106th Infantry Division Roster

Roster Provided by Jim West,   www.IndianaMilitary.org

  For additions and changes, please send us an email.

  Last Revision 02/27/2025 Revised as necessary
Last Name:   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z    
Name ASN Rank Duty Unit Casualties Awards POW Death/Buried Memo Headstone Current War Years Source
Ubl, George W.32 819 574            
Ubl, Raymond L.36 811 910  422 INFWIACIB, POW, Victory, EAME/3, GC, PH4-B Muhlberg Sachsen07/19/2009
  1. Victory Medal, American Theater Ribbon, European Theater Ribbon with 2 Bronze Battle Stars, Overseas Service Bar, Good Conduct Medal, and a Purple Heart
  2. Landed in France during the Normandy invasion with te 106th. Captured by the Germans in Battle of the Bulge and remained POW for the duration.
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
  Ubl-RaymondL.jpg 59, Post-Crescent,Appleton WI 07/22/2009
Ucchino, Dominic Michael33 433 638Pvt/Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/IMIACIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, 62, CUB 1953-4/5, CUB 1996-4/5/6, Cub 2009-5/8, GO 1945-051, Letter on Ebay 04/13/2018, 1944 envelope on Ebay 05/04/2020
Uchman, Stanley31 207 619Pfc 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Uciferro, Carlo31 446 539  422 INF/C (?) CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
06/09/2008422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Uebel, Bernard   422 INF/B        1969-2/3/4, 1971-4/5/6, 1978-1/2/3
Uebel, Bernard P., Jr.42 060 845  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Uhl, Winston   422 INF/F CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,
Uhles, William Paul   423 INF/C EAME/4      1998-1/2/3
Uhlig, Robert F.31 302 486Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Uhlmann, John A.42 052 042Pfc 424 INF/K CIB, PH 12/17/1944 Plot F Row 8 Grave 5 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg     27, ABMC
Uielsen, Charles L. T/4 423 INF/G        CUB 3-10
Ulhmann, John A.42 052 042Pfc 424 INFKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH LX F-8-5    ABMC,
Ulicni, John M.36 741 752Cpl761 Scout106 Recon Cav (Mech)  
  1. 4-B,
  2. 8-A
     Ulicni-John.jpgEd Strand from MR 12/19/1944, William Borst diary & map
Ulicny, Steve35 925 714Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Ulin, William E.37 259 507T/4Medic423 INF/SVC/Medic CIB, EAME/4 08/13/2010Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   CUB 1988-4/5/6, GO 1945-051, CUB 03/2016
Ulloa, Domingo Ochoa, Sr.39 545 014PfcDuty Soldier II 188 "Duty Soldier II 188"; the family believes he translated signs and painted signs in English for troops to follow 424 INF Marksman Rifle 04/14/1944, EAME/2 Birth 27 Jul 1919 California, USA Death 29 Jun 1997 (aged 77) Imperial County, California, USA Burial Evergreen Cemetery El Centro, Imperial County, California, USA Naples-Foggia, Sicily, S. France GO 33 WD 45. CE & Rhineland Rome-Arno GO 40 WD 45
Ulloa-DomingoO.jpg  DD 214, Edward Loya 06/19/2020, FAG 101517408
Ulmer, Albert E.            1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1959-2/3
Ulmer, Raymond J.   592 FABN/SVC   01/04/1996    1990-1/2/3, 1996-4/5/6
Ulrich, Douglas F.32 080 616SSgtSupply Sgt424 INF/3 BN/L CIB  newspaper article enroute home after helping establish the American Embassy in Poland.   27, 63, Indianapolis New, Indianapolis IN 10/30/1945
Ulrich, James L.33 666 982TSgt 423 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen01/07/2012 Pittsburgh PA    CUB 1987-11/12-1988-1, CUB 1988-2/3, CUB 07-08-09/1991, 1, CUB 04/2015
Ulrich, Wendell A.   424 INF/C        1996-1/2/3
Umanoff, LeonardO-320 283 or O-520 283Ltc.S-3 Plans & Training424 INF/HQ & HQ, 424 INF/2 BNWIA/2CIB, PH, PH/OLC, BS      CUB 1946-12, CUB 1947-09, CUB 1948-6/7, 77,
Umbach, George P.33 016 856T/3 DHQ Finance Section         
Umstattd, William B.12 211 906Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D, 423 INF/BKIA 12/29/1947 DOWCIB, POW, EAME/44-B 
  • Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  • Died 12-29-1947 as a result of Leukemia from exposure as POW.
   Umstattd-WilliamB.jpg1948-04, 1, 65, GO 1945-051,
Umstead, Charles C.42 121 609Pfc 423 INF/C CIB, PH, EAME/4Attendorn, 
Umstead, George J.15 375 316Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Umsted, Charles C.42 121 609Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/CWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/4
  1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  2. Liberated 05/02/1945
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1947-03, GO 1945-051,
Unchester, Robert M. Sgt 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Underwood, Charles H.  Public RelationsQM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945  newspaper article   CUB 1954-1/2, Daily Republican, Monogahela PA
Underwood, Donald Capt      
  1. newspaper article moderator for Barbed Wire Club.
  2. newspaper article resigns as head of The News Washington Bureau
   Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 08/07/1946, 03/23/1949
Underwood, Jacob H. (Jake)37 010 941  590 FABN/Batt A CIB, POW
  1. 12/1944
  2. 9-C Bad Sulza Saxe-Weimar
  3. 9-B Bad Orb
  4. liberated 04/1945
01/15/2018 KSFor three years, he was stationed at Camp Polk in Louisiana with the 7th Armored Division. Before leaving to fight the war in Europe, he married Doris Patterson on May 9, 1944. They were married until her death in 2002. He was shipped to Belgium in 1944 with the 106th Infantry and was captured in the Battle of the Bulge. He was a prisoner of war in Bad Orb Prison Camp in Germany from December 1944 and was liberated in April of 1945.  Underwood-JacobH.jpg CUB 1952-8/9, CUB 1988-4/5/6, 57, http://www.fstribune.com 10/2011, Ft Scott Tribune 01/16/2018, CUB 01/2018
Underwood, Milton   592 FABN/HQ, 592 FABN/C        1951-2/3
Underwood, R. DonO-Capt 01/01/1945Weapons Platoon Leader424 INF/K, 424 INF/HQ, 28h INF Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 11/01/1945  newspaper article. Assigned to 28th division shortly before coming home   Underwood-RD.jpgCUB 1949-12-1950-1, CUB 1950-10/11, Indianapolis News, Indianapolis IN 08/22/1945, 11/01/1945
Underwood, Roy P.O-1 309 448Capt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Unger Jr, Joseph42 108 874Cpl 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Ungerman, Clarence J.33 113 525Sgt 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. Captured 12/19/1944. 
  2. 9-B, 
  3. 9-A
08/22/2016 CUB returned 2016   CUB 1988-10/11/12, CUB 1991-4/5/6, 58, CUB 04/2016, CUB 12/2016
Unianif, unkO-Col 424 INF/2 BN        1987-7/8/9/10
unk (1)33 294 386Pfc 423 INF/C CIB, EAME/4      27,
unk (2)33 459 166SSgt 423 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen     27,
unk (3)33 491 483Pfc 423 INF/B CIB, POW, EAME/42-A,
Unk, Robert H. Pfc      newspaper article moving from 981 FABN to the 106th for shipment home.   Selinsgrove Times-Tribune, Selinsgrove PA 09/20/1945
Unruh, Jack A   106TH   b. 7 Mar 1924 d. 22 Mar 2023    Obit
Untiedt, Raymond K.37 580 915Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/412-D5/15/1989Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1977-7/8/9, 1982-10/11/12, 1989-7/8/9, GO 1945-051,
Unzicker, Roger C.36 437 783Sgt733 Recon Car Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)        Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Updegraff, unk            5/5/44,
Upton, Earl MSgt 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Upton, Roland C.16 170 647  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
Urana, George J.32 119 883TSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Urban, Anthony J., Jr. 'Tony'33 776 430Cpl 423 INF/3 BN/IWIA 04/23/45 Cham, BavariaCIB, PH, BS, POW, Victory, GC, EAME/4
  1. 9-B,
  2. Berga
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Died at age 40 due to service connected injuries

   Urban-Anthony.jpgSon Ed Urban 9/2011, GO 1945-051,
Urban, Arthur D.33 615 417Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Urban, Harry D.36 560 519T/3 422 INF/Medic CIB      27,
Uretsky, Karlin     CIB, POW9-A      
Urias, Albert   424 INF/K        CUB 67-2
Urias, Leova Tellez 'Leo'38 558 734Pfc 424 INF/K CIB, American Campaign, AmDef, BS
  1. 12-A 
  2. 12/30/1944 
  3. Liberated 03/30/1945
Birth 28 Sep 1925 Death 26 Feb 2011 (aged 85) Texas, USA Burial Sonora Cemetery Sonora, Sutton County, Texas, USACIB says 424/K.

"As a POW I lost 50 lbs., 190 to 140 lbs. Worked forced labor on railroad repairs after they were bombed by Allied forces. Also worked in plants building pre fab barracks as well. My happiest day came when I was liberated from the Box Cars." Leo now lives in Ft. Worth, TX with his wife Anita. They have raised 4 children, enjoy 8 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. "Happiest Day - Liberation from the Box Cars ..."
Urias-LeovaTellez.jpg Urias-LeovaTellez-2.jpg Urias-LeovaTellez.jpg27, http://www.axpow.org/uriasleova.htm, FAG 104651892
Urner, Harry N.33 589 642CplHeavy Machine Gunner 605422 INF/H PH,GC,DUB,ADM,EAME/3Bronce Stars,WW2Victory
  1. 12/19/1944  
  2. 4-B
03/1985    59,email from son, 6/2009
Usher, James S.            1946-10, 65,
Ussery, William N. (Nye)20 406 315SSgt/TSgt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Birth 28 Mar 1920 Death 30 Aug 1991 (aged 71) Burial Grandview Memorial Park Rock Hill, York County, South Carolina, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Ussery-WilliamNye.jpg  Ussery_WilliamN.jpg27, 62, CUB 1989-7/8/9, GO 1945-051, CUB 58530401
Ussia, Guy D.42 029 251Pvt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Utah, Albert G. (George) Cpl 424 INF/C   Birth 27 Jun 1910 Sonoma County, California, USA Death 21 Apr 1956 (aged 45) San Mateo County, California, USA Burial Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery Colma, San Mateo County, California, USA     CUB 1946-08, CUB 1950-10/11, FAG 107699286
Uthman, Floyd D.   424 INF/E   Birth 6 Sep 1923 Death 24 Aug 2002 (aged 78) Burial Coraopolis Cemetery Coraopolis, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA    CUB 1977-7/8/9, CUB 1977-10/11/12, FAG 63435586
Utsinger, Marion C.   424 INF/CN        1989-10/11/12
Utter, John C.36 628 820  590 FABN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
Utter, Oakley E.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   CUB 1946-11, CUB 1991-7/8/9 12/47
Uveges, John Joseph, Jr.   424 INF/SVC CIB, POW, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945
  1. 12-A, 
  2. Res. Lazaret 2, 
  3. 2-A, 
  4. 10-B, 
  5. Captured Winterspelt, 
  6. Liberated by British.
Birth 1913 Death 1989 (aged 75–76) Burial Saint James Cemetery and Mausoleum Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA    CUB 1988-7/8/9, CUB 2005-01-02-03, FAG 94162360
Uzas, Joseph A., Jr.36 197 341Cpl 422 INF/B CIB      27,
Uzzell, Earle MasonO-537 8721LT 424 INF/C CIB, BS, BS/OLC Birth 27 Jan 1923 Death 11 Jan 2011 (aged 87) Ocala, Marion County, Florida, USA Burial Florida National Cemetery Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, USABronze Star (as 2LT) for "meritorious achievement" in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/16/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-038,

GO 1945-044 amends GO 1945-038 to read "heroic achievement" instead of "Meritorious Service".

Bronze Star/OLC for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 02/28/1945 in Germany. GO 1945-038,

Uzzell-EarleMason.jpg  11, 27, GO 1945-038, GO 1945-038, GO 1945-044, FAG 64437985
Updated: 02/27/2025 10:18