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Monument Repair
424TH Memorial at Spineaux, Belgium

The following photos and correspondence were submitted by Carl Wouters, Belgium

Date: 9 Dec 2014

Hi all,
    Some time ago I received the below email from Lt Don Beseler (424/A) about the Spineux memorial. I think the excellent restoration work of Claude Orban and Christian Meurice deserves credit.

    The memorial, inaugurated in September 1989, had suffered somewhat from being exposed to the Ardennes weather over the past 25 years. Belgians Claude Orban and Christian Meurice removed the wooden GI silhouette and restored it where necessary. The feet were skillfully replaced as they suffered from mildew and wood rot. A fresh coat of olive drab makes it like new and ready for at least another 25 years. It was reinstalled in December 2013 in time for the 70th anniversary commemorations taking place this year.

Best regards from Belgium,
Carl Wouters

Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014
    So often there are memorials for units of the 106th mentioned in the Cub, but I do not recall the one at Spineux which was constructed by member of that village for the members of the 424th, 106th Division. After all the 424th was the survivor and participated in pushing back the Bulge. I know we were at Losheim and moved forward to the small community of Berk . I think that was sometime in March of 1945 when we were taken out of the line.

    I think the people of that community of Spineux deserve a little attention for their efforts to construct the memorial for the 424th.

Many thanks,
Don Beseler
Co. A 424th.

A transcript of the memorial dedication service, published in the 1970 CUB can be found HERE

Click on any image to see larger picture...

Spineux 424th Memorial
Before starting work

Spineux 424th Memorial
Notice the feet suffering from mildew and wood rot

Spineux 424th Memorial
Claude Orban

Spineux 424th Memorial
Looks like a can of olive green paint from the war!

Spineux 424th Memorial
A little TLC, a fresh coat of paint... We have a soldier ready for another 25 years.

Spineux 424th Memorial
Claude Orban

Spineux 424th Memorial
Christian Meurice

Spineux 424th Memorial
Thank you for your work on this memorial!