Poncho             
Scardo, Vincent L. Pfc 423 INF/F EIB 06/1944, EAME/4  423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)   Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Scaroetti, Mike M.36 958 354  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/311-B 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Scarpelli, Joseph C.32 771 314T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Scarpello, Vincent33 320 397SSgt 424 INF/2 BN/F 2nd Plt EIB CC 6/44, CIB      12, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Scarpetti, Mike M. Pfc 422 INF/K        55,
Scarsorie, James S.6 711 465Pvt 424 INF/D CIB      27,
Scatchard, Leroy G.33 618 627Cpl 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Schaaf, Gerald J.33 320 3071st Sgt1st Sgt424 INF/L CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in operations against the enemy on 12/16/1944 in Germany.

   27, 63, GO 1945-027,
Schaap, Harry J.36 238 827Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Schach, Robert B. SSgt 424 INF/D EIB 8/4/44      Camp Crier 8/4/44,
Schachleiter, Jack K.39 248 329SSgt 424 INF/K CIB      1949-12-1950-1
Schachterle, Ralph E.O-1 696 178Capt2nd BN Surgeon424 INF/Medic        77,
Schad, Rex W. Pfc 423 INF/H EAME/4      1946-10
Schaddelle, Leo A.32 771 966PfcMedic331/C/Medics CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  1. Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  2. Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
  3. Member Medical Detachment quartet
   Schaddellee-Leon.jpgCUB 1953-12, 33, CUB 1953-12, GO 1945-076,
Schaeffer, Malcolm Pvt 806 ORD        Camp Crier 6/2/44,
Schaeffer, Phillip A. "Jeff" Cpl   CIB, Am Theater, EAME/3, WW2 Victory, GCPOW 105 days
08/20/2013 Pine Grove PA
Phillip was a World War II Army veteran having served with Company I 422nd Regiment 106th Division in Europe as an auto rifleman. During the Battle of the Bulge, he was taken prisoner by the Germans and held as a German Prisoner of War for 105 days. He received the Combat Infantry Badge, American Theater Service Medal, European Campaign Medal with three bronze stars, World War II Victory Medal and Good Conduct Medal. He was honorably discharged with the rank of corporal.
Schaeffer, Wesley F.33 846 326Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schaeffer, William B.   424 INF/E        1948-10/11
Schafer, Carlton Pvt 608th Tank DestroyerKIA 01/09/1945  01/09/1945    Franklin Evening Star 01/26/1945
Schafer, Leo J.33 426 539T/4 424 INF/D CIB GC 10/07/1944      11, 22, 24,
Schaff, Warren R.36 826 861Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      1947-03
Schaffer, Charles E. T/5 81 ENG (C)/HQ    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   Camp Crier 9/8/44,
Schaffer, Herbert W.36 322 059Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schaffer, Richard H.15 104 705T/4 DHQ AG Section         
Schaffer, William E. Sgt 424 INF/C        10,
Schaffner, Frank R.36 650 282Pfc SIGNALKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945  AR D-1-46    CUB 1996-10/11/12, ABMC, Fields of Honor
Schaffner, John Robert33 563 021CplMOS 761 Scout589 FABN/Batt A, 589 FABN/Batt B Am Service, EAME/4 Stars, GC, WW2 Victory, French Croix de Guerre with Silver Gilt Star awarded to the 589th, FAB for the action at Baraque de Fraiture, Expert w/Carbine, Army of Occupation/Meritorious Unit, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951, OGL GOLD 2005 03/03/2020 (95) Timonium MD
  1. at Baraque de Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads)
  2. See diary at www.IndianaMilitary.org
  3. Served in 592 FA BN after demise of 589 FA BN 01/1945 to 04/1945.
  4. Rejoined 589 FA BN/A after division was brought back to strength 04/1945
  5. 106th Association Historian Association 2011.
  6. Schaffner, along with his gun crew from HQ Battery jumped into any vehicles they could find and hit the road before the main group. The managed to get through Schonberg just minutes ahead of the Germans.
  7. John Schaffner and Ken Sewell were posted to a foxhole. Around midnight they started to hear German voices and the rattling of equipment.
  8. Schaffner and Kuziema made a run for the field across the road. Kuziema was hit. Schaffner assisted his wounded comrade all the way across the field and they managed to get away.
  9. After the war he returned to Baltimore going first into wholesale foods. In 1956 he went into the defense industry and after 33 years retired as a computer systems analyst. In his spare time he became a pilot serving in the CAP for over 20 years. He retired with the rank of Major.
  10. Birthday 08, "The Marcher" 07-08/2016.
  11. Arrived back in the US aboard the Queen Elizabeth 08/30/1945
  12. Most 106th historical entries are checked with John. He is the expert on 106th information. (J West)
  13. Married to Lillian. My good friend. Deceased
  Schaffber-John-2.jpg Schaffner-John.jpgCUB 2005-01-02-03, 8, 8/2011, 68, "Red Legs of the Bulge", "The Marcher" 07-08/2016, self, "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 26,
Schaffner, Karl J.36 478 236Pvt 81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7, 26,
Schaffrick, Eric M.33 803 346Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schagrin, Harold12 227 340Pvt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Schaller, EdwardO-544 5002LT 422 INFKIA 05/12/1945CIB, PH BR L-9-9    ABMC,
Schandowski, unk   424 INF/E         
Schaner, William H.33 872 280Pvt 422 INF/Medic CIB      27,
Schanerberger, Ellsworth H.36 578 988PfcMedic331 INF/D/Medic CMB, BS,EAME/4, GC, Victory, Am Campaign, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  06/27/2014 CUB 08/2014
  1. Combat Medical Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-076
  2. Cared for an average of 275 patients per day following Battle of the Bulge.
   33, C. Baesman 1/2012, GO 1945-076, CUB 08/2014,
Schantz, E. Gerald LT  KIA 02/24/1945BS, PH  newspaper article    Franklin Evening Star, Franklin IN 03/13/1945
Schanzenbacher, Richard39 014 919Sgt 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Scharbat, Myron Raymond       12/18/2012 Ann Arbor MI
Myron proudly served his country in the United States Army from 1943-1945 being drafted D+1 in the 4th Infantry, 106th division.He fought in 5 different battles and received 5 Bronze Service Stars, a Distinguished Unit Citation and Good Conduct medal and ribbon.
Scharnerberger, Ellsworth H.  Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945      2000-4/5/6
Schatz, Irving G.39 288 665Pvt 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Schaub, Harold R.36 537 561Pvt 424 INF/A        1,
Schauer, James A.33 434 146Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schaum, Louis A., Jr.33 201 667PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Tec 4 Jack Reasor and Tec 5 Louis A. Schaum Jr. were reduced to the grade of private without prejudice
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Schaumloeffel, H. C., Jr.33 563 644  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Scheadt, George J.33 230 263Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Schechter, Samuel E.O-496 474Capt Medical CorpsMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Mentioned in 331/C Unit History.
  • Temp. command of 331/C on 02-10-1945
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Schecter, Irvin M.35 554 889  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsenunknown Returned CUB422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1982-4/5/6/7, 59, CUB 04/2016,
Schecter, Irving Benjamin13 174 720PfcBAR 746424 INF/A, 1488 SCU/HQMIA, WIA European TheaterCIB, Carbine Expert, EAME/3, WW2 Victory, Amer Campaign, PH
  1. captured 12/17/1944 or 12/24/1944
  2. 4-B
  3. liberated 04/1945
  4. Separation Hosp Ctr Sep Pt Cp Butner NC
 When liberated by Russians, he ran away to join up with another American unit.
   DD-214, daughter Courtney Talmoud 04/23/2020
Schectman, Joseph A. PfcRadio Operator424 INF/3 BN/HHA2 WIACIB, BS, EAME/4, 2 PH 10/18/2016 Scranton PA
  1. We submitted supporting documenation to our local US Congressman, Matt Cartwright, earier this year and Joe received his BSM back in May, J. Dougher, Jr., 12/15/2015
  2. He was inducted into the Army. As a member of the 3rd Battalion, 424th Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, his battalion was trapped during the Battle of the Bulge, and was able to escape with the help of the 82nd Airborne Division. He was injured by shrapnel twice during the battle, and awarded the Combat Infantry Badge with four bronze battle stars, and recently, was awarded the Bronze Star Medal by Congressman Matt Cartwright for meritorious achievement in active combat against the enemy, and numerous other combat medals.
  Schectman-Joseph-2.jpg Schectman-Joseph.jpgLegacy
Scheel, Ray J.36 523 467Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Scheer, Jacob T.37 737 180Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Scheffel, Robert W.37 488 909  422 INF/A CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Bad Schandu,
  3. Escaped in a bombing raid.
04/18/1998422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1990-10/11/12, 2004-1/2/3 59,
Scheffrick, unk   423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Scheibel, George   424 INF/B        CUB 3-1
Scheidt, Louis M.15 315 070PfcMedic331/C/Medic CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
  • Member Medical Detachment quartette
   Scheidt-Louis.jpg1953-12, 33, GO 1945-076,
Schein, Ellis TSgt 423 INF/3 BN EAME/4      1946-10
Schenck, Charles N., IIIO-LT 590 FABN/Batt B Recommended for BS 02/14/2002Lt Donaldson and LT Charles N. Schenck, III, radio operators T/4 Eugene Womack, T/5 Akey and driver Donald Sheehy directed fire throughout 12/16/1944. Their Jeep had two punctured tires and riddled with holes.   "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Schendel, Edward A.36 826 861Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Schendorff, unk            1983-5/6/7
Schenendorf, Jack32 274 000Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Schenk, Charles N., III  Forward Observer590 FABN/Batt C        1992-1/2/3
Schenk, EdwardO-Capt 955 FABn    Clipping from "The Malmedy Massacre". pages 74-75. About 10:30 am the morning after the massacre, Capt Edward Schenk of the 955th FABn arrived at Baugnez in a command car. WIth him were Sgt Garn and driver T/5 Lieber. ...They immediately investigated and found Zach, severely wounded in his left leg below the knee and in his hip. He was conscious, so Schenk administered first aid and, with the assistance of Garn and Lieber placed Zach in the command car ....    
Schenk, George   424 INF/HQ        CUB 67-2
Schepleng, John A.33 849 943Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Scherer, Louis nmi32 817 821Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Scherer, Robert S. T/5Radio Section, 3/4 ton weapons carrier driver, Radio and machine gunnerDiv Arty/HQ        1947-01-02, 1947-03
Scheringer, Edward R.O-Capt 424 INF/1 BN        1989-4/5/6
Scherupp, Ronald L.39 907 805Pvt733-Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
Schetgen, Ralph J.37 684 090  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Scheuerman, George F.32 721 271Pfc 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Schiavo, Salvatore J.36 579 580  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schiavo, Samuel Joseph   422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12/21/1944.
  2. 4-B
10/16/201 NC422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1999-10/11/12, CUB 01/2018
Schick, Harold   424 INF/CN        CUB 35-4
Schieferstein, Fred J., Jr. Pfc 424 INF/AMIA, WIA footCIB, POW, PH, GC, EAME/2
  1. Captured 12/17/1944
  2. 12-A
  3. Several Work Camps
  1. newspaper article lost 72 pounds in captivity.
  2. WIA in foot. Captured and wounds dressed by German Doctor. Feet frozen in PW camp.
  3. When German guard heard the SS were looking for American POWs, took 6 American POWs into a basement and hid them. All 6 were saved and liberated.
  Schieferstein-2.jpg Schieferstein-1.jpgCUB 1950-4/5, CUB 1955-7/8/9, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1958-2/3, CUB 1958-09-10-V15#1, CUB 1959-07-08-V15#5, CUB 1966-4/5/6, CUB 1974-10/11/12, CUB 1979-4/5/6, CUB 1984-12-1985-1/2, CUB 1998-10/11/12, Courier-News, Bridgewater NJ 06/01/1946
Schiele, George I.33 589 571SSgt 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Schiffman, Ben   423 INF/Medic EAME/4      1989-7/8/9
Schilcher, Carlton J.31 328 990Pvt901 Munitions Worker106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. 3-A,
  2. Oflag 36
  3. Work Camps. 12/16/1944 to 05/11/1945
  4. 12-A
  5. 11-A

“Pvt Carlton Schilcher, the POW buddy of Pfc Paul Thompson, was from New Hampshire and the platoon jeep driver.”

   CUB 1944 01/02/03, Paul G. Thompson & Ed Strand 06/23/2015, Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Schill, Alphonse W.37 136 299Pvt 589 FABN/SVCMIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 POW camp unknown
 letter home that he was freed from POW camp   8, 58, Republic 01/19/1945, 04/24/1945
Schilli, Arthur A.   591 FABN/HQ Batt        1950-10/11, 1951-2/3
Schira, Frank36 811 139SSgt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Schiro, Frank J. TSgt 424 INF/E CIB, PH
  1. Captured 12/19/1944.
  2. 12-A,
  3. Staargard,
  4. 2-B,
  5. 2-A
     Schiro-Frank.jpgCUB 1947-01-02, CUB 1970-4/5/6,1990-1/2/3, CUB 1997-10/11/12
Schlagel, Ray   HQ Co.        CUB 20-1
Schlaghan, Lloyd   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Schlappich, George W.33 185 115T/4 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Schlater, Charles L.      
  1. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
12/1982    Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Schlatter, Carl I.35 563 218Cpl 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Schlecht, Joseph J.19 102 494SSgt 820 TD BN CIB, SS  Silver Star for gallantry in action 12/16/1944 in Belgium. He moved across 70 yards of open ground under enemy artillery carrying ammo to a three inch gun, which he then manned, fired and killed 20 enemy troops. Returned the second time with more ammo, caused 20 more enemy casualties, knocked out a machine gun and a mortar.
   212, GO 1945-012,
Schlee, Ervin F.36 587 399  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/313-C 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schlegal, Clarence H.33 828 506Pfc 422 INF/E CIB      27,
Schlegel, Raymond N.36 740 197T/5 424 INF/K CIB      1951-12-1952-1
Schlesinger, Richard H.15 352 855Pfc 424 INF/IWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 01/15/1945.

   27, GO 1945-021,
Schlesser, John P. "Jack" Sgt 591 FABN/SVC   12/22/1998"In addition to the Infantry, I would like to praise Lt Col Philip Hoover and Capt M. M. Dolitsky of our Battery for their leadership and bravery. Also from my Ammunition Train S/Sgt John Schlesser, Sgt’s Charles Datte, James Brackett and Cpl John Howard who were towers of strength in the battle." from Robert Ringer's account.   1968-3/4/5/6, 1972-1/2/3, 1974-10/11/12, 1980-1/2/3, 1985-8/9/10, 1985-12-1986-1/2, 1999-1/2/3, #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Schleusener, Roland E. "Rollie"37 486 637Pfc 423 INF/C CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia05/21/2018 Antioch ILCombat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, CUB 2009-5/8, GO 1945-051, CUB 04/2018
Schleyhahn, L. L.36 448 586  81 ENG (C) CIB, POW
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 803
 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944    67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
Schliebe, Reinhardt H.6 860 723  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schlitt, MannyO-1 315 4861LT/Capt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B,
  2. Oflag 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria
Birth 5 Mar 1911 Akron, Summit County, Ohio, USA Death 24 Jan 1996 (aged 84) Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida, USA Burial Rose Hill Burial Park Fairlawn, Summit County, Ohio, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1955-7/8/9, B. Welke 10/2011, GO 1945-051, FAG 190138437
Schlosser, Harold William "Bill"33 434 080 / O-T/5 / COL 424 INF/Medic   01/01/2018
  1. Cadet Bill Schlosser, USMA, West Point, N. Y., “I certainly regret that I'll be unable to attend the re­union. You probably know Cadets rarely spend weekends away from the Academy but I'll pour congratulations and best of luck into this letter to you and the rest of the boys. I know you'll all have a swell time. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, too!”.
  2. During WWII, Bill served in the 106th Army Infantry Division. He graduated from West Point in 1949.
  3. Bill served in Korea and Vietnam wars; flying a combined 109 interdiction or combat missions. During his years in service, he flew B-26s, F-4s, B-52s and many others.Col. Schlosser's awards include: Legion of Merit, Dist. Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters and the ROK War Service Medal
   Schlosser_HaroldW.jpgCUB 1970-7-8-9-V26#4, 23, Cub In Review, Legacy
Schlosser, John P.   591 FABN        CUB 24-3
Schlossmacher, Carl J.32 004 400Cpl DHQ G-5         
Schluckbier, Wilbert H.36 106 878SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schlynhahn, unk   81 ENG (C)/2nd Squad/3rd Platoon/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   CUB 1987-11/12-1988-1, photo by William Ciwden
Schmalzreid, Eugene   424 INF/A        CUB 63-4
Schmalzried, Eugene W.35 143 243SSgt 422 INF/A CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen2008422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Schmalzried-EugeneW-422A-4B.jpgCUB 1988-10/11/12, CUB 1995-4/5/6, 59,
Schmanski, Eugene J.   423 INF/M EAME/4      1992-10/11/12
Schmick, Walter C., Jr.33 897 068Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Schmidlin, Raymond A.6 979 017  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schmidman, Arthur36 283 691Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen04/26/2013 Mequon
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. He served in the armyduring World War II. Arthur was captured during the Battle of the Bulge and wasa prisoner of war in Germany.

   62, CUB 2004-10-11-12, GO 1945-051, Obit from W. Dunn
Schmidt, Arthur M.32 828 318  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schmidt, Edward O.35 021 740SSgt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schmidt, Henry R.42 184 024Pvt 422 INF/I CIB      27,
Schmidt, Jack O.36 583 506T/5 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Schmidt, James P.   423 INFKIA 11/21/1944CIB, PH, EAME/4      1953-1/2
Schmidt, Luther W. A.36 649 456  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schmidt, Raul W.37 150 712T/5511 Armorer423 INF/H EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Schmidt, Richard36 811 753Sgt 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Schmidt, Sumner B.35 810 517Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Schmidt, Theodore D.33 782 230  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schmidt, unk             
Schmit, Richard L.36 811 753Sgt 424 INFWIACIB, PH, SS  Silver Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 01/25/1945 in Belgium. When the company flank was hit by machine gun and small arms fire, he set up his machine gun and despite intense automatic weapons fire, crawled to an exposed ridge to direct fire. The enemy wounded the gunner and asst gunner and Sgt Schmit delivered effective fire on the hostile positions.
    GO 1945-036,
Schmitt, Isadore T.36 073 805Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/DKIACIB, PH, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Schmitt, Thomas H.38 683 749Pvt 423 INF/ATKIACIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, 65, GO 1945-051,
Schmittou, Norman K.34 984 848  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schmitz, Elroy J.37 581 528Pfc 424 INF/GKIACIB, PH      27,
Schmitz, Leroy    KIA       65,
Schmude, Earl H.36 583 177TSgt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosberg
11/25/1994Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1948-04,1995-4/5/6, 1995-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Schmule, Earl H.36 583 177TSgt 423 INF/F CIB, EAME/4  423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)   27,
Schnabel, Arthur G.31 459 802Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schneck, David   ATCHD-75th Div/290th/C attached CIB, POWLabor Camp Gerolstein      
Schneider, Arthur F.36 641 365  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schneider, Charles E.32 848 115Pfc 422 INF/H CIB      27,
Schneider, Ernest E.15 059 761CplMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   1947-01-02, 33, GO 1945-076,
Schneider, Francis D.   422 INF/H        1990-4/5/6
Schneider, Francis Raymond"Ollie"   590 FABN/SVC        061,
Schneider, Jack B.15 359 325  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1999-10/11/12 59,
Schneider, Larry T/5 Motor Pool        1946-12
Schneider, Lorenz W.   424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945 07/1994    1989-4/5/6, 1995-4/5/6
Schneider, Nicholas J., Jr.35 681 091T/3Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Schneider, Norbert C.36 298 754  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Schneider, Victor C.16 157 732Pvt 422 INFKIA 12/24/1944CIB, PH LX H-1-32    ABMC,
Schnitzer, Werner C.32 319 498Cpl 424 INF/MEDIC, DHQ, Infantry Training School - Fort Benning, GAWIACIB, PH, SS 08/25/1945Meiningen, Germany Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with operations against the enemy 12/17/1944 in Belgium. After having deployed his squad in a defense position, he volunteered to man an advance Rocket Launcher position. Immediately after taking this post, he was subjected to intense mortar and small arms fire during which he was hit by a mortar fragment and seriously wounded. The enemy fire was followed by a tank attack and although suffering from the wounds, he continued the unequal fight against the tanks until he lost consciousness and was taken prisoner.
   1945-08-25, 1997-10/11/12 Cub 08/25/1945, GO 1945-065,
Schnitzlein, unkO-2LT 423 INF/F EAME/4  423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)    
Schnitzner, Armand   DHQ   2008     
Schnizlein, John Glenn, Jr.O-551 2051LT 423 INF/2 BN/F, 422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B,
  2. Hammelbuer, Nurmberg,
  3. Mooseberg
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/2 BN/F) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   Schnizlein-JGlenn.jpg62, 1947-12, 1947-03,1951-2/3, 1951-12-1952-1, 1953-1/2, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1960-10/11/12, 65, GO 1945-051,
Schnubmehl, Henry F.12 015 858Pfc 423 INF/1 BNMIAEAME/4      1,
Schnulle, Robert   275th FAB   9/30/2006    1990-1/2/3, 2007/1-2-3,
Schober, Milton J.36 719 062Pfc 424 INF/F CIB 02/06/2013 Replacement to the 106th.
   Schober-Milton.jpgCUB 1998-7/8/9, CUB 2009-5/8, 12, Obit from W. Dunn
Schoch, Charles H.   592 FABN/SVC        1951-6/7, 1961-10/11/12, 1966-2/3/4, 1967-11/12-1968-1/2, 1974-10/11/12, 1977-1/2/3 (Death), 1986-3/4/5/6
Schock, Charles H.   592 FABN/SVC        1968-3/4/5/6
Schockley, Kenneth W.   423 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Schodt, Arthur   424 INF/E        CUB 5-5
Schoeber, H.   424 INF/F         
Schoecj, Richard D.            1992-4/5/6
Schoeck, Richard J.O-2LT SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 2008-3-9    Schoeck-RichardJ.jpg1997-1/2/3,2008-4/5/6, 14, 17, 31,
Schoelkopf, Jack W.   424 INF/I, 34 DIV   deceased    2002-1/2/3, 2004-10/11/12
Schoelkoph, Lester R.33 502 568T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Schoemer, Frank K.36 890 443Pvt 424 INF/MMIA KIACIB, POWPOW camp unknown
     1953-4/5, 1988-4/5/6 1,
Schoemer, J. K.    KIA       65,
Schoen, Edward J.36 769 340Pvt 424 INFKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH 12/17/1944 Plot D Row 7 Grave 11 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg     ABMC,
Schoen, Norman R.35 584 027Sgt 423 INF/D CIB, PH, EAME/4UNK     27,
Schoenbaechler, Richard R.35484 069PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945
Annaburg (Stalag IV-D/Z): Liberated
Died on May 13, 1996 at Jewish Hospital, Louisville, KY Buried on May 15, 1996 at Louisville Memorial Gardens East, Hwy. 22, Crestwood, KYCombat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
Bronze Star
Purple Heart
****MISSING PHOTO **** RichardNormas_gravesite._copy.jpg ****MISSING PHOTO **** hist_056.jpg33, GO 1945-076,
Schoenfelt, Robert F.13 083 621T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Schoenk, Theodore     CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Schoffner, Frank R.36 650 282Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945  14, 17,31,
Schofield, Arden T.  Asst Chaplain??? FABN/HQ CIB, POW
  1. 12/16/44
  2. 9-B
05/25/2011, Chatham MA
He left for England in November 1944 with a headquarters artillery company of the 106th Division. His assignment as assistant chaplain included counseling and church services where he provided organ music for the troops on a portable keyboard. It would be this intersection of his talent for music and defining experience as a WWII POW that would profoundly shape Arden Schofield's life and the thousands of people whose lives he touched until the very end. Many decades later in 2010, Schofield wrote about this experience entitled My Story, the highlights of which follow: I went to England in November 1944 with our artillery company of The 106th Division which had been activated in 1943. When we arrived in France we traveled by jeep through the country where we saw much destruction, yet the people were very joyful as they had already been liberated from the Germans. There was now a feeling that the war would soon be over, but that was not to last. Shortly thereafter, the infamous Battle of the Bulge, which would see the decimation of the 106th Division and the imprisonment of thousands of U.S. military personnel Schofield among them would commence. That day, December 16, 1944, Schofield recalled, All hell broke loose. Shortly after those first shots of the Battle of the Bulge, Schofield and thousands of others were captured by the Germans. In this coldest winter of the century, Schofield and others of his division were marched through the snowy Ardennes forest, herded onto box cars which were mistakenly shelled by the Royal Air Force, and imprisoned in Bad Orb, notorious as the worst of the German prisoner of war camps. Here, Mr. Schofield would endure five long months of starvation and deprivation. Wracked by dysentery and weighing just 90 pounds, Mr. Schofield was hours from death when U.S. forces, led by General George Patton, stormed the camp and liberated the surviving prisoners. In the decades to follow, Mr. Schofield would often relate how, upon returning to the U.S. as his litter was lowered to the ground, he reached down, scooped up some good American earth and ate it, so grateful was he to be returned to his beloved country and freedom.
   Obit, Legacy
Scholl, Elmer   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Scholten, Donald J.16 175 200Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. IV-B,
  2. KDO
05/06/2014 Sarasota FL
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Prior to college, he servedin WWII and was a POW in Germany.
   62, CUB 1998-1/2/3, GO 1945-051, Obit from W. Dunn
Schon, Norman   423 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Schoner, Carl E., Jr.35 598 341  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schoon, Norman R.35 584 027  423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, GO 1945-051,
Schoonover, Hewitt A. "Lex"15 360 946 Driver for Lt John M. Krol422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 
  1. Lex completed basic training at Camp Wheeler, GA, and then spent time in the Army Specialized Training Program (ATSP) at the University of Alabama. When this program was disbanded, Lex was sent to the 106th Infantry Division, and assigned to the 422rd Regiment, to an Intelligence and Reconnaissance (I and R) platoon. Captured 12/19/1944, Lex spent the next four months as a POW in Germany, at Camp IX-B in Bad Orb, Germany. Conditions steadily worsened, and hunger and disease claimed the lives of many. Lex was finally liberated when advancing US troops overran Camp IX-B on 2 April 1945. John was moved to a field evacuation hospital, then in early May 1945 shipped to the US; he spent the time until his discharge in November 1945 at several medical facilities.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   59, Thomas Saylor - Concordia U., St Paul, D. Krol Lewis 2008,
Schoonover, Irvine R.32 025 613TSgt 422 INFMIA 12/16/1944CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. newspaper article about POW.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   59, Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis IN 04/19/1944
Schoonover, Lex   424 INF/HQ        CUB 17-2
Schott, Gerald E.17 010 421Pvt 424 INF/HKIA 12/25/1944CIB, PH 12/25/1944    27,
Schott, Harold J., Jr. "Butch"12 208 729PfcRadio Operator423 INFKIA 12/21/1944CIB (Posthumous) (as 423/C) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051, EAME/4 12/21/1944 Arlington Natl Cemnewspaper article body returned for reburial   Democrat Chronicle, Rochester NY 05/10/1949
Schott, William H. Pfc 589 FABN/Batt C Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1947-03
Schramm, Robert J.   424 INF/AT        1991-1/2/3
Schreiber, Arthur Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Schreier, Edward W.36 829 264Pfc 424 INFKIA 04/13/1945CIB, PH, BS 04/13/1945 Status Missing In Action Memorialized Tablets of the Missing Netherlands American Cemetery Margraten, Netherlands     ABMC,
Schreiter, Fred32 714 921Sgt 422 INF/D CIB      27,
Schrempf, Brownell "Brownie" "Gansett"  Anti-Aircraft in NY, Medical Tech & MP POW Escort424 INF   12/22/2020 (95)
Met German Actress Marlene Dietrich in an ice cream parlor
  Schrempf-BownellB-2.jpg Obit
Schrenk, Theodore R.39 175 286  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schrier, Edward W. Pfc  KIA died as POW POW
 In Memoriam - Schrier, Pfc Edward W. - 106th Division, died in a prison camp in Germany, 04/13/1945. No more to hear your footsteps fall, No more to hear your cheery call - Life seems so empty, soldier dear, Without your happy presence here. Mother, Stepfather, Wife, Child, Sister and Brother.
   Kenosha News, Kenosha WI 05/29/1945
Schrio, Frank     CIB, POW
  1. 12-A,
  2. 2-B,
  3. 2-A
Schroder, Fred J.36 650 679T/5 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Schroeder, Nicholas   592 FABN/SVC   1/27/1987    CUB 1977-1/2/3,CUB 1986-3/4/5/6, CUB 1988-10/11/12
Schroeder, Walter R. J., Jr.36 804 002Pfc 422 INF/D CIB      27, 59,
Schroeder, William L.38 629 188Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schroeder, William M.6 286 9791st Sgt 424 INF/F CIB      12,1986-3/4/5/6
Schroepfer, Emil S. Cpl 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Schroer, Charles J.37 483 291  422 INF/F CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen05/18/2008422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1989-10/11/12 59,
Schroeter, Carl A.33 834 744  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. POW # 312 130
  3. 3-A Luckenwalde
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace  Schroeter-Carl-2.jpg Schroeter-Carl.jpg59,
Schrom, Irving S.O-557 8822LT 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   GO 1945-051,
Schubert, Joseph33 034 731SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Schubmehl, Henry F.12 015 858Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schuchert, William P. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Schuck, John H.6 256 022Pfc 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Schuelingkamp, Bernard T/5 591 FABN        CUB 3-10
Schuetz, Kenneth N.32 772 431T/5 422 INF/HQ, 422 INF/CN, DHQ Finance Section        Schuetz-KennethN.jpg1946-11, 1950-2/3, 1960-3/4/5, 1988-7/8/9
Schuler, Calvin Pfc 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Schull, Walter33 935 684Pfc 424 INFWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart (as Pvt) 01/24/1945.

    GO 1945-021,
Schuller, Albert Frederick35 388 437Sgt 422 INF/B, 422 INF/C CIB 02/26/2003    CUB 1979-4/5/6, CUB 1981-1/2/3, CUB 1984-5/6/7/8, CUB 1986-3/4/5/6, CUB 2003-7/8/9, 27, Legacy
Schuller, John P.   590 FABN/Batt B   07/17/2003    1998-1/2/3, 2003-7/8/9
Schulman, Morris12 021 760  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schult, Melvin O.38 591 526            
Schulte, Edward H.35 881 115  422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen07/19/1994422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schulte, Lloyd H.37 735 770  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
06/03/1969422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Schulte, Raymond J.37 377 422Pvt 422 INF/GKIA Died as POW 02/04/1945CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Died as POW 02/04/1945,
  2. Hospital at Hoffnungsthal, Germany
2/4/1945422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-09, 65,
Schulte, William C.36 649 463Cpl 422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schults, George A.31 273 423Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schultz, Anthony Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Schultz, Arthur E.42 085 592Pfc 423 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     27,62,
Schultz, Clifford J.37 552 791Pvt 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schultz, Donald16 157 642Pfc 424 INF/GKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH Birth 19 Sep 1925 Death 16 Dec 1944 (aged 19) Burial Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial Henri-Chapelle, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liège, Belgium Plot F Row 15 Grave 29
  1. 27, ABMC, Discussion Brd 2/17/2010,
  2. TSgt James W. Russell, 35 810 272, Co. G 424th Inf do state that Pfc Donald Schultz was killed in action about 0730 hours 16 Dec 1944 in the vicinity of Berg, Germany by small arms fire. This was the first morning of the German breakthrough and the company was receiving enemy small arms fire from it's front. Pfc Schultz was in a firing trench in the company's defensive position when hit. He died almost instantly and the body was put on a stretcher and carried to behind the company supply tent. The bullet that killed Pfc Schultz passed completely through his head. His body was last seen by me at the company supply tent the same day.
  3. 1st Sgt John S. Lord, 37 125 927 Co G 424th Inf do swear that on 17 Dec 1944 I saw Pfc Donald Schultz of this company lying dead in the company area. The company was in a defensive position facing the Siegfried Line in the vicinity of Berg, Germany. The Germans started their breakthrough early in the morning of 16 Dec 1944. It was early this morning that Donald Schultz was hit in the head with small arms fire. He died almost instantly and the body was put on a stretcher, carried from the position and put behind the supply tent. The next day, 17 Dec 1944, I removed the body of Donald Schultz from the stretcher as it was needed to evacuate other wounded men. I knew the body was that of Donald Schultz as we had been in the same company in the States, had trained together there, went to England together and trained there and were together in the same company when the company took up the defensive position facing the Siegfried Line.
  4. In a telegram received Monday morning from the War Department, Mrs. Twilah Schultz of this city was informed of the death of her son, Pfc. Donald Schultz, 19, who was reported killed in action in Germany on December 16.
    The telegram reads as follows: I am deeply distressed to inform you corrected report just received states your son, Pfc. Donald Schultz who was previously reported missing in action, was killed in action on Dec. 16, in European area. The Secretary of War asks that I express his deep sympathy in your loss and his regret that unavoidable circumstances made necessary the unusual lapse of time in reporting your son’s death to you. Confirming letter follows. Mrs. Schultz was notified last January that her son had been missing in action since December 16, but she received no definite word of his death until Monday. Donald was with the 424th infantry regiment and was still in England when the last word was received from him in a letter dated Nov. 23, 1944. Pfc. Schultz was born Sept. 19, 1925, in Chilton. He graduated from Chilton high school with the class of 1943 and enlisted in the army in August, only two months following graduation. He received his basic training at Fort Benning, Ga., and was stationed in Camp Atterbury, Ind., before going overseas. Don spent a few days at his home before leaving the states last October. Survivors are his parents and three sisters, Loa Ann of Fond du Lac; Elaine and Jean of this city. Chilton Times – July 19, 1945.
  5. His grave has been adopted by Michel Lorquet, a Belgian teacher.
Schultz-DonaldKIA.jpg Schultz-Donald-PHOTO.jpg Schultz-DonaldKIA-DOC.jpgD. Coppenbarger 07/23/2020, FAG 56285350, Michel Lorquet 11/24/2020,
Schultz, Glifford J.37 552 791SSgt 422 INF/K CIB      27,
Schultz, Harold G.35 258 152Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 750
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012, GO 1945-051,
Schultz, Howard F. LT 806 ORD        Camp Crier 4/28/44,
Schultz, Julius G.42 061 163Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/AMIACIB (MIA), POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 61, GO1945-051,
Schultz, Melvin O.38 591 526Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Schultz, Ned E.35 248 321  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schultz, Richard C.36 654 745  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schultz, Robert O.37 653 809  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schultz, Theodore J.   422 INF/B        1956-9/10, 1956-11/12, 1958-2/3, 1975-4/5/6
Schultz, Victor F.32 753 467Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Schulz, Calvin A.17 197 284Pfc 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Schulz, Melvin F.36 513 595  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schulz, Merlin W.36 810 552  422 INF/C CIB, POW, EAME/34-B, 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1989-7/8/9 59,
Schulz, Sheldon E.39 048 745  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schupack, Jesse E.32 965 896SSgtPlt SgtRegimental Combat TeamWIA ElbowCIB, PH, SS, BS, EAME, WW2Victory, GC 1998    Son, 11/2010 Discharge Papers
Schuster, Herman G.37 458 533Pfc 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Schuster, Perry H.            1950-12-1951-1
Schutte, Phillip F.   424 INF/F        1962-8/9, 1965-5/6/74, 1967-2/3/4, 1971-07-08-9-V27#4, 1974-10/11/12, 1985-8/9/10
Schwader, WilliamO-2 015 8682LT MACMedic331st/Medic CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Schwaderer, John F.33 847 381Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schwalm, Bruce F., Jr.33 589 793T/5Mail Clerk422 INF/HQKIA Died as POWCIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B 12/19/44,
  2. 8-A 
  3. Barracks 11B
  4. Died as POW
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
  2. Good friend of Leo Leisse
  3. Died as POW
   59, CUB Jan-Apr 2011, 106th Discussion Brd 4/2011,
Schwanka, Reinholdt   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Schwarm, Stanley E.36 368 404  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schwarting, Melvin L.37 664 171Sgt 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Schwartz, Eli Leon36 584 212Pfc 423 INF/CNMIACIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B
  2. POW# 312 956
     1, 62, IV-B dogtag sold on Ebay 7/2012,
Schwartz, Harold E.33 618 670SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/HMIAEIB, CIB, PH, BS (MIA), EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Bronze Star (MIA) for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/18/1944 and 12/19/1944 in Germany. GO 1945-041,
   27, 62, Camp Crier 6/2/44, GO 1945-041, GO 1945-051,
Schwartz, Murray A.14 118 469Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/CWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/4
  1. 12-A,
  2. Dulag 377
11/2005Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1947-01-02, 1947-03,1979-1/2/3, 1981-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Schwartz, Paul F.36 362 446  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3Stalag 2A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schwartz, Phillip42 050 919Pfc 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 11-A     8,58,
Schwartz, Robert E. Pfc          1947-01-02
Schwartz, Victor A. "Vic"   424 INF/1 BN   10/25/2018 Monroehe was called into the U.S.Army in 1943. He took his basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. In November of1943, he was sent overseas as a replacement, first to Africa and then to Italywhere he was assigned to the 1st Armored Division, 6th Armored InfantryRegiment. Beginning with the landing at Anzio, he served in all four of theItalian campaigns: Naples-Fogia, Rome-Arno, North Apenines and Po Valley. Inaddition to the four campaign battle stars, he was awarded the Combat InfantryBadge and the Bronze Star. He returned home in December of 1945 just in timefor Christmas.

   CUB 1991-4/5/6, CUB 1998-1/2/3, Obit from W. Dunn
Schwartz, Wallace   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Schwarz, Burt P. Pfc 424 INF/AMIACIB, POW
  1. 3-A,
  2. Luckenwalde, 
  3. 653-AE, 
  4. Perleberg
12/15/2003 cir    1947-03, 1987-7/8/9/10, 2004-1/2/3 1,
Schwarz, Charles E.6 942 878T/5 424 INF/E CIB 10/06/1990 New York NY    1991-7/8/9 6/15/44,
Schwarz, Charles F.36 775 833Pvt 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Schweig, Edward G.36 776 280  590 FABN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Schweinsberg, John R.33 440 172T/5 591 FABN CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Schweinsberg, Lester C.O-1 316 2201LT 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Schweitzer, Charles F.36 478 142Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Schweitzer, Earl B.33 551 647  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Schweitzer, Stephen J.42 071 377Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Schweizer, Henry32 627 735Pvt 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Schwille, George W.32 771 943SSgt 424 INF/HQ CIB      1946-08, 1947-01-02, 1947-03
Schymanski, Arthur W.   424 INF/HQ        1995-1/2/3
Sciole, Pasquale P.33 029 543T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Sciulli, Adam35 312 1321st Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sciullo, George A.33 666 693  590 FABN/Batt AWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     CUB 1946-12, 57,
Sciullo, George F.   592 FABN/B        1951-6/7
Scoggins, Robert E. Pvt 81 Eng (C)KIA  Henri Chappelle Cem81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   video of 81 Combat Engineers graves @ Henri Chappelle
Scoresby, Neal39 924 534  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Scott, Allie M.34 624 566T/4 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Scott, Craig C.O-1 309 4182LT1st Rifle Plt Ldr424 INF/A        77,
Scott, Donald K.O-364 295Capt 634 AAA Automatic Weapons BN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy from 11/19/1943 to 01/09/1944 in United Kingdom, France and Belgium.
    GO 1945-015,
Scott, Douglas34 006 273  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Scott, Earl A.O-2LTDivision Pilot589 FABN/HQ Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951   Along with Lt Cassibry flew two remaining L-4's back to Bastogne. They nearly collided in the heavy fog.
   Scott-Earl.jpg1957-11/12, 1960-10/11/12, 1967-2/3/4, http://www.battleofthebulgememories.be 7/2011, 8/2011, "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Scott, Frank Edward  Medic423 INF  POW
01/12/1999 Glen Alpine NCCaptured by the Germans in 1944 on the Siegfried Line and was held for 436 days before being liberated in 1945.
   Observer, Charlotte NC 01/15/1999
Scott, James Pfc 159th/I   5/17/1945Pfc James Scott, Company “I”, 3rd Battalion was killed on 17 May in a truck accident. AAR 05/1945,
   AAR 05/1945,
Scott, James E.6 932 341TSgt844422 INF/CN    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Scott, John C.   592 FABN/B        1999-1/2/3
Scott, Oliver J.O-1 534 1391LT Medical CorpMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Lts. Garcia and Scott, who were attached to our Company to observe Collecting Company in operation were called back and assigned within our Battalion.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Scott, Oscar R.36 100 368Sgt 424 INF/D CIB      CUB 1994-7-8-9, 11, 22, 424-D Bugle 1-2-3-1996,
Scott, R. C.34 547 147T/5 590 FABN CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Scott, Raymond M.35 096 410Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  • Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  • D.E.Cooley's 40&8 Roster 12/25/1944
   27, GO 1945-051,
Scott, Robert A.   424 INF/CN        1989-1/2/3
Scotti, Joseph G.32 928 302Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/19/1944
  2. 9-B
2007 Iselin
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. In the Limburg Air Raid
   CUB 1989-10/11/12, GO 1945-051, Obit from W. Dunn for Mr. Scotti's wife.
Scouffer, Marquis F.37 665 835Pfc 589 FABN/Batt BMIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Scragg, Delbert B., Jr.35 778 141PfcMedic331 Medic BN CMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   
  • Purple Heart (as 424/Medical Detachment) 02/08/1945. GO 1945-042,
  • WV
  • No other info other than relative's posting on Discussion Board.
   Discussion Board 1/2012, GO 1945-042,
Scranton, Phillip F.             
Scranton, Robert L. "Bob"     OGL CUB 1979-Jan-Feb-Mar  President of the Association 1979   CUB 1979-Jan/Feb/Mar
Scribner, Emery L., Jr.   424 INF/E   12/6/2010    2004-04-05-06, Cub 1-4/2011,
Scrivener, Clifford Cpl FABN    newspaper article escapes injury   Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester NY
Scroggins, Robert E.14 139 896Pvt 81 ENG (C)KIA 12/21/1944CIB, PH HC G-7-4281st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   ABMC,
Scruggs, Wiley T.34 876 341Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/MMIA, KIA 03/27/1945CIB (MIA), PH, EAME/4 NE E-15-11Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Scully, William D.31 388 096SSgt 168 ENG (C) (attached)KIA 09/07/1944CIB, PH BR H-9-7    ABMC,
Sculthorp, William E.   423 INF/CN        CUB 8-4
Scum, Ralph C. Pfc 424 INF/E        CUB 3-5
Scurlock, Forest C.37 691 963Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Scurry, Thomas F.34 012 169SSgt 424 INF/3 BN CIB      1972-7/8/9, 1992-10/11/12
Seabaugh, William B.37 052 657T/3 DHQ Finance Section         
Seabolt, Everett Louis35 922 211Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Seabrease, James L. Pfc      newspaper article in at least 25 different newspapers   St Cloud Times, St Cloud, MN 08/31/1943, Republican, Rushville IN 09/02/1945
Seagren, Richard D.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Seal, Norman   424 INF/H        2000-4/5/6
Seal, Preston V.36 741 100Pfc SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Sealander, Wilfred A.31 271 909  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59,
Seale, John W.O-925 8582LT Interrogation Team 154 attached to 106th INF DIV   12/20/1944 Bleialf, Germany

Hello, I am hoping you can point me in the right direction. I am conducting research in support of my book on the events around 20 December 1944, the murder of Murray Zappler and Kurt Jacobs. These 2 men were members of the IPW team 154, and came from Camp Ritchie MD. I am trying to find out the ultimate status of the remainder of this team, I believe they would have come from HQ, 106 ID.

First Lt Andrew J. Nolte, 01925311

Second Lt John W. Seale, 0925858

SSGT David Epstein

Technician Third Grade Albert E. Eisenkraft, 32698676

Any help on the status of these men, MIA, KIA, etc, would be very helpful.


Steve Stange

   steve Strange 09/09/2017
Seals, Noah J.35 725 195Pvt 590 FABN/SVC CIB, POW
  1. Captured near St. Vith.
  2. 4-D.
  3.  Escaped.
03/24/2010 Vincennes IN    061, Obit from W. Dunn
Seanor, Joseph L., Jr.33 441 318  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4II-D     62, diary
Search, Robert L.6 871 060  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Searcy, Charles H.34 708 406  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Searcy, James J., III37 414 048Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L, 423 INF/ATWIA, KIA 02/10/1945CIB (Posthumous), PH, PH/OLC, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
LO J-3-5
  1. Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,
  2. WIA Schonberg, Died as POW 02/10/1945 on train en route between Limburg and Freising, Germany.
   CUB 1949-8/9, CUB 1949-12-1950-01-V6#3, CUB 1951-10/11, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1959-2/3, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1963-6/7, 65, ABMC, GO 1945-051,
Searfoss, Clifford L.15 354 944  422 INF/3 BN CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Searfoss-.jpg1994-1/2/3, 59, CUB 04/2014,
Sears, John Robert35 386 837SSgt 423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
01/18/1998Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1988-10/11/12, 1998-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Seastrom, Walfred O.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Seawright, Robert S.34 967 206  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sebastenelli, Fred A.   DHQ        1974-10/11/12
Sebastenski, Fred            1981-4/5/6
Sebastinelli, Fred A.35 604 983T/4Army Post OfficeDHQ AG Postal   08/10/2019 San Francisco CAserving in the U.S. ArmyPost Office in the European theater during WWII   CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1962-10/11, CUB 1966-5/6/7, Obit from W. Dunn
Sebby, Robert F.36 774 356  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. newspaper article describes his enlistment and as a POW
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
  Sebby_RobertF.jpg 59, newspaper 12/2010, Daily Chronicle, De Kalb IL 12/21/2020
Seblasky, Irving Pvt Co F    "Atterbury is a fine camp, thought Pvt Irving Seblasky of Company F. It is scenic and well-planned. Nearby towns are within easy reach"
   Evening Republican 1944/04/13
Sebostinelli, Fredrick A.   591 FABN/BATT B        Sebostinelli-Fredrick.jpg1985-12-1986-1/2
Sechler, William E.34 777 060Pfc 739th Eng, 422 INF/I CIB 06/09/2017 Sunset Memory Garden, Mint Hill NC He entered the Army immediately upon graduation. He had basic training in Louisiana before being sent to North Africa with the 739th Engineers. Later he served with the 106th Infantry. He was discharged in November 1945.   Sechler-William.jpg27, Legacy
Seckel, Henry W. T/5 424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1946-12, 1993-4/5/6
Secker, Louis. Jr.36 774 067Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Seckinger, Joseph F., Jr.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Seckol, Henry W.36 579 612T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Secrist, George E.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Seddon, Norman F.   424 INF/H        1949-10/11
Sedgley, Norman Elwell       05/8/2015   Sedgley-NormanElwell-2.jpg Obit
Sedivy, Anton J., Jr.36 958 836Pfc 424 INF/BKIACIB, PH (Posthumous) 12/21/1944 Plot B Row 11 Grave 12 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg Bronze Star (Posthumous) "01/22/1944" in Belgium. GO 1945-033

GO 1945-033 amended to read "12/21/1944" GO 1945-050,

   27, ABMC, GO 1945-033, GO 1945-050, ABMC
Seeger, Edwin I.11 083 283T/4 18 CAV RCN SQKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH HC A-18-50    ABMC,
Seeger, Herbert J., Jr.6 577 679SSgt/TSgt Cadre1812 Light Weapons NCO423 INF/A EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Seehausen, Paul H.O-2LT 591 FABN/Batt AWIA Belgium   
  1. newspaper article "Eyewitness to Battle of the Bulge".
  2. newspaper article has returned home.
  3. newspaper article marries Lt Regena Larrabee
   Seehausen-Paul.jpgCUB 1989-4/5/6, Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis IN 02/03/1945, 12/15/1945, 07/28/1946, Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 08/02/1946
Seevers, Ralph C.35 652 720Cpl 422 INF/3 BN/HQ, 422 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1980-1/2/3, CUB 1983-5/6/7, CUB 1985-8/9/10, 27, 59, USAHEC Survey
Seevers, William T.   422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 633
10/18/2006422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 2002-1/2/3, B. Welke 1/2012, 067
Segal, Jay J.O-463 523Capt Dental CorpsMedic331st/Medic Dental Corps CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Segalo, Augustion M.33 318 951MSgt DHQ AG Section        1965-5/6/7, 1989-7/8/9, 2005-7/8/9
Segassie, Edward E.   423 INF/I EAME/4      1989-4/5/6
Segel, Carl Cpl      newspaper article 422nd dance   Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis IN 04/30/1944
Seglund, Richard O.36 456 965  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sego, James C. Cpl 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Segreti, Joseph   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Seguin, George J.37 631 192Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Seibert, Richard F. Col 589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  04/07/2006 Dallas TX
  1. From 1945 to 1947, he was in Salzburg, Austria, where he assisted the Austrian government with the repatriation of Jews displaced by the Nazis.
  2. In 1949, he was recalled to active duty as a captain and member of the Judge Advocate Generals Corps in Washington, D.C. His assignments included serving in Korea, where he became chief of the war crimes division. He also served in the Judge Advocate Section in Japan as judge and executive officer.
Seibert, Warren L.36 591 666Pfc 422 INF/FKIA 12/24/1944CIB LX H-2-39    27,ABMC,
Seibert, William D.16 177 292Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/KMIACIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, GO 1945-051,
Seibold, Charles Philip16 189 046  422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/34-B 12/19/1944 to 04/25/194412/01/2006 Madison WI422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Seibold-Philip.jpg1957-4/5, 59, son D. Seibold 01/2014,
Seifert, Albert R.12 157 669Pfc 422 INF/E CIB      27,
Seifried, Archie P.32 825 426T/4 424 INF/HQ CIB      23,
Seigler, Joseph W. 2LT 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Seip, Marshall W.35 119 890T/5511 Armorer423 INF/SVC EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Seitz, James B.35 294 095  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Seitz, Walter A.33 723 674  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/311-B 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sejnost, William J.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sekaros, Samuel G.36 584 254Pfc 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1957-2/3, 1957-4/5, 1958-2/3 8,
Selby, Clair A.36 040 036  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Self, Charles M.12 211 881  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Selg, John V.32 014 219  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Selje, Willis H. "Bill"36 819 899T/4740 Radio Oper I. S.106 Recon Cav (Mech)WIA 12/16/1944PH 4/15/2023; Merrimac, Wisconsin
  1. See Lt. Haines account of the battle under "Grosslangenfeld" link.
  2. “T/4 Willis “Bill” Selje was shot and wounded the opening day of the battle but was evacuated safely. That was the million dollar wound which kept him from later becoming a POW. Bill and his wife, Vivienne, were frequent attendees at 106th Recon reunions.” Bill Selje is currently 92 years old and lives in Arlington, Wisconsin. 2015

   CUB 1993-01/02/-3, Ed Strand 07/2015
Sellars, Arleigh V.36 648 705  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sellen, John August42 026 559PvtCompany Bugler424 INF/Ifrostbite on feet  10/12/2018 Fairborn OHAfter WW2 enlisted in USAAF
   sellen.jpgDaughter Debby Henning 8/2012, CUB 11/2017
Sellers, Bayne F.31 216 943  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
02/24/1977422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Sellers, Burl H.36 896 687  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sellers, Harry M.33 670 741T/5 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 2-A,
  2. 6-G
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sellers, Lacy H.14 007 804SSgt 424 INF/E EIB 8/4/44, CIB      27, Camp Crier 8/4/44,
Sellers, William C., Jr.O-554 6562LT 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sellery, Austin R.O-551 9072LT 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 13-B Weiden Bavaria
  2. POW # 23 914

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Selm, Erwin W.35 788 344  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Seltzer, George L. SSgt 424 INF/F    Joined the Division after the "Bulge".   CUB 1975-Apr-May-Jun
Seltzer, Richard W.   422 INF/AT        2005-7/8/9
Selvey, Donald Pvt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Selving, Benjamin T.16 177 054Pvt 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Semele, JamesO-2LT 589 FABNKIABelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Semko, Cyril M.35 925 938Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Semple, JamesO-1 185 1322LT 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944 KIA 12/16/1944 as POWBelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
Senatro, James V.   QM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945      1982-1/2/3, 1982-10/11/12, 1984-9/10/11, 1986-3/4/5/6
Senecal, Jedeon L.31 065 925Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Senerchia, Carmine20 156 523  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Senesac, Jerome L.36 955 950Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Seney, Edgar F., Jr. Pfc 14 Field Artillery BN atchd to 106th    newspaper article first to find Gen Patton's injures

   Seney-Edgar.jpgCourier-Journal, Louisville KY 12/20/1945
Senko, Andrew, Jr.35 599 717  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sensel, Carl E.36 053 500  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Senzik, William J.36 579 040  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/311-B 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Seperich, Thomas J. Pfc 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Seppala, Eino J.39 825 570Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Septer, Robert D.37 512 250Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Serd, Samuel             
Serenko, William B.36 578 981Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sereno, Michael   591 FABN        1953-12
Serfass, Willard S.13 005 785  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sergi, Rocco Pvt 422 INF/LWIA in WW1, MIA snce 12/16/1944PH (WW1)
  1. 12/16/44
  2. 9-B
  3. liberated 04/04/1945
1/14/2009 Sarasota Natl Cem.A brother Anthony was KIA in Italy. Two other brothers are in service.
   Discussion Brd 2/20/2009, Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis IN 01/23/1945
Seril, Sam Pvt 423 INF/A EAME/4      Seril-Sam.jpgFranklin Star 5/2/1944
Serino, Michael P. Pfc 591 FABN/SVC   08/08/1993    Serino-MichaelP.jpg1955-3/4, 1957-4/5, 1957-11/12, 1977-10/11/12, 1993-10/11/12, #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Serlin, Lawrence L.37 052 762Cpl 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Serna, Luis U.38 460 344  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. newspaper article discharged at McCloskey Hospital.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   59, Monitor, McAllen TX 11/26/1945
Serpa, Joseph E.39 420 695Pfc 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
Serra, Peter F.36 649 469Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1980-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Serrato, Jose L.38 561 937Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Serrian, Michael  Pfc     1976     Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Serterh, Charles17 003 129TSgt745 Rifleman422 INF/E    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Servison, Raymond E.36 775 374Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Serwatka, Edward P.32 378 223T/4 DHQ AG Postal         
Serzan, Vincent C.42 102 270Pvt 422 INF CIB, PH, BS-Ardennes, BS/OLC-Rhineland4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     59, son Vince Serzan 1/2012
Sessoms, Grover C.14 105 481Pfc 422 INF/G CIB      27,
Sessums, Hade W.34 132 775  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sessums, unk            CUB 1970-1/2/3
Sestak, George B.16 175 281Pfc 424 INF/D CIB      11, 27,
Setd, Sam Pfc 423 INF/A EAME/4      Camp Crier 4/28/44,
Setran, Gordon L.17 084 326Pfc 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Settecasi, Tony            CUB 1950 Feb
Setter, Leon J.37 737 113T/4 42 INF/2 BN/HQ CIB, POW
  1. Captured 12/19/1944
  2. 4-B
  3. Schoberg,
  4. Prum,
  5. Gerolstein,
  6. Mayen,
  7. Koblenz,
  8. Bad Ems,
  9. 4-B,
  10. Gleina
  11. liberated 04/14/1945 by 6th Armor
07/07/2014Wrote book "Reflections".
newspaper article - Artist discovered Setter's notebook.
   CUB 1980-4/5/6, 59, 101, CUB 04/2015, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, Wilkes Barre PA 10/16/1945
Settle, Ernest, Jr. Pfc 592 FABN/BATT B        Camp Crier 4/28/44,
Settlemyer, Clarence J. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Seum, Ralph C.36 770 066Pfc 424 INF/EWIACIB, PH      1946-12
Sevas, Stanley31 022 661Cpl 424 INFWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 01/26/1945.
    GO 1945-021,
Sever, Leonard A. J.42 018 352Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Severin, Stanley34 271 376Pvt 589 FABN/Batt BMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 13-C     8,58,
Sevier, Robert E.38 562 220Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Seville, John G.   424 INF/K        CUB 29-3
Sewards, Vernon E.39 556 294Pfc 424 INF/CKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH 12/16/1944 Plot H Row 6 Grave 29 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg     11, 27, ABMC,
Sewell, Aubrey G.33 544 001SSgt 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Sewell, Kenneth W., Sr.32 773 253T/5 589 FABN/BMIA 12/22/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 POW camp unknown
  1. At Baraque de Fraiture.
  2. John Schaffner and Ken Sewell were posted to a foxhole. Around midnight they started to hear German voices and the rattling of equipment.
   1998-10/11/12, 8, 58, "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Sewell, Robert F. SSgt 424 INF/2 BN/E EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Sewert, Bill   592 FABN/C        CUB 53-2
Sexton, Allen D.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sexton, Charles   81 ENG (C)/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1999-1/2/3
Sexton, George P.35 503 096  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 
  1. newspaper article manager of Columbus County Club.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   59, Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis IN 12/31/1946
Sexton, Maynard H.37 659 877  422 INF/HQWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1985-8/9/10, 2006-1/2/3, 59,
Seyer, Leonard A. SSgt      Marries Elizabeth Dickerson. He served as a SSgt with the 106th Division in the European Theater of War. 06/28/1950
Seymour, Hayden Pfc 422 INF/GKIACIB, PH      1946-09, 13, 53, 65, 102,
Sfamurri, Albert G.42 103 409Pvt 424 INF/D CIB      27,
Sgrignoli, Michael George   592 FABN/SVC, 592 FABN/B CIB, PH 03/20/2015 Enola    CUB 1962-8/9,CUB 1962-10/11, CUB 1964-02-03-04-V20#3, CUB 1968-3/4/5/6, CUB 1974-10/11/12, CUB 1979-1/2/3, CUB 1980-4/5/6,2009-5/8, CUB 8/2011, CUB 04/2015,
Sgro, Michael J.33 589 078Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Shaack, Nevin W.O-1 045 2492LT 423 INF/ATMIA, KIACIB, EAME/4      27, 65,
Shaak, Nevin W.O-1 045 2492LT 423 INF/ATMIACIB (MIA), EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   GO 1945-051,
Shackelford, Murray L.36 567 558  423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/42-D Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, GO 1945-051,
Shade, Karl J. (V or C.?)37 487 923  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 24 813
     62, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
Shadle, Russell L.33 826 742Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shaef, Jerry   424 INF/L        CUB 67-1
Shaeffer, Carle E.15 304 541  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3Stalag 2A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shafer, Harold A.38 319 054Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1988-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Shaffer, Bruce G.36 309 344Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1988-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Shaffer, Euhl B.35 847 424Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1989-10/11/12, 2005-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Shaffer, Howard W.33 571 086Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shaffer, Robert C.33 766 676Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Shaffon, Morton F.36 837 796Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Shakelford, Murray36 567 558Pfc 423 INF/E CIB, EAME/4      27,
Shakepeare, William V.O-1 326 3002LT 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Shakespear, William V.O-1 326 3002LT 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement against the enemy on 12/16/1944 in Germany.

    GO 1945-014,
Shalbhoub, John F.   424 INF/G        1960-7/8/9, 1981-4/5/6
Shalhoub, John F.   424 INF/G        1960-10/11/12, 1965-5/6/74, 1967-2/3/4
Shaller, Robert B.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Shama, John Pfc 423 INF/H EAME/4      1946-12, 1948-10/11, 1961-4/5
Shama, John Pfc 423 INF        CUB 3-5
Shamburger, Riley M.7 009 410Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, GO 1945-051,
Shamen, Wiley C.36 476 666Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Shanahan, Harold L.36 478 540Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Shanahan, James F. Pfc 424 INF/C   2008    1992-10/11/12 10,
Shanard, John M.O-331 180CaptCom Plt Ldr424 INF/HQ & HQ CIB      27, 77, S.O. 060
Shank, Roscoe W. Pfc 422 INF EAME/2  newspaper article one of 490 members of the 422 INF are awarded their 2nd Battle Star for the Rhineland campaign, having previously won a Star for NF.    Morning Herald, Hagerstown MD 08/21/1945
Shanker, Seymour32 086 023PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Shanks, Harry35 407 775Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/DMIACIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shannerberger, unk            John Schaffner 07/06/2018
Shannon, Dean R.O-531 490Capt Medical CorpsMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Shannon, Edward P.32 828 745Pfc 423 INF/HQ I&R, 424 INF/D, 590 FABN/A CIB, EAME/4      1946-11
Shannon, Jesse L.37 737 207  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shannon, John J.34 043 826PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Shaoley, Carl, Jr.O-551 275  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shapiro, Harry32 509 973Pfc 422 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Shapiro, Wilbur B.36 664 652Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Shapter, George, Jr.   589 FABN/Batt A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1949-12-1950-1
Sharitz, Thorold J. B., Jr.O-299 6911LT 422 INF/BKIA 04/05/1945 as POWCIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 13-D 
  2. Oflag 73
Birth 12 Apr 1911 Death 5 Apr 1945 (aged 33) Saint-Avold, Departement de la Moselle, Lorraine, France Cenotaph Saint Johns Lutheran Church Cemetery (Sauers) Wytheville, Wythe County, Virginia, USA
  1. KIA as POW in American Air Raid on POW camp at Nurenburg, Germany.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
  3. Died enroute to Moosburg Germany
Sharitz-ThoroldJB-422B-13D-Oflag73.jpg Sharitz-ThoroldJB.jpg Sharitz-ThoroldJB-422B-13D-Oflag73.jpgCUB 1980-4/5/6, 13, 53, 59, 65, ABMC, 102, "Cub In Review", CUB 1951-10/11, FAG 50358522
Sharkey, John A.12 220 955Pvt 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Sharkey, Joseph J.O-2nd Lt 424 INF/C        10,
Sharkey, Ralph E.36 560 037T/4 424 INF/HQ CIB      23,
Sharp, Howard O., Jr.   424 INF/LKIA 1944CIB, PH      1948-12/1949-1, 65,
Sharp, James, Jr.15 116 125  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sharp, Louis M.36 739 759Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1987-7/8/9/10, GO 1945--051,
Sharp, Raymond S.42 081 914Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sharp, Roy E.16 102 141Cpl 424 INF/D CIB      27, 54,
Sharp, William G.37 536 304SSgt 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Sharpe, Dewitt34 831 891Pfc 424 INF/F CIB 01/13/2000 Uvalda GA    12, CUB 1998-7/8/9, CUB 07/2000
Sharpe, James S.34 963 047Pvt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Sharpe, Thomas W.34 966 044Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C, 423 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
04/01/1996Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/1 BN/C) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sharpell, Howard W.   81 ENG (C)/B CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1993-10/11/12
Sharrow, Robert L.  Platoon Sgt424 INF/2 BN/E   09/16/2015    CUB 1988-7/8/9, CUB 03/2016,
Shatzel, Francis R.32 038 9911st Sgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945  newspaper article   14, 17, 31, Democrat * Chronicle, Rochester NY 09/05/1943
Shaughnessy, Evan J.6 824 798T/4060 Cook423 INF/HQ  EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Shaughnessy, Thomas F.O-1 295 9472LT     09/07/1945 died at Roanoke AL Assigned to 106 ID 02/12/1943. 106 INF SO 1943-036.
   72, 75, 79, 106 INF SO 1943-036,
Shavalier, Arthur Edwin       03/16/2014
Served in 8th AF, then 106th INF, then US NAvy
  Shavalier-ArthurEdwin-2.jpg Obit
Shaver, Adrian D.O-1 326 2012LT 423 INF/2 BN/HQ & HQMIA CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Republic 01/22/1945
Shaver, Alan E.16 102 222Cpl 424 INF/D/3rd Mortar Platoon/2nd SquadWIA cir 01/29/1945CIB, PH  
  1. Purple Heart 02/01/1945.
  2. Alan recounted this to Dennis as well. He was wounded by shrapnel while marching in formation near Stavelot, Belgium on 29 JAN 1945. A grenade was tossed into the ranks. The man nearest the grenade was killed. The man behind him was cover head to toe with shrapnel, which shielded Alan, who was behind him. Alan picked a piece of stray shrapnel in his ankle.

   Shaver-Alan-1944.jpg GO 1945-021, diary
Shaver, Dorman Carl33 628 356Sgt 422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,
Shaver, Robert M.15 313 232T/5 424 INF/G, 424 INF/Hq CIB cir 2011, Indianapolis IN    Shaver-RobertM.jpg1946-12, 1948-10/11, 1950-10/11, 1951-12-1952-1, 1953-12, 1993-10/11/12, 1997-10/11/12, 23, CUB Jan/Apr 2012, diary
Shaverm, Dorman C.33 628 356  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shaw, Clayton H. T/5 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Shaw, Clifford W.32 771 776Sgt733 Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 9-B
     Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Shaw, George W.37 068 715T/5/Sgt Cadre014 Automotive Mechanic (2d echelon)423 INF/AT EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Shaw, Harry R., Jr. "Bob"38 682 801Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1946-11, 1966-4/5/6, 1968-3/4/5/6, 1972-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Shaw, Henry F.34 121 629Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Shaw, James P.35 934 223  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shaw, Robert M.O-1 321 0661LT/Capt 424 INF/H CIB 06/16/1997    1995-4/5/6, 1998-7/8/9, 81,
Shaw, Roy L.35 202 124SSgt/TSgt Cadre844423 INF/HQ  EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Shaw, Walter W. Cpl 424 INF/2 BN/H EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Shawver, Eugene R.33 766 625  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 849
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
Shay, Gerald32 248 697T/3 DHQ G-2         
Shaysell, Howard   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Shea, Edward   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Shea, FrankO-535 624Lt 592 FABN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Shea, Paul   424 INF/A        2001-7/8/9
Sheahan, Robert I.37 533 869Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, EAME/4
  1. POW
  2. Liberated and returned to US 04/17/1945
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article
   GO 1945-051, Catholic Advance, Wichita KS 05/18/1945
Sheahan, Robert L.37 533 869Pfc 423 INF/B, 424 INF/M CIB, EAME/4      27,
Sheaner, Herbert Michael, Jr.38 528 378Pfc 422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured 12/21/1944.
  2. 4-B.
  3. Escaped 04/25/1945.
  1. Author "Prisoner's Odyssey"
  2. Designated Co G Sniper and Regimental Scout.
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
  Sheaner-Herbert.jpg 59, CUB 1991-10/11/12, CUB 1997-7/8/9, CUB 1998-10/11/12, CUB 2009-5/8, CUB 8/2011, CUB 04/2016,
Shearer, Kenneth C.35 074 303Pfc 424 INF/D CIB      27,
Shearin, Hugh G. SSgt 424 INF/AWIACIB, PH 04/04/2010

Staff Sgt. Hugh Shearin, then 20, had barely been on the front lines two weeks before his unit, the 106th Infantry Division, was overrun by German soldiers in December 1944 at the Battle of the Bulge. In his division, two of the three regiments, about 8,000 soldiers, were surrounded and surrendered. 

Shearin and other members of his 12-man unit were cut off from his regiment the first night of the attack. They  wandered through the Ardennes Forest of Southern Belgium in freezing weather with no food for three days before they found the 9th Armored Division. By then, only Shearin and three others remained.

It was a savage introduction to war, and as Shearin, now 83, describes it, the details are so sharp it is hard to believe 63 years have passed. It is not a pleasant memory – no war is – but he knows it is important to remember what happened on those battlegrounds.

He wishes more people would.

"I don't expect anything special from the war, but I just don't think the people are remembered for what they did and what they went through," said Shearin of Rocky Mount.

Time is running out. Only two U.S. soldiers from World War I survive today, said Jim Benson, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington D.C. All too soon, people will say the same of soldiers who fought in World War II.

An average of 973 Americans who served during World War II are expected to die daily this year, Benson said. As those men and women die, the country also is losing its last links to one of the most significant events of the 20th century, he said.

The death rate is down from a year or two ago, when estimates were as high as 1,100 and 1,200 deaths a day, Benson said. As of Sept. 30, the department estimated that fewer than 2.8 million World War II veterans still are living.

"Each one takes their personal story with them, and together that is quite a significant loss of corporate cultural memory and personality," Benson said.

Most of those veterans are in their late 70s and early 80s, said W.B. Bullock, the Rocky Mount city councilman who headed up construction of the new downtown veterans' memorial. Many have outlived their friends and families. Now, men who survived bullets, mortars and horrendous living conditions are being lost to illnesses, accidents and natural causes.

"These people sacrificed a lot, and I just admire every one of them and appreciate them more than anyone would ever know," Bullock said.

On Dec. 21, only a few days after joining up with the 9th Armored, Shearin was wounded in the face and chest by a mortar shell that exploded in front of him. By Jan. 18, he was back with what was left of the 106th, now less than a third of its original strength. The men fought as a regiment for the next several months, relieving others on the front lines.

"It is just unimaginable to people who don't know, who haven't experienced it. There is no way they can know what it is like – shells falling all around you and dirt being knocked in the hole on you. You are thinking, 'Is the next shell going to be my shell?' It is just a horrible thing to go through," Shearin said.

It is a feeling George Daniel Boone of Rocky Mount remembers. Boone entered the Army on Jan. 24, 1941, when his mother lied about his age to allow him to enlist at 16. After war broke out, he was shipped overseas in mid-1942 and served in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France and Belgium.

At the end of it, he walked away with only a burn on his arm from artillery shell. He had some close calls, but he credits his training with getting him home safely.

"Most people didn't get no training, maybe four or six weeks. I had approximately two years of training before (entering) the war," said Boone, now 83.

Stories such as Shearin's and Boone's are just as important as what people can read in the history books, said Bob Patrick, director of the Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress American Folklife Center. The facts always will be there, but the people who lived them will not.

"When we lose that last one we just lose that connection, that physical connection – someone who was there, who saw it, experienced it and can talk about it," Patrick said.

Capturing these stories before it is too late is the purpose of the Veterans History Project, which gathers firsthand stories from soldiers from World War I to now, Patrick said. Veterans can record audio and video accounts of their experiences and donate pictures and memorabilia from the wars.

For more information about participating in the project, call 888-371-5848 or go to loc.gov/vets.

"We hear it time and time again from families, particularly when they hear about this project; they say, 'Oh my gosh, I wish I had known that when my dad was alive so I could have him sit down and record his stories from the war,'" Patrick said.

When the war in Europe ended in May 1945, Shearin was working as a guard at a prison camp for about 100,000 German soldiers. Based on a point system that depended on a soldier's service, he was sent home on leave and then to the Pacific to fight the Japanese.

On Aug. 6, when his ship was still several days out of New York, the United States dropped "Little Boy," the atomic bomb, on Hiroshima. Three days later, "Fat Man" fell on Nagasaki. Japan soon surrendered.

"If I hadn't already been on the way after they dropped the atomic bomb, I would have been on the occupation force, and they would have sent the real old guys home first. So I was just lucky to be home at that point," Shearin said.

After a 30-day leave, Shearin served in the military police at Fort McPherson, Ga., until he was discharged on Nov. 15.

Journalist Tom Brokaw described the men and women of Shearin's era as the "greatest generation." Bullock thinks he hit the nail on the head.

"Lots of people don't know anything about what they did 60 years ago. Life was just so much different than what it is today. Certainly every person who serves their country is to be commended, but these guys, there is no doubt in my mind, they were the greatest generation," the councilman said.

Rocky Mount Telegram - Rocky Mount,NC,USA

  Shearin-Hugh-2.jpg  CUB Jan/Apr 2012, 68, Newspaper Rocky Mtn Telegram 01/13/2008
Sheehan, Harold J.31 301 963PvtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Sheehan, John P.  Lead Scout423 INF/Hq I&R, 424 INF/AWIA CouleeCIB, PH, EAME/4 08/11/1999 Arlington Cem.    1999-10/11/12
Sheehan, John R.            Sheehan-JohnR.jpg1988-7/8/9
Sheehan, William R.O-306 221Major DHQ G-5 CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 12/12/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-060
   GO 1945-060,
Sheehy, Donald J.32 752 834Pfcdriver590 FABN/Batt B CIB, POW, Recommended for SS4-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. Lt Donaldson and LT Charles N. Schenck, III, radio operators T/4 Eugene Womack, T/5 Akey and driver Pfc Donald Sheehy directed fire throughout 12/16/1944. Their Jeep had two punctured tires and riddled with holes.
  2. Lt. Donaldson, T/4 Womack and Pfc, Sheehy were recommended for the Silver Star, and Lt. Schenck and T/S Akey for the Bronze Star, To my knowledge, Lt. Schenck alone was decorated.
   57, "Red Legs of the Bulge", Cub In Review
Sheenan, John P.32 904 888            
Sheets, James L.35 075 348  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sheets, Roy S.   81 ENG (C)/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1988-4/5/6
Shefchick, Michael Pvt 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Sheffield, Melvin W., Jr.6 298 948Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sheffield, Thomas Pfc          2009-5/8,
Shefter, Seymour B.42 062 787Pvt 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Shegas, Nick P.   423 INF/CN EAME/4      1987-11/12-1988-1
Shegogue, Louis T.33 886 991Pvt 422 INF/C CIB      27,
Shehan, Oscar V.34 725 297T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Shehan, Robert K.37 438 734Pvt 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Sheldon, Arthur A., Jr.31 303 392CplMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Shelhamer, Kenneth C.13 019 831CplMedic331 MED BNKIA 02/21/1945CMB, PH, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  HC 0-0Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, ABMC, GO 1945-076,
Shell, Edward R.33 659 858Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Shell, John C., Jr. Sgt.50 cal machine gun & bazookaQM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945
  1. POW 12/19/1944
  2. he was driving a truck at the time he was captured.
  3. He mentioned a friend "John Lux." Lux is listed on the roster as being a quartermaster. He said he and John Lux served together. His papers noted that he manned a 50 caliber machine gun and also a bazooka.
  4. Shell said that his unit was volunteered to do some scouting & was on this scouting mission driving a truck at the time of his capture. He noted that when captured he was with 32 other men when 1500 paratroopers dropped in around them.
07/12/2011, Knoxville TN    1944-03-10, Discussion Brd 2/17/2011, Obit,
Sheller, Sidney B.O-1 309 4212LTOverstrength424 INF/1 BN/HQ & HQ        77,
Shellhammer, William L.33 709 512PfcAutomatic Rifleman M1918 BAR424 INF/L CIB 02/25/2005 Spring Church PA    27, Grand-daughter Tracey Smith 10/2011
Shelly, Edward R.13 184 888Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/DMIACIB (MIA), POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-041,
Shelton, Charles E.W-2 128 024WOJG DHQ G-4        1952-8/9
Shelton, Daniel E.39 579 166  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shelton, Hubert P.36 953 762Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW-Posthumously, PH, BS, EAME/4
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachse
  2. Slaughter House #5
  3. POW number 316 642
  4. Liberated by Soviet Forces 04/1945
1978Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shelton, Jesse D.34 938 148Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/411-B 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shenck, CharlesO-535 622Lt 590 FABNMIA       1,
Shepard, Charles C. L.36 685 572Pvt 589 FABN/Batt AKIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Shepard, Charles V.35 295 027PFC 3RD IR        Email from Fredrick Shepard; photocopy of Honorable Discharge
Shepard, Robert   424 INF CIB, EAME/2  newspaper article with awards   CUB 1949-12-1950-1, Marion Star, Marion OH 06/22/1945
Shepard, WilliamO-1 052 9602LT 423 INF/HMIACIB, EAME/4      1951-2/3
Sheperd, Marcus L.35 485 097SSgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Shephard, Henry G.O-1 052 9602LT  MIACIB (MIA)  Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, GO 1945-051,
Shepherd, Marcus L. SSgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      1949-12-1950-1 16, 17,
Sheppard, Ben F.35 651 662  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sheppard, Walter K.33 048 202Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sher, Beny Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Sherbondy, Henry H., Jr.33 589 866SSgt SIGNAL CIB, BS, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945   Bronze Star (as T/3) for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/20/1944 to 12/24/1944 in Germany.

   14, 17, 31, GO 1945-024,
Sherer, Leon "Lefty"   424 INF/AT    Transferred from 28th to 106th Division 09/05/1945. On pitching staff of the 106th Division Cubs in the 7th Army Southern Baseball League in Europe.In his first season with the Cubs he has 2 wins and 2 loses to his credit.
   Cub 08/11/1945, Cub 09/16/1945, Tennessean Nashville TN 09/05/1945
Sherfey, Joe B.34 922 022Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Sherman, Byrd J. Pfc 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Sherman, Cecil W.36 558 994  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sherman, Francis36 776 328 or 32 954 347T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Sherman, Jack D.13 186 600  422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen01/10/2017 Rochester NY422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1995-4/5/6, 59, CUB 12/2016
Sherman, Lee Col (Ret) 422 INF/2 BN    WW2 & Korea
Sherman, Lester T/5      member Atterbury's Service Men's Christian League
   Sherman-Lester.jpgCamp Crier 5/12/44, Franklin Evening Star 05/29/1944
Sherman, Lester L.33 563 271  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sherman, Melvin W.33 062 419Pfc 589 FABN/Batt A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Sherman, Robert M.38 071 236  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sherrow, Robert L.33 464 896SSgt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Shever, Alan E.16 102 222Cpl 424 INF/D CIB      27,
Shew, Elton   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Shewczuk, Mike   423 INF/F        CUB 43-3
Shiako, Alexander32 826 326T/5 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Shick, Harold   422 INF/CN   Spring 1980 Napler FL    1949-12-1950-1, 1981-1/2/3
Shidemantle, John D. 1LTAsst BN Surgeon422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured 12/21/1944.
  2. 4-B,
  3. Oflag 64-Z.
  4. Liberated by Russians
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1992-7/8/9, Lewis Walker diary,
Shieferstein, Fred   424 INF/A        1961-1/2/3
Shields, Robert H.16 177 338Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      1949-10/11, 1957-2/3, 1958-2/3
Shifger, Stephan             
Shifley, Calvin W. SgtDriver106 Recon Cav (Mech)   11/04/2020 Huntersville NC
  1. Driver for troop commander.
  2. http://www.106thinfdivassn.org/stories/calvin_w_shifley.html
   CUB 2005-7/8/9, CUB 8-11/2013,
Shilli, Art             
Shilling, Lloyd E.38 546 257Pvt 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Shimko, Joseph P.32 954 347SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Promoted to SSgt 01/02/1945
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Shipe, Charles J.14 119 035SSgt 424 INF/AT        23,
Shipley, William F (1)37 511 748T/5 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, PH, EAME/4
  1. 12-A,
  2. 2-F,
  3. Luft 1
June 2014 Columbia, SC
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Train death ride. Liberated by Russians.
  3. May be same as Shipley, William (2)

   27, GO 1945-051,
Shipley, William Franklin "Bill" (2)39 190 564T/5-SSgt USAF 423 INFWIACIB, POW, EAME/4, PH
  1. Captured 12/21/1944
  2. POW camp unknown
  3. POW for 5 months
  4. Liberated 05/13/1945
06/30/2014 Columbia SC
  1. He enlisted in the UnitedStates Army during WW II. After being discharged from the Army he enlisted inthe Air Force Reserves and served during the Korean Conflict and later discharged from the United States Air Force as a Staff Sergeant. Bill operated a 2 1/2 ton truck while serving with the 106th Infantry Division in England,France, and Belgium. He hauled ammunition, road blocking and bridge equipment,personnel and supplies. He was captured in the Battle of the Bulge at St. Vith,France on December 21, 1944, and remained a Prisoner of War for five months and was liberated on May 13, 1945. Bill was awarded a Purple Heart for wounds received in action.
  2. May be the same as Shipley, William F. (1)
   1, Obit from W. Dunn
Shipman, Elmer H.37 663 503SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   2002-7/8/9, GO 1945-051,
Shipman, John B., Jr.   423 INF EAME/4 2006 Knoxville TN    Legacy
Shipo, Charles4 119 035SSgt 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Shippy, Ralph W.36 285 381Pvt 589 FABN/HQ BattMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1950-12-1951-1 8,
Shirger, Stephan   591 FABNMIA   "Former Service Battery 591 Men Still Lost" CUB 1974 Oct/Nov/Dec. Page 15   CUB 1972-1/2/3, CUB 1972-7/8/9, CUB 1974-10/11/12
Shirk, Lewis A.33 503 005  422 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1946-08,1950-8/9, 1986-7/8/9/10 59,
Shirk, Walter E.33 618 576Pfc 424 INF/M CIB 01/29/2003 Allegheny Union Cem    1988-2/3, 2003-4/5/6
Shirley, James E.   589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1977-1/2/3
Shirley, William H., Sr.34 966 679  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shivers, Joseph A.36 031 666SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shlazas, Joseph P.11 133 234Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G KIA 04/08/1945CIB (POW), POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/21/1944
  2. 9-B
 Combat Infantry Badge (Prisoner of War) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Died as POW Herschberg, Germany, 04/08/1945
   Shlazas-JosephP.jpg62, 65, GO 1945-051,
Shoa, Arthur31 303 943Sgt 422 INF/I CIB      27,
Shober, Frederic R.35 342 529Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/HQ COMIA 12/21/1944CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, Franklin Evening Star 01/24/1945
Shock, Lawrence A.35 283 743Pfc 424 INF/F CIB      12,
Shockley, Kenneth W.35 810 924Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shocky, James W.35 663 035Pfc 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     8,58,
Shoemaker, Edgar H. Pfc 422 INF/D, 422 INF/M CIB, PH, SM9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1946-11
Shoenfeld, Alan J.12 043 110  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1974-4/5/6
Shoenfelt, Robert F. T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      17,
Shoffit, Alfred W.38 344 470Pvt 423 INF/HQ, 423 INF/I&R CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. Zittau on German/Polish border for 6 months
cir 05/29/2018 Hereford TX
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. He served in the Army from 1943 to early 1946. Originally assigned to an accelerated training program for civil engineers, he was transferred to the I&R Platoon, 423rd Infantry Regiment, 106th Infantry Division, and sent to Europe shortly before the Battle of the Bulge. He was taken prisoner during the Battle and spent six months as a POW, mostly at Zittau on the German/Polish border.
  Shoffit-Alfred-2.jpg Shoffit-1.jpg27, 62, GO 1945-051, Richard Sparks diary, Legacy
Shohan, Stephen   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Shohet, Herbert N.15 302 068  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
Sholl, John F.15 313 330SSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B, 
  2. 8-A
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-03, 1953-1/2, 1, 59,
Sholl, Perl S.35 274 900SSgt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Shomo, George E. Sgt 333 FABN/C Batt PH, BS, DS, POW b. 1921 d. 12/22/2014 Burial: Brig. Gen. William C. Doyle Memorial Cemetery, Wrightstown, NJ      "Red Legs of the Bulge", Obit: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/mycentraljersey/obituary.aspx?n=george-e-shomo&pid=173619900&fhid=27008
Shonfeld, Alan J.     CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Shook, Ellsworth   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Shook, George H.31 039 865Pfc 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1944-02-11, 02/11/44, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Shook, George R.18 019 783SSgtSection Leader589 FABN/AMIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
  At Baraque de Fraiture
   8, 58, John Gatens 8/2013, "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Shook, George W.  Cook MIA 12.23.1944 unknown POW camp newspaper article announcing POW. Card home dated 01/09/1945   Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield Mass. 04/11/1945
Shope, James E.35 652 630T/5 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Shores, Clifford M.   424 INF/A        CUB 46-1
Short, Charles J.35 066 075  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     62,
Short, James H.36 457 103Cpl 422 INF/G CIB  
He served with the 106th Infantry Division in the European Theater, including the Battle of the Bulge. He was discharged with honor from the service Nov. 27, 1945.
  Short-James-2.jpg 27,
Short, Joseph W.34 337 647  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shory, Naseeb L.14 190 775  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shoughrue, Wilson Francis42 081 874Pvt 424 INF/L CIB 11/11/2016
deployed to Europe at the age of 17. There he served with the 106th Infantry Division and was stranded behind enemy lines during the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. After 2 weeks of hiding and fighting in the Belgian countryside, he made his way back to the allied positions.
  Shoughrue-Wilson-2.jpg 27, Legacy
Shout, Samuel            2001-1/2/3
Shover, Robert E.35 934 072PfcBand424 INF/M CIB      Camp Crier 5/12/194427,
Shovlin, Neil F., Jr.13 112 923T/5 DHQ AG Section         
Showalter, Donald G.   Band        Showalter-DonaldG.jpg1949-2/3, 2005-04-05-06
Showens, James E.42 090 270Pfc 590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1947-01-02 57,
Showers, Delmar I.   81 ENG (C)/C   200881st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1996-1/2/3
Showmaker, Edgar H.37 445 712  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shown, Raymond   423 INF/CN EAME/4, American Defense, GC, POW 12/1944 to 04/1945
 Mrs. Shown told local police she had not seen her husband since his return to the states spring 1945. Married to another woman
   Republic 08/13/1946, Republic 09/25/1945
Shows, Clifford M.34 926 335  422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Captured 12/19/1944.
  3. 4-B,
  4. KDO Leipzig.
08/24/2011 Moselle MI
  1. newspaper article death notice
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   CUB 1989-10/11/12, CUB 1998-10/11/12, 59, CUB Sept/Dec 2011, Legacy, Hattiesburg American, Hattiesburg MI 08/26/2011
Shp????, Rox T.34 705 807T/5 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Shread, John R.42 027 518Pfc 424 INF/IKIA 01/14/1945CIB, PH 01/14/1945 Plot G Row 3 Grave 68 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     27, ABMC,
Shreve, Lyle Pvt 106th Div to 28th Div Easter Theater of Opps, Am Theater, GC, Victory  newspaper article Honorably discharged   Potter Enterprise, Coudersport PA 02/28/1946
Shrom, unkO-Lt 423 INFMIAEAME/4      1,
Shryock, Lyle J.O-2 049 7191LT Medical CorpMedic331/Medical Admin Corps CMB 12/16/1944, BS, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Bronze Star (as 2LT) for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 12/23/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-073.
  • 01/20/1945 - Lt. Shryock took the drummer's position for several numbers and was well received.
  • WV
   30, 33, GO 1945-073, GO 1945-076,
Shtaway, Ted A.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Shucavage, Walter F.33 837 130  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shudarek, Elmer J.   424 INF/L CIB      1989-7/8/9, 2004-7/8/9
Shuey, John R.33 502 952Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Shuff, Charles L.35 776 691Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Shugart, Clyde A.35 246 760Pfc 424 INF/D CIB      27,
Shula, William33 275 896  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Shuler, Lewis W. H. SSgt 118 INF to 106th INF Am Defense, GC, EAME/2, EIB  newspaper article transferred to 106th for discharge.   TImes & Democrat, Orangeburg SC 10/13/1945
Shulman, William H.36 511 255TSgt 424 INF/F CIB      12,
Shumate, Samuel M.14 119 179Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/DMIA 12/21/1944CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   Shumate-Samuel.jpg27, 62, CUB 2008-4/5/6, GO 1945-051, Journal, Knoxville TN01/20/1945
Shupe, Willard W.39 864 330Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Shur, Robert             
Shure, Robert B.36 649 652SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1988-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Shute, Edward L. SSgt 423 INF/A, 159 INF/G EAME/4      1946-12, 1948-10/11
Shutt, Lester B.36 446 785  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Si??oms, Jay W.13 186 523  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 62
Siano, Charles H., Jr. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Sicard, Clovis N.            3/24/44,
Siciliano, Frank A. Pvt 423 INF/CN EAME/4      1944-06-15 6/15/44,
Sidney, Ross H., Jr.17 082 633Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/MMIA, KIACIB (MIA), POW, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Sidor, Leonard F. Cpl 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Sieber, Harold36 650 066T/4 DHQ G-2         
Sieber, William Bradbury38 539 449PfcRecon Squad423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co KIA 12/21/1944CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 HC F-15-2
  1. Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article announcing KIA
   27, ABMC, GO 1945-051, Jackson Sun, Jackson TN 04/11/1945
Siebold, Charles P.   422 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 1944-12-19.
  2. work camp near Bohrigen and Doblin, Germany.
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   2007-4-5-6-7-8
Siedschlag, Arnold C.36 732 458Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia5/22/2009Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Joined 106th at Camp Atterbury
   62, 2004-07-08-09, 2009-5/8, 2004-07-08-09, 2009-5/8, GO 1945-051,
Sieg, Albert C.33 613 624Pvt 424 INF/M CIB      Camp Crier 06/16/1944, 27, 422
Siegel, Carl32 823 918  422 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1956-3/4 59,
Siegel, John M.33 491 963T/5 422 INFKIA 03/14/1945CIB, PH HC 0-0    1946-09, 13,53,ABMC,
Siegel, Nathan32 814 845T/4 DHQ Finance Section        1965-5/6/7
Siegesmund, John C., Jr.15 120 256TSgt DHQ CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 10/15/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-049,
   GO 1945-049,
Siegrist, Howard B.32 771 841SSgt 422 INF/CWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC
  1. 4-B,
  2. 8-A,
  3. 8-B
     1946-11, 1950-2/3, 1950-10/11 59,
Siekierka, Steven J.36 556 684Pvt 820 TD BNWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart for wounds received in action against the enemy 12/16/1944 in Northwest Europe. From MI
   GO 1945-007,
Siekierski, Al   592 FABN/C         CUB 07/1999
Siekierski, Aloisius V.O-1 176 5071LTBN Forward observer592 FABN/C   09/13/2011    CUB 1993-10/11/12, CUB 2009-5/8, CUB Sept/Dec 2011, Cub In Review
Sielsch, Sigmund SSgt 424 INF/1 BN/A EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Siemers, Mahlon M.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sigel, Sydney M.16 175 070  422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured 12/21/1944 near Auw.
  2. 4-B from 01/07 to 04/23/1945
1/9/1998422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 1989-10/11/12, 1998-1/2/3
Sigma, Joseph13 004 869MSgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14,
Signor, George A.   424 INF/EWIA 12/24/1944CIB, PH      1949-10/11, 1950-12-1951-1, 1951-2/3
Signorelli, Gasper C.32 196 334Pfc 423 INF/CKIACIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, GO 1945-051,
Sikes, Julian M.W-WO 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,
Sikes, Robert R.O-1 316 2232LTAT Plt Ldr424 INF    Officer of the Day 07/31/1943 Ft. Jackson SC   71, 77, 105
Silberberg, Bernard31 067 906Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosberg
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Silcott, George Reed15 121 841Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB, PH, BS  Great Nephew looking for info
   27, Great Nephew Noah Danals 02/13/2020
Sileski, Frank S.32 843 378Pvt 422 INF/A CIB      1957-11/12 27,
Sileski, J. J., Jr.             
Silhavy, Frank V.   424 INF/F        1990-10/11/12, 1999-1/2/3
Silletti, unk   6951 PWTE        Silletti-unk.jpgWilliam Myers-6951 PWTE photo
Silva, Anthony F.39 421 255Pfc 424 INF/I CIB, BS      27,
Silva, Clement N.39 012 811Cpl 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Silver, Albert L.   423 INF/CN EAME/4      1951-2/3, 1954-1/2, 1956-3/4, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12
Silver, Harold L.32 203 479  423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/49-A     62,
Silver, Irving32 064 8711st Sgt 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Silver, Jerome M.O-550 097  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Silverberg, Seymour32 977 001Pvt 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Silverberg, SidneyW-2 119 855WOJGin charge of AG Awards Section, 8/11/1945/DHQ AG Section         
Silverberg, Sidney WO           
Silverman, Albert   423 INF/M        CUB 12-3
Silverman, Maury            1975-4/5/6
Silverman, Morris W.   423 INF/M EAME/4      1952-8/9, 1956-3/4, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1961-4/5
Silverstein, Harold B.36 838 519Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Silvester, Frederick35 583 896Pvt 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Silvester, Roosevelt35 244 651PfcMachine Gunner422 INFWIAPH/OLC. He was awarded a Purple Heart due to receiving shrapnel in the thigh.
  1. 4-B,
  2. 12/16/1944.
  3. Escaped twice.
12/27/1998    59,email from Grandson, 11/2009
Silveus, Edward R.36 478 197Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 26, 31,
Silvey, Paul E.37 084 789  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Silvia, Charles E.31 159 628T/4060 Cook423 INF/H EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Silvia, Manuel C.31 445 144  422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen2001 cir422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Silvia, Sylvester S.20 155 579  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Simbeck, Leo F. “Link”   106TH   d. 10 Jun 2023    Obit
Simcox, John W.33 494 393Pvt 589 FABNKIA 03/19/1945Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  NE E-15-12    ABMC,
Simcox, William A. Pvt 424 INF/CKIA Died as POWCIB, POW9-C     10,58,
Simins, Cletus N.             
Simmerly, Eircil J.37 056 394T/4/SSgt Cadre824 Mess Sergeant423 INF/G EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Simmons, Arthur            1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1959-2/3
Simmons, Clyde R.17 303 072Pvt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Simmons, Harold E.37 691 315Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Simmons, J. J.31 341 417  590 FABN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Simmons, James H.38 147 855Pfc 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Simmons, Norman Pfc 424 INF/D   prior to 2016    CUB 1994-7-8-9, Stickle, C. Wayne 11, 22, CUB 03/2016, 424-D Bugle 1-2-3-1996,
Simmons, Walter H. T/5Admin424 INF/I        424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Simmons, William J., Jr.37 613 018Cpl/Sgt Cadre844 Gun Crewman, Light Artillery590 FABN    

Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945

   SO 66,
Simms, Bernard L.35 847 480Pvt 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Simon, Donald L.37 571 258  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Simon, Ernest   DHQ        1990-4/5/6, 2005-7/8/9
Simon, Rudolph J.35 460 816  590 FABN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Simon, Sidney S.O-1 056 5551LT 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945  transferred from 159th INF to 16th Reinf Depot, 07/19/1945   27, Extract 161
Simon, Wilson42 065 323Pfc 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Simone, Michael   DHQ        1983-5/6/7, 1986-3/4/5/6 3/24/44,
Simons, Bill D.37 580 405Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Simons, Cletus N. Sgt 423 INF/A EIB, EAME/4      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Simons, Sidney R.36 040 038T/4/SSgt Cadre824 Mess Sergeant423 INF/AT EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Simpson, Albert W.35 673 175Pfc 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Simpson, Allen W.37 052 334  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Simpson, Clarence T.32 946 972Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Simpson, David M.34 896 170Pvt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Simpson, George W.35 110 578PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Simpson, James L.34 723 542  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1981-4/5/6 59,
Simpson, John C.32 771 626 / O-Pfc / LTC745 Rifleman106 Recon Cav (Mech)    info by Ed Strand 06/20/2015 (So far I have found no other corroboration in POW records of his service)
   Ed Strand 02/2016, USAHEC
Simpson, Paul Warren33 450 838T/5 423 INF/3 BN/HQ Co, 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/3 BN/HQ Co) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace

   1, GO 1945-051,
Simpson, Roscoe V. D.34 824 055Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Simpson, William H.34 607 932  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Simpson, William R.37 737 881Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1960-3/4/5, GO 1945-051,
Sims, Arthur E.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sims, Cleo J.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Sims, Lessie W. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Sims, Myron D.34 515 662Pfc 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Sims, Robert L.34 886 896PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Sims, Truman J.6 957 127Cpl 589 FABN/A, 589 FABN/Wire SectionMIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       Sims-Truman.jpg8, CUB Sept/Dec 2011
Sims, William T.34 082 456Pvt 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Sinclair, William A.31 149 017T/5 424 INF/G, 422 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Sinco, Nicholas SSgt 591 FABN/Batt C        1974-10/11/12, 1978-4/5/6, 1983-5/6/7
Sincoff, S. L.   422 INF/E CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-21-1944.
  2. 4-B.
  3. Liberated by Russians 04-23-1945
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1953-1/2
Sincoff, Sidney L.32 960 863  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sindelar, Anthony A.17 048 678Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sindt, John H.6 916 924Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Sine, Robert R.O-1 323 7501LT 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
  • Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  • Liberated prior to 04/10/1945
   1, GO 1945-051,
Sineath, Patrick E.34 546 950T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Singer, Bernard H.31 301 904T/4 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Singer, Paul R.   423 INF/C EAME/4      1949-10/11
Singer, Robert11 097 237Sgt 424 INF/L CIB      23,
Singer, Robert K.39 420 408Pfc 424 INF/I/1st Plt CIB      27,
Singer, Samuel32 960 520Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Singler, Frederick A.37 052 316  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Singletary, Paul S.            1960-7/8/9, 1960-10/11/12
Singletary, Samuel J.34 646 216T/5 DHQ AG Postal        1944-02-18, 1993-10/11/12 2/18/44
Singleton, George P.34 984 902Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sink, Earl B.32 310 375Sgt 423 INF/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     27,62,
Sinkey, Clarence37 694 274Pvt 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Sinner, Ernesto32 977 569  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sipe, Richard 1st Lt. 424 INF/L        CUB 56-3
Sipes, Earle M. SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/L EIB, EAME/4      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Sipes, Robert William35 898 547Pfc 424 INF/G CIB, BS 1/5/2016 (90)newspaper article on awards  Sipes-Robert.jpg 27, Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 07/23/1945
Sipolo, Joe Pfc          3/3/44,
Sipolo, Sebastian32 820 411Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, EAME/4Stalag 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   GO 1945-051,
Sipson, Dean A.12 131 731Sgt 422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1968-3/4/5/6 1, 27, 59,
Sire, RichardO-462 1731LT 424 INF/L CIB      27,
Sirvol, David I.32 819 206  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Sisco, Orvle E.38 400 796Pfc 424 INFKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH 12/17/1944 Plot H Row 9 Grave 65 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg     ABMC,
Sisco, Ray E.32 770 634Pfc 81 ENG (C)KIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH AR D-7-3281st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   ABMC,
Sisemore, James R.34 143 693SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Siska, JohnO-1 326 343Lt 424 INF CIB, POW
  1. POW camp unknown.
  2. Escaped three times. Lived for 5 days on a candy bar and an apple.
  3. Arrived Monday night at Camp Atterbury along with other POWs from this area who also had been liberated.
     1, The Republic, Columbus IN 04/19/1945
Siska, Joseph J.36 663 752T/5 424 INF/2 BN CIB      1956-11/12,1957-11/12,1960-10/11/12
Siskos, John33 260 001Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Sissick, Christie J. T/5 424 INF/1 BN/MEDIC CIB      1946-11
Sisson, James Roger31 303 684TSgt 423 INF/1 BN/C EIB, CIB, PH, BS, BS/OLC, BS/2OLC, BS/3OLC, EAME/413-C9/3/2008
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. See Obituary on www.IndianaMilitary.org
   Legacy Obit 9/2009, Camp Crier 6/16/44, GO 1945-051,
Sitar, unkO-Lt          1951-2/3
Sites, John P.34 848 271Cpl 422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. 4-F
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1946-11, 1947-03 59,
Sites, Raymond H.33 939 179Pfc 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement against the enemy on 01/13/1945 in Belgium.

    GO 1945-014,
Sitko, Edward D.35 922 319  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sitko, Stephen G.33 618 512  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Siwula, Vincent P. Sgt 424 INF/D        1945-08-11
Sjovangen, James S.39 305 964SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Skabinski, Walter Cpl. 423 INF/2 BN/HQ        CUB 8-1
Skardon, Alvin W., Jr.34 093 970  590 FABN/Batt B CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen10/09/20021966-11-12-1967-01-V23#2, 1968-3/4/5/6, 1980-1/2/3, 2003-10/11/12, 57,
Skarpetowski, John A.32 758 752Pfc 424 INFKIA 02/12/1945CIB, PH 02/12/1945 Plot E Row 10 Grave 50 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium     ABMC,
Skelton, Charles E.O-1 318 7162LT 424 INF/EWIA CIB  newspaper article severely wounded and in a hospital in England   27, Franklin Evening Star, Franklin IN 02/01/1945
Skelton, unk "Red"            1955-7/8/9
Skerle, Thomas G.36 478 122Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Skibinski, Walter A.36 650 300Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, 1951-8/9, 2001-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Skidmore, Charles E.35 246 711Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Skilbred, unk   592 FABN/SVC        1951-10/11
Skillman, William R. SSgt 424 INF/F        1947-01-02
Skinner, George A. Pfc 424 INF/ATMIA, KIA  12/16/1944 Germany
  1. KIA in the opening rounds of Battle of the Bulge. Among the first Golden Lion lost.
  2. Hi sister shared his information 06/2018
   1, Sister Shirley Skinner James 06/29/2018
Skinner, John J.39 133 448  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-F
  2. Work Camps
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Skinner, Joseph P.    KIA       65,
Skinner, Lee R.36 260 700Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Skinner, William N.34 827 665  423 INF/CN CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. Work Camps
Sklar, Jack S.32 821 894PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Skoda, Anthony "Tony" Pfc 424 INF/D        1998-1/2/3 11, 22,
Skoocy, Robert O.   424 INF        CUB 36-1
Skoog, Robert Cpl   EAME/2  newspaper article 30 day furlough.   Battle Creek Enquirer, Battle Creek MI 08/20/1945
Skopek, Robert E.       05/31/2016 Fayetteville    Obit from W. Dunn
Skorka, Francis            2002-1/2/3
Skorka, Francis M.31 457 478  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen04/10/2013422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 2002-1/2/3, CUB 8-11/2013,
Skornog, Edward C.36 674 486Pvt 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Skupaka, Mike33 767 049Pvt 589 FABN/SVC BattMIA 12/19/1944, KIA 12/20/1944CIB, PH, BS(MIA) 12/19/1944 to 12/23/1944 in Belgium, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  AR 0-0 Bronze Star (MIA) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/19/1944 to 12/23/1944 in Belgium. When the enemy ambushed an ammunition convoy which he had voluntarily joined, he demonstrating great courage, quickly moved to an exposed position to man a truck-mounted machine gun,m and although under intense small arms fire, fearlessly exacted a heavy toll from the enemy. The unhesitating bravery displayed by Pvt Skupaka reflects great credit on himself and the military service.

   1996-1/2/3, 8, ABMC, 278, GO 1945-078
Slaback, Harley W.            1985-8/9/10, 1988-2/3
Slaby, Theodore Pvt to Col 423 INF/Hq I & R, 424 INF/Hq I & R EAME/4      1991-4/5/6
Slack, Andrew39 332 489Pvt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Slack, Edward James37 556 531T/5 589 FABN/HQ Batt Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1985-12-1986-1/2 8,
Slade, Ray D.O-270 599Major DHQ Air-Ground Section         
Slaght, Murten J.36 833 193SSgt 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star (as Sgt) for heroic achievement with military operations against the enemy 01/25/1945 in Belgium.

    GO 1945-033,
Slaght, Neal36 837 559Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Slate, John F.12 016 207Sgt 424 INF/M CIB      27,
Slater, G. F.   423 INF/AT        CUB 28-4
Slater, William H.06 068 349Pfc-T/4 Cadre060 Cook423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Slattery, David D.15 351 552SSgt 424 INF/L CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/16/1944 in Belgium.

   23, GO 1945-026,
Slattery, Robert J.36 456 674Pfc 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
06/26/1999 Crystal Falls MI    CUB 1997-7/8/9, CUB 1998-10/11/12, CUB 2000-4/5/6, 8, 58, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, CUB 07/2000
Slaughter, Richard   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Slavichak, Ernest R.32 772 069Pvt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Slavichek, Ernest   423 INF/AT        CUB 28-1
Slaviere, Fred16 177 304Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,1993-1/2/3
Slavin, Hyman (Hymie)   424 INF/3 BN        1948-04, 1950-8/9, 1953-1/2, 1955-5/6, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12
Slavin, William R.16 175 264Pvt 423 INF/I CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B for 10 days then sent to -
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
living 2013Attended Chicago Stalag IV-B reunion 2017
  Slavin-WilliamR.jpg 27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, CUB 07/2017
Slayden, William M.O-354 653Ltc. 11 Armored Div, General Staff (then HQ VIII Corps) CIB, BS, BS/OLC, BS/2OLC  Bronze Star

Bronze Star/OLC

Bronze Star/2OLC for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/17/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-038,

    GO 1945-038,
Slaymaker, Ralph W.33 491 865  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Slaysman, Roland E.33 732 135Sgt30 cal machine gunner423 INF/CN CIB, PH, PH/OLC, BS, EAME/4
  1. 17-?
  2. 12-A
  3. POW# 081 570,
  4. 3-A
  5. work camps.
  6. Liberated by 1st Ukrainian Army
     Slaysman-Roland.jpg62, http://www.mpt.org 7/2012
Slayton, David Ben17 148 526Cpl 422 INF/A CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. 4-F,
  3. Gleina, Germany
  4. Escaped
  1. He completed the Pre-West Point Preparatory Course at Amherst College and then served in the 106th Division in Germany. He was taken as a German prisoner in the Battle of the Bulge. He successfully escaped and was honorably discharged in 1945
  2. Lost 85 pounds in captivity from 175 to 90.
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   CUB 1947-03, CUB 1971-4/5/6, CUB 2003-1/2/3, CUB 1972-7/8/9, CUB 1978-4/5/6, CUB 1979-4-5-6-V35#4, CUB 1989-1/2/3,2007/1-2-3, 59, 101, Legacy, Independent Press-Telegram 08/07/1966
Sleg, Albert C.   424 INF/M        1994-7-8-9
Sleg, John V.32 014 219TSgt 422 INF/D CIB      27,
Slezak, Aloysius   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Slinde, Berton M.36 810 932  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Sloan, James T., Jr.O-Capt 424 INF/AT        1946-09
Sloboda, Stephen T., Jr.32 338 292SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Slocum, Ernest F.33 058 297  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Slone, Theodore W.38 075 793  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Sloop, Wesley             
Sloop, William C.37 005 307TSgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945       
Slotkin, Edward32 929 112Pfc 422 INF/CN CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B,
  2. Berga
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 59, CUB 9-12/2010, TV interview 12/18/2011
Slotten, Raymond E.   592 FABN   CUB returned 11/1951    CUB 1948-04, CUB 1951-10/11
Slovak, Sylvin T.39 279 637Pfc 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, 59,
Slover, Clifford M.36 479 033Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Slover, Lloyd Pfc          1944-03-17 3/17/44,
Slumkoski, Louis39 174 674  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Slusarz, Joseph P.O-1 544 6281LT Medical CorpMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Mentioned in Unit History 331/C.
  • Lt. Slusarz, Bn. Motor Officer, visited Company and spot checked vehicles which were found in a very satisfactory condition except for minor lubrication deficiency
   27, 30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Slutzky, Herman F.O-288 0391LT 424 INF/B CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/19/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-038,

   1948-12/1949-1, GO 1945-038,
Slyhoase, eorge J.             
Slykhouse, George J., Jr.   591 FABN/Batt C   cir 2000    CUB 1978-1/2/3, CUB 1981-4/5/6, CUB 2000-4/5/6, CUB 07/2000
Smagala, Frank J.32 076 822Sgt 424 INF/I/1st Plt CIB      CUB 1958-06-07-V14#6
Smagals, Frank S.            1961-4/5
Smail, Sherman Eugene "Lennie"35 148 063SSgt 832nd AA, 201st INF, 424 INF/A2/WIACIB, 2PH 04/23/2017 Williamsport, IN
  1. Purple Heart 02/12/1945.
  2. Purple Heart
  3. He was sent to California to the 832nd Anti-Aircraft Company and was transferred to the 201st Infantry at Camp Carson in Colorado. He was then transferred to Camp Atterbury, Indiana, to Company A, 424th Infantry Division. In September 1944 he was sent overseas to the European Theater. He represented his country at the Battle of the Bulge in 1944 and 1945 where he was wounded and received two purple hearts. He was discharged in November of 1945 as a Staff Sergeant.

  Smail-Sherman.jpg  GO 1945-030, Legacy, CUB 07/2017
Smalara, Theodore J.33 431 353Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, 198910/11/12, GO 1945-051,
Small, Glen L.37 033 819SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Smalley, William B.16 157 634Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Smallwood, Fredrick34 824 595PfcAsst Mechanic423 INF/1 BN/HQ A&P, 424 INF/AT CIB, EAME/4 04/02/2020 GA
  1. I never was taken prisoner but was one of the 300 or so that walked out and joined up with the 424th. When they reactivated the Division, we were used as cadre to reestablish the "lost" Regiments.
  2. Author "My War"
  3. CUB returned 2018
   Smallwood-Fredrick.jpg27, Discussion Brd 1/6/2008, diary
Smallwood, Thomas F.   423 INF/1 BN EAME/4      1999-7/8/9
Smar, Joseph J.33 184 530T/3Truck Driver424 INF/1 BN CIB 12 Jan 1989    1947-01-02
Smead, Robert   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Smedstad, Maynard F.37 551 658Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smidansky, Bernard R.33 31 715T/5 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen Became a salesman and legally changed his name to Smith. J. Schaffner   1, 8, 58, JOhn Schaffner 02/09/2018
Smiga, Joseph13 004 869MSgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      17, 31,
Smigelski, Walter J.33 612 082Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smiler, Irwin C.             
Smiley, Jack Cpl 591 FABN        1967-8/9/10
Smiley, Ross H.33 493 393T/5 424 INF/HQ CIB 11/23/1993    1992-1/2/3
Smith, Albert A.36 896 778Pfc 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/3IV-G 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Smith, Albert B.33 729 590  423 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     62,1948-12/1949-1,1949-10/11
Smith, Albert L.31 220 096PfcMedic331/Medic, 422 INF/2 BN CMB, POW, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945
  1. IX-B
  2. POW# 24 123
     27, B. Welke 2/2012
Smith, Alfred W., Jr.42 101 005Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Allen G.O-1LTPlatoon Ldr 3rd Platoon, Mortars 424 INF/D424 INF/D   07/09/1986    Smith-AllenG.jpg Bugle 4-5-6/1996, Bugle 7-8-9/1996
Smith, Allie H.15 334 671Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Alvin L.   424 INF/E        CUB 26-3
Smith, Amos L.33 730 135Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Arthur F.32 773 445SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Smith, Arthur W.36 745 153Pfc DHQ Finance Section         
Smith, Aubrey L.34 625 066  590 FABN CIB, POWV-A Malschbach Ludwigsburg Wurtemberg     57,
Smith, Bernard A.   589 FABN/Batt A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1992-10/11/12
Smith, Bryon A.37 589 432  423 INF/2 BN CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. Captured 12/16/1944.
  2. 9-B
Smith, Byron A.39 411 826  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Carl J.36 957 011Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Cecil20 527 586SSgt/TSgt Cadre1812 Light Weapons NCO422 INF/K CIB  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66, 27
Smith, Cecil N.34 674 576Sgt 422 INF/D CIB      27,
Smith, Charles 1st Sgt 423 INF/I EAME/4      1973-7-8-9-V29#4
Smith, Charles L. "Big Guy"33 503 091  422 INF/D CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia10/20/1995422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-03, 1962-8/9, 1979-4-5-6-V35#4, 1981-4/5/6, 1985-8/9/10, 1987-11/12-1988-1, 1996-1/2/3 59,
Smith, Chester Pvt 422 INF/A        1944-06-15
Smith, Clarence E.35 652 505T/5 424 INF/1 BN/HQ, 424 INF/AT EIB CC 6/44, CIB      Camp Crier 06/16/1944, 27,
Smith, Clarence W.34 190 170  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Clifford V.32 864 229Cpl 110th Inf/Hq CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Smith, Clyde L.20 733 491Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Smith, Cornelius E. Pfc      newspaper - Now with the 106th Division   Courier News, Bridgewater NJ 0/23/1943
Smith, Curtis R.36 456 670Pvt 424 INF/F CIB      12,
Smith, David H.   422 INF/C, 590 FABN/Hq        1998-10/11/12
Smith, Delbert W.34 624 561Pvt 424 INF/M CIB      Smith-DElbert.jpg27,
Smith, Donald E.37 362 207 or 39 284 789Pfc 424 INF/AT, 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, EAME/4  
  • Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/3 BN/M) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  • ASN 39 284 789 found in GO 1945-051

   11, 27, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Douglas E.   422 INF/I   12/12/1990 Brewton AL    1988-2/3, 07-08-09/1991
Smith, Doyle K.39 297 846T/5 422 INF/Medic CIB      27,
Smith, Dwight A.17 144 192Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Smith, Earl S.35 483 538M/Sgt SIGNAL CIB, BS, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945   Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 11/17/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, France, Belgium and Germany. GO 1945-065

   1945-08-25, 1946-09, 14, 16, 17, 31, Cub 08/25/1945, GO 1945-065,
Smith, Edward H.37 663 552T/5 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Edward J.42 024 210Pfc 81 ENG (C), 423 INF/3 BN/M CIB, EAME/4  

Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/3 BN/M) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1976-4-5-6-V32#3, 1984-5/6/7/8, 7, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Edward M.16 174 858T/5 423 INF/HQ  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Edwin   806/ORD        2003-1/2/3
Smith, Elmer F.33 563 265  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     CUB 1981-9/10/11/12, 57,
Smith, Elmer J., Jr.33 348 201TSgt 422 INF/GKIA 03/31/1945CIB, PH NE K-4-19    27.ABMC,
Smith, Emal H.37 068 911T/4060 Cook423 INF/SVC EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Smith, Emmet, Jr.35 385 783Sgt 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Smith, Eric E.39 046 381  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Smith-Eric.jpg59, CUB 04/2014,
Smith, Ernest G.33 544 369SgtSquad Leader, 745 rifleman424 INF/L, 28th ID for dischargeWIA Germany 03/21/1945EAME/5, PH, GC 1986(Separation Papers) Served with he 112th INF, 28th Division. Participated in the campaigns of Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. Was responsible for a 12 man squad. Went out on recon patrols. Was armed with an M-1 rifle and hand grenades.
   Smith-Ernest.jpgSeparation Qualification Record, Fischarge Papers, Grandson David Smith 07/11/2017
Smith, Francis E.36 649 968Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Smith, Frank   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Smith, Frank E.36 739 321SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia09/14/1996Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1997-1/2/3, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Frank O.34 967 097  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Frank T., Jr.31 302 651Pfc 81 ENG (C)/CWIACIB, PH, BS  Purple Heart 02/08/1945. GO 1945-025.

Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 02/07/1945 in Belgium. GO 1945-036.

   1946-11, 1950-4/5, 1957-2/3, 1958-2/3, GO 1945-025, GO 1945-036,
Smith, Fred R.39 414 492T/5 18 CAV RCN SQKIA 12/18/1944CIB, PH HC G-2-39    ABMC,
Smith, Frederick W. Pvt 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Smith, George H.35 879 748  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Griswold K.O-1 170 198 Ammo Train Commander590 FABN/SVC CIB, POW3-B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia      061,
Smith, Guy D., Jr.38 300 812Cpl 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 24 039
     58, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
Smith, Guy E.35 359 035Pvt 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     8,58,
Smith, Halsey F. SSgt 591 FABN, 590 FABN/A, 590 FABN/BKIACIB, PH      CUB 1946-11, CUB 1948-10/11
Smith, Harold D.6 264 236PfcMedic331 Medic BN CMB (Posthumous) 09/15/1945, PH, BS (Posthumous), 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  01/25/1945
  • Purple Heart 01/25/1945 in Belgium.
  • Bronze Star (Posthumous) 01/25/1945 in Belgium. GO 1945-033
  • Combat Medical Badge (Posthumous) GO 1945-076,
  • TX
    GO 1945-033, GO 1945-076,
Smith, Harold E.36 829 273Pfc 422 INF/K, 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   55, 59, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Harold G.12 173 450Pfc 423 INF/F CIB, EAME/4  423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)   2002-7/8/9
Smith, Harry B.36 776 059  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Smith, Harry C.20 935 380  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Harry J.35 014 291TSgt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      Smith-HarryJ.jpg14, 17, 31, CUB Sept/Dec 2011
Smith, Harry R.35 352 686Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Smith, Harry W.34 281 215Cpl 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, PH, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  • Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  • D.E.Cooley's 40&8 Roster 12/25/1944
   27, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Hermon W.20 446 496Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/HMIACIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Homer L.O-1 308 7711LT 423 INF/2 BN/HQ & HQMIACIB (MIA), EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Howard B.33 837 075  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Howard Gray12 173 4501LT (discharged as) 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen05/16/2002Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Howard K.36 473 616Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Smith, Hugh D.34 312 889Pvt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,59,
Smith, Jack D.34 546 762SSgtMortar Squad423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, PH, BS, EAME/4
  1. 12/19/44
  2.  9-B,
  3.  9-A
  4. Liberated Good Friday 1945
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. See POW diary at www.IndianaMilitary.org
  3. In charge of mortar squad. Captured near Schnee Eifel,IX-B,IX-A. Liberated Good Friday, 1945. Best man at Billy Reece's wedding at Camp Atterbury in 1944.
  4. He served in the Armyduring World War II, fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was a POW. Hereceived the Bronze Star for meritorious achievement and numerous other ribbonsand medals for his service
   Smith-JackD.jpg62, 2008-4/5/6, ABMC, son David Smith 4/2008. Discussion Brd 4/5/2008, B. Welke 1/2012, son David Smith 6/2012, GO 1945-051, Obit from W. Dunn
Smith, Jack E.O-1 291 5341LT424/B Co Cmdr424 INF/CPOW POW
  1. Reported MIA 10/24/1944
  2. Reported to be a POW
   10, 77, Republic 02/17/1945
Smith, Jack F.34 543 618Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/LKIA 02/08/1945CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb02/08/45 @ Bad Orb Malnutrition, Diarrhea, heart failure, LO D-48-23Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,   27, ABMC, B. Welke 1/2012, GO 1945-051,
Smith, James A. (1)36 811 151T/4 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1945-08-25 8,
Smith, James A. (2)20 228 216T/4014 Automotive Mechanic (2d echelon)422 INF/HQ    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Smith, James E.7 087 165Sgt. 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Smith, James M.35 389 383SSgt521 Basic Soldier106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 12-A
  3. 9-B
     Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Smith, James Peyton Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L BS 08/17/2006 Bernice LA    63, CUB 1987-3/4/5/6, Obit/diary
Smith, James T. (1)   81 ENG (C)   07/201381st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7, CUB 2014-March,
Smith, James T. (2)7 002 079  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, James V. (1)38 546 063Pfc 424 INF/I/1st Plt CIB      1946-11
Smith, James V. (2)34 820 762PfcMortar Platoon423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 24 721

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

  Smith-JamesV.jpg Smith-JamesV.jpg27, 62, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012, GO 1945-051,
Smith, James William "Jim Bill"38 075 682Pvt-Pfc 58 INF, 138 INF, 422 INF/GWIA shrapnel wound to lower right legAsiatic Pacific Campaign, CIB, POW, EAME/1, PH
4-B Muhlberg Germany
Liberated by Russians 04/1945
03/01/1997 Hillsboro TX
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. His friends called him Jim Bill growing up. He was quite a man. As many were, he never talked much about his days as a POW. We found his Stalag IV-B tag along with the fork he used there after he passed away. Susan and I made a trip to IV-B last year. I sent a short story and pictures to The Cub and they were in the March 2020 issue. The only inaccurate thing with the story was our guide was shown as Susan in one of the pictures. Was quite a trip.
  3. Upon enlistment in 1942, Jim was assigned to the 58th Infantry and spent two years in the Aleutian Islands. He received the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal for that service. Upon return to the US in mid 1944 he apparently was briefly assigned to the 138th Infantry before being transferred to the 106th.
Smith-JamesWilliam.jpg  Smith-JamesWilliams-A.jpg59, son-in-law Ron Nelson 09/03/2020, CUB 03/2020, Separation Docs
Smith, Jerome P.33 574 789Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
05/29/1985Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Jessie   81 ENG (C)/C    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1951-2/3
Smith, Jessie C.34 088 229Cpl 81 ENG (C)WIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 02/08/1945.

   7, GO 1945-021,
Smith, John C.13 187 783Pvt 422 INFMIA       1,
Smith, John H.31 315 205  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, John J.33 807 655Pfc 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Smith, John M.36 955 255Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Joseph V.O-396 961MAJ 422 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Smith, Josh L.34 762 132  422 INF/C CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1988-7/8/9, 1998-7/8/9 59,
Smith, Keith D. Pfc 422 INF EAME/2  newspaper article one of 490 members of the 422 INF are awarded their 2nd Battle Star for the Rhineland campaign, having previously won a Star for NF.    Kokomo Tribune, Kokomo IN 08/20/1945
Smith, Kenneth J.36 466 709T/5733 Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 2-A
     Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Smith, Kenneth M.36 741 898Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, PH, BS, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia09/06/2011 Casper, Wyoming
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Captured 12/21/1944 near Born. IX-B.
  3. Liberated 04/03/1945.
  4. Restored WW2 Jeep and drove it to reunions & Camp Atterbury.

   Smith-Ken.jpg62, 1989-10/11/12, CUB Sept/Dec 2011, CUB Jan/Apr 2012, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Kenneth W.31 458 817Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/17/44
  2. 2-A,
  3. 6-G
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Couldn't walk after capture - buddies carried him and shared food. Germans would not feed him.

   27, 62, Discussion Brd 8/13/2009, GO1945-051,
Smith, Lawrence Lee36 563 800  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Lawrence W.35 295 690Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Smith, Lester J.31 242 105T/4740 Radio Oper I. S.106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. Captured at Grosslangenfeld
  2. 4-B
     Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Smith, Louis M.36 204 517Pfc 422 INFKIA 04-12-1945CIB, PH HC 0-0    ABMC,
Smith, Marvin H.   423 INF EAME/4      1952-4/5
Smith, Marvin T.33 611 069T/5 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 9-A     8,58,
Smith, Maurice L.36 954 168Pvt 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Smith, Melvin C.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Smith, Mervin S., Jr. SSgt 424 INF/A        1946-11, 1975-4/5/6, 1984-12-1985-1/2, 2005-7/8/9
Smith, Monroe W.35 094 739  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Morton T. Pfc          1946-12
Smith, Myron D.   592 FABN/SVC        1951-6/7, 1960-10/11/12, 1978-1/2/3
Smith, Nathur C.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Smith, Norman M. Sgt DHQ        1946-08, 1957-4/5
Smith, Orvin F.   422 INF/B        1998-1/2/3
Smith, Paul A.39 215 315Pfc 422 INF/E CIB      27,
Smith, Paul E. SSgt 422 INF/K        1945-08-25
Smith, Ray C.O-516 662CaptFA591 FABN/HQ Batt   1995 cirPromoted to Capt 05/16/1945 SO 105 HQ 15th Army   1994-4/5/6, 1995-4/5/6, 81, 15 Army SO 105,
Smith, Raymond B.39 698 731Pvt345 truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)        Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Smith, Raymond C.38 629 992  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Raymond G.34 124 714Sgt DHQ/HQ        1946-08
Smith, Richard T.34 965 793  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Robert L.35 769 649Pfc 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Smith, Robert W. (1)   424 INF/CN        1989-4/5/6,2009-5/8
Smith, Robert W. (2)O-CaptCO 592 FABN/Batt C (155 mm)592 FABN/Batt C         
Smith, Royal P.39 266 651  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Samuel C.34 762 314Pvt 422 INF/H CIB      27,
Smith, T. A.   592 FABN/SVC        1951-6/7, 1951-10/11
Smith, Teddy L.34 966 056  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Terrelic H.O-1 317 0501LT 423 INF/SVC CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Theodore G (1)33 845 210Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Smith, Theodore G. (2)20 507 837Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/AMIACIB (MIA), POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-041,
Smith, Thomas E.   423 INF/CN EAME/4      1987-11/12-1988-1
Smith, Thoron B.6 969 1931st Sgt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Smith, Travis C.34 966 901Pfc 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-F
  2. Work Camps
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Smith, Trester E.34 143 961  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Smith, Walter E.   423 INF/CN CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
04/11/1991 Mariton NY    1947-09, 1991-7/8/9
Smith, Walter F.38 008 992Sgt/SSgt Cadre604 Light Machine Gunner422 INF/F    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Smith, Walter L.38 537 949Pfc 424 INF/I/1st PltKIACIB      27,
Smith, Warren C.33 841 609Pfc 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Smith, Wayne C. SSgtForward Observer592 FABN/A  
  1. Captured 12/19/1944
  2. POW unk camp
 My Dad was “moved out” of his artillery position a day or so after the beginning of the Ardennes assault (I believe he was behind the divisions on Schnee Eifel, riding in a weapons carrier, hauling a gun and a trailer with an officer’s Christmas dinner (“so the Nazi’s wouldn’t get it”). His vehicle was part of a caravan fleeing the onslaught. They struggled up and down hills with the big load. They slept briefly in a field one night until enemy fire drove them on. On December 19, 1944, as they entered “a bombed out town” (my father’s words on an audio recording), the jeep with the officers in front of them hit a mine and all were killed. My father and other GIs found themselves surrounded