106th Infantry Division Roster

Roster Provided by Jim West,   www.IndianaMilitary.org

  For additions and changes, please send us an email.

  Last Revision 02/27/2025 Revised as necessary
Last Name:   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z    
Name ASN Rank Duty Unit Casualties Awards POW Death/Buried Memo Headstone Current War Years Source
Gaak, Frank, Jr.36 579 808  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3Reserve Lazaret 2 (Serves 2-D) Stargard Pomerania, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gaal, Frank, Jr. T/5 422 INF/AT        USAHEC Survey
Gabain, Charles G.32 063 127SSgt 424 INF/AT CIB,     Gabbert-CharlesG.jpg  27,
Gabbert, Donald I.37 770 662Pfc 106 MP PlatoonWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 04/12/1945. GO 1945-041,
    GO 1945-041,
Gable, William A.35 681 067  422 INF/E CIB, POW, EAME/311-B 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1998-10/11/12 59,
Gable, William E.   422 INF/E        1997-4/5/6
Gabriel, Joseph, Jr.36 898 135Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gabriel, Michael J.32 113 8301st SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
   33, GO 1945-076,
Gachesa, Charles E.15 078 392  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Gachesa-CharlesE-422-4B.jpg59,
Gadlage, Roman V.35 250 276T/5Medic422 INF/MED EAME/2, GCM, American Defense Ribbon Birth 14 Feb 1917; D. 7 Apr 1992 Dubois, Indiana     
Gadomski, Edward J.20 300 403Pfc DHQ & HQ Co        100,
Gaffney, Frank W.35 547 960PFc 424 INF/HQ CIB      1999-1/2/3
Gaggin, Verner S.O-Capt 591 FABN/HQ Batt        1990-7/8/9
Gagliardi, Alfred J.31 459 560Pfc 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   55,59,
Gagman, Robert J. PvtLight Machine Gun Section424 INF/I/Weapons Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Gagne, Albert, Jr. T/5 423 INF/MWIACIB, PH, EAME/4      1947-03, 1957-2/3, 1957-11/12, 1958-2/3, 1957-12-1959-1
Gagne, Roland J.31 399 985  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gagnon, Henry J.31 459 474Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gaherty, Joseph William31 215 805Pfc QM MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Quartermaster Company Cited for service from 1 December 1944 to 29 January 1945 b. 11/27/1920; d. 4/25/2022newspaper article with group photo  Gaherty-Joseph-2.jpg Gaherty-JW-1.jpgson through discussion group 02/16/2016, Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield Mass. 06/22/1945
Gailey, Clyde O.39 926 871Pvt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Gain, Loren37 694 186Pfc 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Gaines, John F.38 421 084Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia07/17/1983 (63) Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27,62, CUB 1957-4/5, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1998-7/8/9, GO 1945-051, FAG 677168
Gaines, John H.37 052 650  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gainey, Junius Harley34 967 027Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-D01/12/2002 (83) New Providence Cemetery Hunts Crossroads, Darlington County, South Carolina, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Gainey-JuniusH.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 109610484
Gainey, Woodrow W.34 966 306Pfc 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Gainor, Huner B.O-416 082MajorS-4159/HQ        40, 41, 42, AAR 05/1945
Gainous, Talmon6 969 796PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB 12/16/1944, BS, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  1975 (56) Greenlawn Memorial Gardens Chesapeake, Chesapeake City, Virginia, USA
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Bronze Star for heroic achievement in action against the enemy 12/17/1944 in Germany. GO 1945-008
  • GA
   30, 33, GO 1945-008, GO 1945-076, FAG 54115760
Gaither, Emmett, Jr.O-1LT    POW for 4 months12/19/1987 (65) Highland Memorial Gardens Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee, USA WW2 & Korea
Gaither-Emmett.jpg  Jackson Sun, Jackson TN 11/09/1945, FAG 185347000
Gaither, Jack L.34 725 002TSgt 422 INF/CN CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1987-11/12-1988-1, 1988-2/3 27, 59,
Gaither, James E., Jr.34 374 705T/4 423 INF/ATKIACIB, PH, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Gaither, Roy, Jr.35 663 236Pvt 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Galantowicz, T. J.42 108 854Pvt 424 INFKIA 12/17/1944  12/17/1944 Missing In Action Memorialized Tablets of the Missing Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery Hombourg, Belgium
Remains recovered.

Galanyowicz, T. J.42 108 854Pvt 424 INFKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH HC 0-0    ABMC,
Galardi, Leonard    KIA       65,
Galas, Casimir36 605 968Pfc 424 INFKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH 12/17/1944 Plot H Row 3 Grave 60 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg     ABMC,
Galati, Anthony L.12 021 485  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia02/19/2011 (78) Crestlawn Cemetery Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 65890844
Galik, George Marian Cpl     11/29/2017 (91) Riverside National Cemetery Riverside, Riverside County, California, USA     CUB 1949-10/11, CUB 1956-1/2, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1959-2/3, CUB 1962-1/2/3, CUB 1961-1/2/3, FAG 185754018
Galindre, Manuel38 580 028Pvt 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Galipeau, Francis Allen31 254 427SSgt 424 INF/3 BN/L CIB 01/22/1989 (76) Park Lawn Cemetery Bennington, Bennington County, Vermont, USA   Galipeau-FrancisA.jpg  27, FAG 72281868
Gallafar, Earl            1975-4/5/6
Gallager, John            1986-7/8/9/10
Gallagher, Daniel E.42 056 547Pvt 590 FABN/HQ Batt CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     1947-01-02 57,
Gallagher, John B.42 019 374  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gallagher, John F.33 849 994Pfc 422 INFMIACIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 59,
Gallagher, John I.33 487 155 / O-Sgt / 2LT 81 ENG (C)WIA lost handCIB, PH, BS, OGL-Gold 1973  
  1. Purple Heart 02/08/1945.
  2. Bronze Star for gallantry in action 02/07/1945 in Belgium.
  3. Lost a hand trying to save his Capt.
   1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1961-1/2/3, 1985-8/9/10, 01-02-03/1994, GO 1945-021, GO 1945-034, diary
Gallagher, John J. (1)36 649 574T/5 424 INF/L, 424 INF/3 BN/L CIB      27, 63,
Gallagher, John J. (2)12 172 953Pvt 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Gallagher, Richard P.31 429 535Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/1944 
  2. 9-B
2 Feb 1992 (aged 70) Cathedral Cemetery Scranton, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Gallagher-RichardP.jpg  62, CUB 1946-11, CUB 1947-01-02, CUB 1949-2/3, CUB 1984-9/10/11, GO 1945-051, FAG 109075077
Gallagher, Robert Pfc 424 INF/D        11, 22,
Gallagher, Thomas R.35 531 081Pvt 590 FABN/SVC CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     061,
Gallaher, Marshall William              
Gallegos, Pete P.38 583 873Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Galletta, Gigli P.32 820 585Sgt 422 INF/GKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH 12/16/1944 Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial Hamm, Canton de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg   Galletta-GigliP.jpg  CUB 1996-1/2/3, 27, ABMC, FAG 55956807
Gallhafer, Earl A.   Unk        CUB 31-1
Gallichio, Richard            1947-01-02
Gallie, Ronald G.32 706 766  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gallimore, Milton H. Pvt 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Gallitin, Ellis   81 ENG (C)/2nd Squad/3rd Platoon/A    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   CUB 1987-11/12-1988-1, 7,photo by William Cowden
Gallo, John J.32 693 499SSgt 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Gallo, Peter C.32 112 770TSgt 423 INF/1 BN/DMIA, KIACIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4  Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1948-8/9, 1948-10/11, 65, GO 1945-051,
Galloway, John L.38 172 052  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Galloway, John Robert 'Bob'35 803 573PfcMachine Gunner423 INF/3 BN/IWIACIB, POW, PH, PH/OLC, BS, EAME/44-D09/22/2008 (84) Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada, USA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. During World War II, Bob served his country as a machine gunner in the U.S. Army's 106th Division. He took part in the Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Campaigns. He was injured and captured by the Nazis during the Battle of the Bulge. Bob served as a POW for six months before he was liberated by the Russians. For his service, he received the Purple Heart with oak leaf cluster and he earned three battle stars and the Combat Infantryman's Badge.

  Galloway-JohnR.jpg 27, 62, GO 1945-051, Legacy, FAG 103212574
Galloway, Lloyd W.37 727 419Cpl 590 FABN/SVCWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC11-B Fallinghostel19 May 1999 (aged 87) Kingston Cemetery Kingston, Caldwell County, Missouri, USA   Galloway-LloydW.jpg  061, FAG 59171848
Galloway, Walter T.34 834 183Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051,
Galloway, Weldon E.36 718 758SSgt 422 INF/ATMIACIB, PHStalag 2A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg     1, 27, 59,
Galofaro, Marion J.38 197 823  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Galvan, Edubijes38 360 414Pfc 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Galvin, Francis J.33 323 698Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, GO 1945-051,
Galvin, Joe L., Jr.35 750 071T/4 424 INF/HQ, 422 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Galzerano, Louis A., Jr.33 588 950PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 13 Dec 2003 (aged 81) Saint Mark Cemetery Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA
  1. Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  2. graduate Camp Atterbury's school for tire extension and repair 9/8/44.
  3. Photo CC 9/8/44
Galzerano-LouisA.jpg  33, Camp Crier 9/8/44, GO 1945-076, FAG 118224264
Gambale, Jerome P. T/4 589 FABN/Batt A Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1946-10
Gamble, Clifford LaVerne33 707 649Cpl 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A Gorlitz
  2. Moved to Moosburg Murenberg
04/02/1999 (74) Florida National Cemetery Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gamble-CliffordL.jpg Gamble-CliffordL-2.jpg Gamble-CliffordL-1.jpgCUB 1987-11/12-1988-1, CUB 1988-7/8/9, CUB 01-02-03/2000 59, CUB 10/1999, FAG 680097
Gambrel, Curtis15 065 852T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
   33, GO 1945-076,
Gandolfo, Nicholas S., Jr. T/5 424 INF/A CIB, POW
  1. 12-A,
  2. 3-A
Gangemi, Salvatore Pvt 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Gannalo, Frank   422 INF/AT        1998-10/11/12
Gannalo, Frank A., Jr.32 825 296Pfc/SSgt 422 INF/AT CIB, PHPOW camp unknown
112/07/1998 (74) Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA   Gannalo-FrankA.jpg  27, 59, FAG 680825
Gannon, William J. Pfc SIGNALKIA 10/05/1944MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 10/05/1944 Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial Neuville-en-Condroz, Arrondissement de Liège, Liège, Belgium   Gannon-WilliamJ.jpg  17, FAG 56358295
Gans, Norman J.11 091 994  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen9 Feb 1971 (aged 61) Los Angeles National Cemetery Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gans-Norman.jpg  59, FAG 42964176
Gar, Lee B.32 654 611  423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4Stalag 4A Hohnstein, Saxony Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, GO 1945-051,
Garabedian, Aram33 408 934Pfc 424 INF/MedicWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 02/09/1945.

    GO 1945-021,
Garant, Clarence G.36 958 365Pfc 424 INF/1stKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH, BS 12/17/1944 Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial Neuville-en-Condroz, Arrondissement de Liège, Liège, Belgium B-42-58
Initially Memorialized Tablets of the Missing
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery
Hombourg, Belgium
BuriedPlot B Row 42 Grave 58
Ardennes American Cemetery
Garant-ClarenceG.jpg  27, ABMC,
Garay, Edward31 328 147Pfc 424 INF/A        1,
Garbedian, Aram33 408 934Pvt 424 INF/H CIB      27,
Garber, Frank Charles36 649 219Pfc SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 05/21/1950 (35) Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleum Evergreen Park, Cook County, Illinois, USA     14, 17, 31, FAG 176402670
Garbin, Abraham P. SSgt 81 ENG (C)   08/17/1966 (48) Girard Township Cemetery Girard, Macoupin County, Illinois, USA 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7, FAG 74403814
Garbin, Mario S.33 850 228Pfc 422 INF/1 BNMIACIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1, 59,
Garbullinski, Matthew   591 FABN/B 4th Gun Section        Garbullinski-Matthew.jpg1992-7/8/9, CUB 05/1992
Garcia, Anthony J. 'Tony'18 120 319Pfc 422 INF/BWIACIB, PH, BS 04/15/2010 (90) Calvary Cemetery Hanford, Kings County, California, USA During World War II, he served under Gen. George Patton in the European Theater. He was a Purple Heart-decorated combat veteran. Garcia-AnthonyJ.jpg  27, FAG 117236273
Garcia, Carlos M.38 562 218Pvt 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Garcia, DiomisioO-1 546 7271LT Medical CorpMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Lts. Garcia and Scott, who were attached to our Company to observe Collecting Company in operation were called back and assigned within our Battalion.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Garcia, Ernesto PvtAdmin424 INF/I   05/31/2006 (79) Riverside National Cemetery Riverside, Riverside County, California, USA   Garcia-Ernest.jpg  424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu, FAG 82507832
Garcia, George M. T/4 591 FABN/SVC   2005 (80) Clovis Cemetery Clovis, Fresno County, California, USA   Garcia-GeorgeM.jpg  #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011, FAG 75133839
Garcia, Joe P.38 583 656Pfc 424 INF/I CIB      27,
Garcia, Joseph A, Jr.20 419 769Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Garcia, Louis F.38 546 015Pvt 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Garcia, Salavdor M.37 360 974Pvt 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Gard, Paul D.   422 INF/HQ/2 BN   01/23/2009    CUB 04/2016,
Gardener, Ferd R.O-1 185 035Lt 590 FABNMIA       1,
Garder, Robert J.33 322 188Pfc 422 INF/L CIB      27,
Gardien, Kent E., Jr.38 459 032Pvt 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1948-10/11, 1954-1/2 8,
Gardiner, Fred Lt          60,
Gardiner, William C.O-516 366Capt 422 INF/E CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  2. 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria, Germany
  3. POW # 25 545
03/19/1999 (77) Port Hudson National Cemetery Zachary, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, having served in the 106th Infantry Division. He was a prisoner of war in Germany after being captured during the Battle of the Bulge.
Gardiner-WilliamC.jpg  CUB 1953-1/2, 1, 59, FAG 683268
Gardner, Charles T.20 453 499SSgt 424 INF/IKIA 01/17/1945CIB, PH      1946-10, 23, 65,
Gardner, Eugene R.42 026 347Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Gardner, Fred R.O-1 185 035  590 FABN CIB, POW
  1. 13-B Weiden Bavaria
  2. POW # 25 142
Gardner, Irvin H.33 492 511Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4IV-G 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gardner, James W. 'Jim'34 172 366T/4 422 INF/2 BN/HQWIA, MIA 12/16/1944CIB, POW, PH, EAME/3
  1. 2-A,
  2. 6-G
  3. Liberated by Russians 04/29/1945
08/18/2016 (92) Forest Hill Cemetery Shelbyville, Shelby County, Indiana, USA
  1. Still carries a large chuck of shrapnel in his left wrist.
  2. He graduated from Manilla High School and earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science at Ball State University. He did undergraduate and postgraduate work at Central Normal Teachers College in Danville, Butler University and Ball State University.
  3. Mr. Gardner was a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army, 106th Infantry, and attained the rank of E-4 specialist. James fought at the Battle of the Bulge, where he was taken prisoner by the German army.
  4. He received the Purple Heart.
  5. Visited at my house (Jim West(, and shared all of his history.
  6. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
Gardner-JamesW.jpg Gardner-Sharpnel-2014.jpg Gardner-Jim.jpgCUB 1988-7/8/9, self, 59, self 08/2014, Obit Shelby News, FAG 168774487, Republican, Rushville IN 03/30/1945
Gardner, Robert             
Gardner, William37 587 316Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62,2001-7/8/9, GO 1945-051,
Gardner, William E. SSgt 424 INF/C, 424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945 03/28/1992 (63) Fairview Cemetery Denison, Grayson County, Texas, USA Served in US Army & US Navy, WW2 & Korea
Gardner-WilliamE.jpg  10, Camp Crier 6/15/1944, FAG 101084014
Gardner, William T. SSgt 424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1944-06-15, 1952-6/7
Gardoff, Irving M.12 203 061Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Garfarino, unk   422 INF/B/3rd Squad/1st Platoon    Photo 07/1944 at Camp Atterbury
Gariam, George 1LT  MIA since 12/16/1944   MIA since 12/16/1944
   Republic 01/20/1945, Franklin Evening Star 01/20/1945
Garlick, John I.36 650 692Pvt345-Truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
Garline, Albert38 207 213Cpl 422 INF/K CIB      27,
Garlock, Kenneth L.36 649 439Pfc 423 INF/ATMIACIB, EAME/4      27,
Garlow, William J. or CodyO-329 970MajorExecutive Officer423 INF/2 BN/HQ & HQ CIB, POW, EAME/4
9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051/
  2. Grandson pf Buffalo Bill.
  3. Negotiated the surrender of the 423rd.

   CUB 1944-07-27, GO 1945-051, "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 147,
Garman, Malvin F.33 759 680Pvt 424 INF/3 BN CIB 2004 (79) Logan Valley Cemetery Bellwood, Blair County, Pennsylvania, USA     27, FAG 167175856
Garn, Charles Sylvester35 394 360SSgtSupply424 INF/H CIB 05/21/2010 Place of burial- Pleasant View Cemetery, Near Wooster, Ohio Clipping from "The Malmedy Massacre". pages 74-75. About 10:30 am the morning after the massacre, Capt Edward Schenk of the 955th FABn arrived at Baugnez in a command car. WIth him were Sgt Garn and driver T/5 Lieber. ...They immediately investigated and found Zach, severely wounded in his left leg below the knee and in his hip. He was conscious, so Schenk administered first aid and, with the assistance of Garn and Lieber placed Zach in the command car ....
Garn-CharlesSylvester.jpg Garn-CharlesSylvester-2.jpg Garn-CharlesSylvester-1.jpgCUB 1949-10/11, CUB 1969-2/3/4, CUB 1977-10/11/12, CUB 1985-3/4/5/6/7, CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 01/2018, "The Malmedy Massacre", son Jeff 07/24/2020
Garner, Harold E.36 445 427Pfc 422 INF/C CIB      27,
Garner, Onza M., Jr.34 437 525T/5 422 INF/3 BN   07/09/1977 (60) Graham Memorial Park Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, USA     27, FAG 42598190
Garner, Perry E.35 813 285Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/411-B 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Garner, unk Major          60,
Garnett, Merritt L.20 308 016TSgt DHQ G-2         
Garnett, unk Lt          60,
Garnhart, Delmar Paul36 740 619Cpl 422 INF/3 BN/HQWIACIB, POW, EAME/3, PH
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. POW # 311 826
03/07/1972 (48) Stillman Valley Cemetery Stillman Valley, Ogle County, Illinois, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Garnhart-DElmarP.jpg  CUB 2005-7/8/9, 27, 59, FAG 62868313
Garon, Alexander33 716 065Pfc 422 INFKIA 03/08/1945CIB, PH 03/08/1946 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial Henri-Chapelle, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liège, Belgium    ABMC, FAG 56281366
Garr, Lee Bow32 654 611Pvt 423 INF/C CIB, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
     27, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Garretson, Robert G.33 563 963T/5 SIGNAL CIB, PH, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945  04/14/1989 (69) Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery Owings Mills, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA     14, 17, 31, FAG 139999515
Garrett, C. A. SSgt DHQ/HQ Batt       ****MISSING PHOTO **** Knife-Name.jpgKnife and scabbard sold Ebay 8/2009
Garrett, David34 762 465  422 INF/GKIA after transfer from 106th 07/03/1944CIB, PH      1946-10, 1947-09, 65,
Garrett, Kenneth H.18 004 948Pvt 589 FABN/Batt AKIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  12/23/1944 (21) Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial Henri-Chapelle, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liège, Belgium F-11-9  Garrett-KennethH.jpg  8, ABMC, FAG 55903138
Garrett, Melvin C.33 845 755MSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia06/21/1989 (63) Port Hudson National Cemetery Zachary, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. WW2 & Korea
Garrett-MelvinC.jpg  Garrett-MelvinC.jpg59, FAG 3215814
Garrett, Ralph Mullendore38 436 844PfcAsst Cook at Camp Atterbury424 INF/1 BN/AT CIB
  1. took flight training at Central Washington College of Education.
  2. Assigned to 106th.
  3. In an International News Service “News of the Day,” Pfc. Ralph Garrett was written up as a survivor of the 106th Division’s massacre.   It read, “Pfc. Garrett was a cook in Headquarters Company in the 424th Infantry, 106th Division and was surrounded [by Nazis] for eight days at St. Vith, before being relieved by the U.S. 7th Army. Garrett had frozen feet, one of only 800 soldiers out of 14,000 in the division who escaped death, injury or being taken prisoner.”
     Garrett-Ralph.jpg27, http://www.cleburnetimesreview.com 1/2012, diary, Franklin Evening Star 02/01/1945, S.O. 092
Garrett, Wiley Donald 'Don'37 511 840T/4 424 INF/2 BN CIB, EAME/4 04/16/2013 (89) Memorial Park Cemetery Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, USA He was a WWII Army veteran and had served in various campaigns, including Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe and the Battle of the Bulge.   27, FAG 108843928
Garritano, Daniel N.35 315 5281st Sgt 424 INF/AT CIB 7/16/2019 (98)In World War II he was a First Sergeant in the 106th Infantry Division, 424th Regiment Anti-Tank Company, serving in the Battle of the Bulge, Northern France, Ardennes Forest, Rhineland and Central Europe. He received 4 Bronze Star Medals, American Campaign Medal, Good Conduct Medal, American Theater Service Ribbon, and European-African-Middle Eastern Service Ribbon, WW II Victory Medal, Combat Service Commemorative Medal, and WWII Battle of the Bulge Commemorative Medal. He was a passionate reader of WWII history, patriotic, and proud of his military service.  Garritano-Daniel-2.jpg CUB 1948-10/11, Obit by Shane Miller 10/05/2020
Garter, Marvin W.34 607 446Sgt 422 INF/C CIB      27,
Gartner, Samuel34 025 007Sgt 424 INF/A CIB, POW
  1. 12/17/1944
  2. Liberated 5/1945 in Bremnerhaven by British Welsh Guards
2-11-1997 Jacksonville    23, CUB 10/11/12 1972,
Garvas, John F.37 589 480  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen07/11/2009 (97) Mountain View Cemetery Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 77834408
Garwood, Samuel A., Jr.34 897 021Pfc 424 INF/K CIB 09/21/1992 (67) Forest Hill Memorial Park Lexington, Davidson County, North Carolina, USA   Garwood-SamuelA.jpg  27, FAG 40654324
Garwood, Sterling R.O-1 061 6982LT2d Platoon Leader423 INF/1 BN/BWIA *2CIB, POW, EAME/4, 2 BS, 2 PH
  1. 12/16/1944
  2. 13-B.
  3. POW # 25 421
  4. Escaped near Regensburg
04/13/2003 (79) Santa Fe National Cemetery Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. FAG 17547697 Headstone says USAAF, but newspaper article says 2LT that went overseas with 106th last October. Listed as MIA 12/11 is a POW in Germany.
  3. He was a veteran of World War II, having served in the European theatre with the 106th Infantry Division. Captured in the Battle of the Bulge, he later escaped and made his way to American lines. He was commended with two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.
Garwood-SterlingR.jpg  Garwood-SterlingR-2.jpgCUB 1988-10/11/12, 1, GO 1945-051, FAG 17547697
Garza, Juan38 559 115Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Gaskell, Daniel C.39 209 140Pvt 424 INF/1 BN/AKIA 12/17/1944 WinterspeltCIB, PH 12/17/1944 Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial Neuville-en-Condroz, Arrondissement de Liège, Liège, Belgium B-40-58
Initially Memorialized Tablets of the Missing
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery
Hombourg, Belgium
BuriedPlot B Row 40 Grave 58
Ardennes American Cemetery
Gaskell-DanielC.jpg  ABMC, Discussion Board 03/13/2009, FAG 56358321
Gaspard, Joseph Frank 'Jeff'38 490 842Pfc 422 INF/L CIB 07/02/2009 (84) Thornwell Cemetery Thornwell, Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana, USA    Gaspad-Joseph-2.jpg Gaspard-JosephF.jpg27, FAG 39011836
Gasses, Joseph J.36 401 471Cpl 422 INF/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
05/23/2005 (84) Lake Forest Cemetery Grand Haven, Ottawa County, Michigan, USA
  1. Obit in his diary, this site, but date was not provided.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
Gasses-JosephJ.jpg  CUB 1947-09, CUB 1951-8/9, CUB 1952-6/7, CUB 1963-11/12, CUB 1985-8/9/10, 59, FAG 146906647
Gatens, John Francis, Jr.32 770 667CplChief Gunner589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/23/1944, Liberated 04/28/1945 by the Welsh GuardsCIB, POW (Captured at Parker's Crossroads), Order of the Golden Lions-Gold, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. POW along with A. B. Grigsby
  2. 12-A
  3. 9-B
  4. 10-B near Bremen.
  5. Liberated by Welsh Guards 04/1945
05/11/2015 (91) Cedar Lawn Cemetery Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
  1. at Parker's Crossroads.
  2. My Section, was right on the corner, at the Crossroads and we never did receive any ammunition, in that position. As far as I know, I was the only Section that did any Howitzer firing on the corner.
  3. The big trucks churned the icy mud into a paste in which the guns sank almost hub deep. Hostile small arms and artillery were sweeping the area. Snow blew into sweating faces in the night. The wind howled through the trees, each of which might be hiding an infiltrating enemy soldier. All of the gun crews had to help all the guns and trucks pull and push until we had cleared the corduroy road.
  4. After the war went to drafting and engineering school and ended up in the aerospace industry. Worked on the Mars Lander in the 1970's. His name was etched on a capsule in the lander.
  5. John Gatens, taken prisoner by the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge, was venerated in Belgium, the country he and his comrades liberated. Mr. Gatens served as a gunner corporal on a 105mm howitzer in the 106th Infantry. Days after his division arrived at the Belgian-German frontier in December 1944, the Germans launched a major offensive that would be known as the Battle of the Bulge. At the outset, Mr. Gatens destroyed a leading German tank with direct fire from his howitzer; days later, he held off the Germans at a key crossroads..

    The crossroads fell, and “when I saw the German army advancing, I ran into a farmhouse where our soldiers were warming up to get them out and hold the German forces back,” Mr. Gatens said last year in an interview with the Suburban News. “They began to bomb us. The German officer said I had a choice to surrender or get shot. There are no heroes when you are looking at a tank taking aim at you.”

    On the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, a vintage U.S. howitzer was placed at the Baraque de Fraiture crossroads to honor the Americans who fought the Germans there. It is known as “Gatens’ gun. Mr. Gatens stayed in touch with the Belgian family that owns the farmhouse/inn where he was taken prisoner.

    “John very openly talked about his experiences as a GI in battle and as a prisoner of war and truly embodied the best of what Tom Brokaw called so fittingly the Greatest Generation,”. “He has many friends all over the world who will dearly miss him, but who will never forget him and his powerful story.”

    A proud veteran of the U.S. Army serving during World War II, he became a prisoner of war during the Battle of the Bulge and was a member of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge of the Picatinny Arsenal in Jefferson Township. Three years ago, Mr. Gatens honored his fallen comrades at a wreath-laying ceremony at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery in Belgium.

    “Right now, it is sad because tonight, when I fall asleep — if I fall asleep — memories start coming back,” he said in remarks posted on the website of the American Battle Monuments Commission.

    “ … The average age under these stones is 24 years old. It hurts me. The only thing I’m glad about is that I am not under one of them.”

  Gatens-JohnF-2.jpg Gatens-John.jpgCUB 1984-9/10/11, CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 7-8-9-199, 8, 58, 68, self 7/2013, "Red Legs of the Bulge", Death date via John Schaffner, USAHEC, FAG 146610067, "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 32, 38,
Gater, Fred37 006 805Pfc 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star for heroic achievement with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 in Germany. Missouri
Gates, James A.39 076 296SSgt607 Light Mortar Crewman423 INF/F EAME/4  
  1. Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army.
  2. 423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)
   SO 66,
Gatewood, Guy L.34 724 772SSgt 424 INF/AT CIB      1947-03, 1961-4/5
Gatheright, Floyd NMI34 003 215Pfc SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Gaudette, George E.6 153 005Pvt 589 FABN/SVC BattKIA 12/22/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  12/22/1944 (25) Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial Neuville-en-Condroz, Arrondissement de Liège, Liège, Belgium A-34-14  Gaudette-GeorgeE.jpg  8, ABMC, FAG 56358332
Gauger, Raymond G.36 807 114SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gaughman, Robert G.O-1LT SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Gause, Thomas Hastie     BS, CIB, Belgian Fourragere 06/10/2009 (84) Stockton Memorial Cemetery Stockton, Baldwin County, Alabama, USA
  1. Mr. Gause served in the U. S. Army during World War II. He was a member of the 99th Infantry Division. He served in European-African campaign and during the Battle of the Bulge. He also served in the Asiatic-Pacific campaign. He received numerous medals for his service including the Bronze star with V device (for valor in combat), the Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge and the Belgian Fourragere.
  2. FAG says 99th Division.
  Gause-ThomasH.jpg CUB 1988-2/3, FAG 38320352
Gauthier, James C.20 624 507  590 FABN CIB, POW9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     57,
Gavel, Zigmunt R. TSgt 423 INF/3 BN/K EIB, EAME/4 1996 (80) Sunset Memorial Park North Olmsted, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA     Camp Crier 6/16/1944, FAG 192353402
Gavin, Chuck   424 INF/H        CUB 38-1
Gavn, Charles S.   424 INF/H        1974-10/11/12
Gay, Clarence R.31 459 473Pvt 424 INF/1 BN CIB      27,
Gay, Ernest C.31 150 294T/3 424 INF/L    
  1. Injured in truck accident 05/29/1945 near Bretzenhaim, Germany. NBI. Fractured wrist.
  2. Evacuated 05/30/1945 to 136 Evan Hospital.
Gay, Wilbert G.31 362 493Pvt 168 ENG (C) (attached)KIA 09/07/1944CIB, PH 09/07/1944 (32) Brittany American Cemetery and Memorial Saint-James, Departement de la Manche, Basse-Normandie, France H-4-9Wilbert G. Gay
Private, U.S. Army
Service # 31362493
168th Engineer Combat Battalion
Entered the Service from: Massachusetts
Died: 7-Sep-44
Buried at: Plot H Row 4 Grave 9
Brittany American Cemetery
St. James, France
Awards: Purple Heart
   ABMC, FAG 56350899
Gaylor, George O., Jr.14 107 493SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen09/29/1965 (44) Chestnut Creek Cemetery Cooper, Chilton County, Alabama, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Gaylor-GeorgeO.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 71473814
Gaze, Richard William39 332 610Pfc 423 INF/ATKIACIB (Posthumous), POW, EAME/4
9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
04/05/1945 (20) Whittle and Hubbard Cemetery Castle Rock, Cowlitz County, Washington, USA
Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,
Gaze-RichardW.jpg  Gaze-RichardW.jpg27, 62, Atterbury Camp Crier 4/14/1944, GO 1945-051, FAG 38935734, 11/05/1944 VMail sold on Ebay 01/24/2021
Gearen, Minor Ray, Jr.34 547 544Pvt 423 INF EAME/4  inducted into the Army   Daily Reporter, Greenfield IN 03/26/1943
Gearhart, Kenneth M. Major Chaplain Corps reserve    newspaper article played 1st base on the 106th varsity team in 1943   Daily Mail, Hagerstown MD 08/03/1948
Gearhart, Walter 39 155 163SSgt824 Mess Sergeant423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  EAME/4  Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Gebbia, Joseph A.18 027 270  423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, GO 1945-051,
Gebelin, Francis E.   424 INF/M   3/1/2006    1992/07-08-09,2007/01-02-03,
Gebert, Weldon James 'Shorty'38 711 499Pfc 422 INF/B CIB 11/17/2001 (80) Englewood Cemetery Slaton, Lubbock County, Texas, USA He served with the U.S. Army Infantry during World War II.   27, FAG 10038505
Geble, Albert36 579 578Pfc 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Gedeon, Bartol 'Walter Bert'36 559 422Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen05/25/1997 (74) Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan, USA
Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.

aka: Walter Bert Gedeon
Born in Bosnia, but of Croatian descent. Father was Postmaster General.
Birth Date: 24 Aug 1920
Birth Place: Austria

WWII Prisoner of War
Grade: Private First Class
Service Branch: Army
Arm or Service: Infantry
Parent Unit Type: Depot/106th Infantry Division
Area Served: European Theatre: Germany
Detaining Country: Germany
Camp: Stalag 4B Muhlberg Sachsen 51-13
   27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 184475557
Geer, Earl C.31 267 751  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia02/25/1988 (82) Penacook Calvary Cemetery Penacook, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Geer-EarlC.jpg  59, FAG 143320325
Geesey, Daniel A.33 502 922  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gegolewski, Marshall6 999 660Pvt 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Gehner, LaMonie Henry36 776 564CplMilitary Police422 INF/L CIB, POW, EAME/3, GC, American Theater, WW2 medal, BS9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia03/07/2015 (89) Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery Mount Olive, Macoupin County, Illinois, USA
  1. CUB returned 01/2018
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsac.
  3. Military: A member of the United States Army serving during WWII. Attained the rank of Corporal in the Military Police. Was a Prisoner of War . Received the Good Conduct Medal / European-African and Middle Eastern Campaign Ribbon / American Theatre Ribbon / WWII Victory Medal / 2 Bronze Campaign Stars and a Combat Infantryman's Badge.
Gehner-LaMonieH.jpg  59, CUB 01/2018, CUB 04/2018,FAG 171928944
Gehrig, Melvin M., Sr. Sgt 422 INF/3 BN/HQ   10/30/1988 (67) Consolata Cemetery Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, USA     CUB 1970-1/2/3, CUB 1976-1/2/3, CUB 1989-1/2/3, FAG 23501714
Geib, George Phillip32 191 979Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      1949-12-1950-1, 1956-1/2, 1986-7/8/9/10
Geier, Clifford C.36010 448Sgt 591 FABN CIB, PH  Purple Heart 03/08/1945.

    GO 1945-034,
Geissinger, Robert W.33 766 462Sgt/TSgt Cadre605422 INF/M    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Geist, Robert L. 'Lou'36 478 399TSgt 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia03/03/1994 (69) Camp Butler National Cemetery Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Geist-RobertL.jpg  62, CUB 1994-7-8-9, GO 1945-051, FAG 690547
Gelinas, Joseph A.31 190 097Pfc/SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB 12/16/1944, BS, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  06/12/1992 (69) Fort Custer National Cemetery Augusta, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, USA
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Bronze Star for heroic achievement in action against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 12/18/1944 in Germany. GO 1945-008,
  • Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
  • Conn
Gelinas-JosephA.jpg  30, 33, GO 1945-008, GO 1945-076, FAG 690645
Geller, Howard37 564 084Pvt405-Clerk Typist106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
Geller, Robert E. Cpl 424 INF/C   01/24/2011 (89) Covington Memorial Gardens Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana, USA    Geller-RobertE.jpg CUB 2003-4/5/6, CUB 2005-4/5/6 10, FAG 64713574
Gelso, Romeo B.32 753 797Pvt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,59,
Gemmete, Donald, Sr.36 890 431Pfc 424 INF/B CIB 01/13/1993 (67) Union Corners Cemetery Troy, Oakland County, Michigan, USA  Gemmete-Donald.jpg  27, FAG 80441599
Gemoules, John Pfc  KIA   newspaper article thank you to 106th Division for help in returning his body to the US   Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville IL 12/04/1948
Genantone, Anthony C.32 773 349PFC Medical Platoon, 422 INF CIB, POW, PH, EAME/34-B Muhlberg SachsenJan 1, 1990, Ft. Lee, NJ422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   ****MISSING PHOTO **** Tony.jpg59,
Gender, Elmer Oscar Sgt      Branch of Service: Army , Battalion, Regiment, Division: 8th Army, 27th Division, 106th Infantry   www.history.nd.gov, Wayne Dunn
Genise, Arthur R.32 960 984Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gentry, Garnett SSgt      SSgt Garnett is to be returned to the US with the first large group to be sent home. His points are from combat decorations and overseas service. He is a member of the 106th Division.
   Press, Johnson City TN 07/01/1945
Gentry, Wallace H.38 558 074Pvt 424 INF/L CIB 11/03/2004 (79) Ellison Ridge Cemetery Ellison Ridge, Winston County, Mississippi, USA   Gentry-WallaceH.jpg  CUB 2005-04-05-06, FAG 27109671
Geoedert, Edward A. Sgt 424 INF/D        11, 22,
George, Elmer H.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
George, George CplLight Machine Gun Section424 INF/I/Weapons Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
George, Harry C., Jr.33 850 207  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
George, Howell, Jr.33 618 457Cpl 424 INF/K CIB 06/26/1977 (53) Nockamixon Union Cemetery Ferndale, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA    27, FAG 55921389
George, James36 650 343Pfc 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     8,58,
George, James C. Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
George, Nicos32 823 841T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 10/19/1966 (58) Long Island National Cemetery East Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York, USA
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Tec 5 Nicos George was transferred to Hq Detachment per Special Order #1 Hq 331 Medical Battalion dated 1 Jan 45.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076, FAG 2683277
George, Wilbert35 709 012Sgt 422 INF/L CIB 05/16/2006 (82) Saint Matthews Cemetery West Seneca, Erie County, New York, US  George-Wilbert.jpg  27, FAG 100801565
Gerace, Philip E.35 362 988Pfc-T/5 DHQKIA 1946CIB, BS 1946 (24) Winamac Cemetery Winamac, Pulaski County, Indiana, USA
  1. Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/18/1944 to 12/19/1944 in Belgium.
  2. IN
  3. Inscription: "Son" "T5 106th Inf Div"
Gerace-PhilipE.jpg  GO 1945-011, FAG 157452847
Gerace, Salvatore35 312 074TSgt 422 INF/K CIB, PH
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
Geraci, August L.3 664 932Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB      27,
Gerady, William L. SSgt 423 INF/AT CIB, GC, BS, EIB, EAME/4      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Geram, Tony Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Gerardi, Frank, Sr.32 772 645T/5931 Truck Driver Heavy Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech) POWcaptured at Grosslangenfeld      Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Gerber, Robert G. T/4     12/08/2009 (89) Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery Rittman, Medina County, Ohio, USA  Gerber-RobertG.jpg  CUB 1947-09, FAG 62973180
Gerelin, Francis E.35 924 637Pfc 424 INF/M CIB      27,
Geren, Ernest Harrison 'Ernie'6 578 204  422 INFMIA 12/16/1944CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia12/13/1987 (72) Mountain View Memorial Park Lakewood, Pierce County, Washington, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.From 15 Feb 1945 Licking, MO, Newspaper--M. Sgt. Ernest H. Geren is reported missing in action in Germany since Dec. 16th. Sgt. Geren has seen action in England, France, Scotland and Belgium. He enlisted in the Army in August 1939. He was stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., until Feb. 1, 1942, then was transferred to Camp Hood, Texas and was there until May, 1944. Then he was sent to Infantry School at Camp Atterbury, Ind. and has fought with the Infantry overseas since he went across in November.
  2. OBITUARY from the 1987 Tacoma, WA newspaper--ERNEST H. GEREN---Ernest H. Geren, MSG, USAF, Ret., 72, a Tacoma WA resident since 1939, died Sunday, December 13, 1987. Born in Turley, Missouri, he was an Air Force retired Motor Pool Supervisor,
Geren-ErnestH.jpg Geren-ErnestH-2.jpg Geren-ErnestH-1.jpg59, FAG 46715417
Gerenday, George L.12 046 915Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, 1948-8/9, GO 1945-051,
Gergets, John J.36 956 911Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen03/19/1983 (67) Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleum Evergreen Park, Cook County, Illinois, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 179101698
Gergler, Earl H.31 458 789  423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   62, GO 1945-051,
Gerhardt, Ernest42 055 392T/5 422 INF/SVCMIACIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B,
  2. 25-F
  3.  liberated 04/18/1945
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1946-09,1947-01-02, 1951-2/3, 1953-1/2, 1956-11/12. 1957-11/12 1, 59,
Gerhart, Nelson G.33 503 128  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gericke, Alfred J., Jr. 15 325 026SSgt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1949-10/11, 1955-7/8/9, 1956-11/12,1957-11/12, 1961-10/11/12, 1963-1/2/3, 1964-11-12-1965-01-V21#2, 1966-4/5/6, 1970-1/2/3, 1971-4/5/6, 1972-7/8/9, GO 1945-051,
Geringer, Raymond F.37 692 577  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gerlach, Phillip E.   424 INF/D   2008    1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1961-1/2/3, 1962-1/2/3, 1988-4/5/6
Gerlow, William J.O-329 970Maj 423 INF/2 BN CIB, EAME/4      27,
Gernick, Louis J. Pfc745 Rifleman424 INF/I/1st Plt         424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Gerry, Ernest C., Jr.31 322 088T/5 422 INF/F CIB, PH, Silver Star 04/1948
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
06/29/1999 (77) Pine Grove Cemetery Fryeburg, Oxford County, Maine, USA
  1. For participation in these actions, Silver Stars were awarded to Tec 5 Ernest C. Gerry of F Co., and, from Co H, Cpl. Herman W. Pace, Cpl. Lawrence J. Doerr, Sgt. Roy J. Jensen, and Cpl. Clyde McDaniel. If I can learn the full name and ASN of Pfc. Potter of Co H, he too will be a Silver Star wearer.
  2. Inscription:TEC 5 US ARMY WORLD WAR II



   Gerry-ErnestC.jpg59, CUB 1948-04 (SS), Lewis Walker diary, Cub In Review, FAG 43471736
Gerstein, Ira A.12 233 600Pvt 422 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Gerstenberger, Robert D. Pfc 424 INF/BKIACIB, PH      1947-03
Gerstner, Jacob A.6 982 037T/5 590 FABN/SVC BattKIA None Battle 03/07/1945 Died as POWCIB, PH
  1. POW camp unknown
  2. Died as POW
03/07/1945 (24) (None Battle) Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial Neuville-en-Condroz, Arrondissement de Liège, Liège, Belgium A-37-45
Jacob served as a Technician Fifth Class, 590th Field Artillery Bn, 106th Infantry Division, U.S. Army during World War II. He enlisted in the Army on January 18, 1940, prior to the war, in Lenoir, North Carolina. He was noted as being employed as a Engineer in the mining occupation and also as a Widower without dependents. Jacob died in the "Line Of Duty" of a non-battle related incident during the war.
Gerstner-JacobA.jpg  Atterbury Camp Crier 07/21/1944, 57, ABMC, 65, FAG 56358352, NARA
Gery, George W. Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L   11/26/1988 (71) Maplewood Cemetery Durham, Durham County, North Carolina, USA   Gery-GeorgeW.jpg  63, FAG 194608819
Geske, John H.36 817 999 wireman422 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, POW, EAME/3
4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   59, Atterbury Camp Crier 7/21/44,
Gessner, Charles W. Pfc 806/ORD   05/03/1987 (66) Woodstock Cemetery Pipestone County, Minnesota, USA   Gessner-ChrlesW.jpg  CUB 1947-09,FAG 67726321
Gest, David J.   589 FABN/HQ        CUB 21-4
Getter, Peter37 582 407T/5 589 FABN/SVCMIA 12/23/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 1944-12-24     8,
Geuder, Harry G.36 650 166Sgt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Geyer, Joe E. or S.38 591 498Pvt 424 INF/BKIA 12/24/1944CIB, PH 12/23/1944 Tablets of the Missing Ardennes American Cemetery Neupré, Belgium
Date of DeathDecember 23, 1944
Memorialized Tablets of the Missing
Ardennes American Cemetery
Neupré, Belgium
   CUB 1996-1/2/3, ABMC,
Giaandonato, Alfred J.33 590 066PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gianakos, George Constantine   424 INF/Medic   03/10/2017 (85) burial unknownjoined the United States Army in service of his country as a member of the Military Police   CUB 1953-1/2, FAG 177261531
Giancola, Bennie J.33 589 216  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Giandonato, Alfred PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945      1999-7/8/9 30,
Gianini, Delmo J.34 624 804Pfc345 truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)  captured at Grosslangenfeld      Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Gianniotis, Lambros  Officer's Mess Cook423 INF/2 BN EAME/4      1990-4/5/6
Gibbons, Charles Capt          60,
Gibbons, James6 707 798Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gibbons, John J., Jr.20 228 011TSgt1812 Light Weapons NCO423 INF/E EAME/4, BS 10/09/2009 (87) Holy Cross Cemetery Brook Park, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA
  1. Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army.
  2. U.S. Army veteran, earning a Bronze Star for his service in World War II.
   SO 66, FAG 42910539
Gibbons, Murray F., Jr.O-1 296 848Capt 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 13-D,
  2. Oflag 73
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gibbons, Robert G.O-346 826MajorPWTE A-5 SINZIG 3rd BN.159,159/F,159/CN,159/AT159/HQ        40, 41, 42, 43, 48, AAR 05/1945
Gibbons, William A.37 511 361T/5 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gibbs, Daniel P.      Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany02/10/2004     Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013
Gibbs, David A.34 897 166  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-A Hohnstein, Saxony 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gibbs, Edward William 'Eddie'36 718 816Pvt 422 INF/SVC CIB 03/11/2011 (87) Zion Methodist Church Seaford, York County, Virginia, USA    Gibbs-EdwardW.jpg 27, FAG 66849888
Giberson, John W.33 590 065T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gibler, Gordon L.37 510 387SSgt 424 INF/2 BN/H EIB CC 6/44, CIB      27, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Gibney, Jesse Lewis, Sr.O-12 216ColCO 424th424 INF   12/23/1967 (72) Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA Colonel Jesse Lewis Gibney has Honoree Record 313190, with biography, at MilitaryHallofHonor.com.   77, FAG 49188540
Gibney, LouO-Col 424 INF        1948-10/11
Gibney, Ralph 1LTAdjutant424 INF    Signs reference 105
Gibson, Albert Sylvester36 562 711Pfc57mm Anti-Tank Gun Crewman422 INF/AT CIB, PH, BS, POW
  1. 4-B,
  2. 12-A,
  3. 4-D
04/05/1985 (62) Resurrection of the Lord Catholic Cemetery Standish, Arenac County, Michigan, USA   Gibson-AlbertS.jpg  59, Son, FAG 82323211
Gibson, Charles R.O-302 151Major 422 INF/SVC, 424 INF/SVCWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945
  1. Oflag 64,
  2. 11-B
10/25/2003 (94) Oak Grove Cemetery Lawton, Van Buren County, Michigan, USA newspaper article of arriving home from POW camp.   Gibson-LT.jpgCUB 1946-10, CUB 1976-1/2/3, CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 2004-4/5/6 1, 59, Discussion Board 12/11/2010, CUB 04/2014, Legacy, Republic, Columbus IN 04/20/1945, FAG 116257506
Gibson, Harold L.O-551 262  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen03/03/2003 (78) Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Roanoke, Roanoke City, Virginia, USA422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gibson-HaroldL.jpg  59, FAG 155831437
Gibson, J. R.19 203 525Cpl 423 INF/MWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     62,1947-01-02,1948-10/11,1949-8/9,1951-10/11
Gibson, James B.   591 FABN/HQ   deceased by 2018    CUB 04/2018
Gibson, James Owen, Jr.37 070 982Pfc 424 INF/F CIB 01/01/1973 (53) Parker Cemetery Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, USA     12, FAG 23645029
Gibson, Reginald O-LTForward Observer333rd FABN    
It was a remarkable achievement that they managed to stay at their posts until 0600 the next day, considering they were completely surrounded by the enemy for 24hours.
   "Red Legs of the Bulge", V112,
Gibson, William R.33 589 719T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      CUB 1946-08, Cub In Review
Gibson, William T.             
Gideon, Barton Pvt 423 INF/FMIAEAME/4  423 INF/F/3d Platoon awarded Distinguished Unit Citation for Action at St. Vith, Belgium from 12/17 to 12/23/1944 CUB Vol 8, No. 2. (members of this Platoon unknown)   1,
Giese, Harold Walter36 959 213  422 INF/E CIB, POW, EAME/3, BS4-D06/2004 (86) Sunset Memorial Gardens Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. Enlisted in the Army from 1941 to 1945 and served overseas 1942 to 1945 during WW II.
Giese-HaroldW.jpg Giese-HaroldW.jpg CUB 1949-12-1950-1, CUB 1950-8/9, 59, FAG 55612352
Giesler, Carl Wellington SSgt 591 FABN/HQ Batt   04/21/2011 (88) Allouez Catholic Cemetery And Chapel Mausoleum Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin, USA He was a veteran of World War II and served as a Staff Sergeant in the 591st Field Artillery of the 106th Infantry Division, seeing action in Belgium and Germany in the Battle of the Bulge.  Giesler-CarlW.jpg CUB 1988-2/3, Obit, CUB Jan/Apr 2012, FAG 68856103
Gietzen, Francis G.O-1 309 2461LT 423 INF/SVC CIB, PH, EAME/4
  1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  2. 13-B Hammelburg Bavaria Germany
  3. POW # 25 328
04/04/1970 (56) burial unknownCombat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   1, GO 1945-051, FAG 190551506
Giffey, Donald J.36 204 458Sgt 422 INFKIA 04/02/1945 as POWCIB, POW, EAME/3Stalag 3B Furstenberg Brandenburg, Prussia 04/02/1945 (30) Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial Margraten, Eijsden-Margraten Municipality, Limburg, Netherlands P-21-9
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. Giffey experienced a traumatic event which resulted in loss of life on April 2, 1945. This occurred in or around Prussia. Recorded circumstances attributed to: "Died as Prisoner of War under German control". Sgt Donald J Giffey enlisted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on 19 March 1941. Some records indicate being held as a prisoner by Germany at a location known as Stalag 3b Furstenberg Brandenburg Prussia.
    Contributor: Andy (FAG 48021049)
Giffey-DonaldJ.jpg  Giffey-DonaldJ.jpg59, ABMC, FAG 56299062
Gifford, Paul C. Pvt          1947-09
Gigante, Joseph P. PfcCmd Grp424 INF/I        424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu,
Giggey, Fred Lt          60,
Giglio, Antony S.31 458 549  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gikman, Arthur E.31 099 369  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gilard, Leonard J.36 739 552Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Gilber, Gordon L.             
Gilbert, Charles Pfc    
  1. captured 12/21/1944.
  2. POW camp led to American line by the German POW camp Colonel commanding the camp.
 12,000 Allied POWs led into American lines. "Buttstroke Charlie", one of he guards had a fondness for beating the POWs with his rifle. Hike began at 2 am at the town of Torugs, 18 miles NE of Wurzen. I didn't believe we were free until I saw a car approaching carrying the Stars and Stripes.   Lebanon Daily News, LEbanon PA 04/26/945
Gilbert, Daniel William31 459 583Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12/19/1944
  2. 12-A,
  3. Arbeit Kommando #1348,
  4. 4-B
06/02/2004 (87) Old Howard Cemetery Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Gilbert-DanielW.jpg  62, CUB 1982-10/11/12, CUB 1992-4/5/6, CUB 04-05-06/2004, GO 1945-051, 101, FAG 49744204
Gilbert, David W.19 133 316Pfc 424 INF/K CIB 6/17/2004 (80)    27,
Gilbert, George H., Jr.   423 INF/CN EAME/4      1987-11/12-1988-1
Gilbert, Paul35 335 045CPL 424 INF/AT  3-A      
Gilbert, Robert G.32 753 107Cpl 424 INF/2 BNKIACIB, PH      27,
Gilbo, Joseph F.32 044 138T/5511 Armorer423 INF/CN EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Gilbreath, Thomas H.34 707 372T/5 589 FABN/Batt BMIA 12/22/1944, KIABelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8, 65,
Gilder, A. Robert   424 INF/1 BN/ HQ, 424 INF/Hq OGL-Gold 1987 02/21/2012 Ohio Natl Cemetery    1949-10/11, 1951-12-1952-1, 1952-8/9,1956-3/4, 1958-2/3, 1977-10/11/12, 1985-3/4/5/6/7, 1994-1/2/3, CUB Jan/Apr 2012, Obit by Murray Stein 9/2012
Gilding, Joseph P.O-466 943Capt Medical CorpsMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 08/02/1952 (45) Schoolcraft Township Cemetery Vicksburg, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, USA
  1. Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076.
  2. Joseph was a medical doctor and practiced with his father Zina Lester Gilding until Zina's retirement in 1935.
    In 1942, Joseph joined the Army and served for three-and-a-half years in World War II, including five major battles (St. Lo, Hurtgen Forest, Aachen, and the Battle of the Bulge). He survived them all but not without a confrontation with a German tank aiming squarely at the Red Cross ambulance he was riding in. His unit, the 9th Army, 28th Division, was the first to parade through the Arc de Triomphe in Paris under the leadership of Gen. Omar Bradley.
   33, GO 1945-076, FAG 30130977
Giles, James Bascom, Jr. 'Jim'O-026 6342LT 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  2. 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria, Germany
  3. POW # 25 481
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. He received a nomination from Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson to attend West Point Military Academy and graduated in three years on D-Day, June 6, 1944. He served as an infantry officer in World War II and Korea. During his military career he played for the West Point football team "The Cadets", fought in the Battle of the Bulge, was a POW in Germany, received the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star medal and was an instructor at West Point and the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Following World War II he served in the Military Government during the occupation of Japan. Jim retired from the military after twelve years of service
   Giles-JamesB.jpg55, 59, FAG 160116375, CUB 1947-09, CUB 1992-7/8/9, 1, 55,
Giles, Kenneth F.20 225 363TSgt1812 Light Weapons NCO422 INF/L    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Giles, Samuel William33 710 817Pfc 422 INF/K, 423 INF/3 BN/KMIA 12/21/1944 GermanyCIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/21/1944
  2. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen 51-13
  3. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
  4. 04/1944 moved to a farming district at Helensdorf.
  5. He and 15 others escaped and reached American lines in 5 days.
  6. 05/12/1945 in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia.
  7. Liberated 06/09/1945
05/22/1997 (71) McKean County Memorial Park Lafayette, McKean County, Pennsylvania, USA

  1. Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/3 BN/K) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article sent letter home that he was a POW
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsac.
  4. 423rd Infantry, 106th Division
    Entered service: 1943 Overseas: October 1944
    Missing in Action: Germany, December 21, 1944
    Prisoner of War: Germany
    Stalag 4B Muhlberg Sachsen 51-13
    Liberated: June 9, 1945

   Giles-SamuelW.jpg1, 62, 1953-4/5, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051, Bradford Evening Star, Bradford, PA 04/09/1945, 07/20/1945, FAG 185586824
Giles, Wallace J.39 721 615Pfc 424 INFKIA 12/17/1944CIB, PH 12/17/1944 Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial Hamm, Canton de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg F-4-5  Giles-WallaceJ.jpg  CUB 2005-7/8/9 ABMC, FAG 56061427
Gilham, William F.35 589 993Pvt DHQ Info & Education         
Gill, Richard H.    KIA after transfer from 106thCIB, PH      65,
Gillan, James J.33 584 515M/Sgt 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1946-08
Gillen, J. C.O-CaptCO 592 FABN/Batt B (155mm)592 FABN/Batt B         "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Gillen, Sandlin 'Sandy'35 881 802Pvt 423 INF/BMIA 12/21/1944CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia08/22/2019 Rosewood Estates,
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Reported MIA since 12/21/1944.
  3. He served in the UnitedStates Army during World War II in the European Theater. He fought in theBattle of the Bulge and was a POW.
   Gillen-Sandlin-2.jpg27, 62, Discussion Board 02/15/2010, self 09/2012, GO 1945-051, Herald, Dayton OH 01/19/1945, Obit from W. Dunn
Gilles, James D.36 810 581  590 FABN CIB, POW13-C Hammelburg Om Main Bavaria
 newspaper article marries Elaine Kleist   57, WW2pow.info, Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan Wisc 12/02/1947
Gillesnic, John F.36 654 705Pvt 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Gillespie, Earl Harrison32 772 382MSgtInfantryman 521, Auto Mechanic 014424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945 10/08/2009 (96) Restland Memorial Park East Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey, USA   Gillespie-EarlH.jpg  Separation Record, Personnel Placement, FAG 120245616
Gillespie, Earl L.14 009 839TSgt 424 INFWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart 01/24/1945. NC
   27, 77, GO 1945-021,
Gillespie, John M. 'Jack'36 541 543Sgt 422 INF/CMIACIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen12/16/2003422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace  Gillespie-Jack-2.jpg Gillespie-JohnM.jpg59, CUB 1950-06-07-V6#6, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1960-3/4/5, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1981-4/5/6, CUB 1984-9/10/11, CUB 1985-3/4/5/6/7, CUB 1991-7/8/9, CUB 2004-1/2/3 1,
Gillespie, Richard E.36 478 228Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 04/03/1998 (75) North Fork Cemetery Long Creek, Macon County, Illinois, USA     14, 17, 31, FAG 49398805
Gillett, Edsel B.36 525 459Pfc 422 INF/A CIB      27,
Gillette, Lawrence A., Jr.39 927 158Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gilliam, James A.20 740 046T/5014 Automotive Mechanic (2d echelon)423 INF/SVC EAME/4 09/28/1981 (70) Gum Springs Cemetery Searcy, White County, Arkansas, USA Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66, FAG 62323727
Gilliam, Joseph C.36 477 723Cpl 422 INF/C, 589 FABN/CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1968-3/4/5/6, 1968-10-11-12-1969-01-V25#3, 1977-10/11/12, 1979-4-5-6-V35#4 8,
Gilliam, Junious L.33 850 528Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/KMIACIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gilliam, Paul E.39 244 947SSgt 424 INF/K CIB      1949-12-1950-1
Gillies, James D.   590 FABN/HQ Batt        1995-4/5/6
Gilligan, Eugene J.20 260 967  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia07/06/1977 (58) Long Island National Cemetery East Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 82589550
Gillikin, Ross E.36 579 716SSgt 422 INF/I CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 1944-12-19.
  2. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  3. Liberated 1945-03-31
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1984-12-1985-1/2, CUB 1985-8/9/10 27, 59,
Gilliland, John Ollie 'Letson'34 819 911Pfc 592 FABN/SVC, DHQ G-4 Section OGL-Gold 1994 02/18/2016 (90) Hillcrest Cemetery Boaz, Marshall County, Alabama, USA     CUB 1984-9/10/11, CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 2003-4/5/6, CUB 03/2016, FAG 168006703
Gillmore, Ralph E.39 332 143  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gillogly, Joseph G.32 035 759T/3 DHQ AG Section         
Gillum, Eugene35 924 145  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia11/05/1996 (71) West Park Cemetery Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gillum-Eugene.jpg  59, FAG 128922860
Gilmartin, Robert A.42 042 802Pfc 424 INF/H, Military Police CIB      1946-11, 1947-01-02, 1949-10/11, 1956-11/12, 1957-11/12, 1959-2/3, 1960-10/11/12, 1966-4/5/6
Gilmer, Herbert C.37 084 181  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gilmore, Jim H.34 925 312Pvt 422 INFKIA 04/15/1945CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia04/15/1945 Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial Saint-Avold, Departement de la Moselle, Lorraine, France F-9-31422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, 65, ABMC, FAG 56655469
Gilmore, Raymond L.35 604 629Pfc-T/5 424 INF/C CIB 02/09/1997 (73) Mexia City Cemetery Mexia, Limestone County, Texas, USA   Gilmore-RaymondL.jpg  11, 27, FAG 152950069
Gilreaih, R. A. Maj          1944-02-18 2/18/44
Gilsdorf, Frank Roy36 578 327Sgt DHQ G-3   04/07/2009 (85) Calvary Cemetery Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, USA     FAG 44990477
Gilson, Frank S.36 014 710T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gingrich, Harold D.33 508 884Pfc 424 INF/M CIB 12/27/2009 (85) Grand View Memorial Park Annville, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, USA He was also an U.S. Army veteran having served during World War II. Harold served in Northern France and was involved in the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes Forest. Gingrich-HaroldD.jpg  27, FAG 46088888
Gingrich, Robert S.13 176 073Pfc 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Ginther, Keith W.39 607 932  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  2. Escaped with Dorayne Paulson
07/27/2014422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, CUB 1998 04/05/06, CUB 04/2016,
Gioia, Patrick J.31 458 528Pfc 422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-03, 1977-10/11/12, 2006-1/2/3 59,
Gioielli, Robert R.42 058 014Pvt 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Giordano, Joseph33 145 330T/4 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Giordano, Nicholosa A.12 042 841T/3Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
   33, GO 1945-076,
Giordano, Peter William33 703 804Pvt 423 INF/DKIA 12/21/1944CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4 12/21/1944 (19) Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial Henri-Chapelle, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liège, Belgium G-12-26Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051, Giordano-PeterW.jpg  Giordano-PeterW.jpg27, ABMC, GO 1945-051, FAG 56281462
Gioria, Patrick J.   422 INF/G        1987-7/8/9/10
Girand, Charles FrancesO-284 019Ltc.PWTE A-6 WINZENHEIM,CO 424/3rd424 INF/3 BN CIB, BS 01/16/1987 (79) Fort Huachuca Cemetery Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
  1. Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 03/07/1945 in Belgium and Germany.
  2. TX
  3. WW2 & Korea
Girand-CharlesF.jpg  43, 48, 63, CUB 1947-01-02, CUB 1948-8/9, GO 1945-037, S.O. 060, FAG 106759664
Girard, Marvin J.37 571 333Pfc 424 INF/F CIB      12,
Girard, unkO-Ltc.Medic331/MEDIC/C 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945       30,
Giraud, Charles W.37 589 614Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB 07/02/2007 (94) Zion Evangelical Methodist Cemetery Buffalo Lake, Renville County, Minnesota, USA   Giraud-CharledW.jpg  27, FAG 77464769
Girscht, John H.35 604 898Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/H CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1957-4/5, GO 1945-051,
Girton, Robert B.   806/ORD        1989-7/8/9
Gish, David J.35 349 955T/4 589 FABN/HQ Batt  Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  07/01/2002 (80) Saint Joseph Cemetery South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, USA   Gish-DavidJ.jpg  CUB 1946-08, CUB 1952-12, CUB 1953-8/9, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1962-1/2/3, 1978-1/2/3, 8, FAG 179602955
Gittleman, Louis A.   DHQ G-2   11/05/1997 Mount Moriah Cemetery Fairview, Bergen County, New Jersey, USA     CUB 1946-10, FAG 171915522
Giuffre, Matthew J. 2LT 423 INF/2 BN/HQ POW13-B
1995 Fairfield CTSimilar to, but different from entry Giuffre, Matthew R. J., Major Div HQ
   62 (POW Manifest for 423rd INF)
Giuffre, Matthew R. J.O-554 909Major (during Battle of the Bulge) Ret Ltc.member General Staff423 INF/2 BN/HQ & HQ CIB, EAME/4
  1. 13-B Weiden Bavaria.
  2. POW # 25 584
08/14/1968 Oregon
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Different service number in Carl Wouters Address Book collection.
  3. Interrogated German POWs.
  4. Baby Lillian Lorraine born at Wakeman Hospital 09/06/1944.
  5. Similar to, but different from Giuffre, Matthew J., 2LT, 423rd INF/2BN/HQ
   62, CUB 1944-03-03, CUB 1947-01-02, CUB 3/3/1944, Cub 08/25/1945, 60, GO 1945-051, Columbus Herald 09/06/1944, FAG 146366630, grandson Jonathan Mitchell 08/17/2019,
Giuggre, Matthew R. J. Maj DHQ        1945-08-25, 1960-3/4/5
Given, David M.31 146 242MSgt 423 INF/SVC CIB, BS, EAME/4  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 04/01/1945 to 05/08/1945 in France. GO 1945-055

   5, GO 1945-055,
Gladden, Claude L., Jr.34 819 027Pfc 422 INF/Medic CIB      27,
Glahn, Henry A.17 146 458SSgt 422 INF/L CIB      27,
Glarborg, George M.39 918 846PvtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Glass, James S.        newspaper article about beginning of the Bulge   Glass-James.jpgFlorida Today, Cocoa FL 12/16/1994
Glassford, Robert N.16 175 485Pvt 589 FABN/Batt BMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 POW camp unknown
Glatterer, Milton S.O-18 843Ltc.Asst Chief of Staff G4 11/01/1944DHQ G-4 CIB, B  
  1. Bronze Star for meritorious service from 12/16/1944 to 12/31/1944 in Belgium and Germany. By Gen McMahon.
  2. Appointed Asst. Chief of Staff, G-4. 09/18/1943. 106 INF GO 1943-021

   Glatterer-MiltonS.jpg1946-10, 1948-6/7, 1951-2/3, 1952-12, 1957-12-1959-1, CUB Sept/Dec 2011, GO 1945-007, 106 INF GO 1943-021,
Glatz, Frank R.16 175 061Pfc 424 INF/M CIB      1947-03, 1949-10/11
Glaus, unk PfcMedic331 Medical BN 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945       30,
Gleason, Allison G.38 172 136SSgt 424 INF/C CIB      11, 27,
Gleason, Harry BarrettO-527 0892LT 590 FABN CIB, POW
  1. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  2. 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria, Germany
  3. POW # 25 479
01/30/1993 (71) burial unknown    57, FAG 190558198
Gledhill, Walter Thomas, Jr.O-1 823 1411LT 820 TD BN CIB, BS 12/26/1993 (74) Austin Memorial Park Cemetery Austin, Travis County, Texas, USA Bronze Star for gallantry in action, 12/16/1944 in Belgium.

   212, GO 1945-012, FAG 40471079
Glen, Bruce F.   DHQ, 424 INF/HQ   11/22/1981 (68) Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery Yardley, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA     CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1962-8/9, CUB 1966-5/6/7, CUB 1971-1/2/3, FAG 69511670
Glennan, John J.  Chaplain  CIB, POWOflag 64 (fell ill and never arrived)     60,
Glenney, Walter Samuel, Sr.O-328 646Ltc.CO until 03/04/1945DHQ Special Troops, 424 INF/HQ CIB, BS 03/05/1991 (79) San Fernando Cemetery #2 San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, USA
  1. Announced as Vice Headquarters Commandant, 03/04/1945. LtCol Hewitt, Commandant.
  2. Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 11/17/1944 to 03/04/1945 in England, France and Belgium. GO 1945-046,
  3. TX
  4. During World War II, he served in Europe in the Battle of the Bulge and received a Bronze Star Medal. He was discharged as a lieutenant colonel in the 106th Infantry Division.
   CUB 1970-1/2/3, CUB 1972-7/8/9, CUB 1974-10/11/12, CUB 1976-4-5-6-V32#3, 51, 228, GO 1945-046, FAG 192463422, Camp Crier 2/18/1944
Glessner, John J.33 373 925Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Glidden, Vernon E.36 268 919T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945POW
11/05/2006 (84) Fort Snelling National Cemetery Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076, FAG 27874647
Glider, Robert   424 INF/1 BN/ HQ, 424 INF/Hq OGL Gold 1994       
Glikin, NathanW-2 109 489CWO 423 INF/SVC CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Gloss, Charles   806/ORD        1956-11/12, 1958-2/3
Glotz, Carl Pvt 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Glover, Frank R.36 484 462  422 INF/3 BN CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 868
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Glover-Frank.jpg1948-10/11, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012, CUB 04/2014,
Glover, Robert 'Bob' Sgt      Author "The Letter Box"
   Glover-Robert.jpgCUB 04/2016,
Glovinsky, IrvingO-554 915Lt 422 INFMIACIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1,59,
Glucks, Edward Pfc 424 INF/E        1979-7/8/9
Glucs, Edward C.33 715 521Pfc 424 INF/E CIB      27,
Glutzow, Walter A.   DHQ        1977-1/2/3
Glynn, Donald R.36 890 946Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Glynn, George R.   423 INF/AT EAME/4      1958-2/3
Gmerek, Joseph33 774 395  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Goad, Robert D.36 531 118Cpl 424 INF/CN CIB      27, CUB 1989-7/8/9,
Gobbia, Joseph A.18 027 270T/5 423 INF/3 BN CIB, EAME/4      27,
Goble, Albert36 579 578Pfc 424 INFKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH 12/16/1944 Plot A Row 34 Grave 9 Ardennes American Cemetery Neupré, Belgium     ABMC,
Godet, Fred W.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Godfrey, Robert   422 INF/C  POWd. 1/14/2021 (96)    2005-7/8/9
Godlove, Ivan W.33 563 252Pfc 423 INF/CN CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Godwin, Wallace34 829 307Pvt 589 FABN/Batt CKIA 12/16/1944CIB, PH, BS (Posthumous), Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  12/16/1944 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial Henri-Chapelle, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liège, Belgium H-1-26 Bronze Star (Posthumous) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 in Germany. While under heavy enemy artillery and small arms fire, he voluntarily and fearlessly left his safe position to go to the aid of a wounded soldier lying exposed in a field, but was fatally wounded by artillery fire before he could reach him The exceptional courage and bravery displayed by Pvt Godwin were inspirational to the men who witnessed his gallant action, and heroic attempt was in the best traditions of the service. GO 1945-077,


Godwin-Wallace.jpg  CUB 1946-10, 8, 65, ABMC, GO 1945-077, FAG 56281489
Goedert, Thomas P. Pvt 591 FABN/SVC   12/26/1980 (56) Sunset Memorial Gardens Machesney Park, Winnebago County, Illinois, USA    #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011, FAG 112621012
Goedesik, John F. SSgt 422 INF/E    When Co. E's advance was halted by intense machine gun fire, S/Sgt. John F. Goedesik, Chicago, advanced alone with a 60 mm mortar and destroyed the enemy position with three rounds, permitting his company to advance.   Cub In Review
Goehring, Raymond J.37 307 232T/5 424 INF/C CIB 02/11/1993 (71) Medicine Hill Cemetery Harrold, Hughes County, South Dakota, USA Ray was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1942 and served in the European Theater ,during WWII. After his honorable discharge in 1945, he returned to South Dakota. Goehring-RaymondJ.jpg  11, 27, FAG 26986219
Goen, Thomas G., Jr.32 960 945Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Goering, Carl G.O-225 202Capt / Ltc. (Korea)S-2. Advisor in Korea423 INF/3 BN/HQ & HQMIA WW2, MIA Korea, KIA KoreaCIB, POW, PH, EAME/4POW (Korea)01/10/1951, monument Honolulu, HA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. KIA - Korea died non-battle in a PW camp.
  3. Assigned 106 ID 02/12/1943 at Ft. Jackson. Ref 109
  4. Purple Heart Ancestry.com,

   CUB Dec 1953, 2008-4/5/6, 1, 75, 79, GO 1945-051, Ancestry.com, 109, S.O. 036
Goertz, Walter J.6 950 357Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Goettman, John C.33 034 450Sgt 28 DIVMIA       1,
Goetz, Donald F.37 691 952Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
01/11/1988 (62) Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery Defiance, Shelby County, Iowa, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051, FAG 14722169
Goff, James Earl36 478 466Pfc345 truck Driver Lt Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)WIAPHcaptured at Grosslangenfeld01/24/2001 (78) Masonic Memorial Park West Union, Doddridge County, West Virginia, USA   GOff-JamesE.jpg Goff-JamesE.jpg Goff-James.jpg Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944, FAG 40274941
Goff, Marvin R.35 628 654Pfc/SSgt 422 INF/K CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen112/24/1992 (71) Orange Baptist Church Cemetery Live Oak, Suwannee County, Florida, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Goff-MarvinP.jpg  55, 59, FAG 184454077
Goff, William   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Goforth, Paul E.36 896 659Pfc 422 INF/BKIACIB, PH 07/11/1999 (83) Wilcox Cemetery Nashville, Barry County, Michigan, USA   Goforth-PaulE.jpg  27, FAG 55542543
Goglowski, Marshall    KIA       65,
Goidesik, John F.   Unk        CUB 15-5
Goidosik, John F.36 583 564SSgt 424 INF/E CIB, SS 06/01/1945  Silver Star for gallantry in action 12/25/1944 in Belgium. When his company was halted by intense machine gun fire, and ignoring the hail of bullets, supervised the delivery of effective fire from his mortars the the enemy was forced to take cover. When pinned down again and enemy fire wounded all members of the squad, he picked up the mortar and several rounds, moved forward 75 years and set up his weapon. He accurately located and with three well directed rounds destroyed the machine gun.

   27, 87-A, GO 1945-032,
Goildstein, Murray Pvt. 422 INF/K        55,
Goins, Elwin34 143 458Sgt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia04/28/1976 (60) Well Springs Cemetery La Follette, Campbell County, Tennessee, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Goins-Elwin.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 9679652
Golardi, Leonard Pfc 422 INF/MKIACIB, PH      1946-09, 53, 102,
Gold, Everett   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1989-10/11/12, 2005-7/8/9
Gold, Herbert Aaron12 150 053  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen02/25/2011 (89) burial unknown
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. Herb served in Patton's 5th Army during World War II in the 34th Evacuation Hospital Unit, which received the Red Cross symbol of international recognition as a humanitarian, non-combatant service of the Army Medical Corps. He was stationed in England, France, Luxembourg, and Germany. His unit was part of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp. His memories of his Army days were proud ones and his service to his country one of the highlights of his life.
  Gold-HerbertA.jpg 59, FAG 66288769
Goldberg, ArnoldO-1 533 323Capt Medical CorpsMedic331 Medical BN CMB 12/16/1944, BS-331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  06/04/1993 (79) Holy Society Cemetery Hopwood, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, USA
  1. Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  2. Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy from 12/16/1944 to 12/31/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-023.
  3. Capt Arnold Goldberg, for years sports editor of the Evening Standard, has been awarded the bronze star for heroism and gallantry in action in German and Belgium. Capt Goldberg is a member of the famous 106th division of General Simpson's First Army. His citation is for meritorious service between 12/16 and 12/31, 1944. While the nature of apt Goldberg's heroism is unrevealed, the citation was presented personally by Gen. Simpson. A letter and copy of he citation received by his parents, Mr & Mrs Jacob Goldberg of Evans St., today disclosed. Capt Goldberg was the first of the Evening Standard editorial staff to be called to the service in the spring of 1944. Entering the Army as a private, he rapidly advanced to 2LT, 1LT and then Capt. He has been overseas since early fall 1944.
  4. Entered service 06/27/1940at Ft Meade MD. Attached to 106th, 4th, 28th Infantry Divisions. Sailed to England 11/10/1944. Served in N. France, Rhineland, Ardennes. Honorably discharged 01/10/1946
   Goldberg-Arnold.jpgCUB 1950-12-1951-1, CUB 1954-1/2, 33, GO 1945-023, GO 1945-076, FAG 102234110
Goldberg, Ephraim42 033 662T/5 423 INF/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen07/09/2008 Montefiore Cemetery Springfield Gardens, Queens County, New York, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   CUB 1946-10, GO 1945-051, FAG 151810686
Goldberg, Leon13 129 757PfcHeavy Weapons Machine Gunner422 INF/D CIB, PH
  1. 4-B.
  2. Liberated by Russians 05/26/1945.
  3. After 10 days walked to find an American unit.
  4. Hospitalized in the suburb of Garche.
08/05/1998 (85) Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA
  1. President 106th Assc 2017.
  2. His unit ran out of food, water and ammo. A German officer escorted Major Wm Moon back and they surrendered. 13 day march & train to 4-B

Goldberg-Leon.jpg Goldberg-Leon 422-D.jpg 27, 59, CUB 04/2014, CUB 11/2025, CUB 07/2017, CUB 11/2017, FAG 705210, CUB 76-1, 12/2019-03/2020, "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 148,
Goldberger, Julian D. Pfc 424 INF/I/1st PltKIA       1990-4/5/6
Golden, Nolen B. T/4 106 Recon Cav (Mech)   03/13/2001 (74) Dayton National Cemetery Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, USA      Goldberg-Leon 422-D.jpg
Golden, Robert J., Sr.31 409 492Cpl-T/4 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia04/13/1994 (70) Southside Cemetery South Glens Falls, Saratoga County, New York, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Golden-RobertJ.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 93798489
Golden, Seldon Brock34 984 982  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-A Hohnstein, Saxony08/08/2018 (94) Bonnertown Cemetery Bonnertown, Lawrence County, Tennessee, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. A Veteran of The United States Army Serving in WWII and a POW
   59, FAG 192099105
Goldesik, John F. Sgt 424 INF/2 BN/E EIB 6/1944      Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Goldfinger, Irwin N.O-554 9132LT 424 INF/I, 424 INF/K CIB 06/27/2011 East HamptonNYA Bronx boy, veteran ofBattle of the Bulge in WWII   CUB 1946-10, CUB 1997-1/2/3, Obit from W. Dunn
Goldman, Abraham Pfc 590 FABN/SVC        061,
Goldman, Bernard Capt 423 INF EAME/4      Cub 08/25/1945
Goldstein, ElliottO-418 175MajorBattery CO589 FABN/A CIB, BS, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951  09/10/2009 (93) Crest Lawn Cemetery Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, USA
  1. Bronze Star for gallantry in heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 to 12/18/1944 in Germany. GO 1945-011
  2. at Baraque de Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads)
  3. Commanding Officer at Baraque de Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads) after Major Parker was WIA and evacuated
  4. Became a leading expert in corporate governance.
Goldstein-Elliott.jpg  CUB 1949-8/9, CUB 1951-2/3, CUB 1951-8/9, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1958-2/3, CUB 1996-7-8-9, CUB 2005-1/2/3, 8, Discussion Board 9/15/2009, GO 1945-011, "Red Legs of the Bulge", FAG 186120049, "Warriors of the 106th" by King, Johnson & Collins, pg 185,
Goldstein, Erwin36 753 967  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Goldstein, Morton42 081 384PfcXO 589 FABN (105 mm)590 FABN/Batt CKIA Executed while POWCIB, POW
  1. 9-B.
  2. Berga
  3. died as POW. Shot in the forehead after he was recaptured on 05/20/1945.
03/15/1945 (22) Beth Kehillah Cemetery Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey, USA
  1. died as POW. Shot in the forehead after he was recaptured on 05/20/1945.
  2. Death: Berga, Landkreis Greiz, Thüringen, Germany.
  3. Served in the US Army with "C" Battery of the 590th Artillery in the US 106th Infantry Division
    Captured at the Battle of the Bulge
    Killed by a bullet to the head by Volkstrum Sgt Erwin Metz at KZ camp Berga Am Elster
    Buried Jewish Cemetery Atlantic Beach/City NJ
   Goldstein-Morton.jpgCUB 1951-12-1952-1, 57, Anthony Acevedo by B. Welke 1/2012, FAG 123338841
Goldstein, Murray42 055 995  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Goldstein, Sidney J. Pvt 591 FABN/SVC   03/04/2003 (91) Memorial Park Cemetery and Crematorium Skokie, Cook County, Illinois, USA     #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011, FAG 137005752
Golembiewski, Sylvester R.32 822 616  422 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/34-C Wistritz Bei Teplitz Bohemia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1988-10/11/12 59,
Goller, William34 547 412T/4 DHQ Spc Services        diary
Gollhofer, Earl   589 FABN        CUB 33-2
Gollhoger, Earl A.37 663 879T/5 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia     1974-4/5/6, 1977-1/2/3, 1977-10/11/12, 1978-1/2/3 8,58,
Gollin, Andrew S.32 771 110PfcMedic331/Medical CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   GO 1945-076,
Gollofor, Earl   589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       1970-10/11/12
Goltry, Claire J.32 287 708Pfc 422 INF/D CIB 03/13/1975 (56) Hector Presbyterian Church Cemetery Hector, Schuyler County, New York, USA     27, FAg 43139373
Gombotz, Frank John   422 INF/1 BN/HQ   03/15/2003 (78) Saint Joseph Cemetery River Grove, Cook County, Illinois, USA     CUB 1997-4/5/6, CUB 1989-10/11/12, CUB 2003-7/8/9, Legacy, FAG 192252872
Gommel, Albert33 618 236T/4901 Munitions Worker106 Recon Cav (Mech) POW
  1. 12-17-1944.
  2. 12-A,
  3. 2-D,
  4. Marlag-Milag,
  5. 2-A,
  6. 10-B.
  7. POW at Grosslangenfeld 12/17/1944
     1947-03, 1949-8/9, 1979-10/11/12, Ed Strand 01/2016,
Gontila, Robert J.32 491 445Pvt 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Gonzales, Elijio Pfc 422 INF/K        55,
Gonzales, German Pfc 159/E        Cub 08/25/1945
Gonzales, Louis G.39 258 259  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gonzalez, Antonio Cantu 'Tony'3 239 999T/5 422 INF/A CIB 01/25/2015 (86) Saint Anthony Cemetery Danbury, Brazoria County, Texas, USA   Gonzalez-AntonioC.jpg  Graziano-AnthonyJ.jpg27, FAG 141820063
Gonzalez, David38 559 186Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Gonzalez, Dionisio38 675 544  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gonzalez, Joe        newspaper article tells military story  Gonzalez-Joe-2.jpg Gonzales-Joe.jpgNews- Journal, Mansfield OH 12/05/2005
Goode, Harry H., Jr.35 925 480  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Goodin, Pearl R. Cpl 81 ENG (C)  POW
05/14/1993 (76) Alexander Cemetery Hebbardsville, Athens County, Ohio, USA
  1. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944.
  2. an Army veteran of World War II where he served as a corporal in the 106th Infantry, 81st Engineers. He was a prisoner of war, captured during the Battle of the Bulge.
Goodin-PearlR.jpg  7, FAG 140433457
Goodman, Bennie34 899 108Pvt 820 TD BN (attached)KIA 12/23/1944CIB, PH 12/23/1944 (19) Ardennes American Cemetery and Memorial Neuville-en-Condroz, Arrondissement de Liège, Liège, Belgium D-15-14  Goodman-Bennie.jpg  ABMC, FAG 56358422
Goodman, Cletis Eugene36 583 579Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen10/05/1959 (44) Black Hills National Cemetery Sturgis, Meade County, South Dakota, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Goodman-CletisE.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 3312227
Goodman, Harold Lee32 795 815Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 06/02/1976 (50) Violett Cemetery Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana, USA   Goodman-HaroldL.jpg  14, 17, 31, FAG 69305565
Goodman, Joseph E.34 895 635CPL 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Goodman, Laban   592 FABN        1982-10/11/12
Goodman, Rex nmi36 478 895Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Goodnoe, George V.   106/QM        CUB 12-4
Goodrick, Gleed I.37 087 038Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Goodroe, Wesley7 004 812Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-D Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Goodson, C. W.34 624 796Pvt 423 INF/L, 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/3 BN/I) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   62, 1981-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
Goodson, Raif T.34 624 811Sgt 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Goodwin, Alvin B.33 651 194PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Goodwin, Ben P.34 707 122Pfc 424 INF/AT CIB      27,
Goodwin, Carl W.34 734 791Pfc 820 TD BN CIB, BS  Bronze Star for gallantry in action, 12/18/1944 in Belgium.
    GO 1945-012,
Goodwin, Joe D.34 710 926  590 FABN CIB, POW4-B Muhlberg Sachsen     57,
Goodwin, John F. M/Sgt 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       Goodwin-JohnF.jpg1948-04, 1949-2/3
Goodwin, Joseph N. Cpl 424 INF/DWIACIB, PH 06/13/1997    1996-1/2/3, 11, 22,
Goodwin, Wallace Pvt 589 FABNKIABelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Goosman, Harry32 798 721Sgt DHQ/HQ         
Goovert, Julius36 578 922Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Gorcus, Harry   424 INF/B        CUB 36-1
Gorden, Clarence   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Gordon, Abraham I.42 085 680 Cook422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 
  1. We already had two good cooks, a Jew named Abe Gordon from New York and a Chinaman from 'Frisco named Kai Jeong. “I'm a rifleman,” I insisted as the incoming chowhounds filed through the line. “This is just a temporary assignment,” I added while pouring gravy on their dessert, “until General Marshall finds a spot for me at SHAEF.”
  2. Abe Gordon and Kai Jeong were top‑notch performers as Army cooks go, but didn't know sickum about their M‑1 rifles. So I volunteered to keep their weapons clean in case our company commander, Captain Bertram C. Finch, pulled a sneaky inspection to detect any presence of grass growing in our gun bolts. In return, Abe and Kai treated me to steaks (beef not goat) and watermelon when I infiltrated the mess hall after‑hours.
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
   59, CUB 1947-01-02, Cub In Review
Gordon, Charles Buel, Jr.33 320 413 ? W-TSgt/CWO2 423 INF/3 BN/I EIB, CIB, PH, EAME/4
4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
03/11/1994 (73) Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, USA
WW2 & Korea
Gordon-CharlesB.jpg  62, Atterbury Camp Crier 6/16/1944, FAG 19557970
Gordon, Edward F., Jr. 'Eddie'33 584 522Sgt 422 INF/K CIB, PH9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia08/24/2011 (87) Saint Lawrence Cemetery Penfield, Champaign County, Illinois, USA newspaper article seeking buddies.   Gordon-Edward.jpg1, 27, 55, 59, Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia PA 04/13/1948, FAG 99580170
Gordon, James T., Jr.34 636 312Cpl          1,
Gordon, Julian R.38 180 158SSgt 589 FABN/MEDICMIA 12/17/1944CMB 12/16/1944, PH, Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   8, 33, 58, GO 1945-076,
Gordon, Kenneth V.37 528 434Pvt 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 3-A
  2. work camps
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gordon, Milton B.33 778 919T/5776 Radio Oper L.S.106 Recon Cav (Mech)  captured at Grosslangenfeld      Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944,
Gordon, Thomas R.36 578 976Pvt 422 INF/M CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27,59,
Gordon, Von W.37 051 565  422 INF/EKIACIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1946-09, 13, 53, 59, 65, 102,
Gordon, William Henry, Jr.35 739 221 / O-1 110 510EM / 1LTExecutive Officer81 ENG (C)/BKIA 04/05/1945 as POW in GermanyCIB, POW
  1. 13-B Hammelburg Bavaria Germany
  2. POW # 25 511
    Died as POW
04/05/1945 (23) Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial Saint-Avold, Departement de la Moselle, Lorraine, France K-22-15
Died when his daughter was 3 weeks old.
William served as a First Lieutenant, 81st Combat Engineer Battalion, 106th Infantry Division, U.S. Army during World War II. He enlisted in the Army on August 20, 1942 in Baltimore, Maryland.
The 81st Combat Engineer Battalion, a scratch force of 106th Division personnel, was tasked with a five-day holding action (December 17–21, 1944) on a ridge outside of St. Vith, Belgium against a vastly superior force as part of the Battle of the Bulge.

For this action, the 81st Engineer Combat Battalion was later awarded the "Distinguished Unit Citation" for gallantry. The defense of St. Vith by the 106th has been credited with ruining the German timetable for reaching Antwerp, hampering the Bulge offensive for the Germans.

On the last day of this holding action while attempting to withdraw 1st. Lt. Gordon, who was believed to be wounded, was taken prisoner by the German Army. He was held at the German POW Camp Stalag 13b Weiden, Bavaria 49-13.

William "Died While A POW" while at this POW Camp in Germany. He was awarded the Prisoner Of War Medal and the Purple Heart. Service # O1110510

Gordon-WilliamH.jpg  CUB 2004-04-05-06, ABMC, CUB 04/2018, FAG 56655569, NARA
Gore, Eugene M.38 115 953Cpl 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944, WIABelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951, PH9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia06/02/1963 (44) Laurel Land Memorial Park Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, USA   GOre-EugeneM.jpg  CUB 1961-10/11/12, CUB 1988-10/11/12, 8, 58, FAG 74108907
Gore, Lawrence J.6 396 640Pfc/Cpl 423 INF/2 BN/E MIACIB (MIA), POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen01/17/1975 (57) Guilford Memorial Park Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, USA Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 GOre-LawrenceJ.jpg  62, CUB 1947-12, GO 1945-051, FAG 116976467
Gore, William Curtis   424 INF CIB, EAME/4 10/5/2020 (95)    Wayne Dunn; Obit
Goremam, Thomas F. CplWire SectionDiv Arty/HQ        Robert Scherer 01/2010,
Gorgus, Harry M.37 589 265Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      1977-10/11/12
Gorick, Walter J.6 897 7231st SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gorman, Charles 1st Sgt 422 INF/D        1984-1/2/3/4
Gorman, John J.33 022 490SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 08/15/1975 (62) Long Island National Cemetery East Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York, USA Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076, FAG 2688394
Gorman, Thomas F. Cpl Div Arty/HQ   05/22/1983 (66) Rhode Island Veterans Memorial Cemetery Exeter, Washington County, Rhode Island, USA   Gorman-ThomasF.jpg  CUB 1946-08, FAG 180167516
Gorney, Ted Richard 1LT    
  1. Oflag 64 Szubin, Poland
  2. 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria, Germany early 1945
  3. POW # 80 537
  4. 7-A Moosburg
04/22/2007 (91) burial unknown1st Lt Ted R Gorney appears on the roster of American POW's held at OFLAG XIII-B, Hammelburg, Bavaria, Germany. Initially held at OFLAG 64, Szubin, Poland, he and fellow POW’s were force-marched to Hammelburg in early 1945. Hammelburg was abandoned in late March 1945 and POW’s were railed to Stalag VII-A, Moosburg where they were eventually liberated.    60, FAG 190574026
Gorosh, Lawrence36 589 691Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Goryl, Tony S. SSgt 424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945 09/08/2011 (91) Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan, USA   Goryl-TOnyS.jpg  CUB 1993-4/5/6, FAG 177805872
Gosda, Robert A. Pfc 591 FABN/SVC        #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011
Gose, Elliott Bickley, Sr. Ltc.422 CO422 INF   10/16/1984 (81) Fort Huachuca Cemetery Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona, USA   Gose-ElliottB.jpg  CUB 02/04/1944, FAG 107744435
Goss, James A.34 624 785Sgt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, EAME/4
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B Limburg An Der Lahn Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  • Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  • 1st Machine Gun Squad Leader.
  • Rifle # 2645190.

   27, email from son 11/2007, GO 1945-051, son J. Goss 08/2013,
Goss, Klement G.20 232 760TSgt/1st Sgt (Cadre)812422 INF/D    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Gossage, Floyd T.36 029 737Pvt 423 INF/SVC CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gosselin, Antoine P.11 051 181T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      1950-8/9, 1950-8/9
Gossman, George E.15 114 623Pfc SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 06/14/1978 (70) Zachary Taylor National Cemetery Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA   Gossman-GeorgeE.jpg  14, 31, FAG 3299646
Gossman, Melvin G. Cpl 591 FABN/SVC   11/10/2016 (93) Lakeside Cemetery Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan, USA   Gossman-MelvinG.jpg  #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011, FAG 172672972
Gossom, Neil M.33 179 297CplMedic81 ENG (C)/MEDIC CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-059   1975-4/5/6, 1981-4/5/6, GO 1945-059,
Gostanian, Andrew J.31 301 902Pvt607-Light Mortar Crewman106 Recon Cav (Mech)    Trans. To Replacement Depot 20 May 44   Restricted Spec Orders 20 May 1944
Gosztyla, Walter S.35 604 974  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gotschall, George W.35 386 122SSgt 589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 2-D12/15/1972 (53) Columbiana County Memorial Park East Liverpool, Columbiana County, Ohio, USA   Gotschall-GeorgeW.jpg  8, 58, FAG 42839121
Gottfried, Robert32 959 935  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gottshall, Edwin A.33 589 570SSgt 424 INF/3 BN/HQ CIB 08/07/2011 Norristown PAMr.Gottshall served in theUnited States Army with the 106 Infantry Division during World War II   CUB 1985-8/9/10, Camp Crier 09/01/1944, Obit from W. Dunn
Gouch, Pryor U.34 724 801TSgt 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Goucher, Marvin L.37 512 513Pfc 424 INF/HQ CIB, EAME/4, GC 03/30/2007 (83) Missouri Veterans Cemetery at Jacksonville Jacksonville, Randolph County, Missouri, USA He served in the United States Army from 1943 to 1946 receiving four bronze stars for the campaigns in Ardennes France Central Europe and Rhineland and a good conduct medal. Goucher-MarvinL.jpg  27, FAG 18708616
Goudreau, Francis Joseph Pfc/Sgt 591 FABN/SVC   01/06/1982 (58) Pine Grove Cemetery Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA     #66 (591 SVC Roster 01/18/1944) by C. Wouters 12/2011 FAG 82282156
Gougherty, James Daniel36 579 056Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia04/15/1997 (75) Cedar Grove Cemetery Williamsburg, Williamsburg City, Virginia, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 83857987
Gougler, Wesley M.16 104 730Cpl/Sgt 422 INF/D CIBPOW
05/16/2001 (79) Evergreen Cemetery Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, USA He was a veteran of the U.S. Army having served in WWII, a prisoner of war in Germany, and was a purple heart recipient. Gougler-WesleyM.jpg  27, FAg 104123771
Goulait, William E., Jr.36 558 822Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/15/1944
  2. 4-b Muhlburg Germany
03/06/2009 (87) Saint Marys Cemetery Saint Clair, St. Clair County, Michigan, USA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. He served in the Army 106th Infantry Division at the Battle of the Bulge in WWII, "The Golden Lions."
  3. He was taken as a POW in Ardennes, France on December 15, 1943, and marched to Muhlberg, Germany.

  Goulait-WilliamE.jpg 27, GO 1945-051, FAG 34587156
Gould, Clayton J.31 352 775Pfc 424 INF/ATWIACIB, PH  Purple Heart12/15/1944
   1988-7/8/9, GO 1945-002,
Gould, David J., Jr.33 826 548Pfc 424 INF/E CIB 10/19/1988 (77) Forest Hills Memorial Park Reiffton, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA     CUB 1946-11, FAG 58992806
Gould, unk Capt          60,
Gouldy, Robert39 079 524SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB 09/05/1944, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945   Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gour, Joseph D.36 823 865Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/4, PH, BS4-B Muhlberg Sachsen10/27/2009 (84) Hillview Cemetery McFarland, Marquette County, Michigan, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Gour-JosephD.jpg  62, CUB 2002-1/2/3, GO 1945-051, FAG 148518467
Gove, Claron Hobert39 481 590SSgt     11/4/2014 (88), of Roseburg, Oregon;newspaper article home and describes guarding the POWs. Had more trouble with the Poles than the Germans.   Corvallis Gazette-Times, Corvallis OR 09/07/1946
Gover, James E.33 898 921  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia01/21/1964 (46) Loudon Park Cemetery Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gover-JamesE.jpg  59, FAG 26224878
Gowan, Stewart R., Jr.34 967 190  422 INFWIACIB, POW, EAME/3, PH4-B Muhlberg Sachsen04/15/1990 (72) Jonesville Memorial Gardens Jonesville, Union County, South Carolina, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gowan-StewartR.jpg  59, FAG 79669585
Gowan, Thomas B.34 898 098Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Gowland, Marshall Q.38 500 534Pfc 424 INF/B CIB, BS  Bronze Star (as Pfc) for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/19/1944 and 12/20/1944 in Belgium. GO 1945-040,

   27, GO 1945-040,
Grab, Norman W.36 477 785Pfc 589 FABN/Batt B Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Grabaraczyk, Henry36 850 711Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Graber, John A.33 468 855T/5 424 INF/SVCKIACIB, PH, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Graber, Leo L.6 917 257  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen09/30/1982 (62) Minier Cemetery Minier, Tazewell County, Illinois, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. WW2 & Korea
Graber-LeoL.jpg  59, FAG 45220180
Grabowski, A. J.36 769 345  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Grabowski, Henry A.33 614 196  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-D 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Grace, Thomas J. 2LT 424 INF   03/23/1997 (67) Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA Division Patrol Officer 07/31/1943 Ft. Jackson SC   71, 105, FAG 713298
Grachek, Henry Gregory37 589 244  424 INF/A CIB, POW
  1. Stalag 12A
  2. 9B Limburg An Der Lahn Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
03/01/1994 (68) Fort Snelling National Cemetery Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA     CUB 9-12/2010, Conrad Malavazos 01/2013, FAG 713338
Gracie, Norman H.35 082 516Cpl 110 INF/KMIA  06/19/1998 (77) Chapel Hill Cemetery Weirton, Hancock County, West Virginia, USA Name: Norman H Gracie
Birth Date: 26 Apr 1921
Death Date: 19 Jun 1998
Cemetery: Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens
Gracie-NormanH.jpg  1, FAG 109831649
Graczyk, Frank J.33 327 258  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3Stalag 2A Neubrandenburg Mecklenberg 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gradin, William E. 'Gene' Pfc 424 INF/D   1994    CUB 1999-7/8/9, Bugle 4-5-6/1996
Gradner, Francis A. Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Grady, Dan H.44 014 728Pfc745 Rifleman  GC, EAME, Victory, Occupation      Grady-DanH.jpgGrandson and DD 214, 12/2011
Grady, J. C.6 297 725Sgt  MIA   Same ASN as Grady, james   1,
Grady, James R.6 297 725SSgtMess Sgt422 INF/CKIA 03/06/1945 as a POWCIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
03/06/1945 (28) AR B-33-1, Fort Smith National Cemetery Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas, USA
  1. Died as a OW from bronchial pneumonia 03/03/1945
  2. Same ASN as Grady J.C.
  3. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace
Grady-JamesR.jpg  Grady-JamesR.jpgCUB-1952-Apr-May, 5, 59, 65, ABMC, FAG 713480
Grady, Richard F. Chaplain 423 INF EAME/4 01/15/2011 (90) Chapel Hill Memorial Park Largo, Pinellas County, Florida, USA  Grady-RichardF.jpg  CUB 1944-06-15, Camp Crier 6/15/1944, FAG 126390713
Grady, unk 1st Sgt Div Arty/HQ        Robert Scherer 01/2010,
Grady, William W.36 741 060Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 08/19/2008 (82) Brig Gen Wm C Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery Wrightstown, Burlington County, New Jersey, USA   Grady-WilliamW.jpg  14, 17, 31, FAG 29204081
Graef, Henry P.37 084 311  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia10/1987 (67) Calvary Cemetery and Mausoleum Saint Louis, St. Louis City, Missouri, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   Graef-HenryP.jpg59, FAG 52803788
Graf, L. Phillip    KIA       3/17/44, 65,
Graf, Louis H.36 049 387T/4   CIB      27,
Grafford, John Henry39 335 891Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB 08/27/1994 (82) Cremated, Location of ashes is unknown     27, FAG 131918215
Gragnon, Raymond J.36 894 666Pfc 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Graham, Harrison L.33 486 543Pfc 424 INF/C CIB      1949-12-1950-1 11,
Graham, James C., Sr. Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L   06/12/1999 (83) Houston National Cemetery Houston, Harris County, Texas, USA     63, FAG 714349
Graham, John H.O-381 724Capt 424 INF/MEDIC, 28th INF Division CIB, SS  Silver Star (as 424) for gallantry in action 02/28/1945 in Germany. Voluntarily accompanying a team assigned the mission of reducing an enemy pillbox, he deliberately exposed himself to continuous and accurate machine gun fire to treat three seriously wounded mine casualties. When an aid man became entangled in a web of mine trip wires, he heroically ignoring the imminent danger from the mines and from enemy fire, calmly freed the man. After the pillbox had been taken, and despite heavily concentrated mortar and artillery fire, aided in evacuation of the wounded. GO 1945-065

   1945-08-25CUB 08/25/1945. GO 1945-065
Graham, Joseph W.36 739 198SSgt 424 INF/1 BN/D EIB 6/16/44, GC 10/07/1944      11, 22, 24, Camp Crier 6/16/44,
Graham, Nelson E.33 296 260T/4 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Graham, Norman Freer Cpl 424 INF/3 BNWIA*2PH, 2 BS 01/28/2011 (87) Parkway Memorial Cemetery Ridgeland, Madison County, Mississippi, USA He served in the US Army during WWII and was awarded the Purple Heart and two Bronze Star Metals with oak leaf clusters.    CUB 1946-10, FAG 64753665
Graham, Paul H.   422 INF/H CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured 12/19/1944
  2. 4-B
2006 (91) Athens County Memory Gardens Athens, Athens County, Ohio, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, where he served in Europe in the Rainbow Division as "Top Kick" of "G" Company, 242 Infantry Regiment, and was in the Battle of The Bulge.
Graham-PaulH.jpg  CUB 1995-4/5/6, FAG 135982421
Graham, Paul R.33 680 467  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Graham, Richard B.35 616 134T/5 423 INF/AT CIB, PH, BS/ BS/OLC, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia07/18/2012 Flint Cem., Columbus, OH Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
newspaper article death notice
   62, CUB 1949-12-1950-1, CUB 1991-10/11/12, CUB 2002-7/8/9, GO 1945-051, Find A Grave # 116236228, Legacy, Marysville Journal TRibune, Marysville OH 07/20/2012
Graham, Thomas C.32 657 702Pfc 589 FABN/SVC BattMIA 12/19/1944, KIA 12/19/1944CIB, PH, SS (Posthumous), Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951    Silver Star (Posthumous) for gallantry in action 12/16/1944 in Belgium. When the turret gunner of a nearby M-8 armored car was wounded, he voluntarily raced to the across ground exposed to concentrated small arms fire from a nearby enemy held house and manned the vehicle's turret machine gun. To obtain a more effective firing position he ordered the car forward towards the hostile strong point. He remained upright in the turret pouring a deadly hail of bullets into the enemy.Twice his weapon jammed and each time he withdrew, repaired the gun, and returned to resume fire. He killed and wounded twenty and completely neutralized their position. GO 1945-048

   8, GO 1945-048,
Graham, Thomas L.34 808 468  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Graham, William M., Jr. Cpl 423 INF EAME/4
  1. unknown POW camp.
  2. Liberated 04/02/1945
06/20/1994 (65) Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA newspaper article same as Cpl Shook, George W.   Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield Mass. 04/11/1945, 04/25/1945, FAG 714800
Graizel, Irving32 807 135PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Pfc Graizel was sent to the 124th Evac Hospital for treatment of bursitis, 05/29/1945.
  • Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Gramlich, Francis A.   UNKNOWN        2007-4-5-6-7-8
Gramling, Gerard Francis31 458 087Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, EAME/4
  1. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
04/18/2011 (85) Riverside Cemetery Woodstock, Windsor County, Vermont, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051, FAG 112218763
Grandner, John J.32 827 900SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/KKIA 03/14/1945CIB (Posthumous), PH, EAME/4, POWPOW camp unknown
03/14/1945 (20) Long Island National Cemetery East Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York, USA
  1. Combat Infantry Badge (Posthumous) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. A Mass was held for SSgt John J Grandner, 20, who died 03/14/1945 in a German POW camp.
Grandner-JohnJ.jpg  Grandner-JohnJ.jpg27, GO 1945-051, FAG 82680107
Granier, I. J.   81 ENG (C) CIB, POW
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 800
 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944    67 by B. Welke 2/2012,
Granier, Ivey   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Granlich, Francis A.   424 INF        1998-1/2/3
Grannis, Charles Albert34 985 122Cpl 422 INF/I CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-B
  2. POW# 23 782
09/12/1991 (79) Elmwood Cemetery Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. a World War II Army veteran and was captured as a prisoner of war during the Battle of the Bulge.
Grannis-CharlesA.jpg  CUB 1946-11, 59, 67 by B. Welke 2/2012, FAG 125156717
Grannis, William A. Cpl 81 ENG (C)   06/23/1943Died when a package carried under his arm exploded on a street corner in Columbus SC.   Index-Journal, Greenwood SC 06/23/1943
Grant, Ian J. C.39 215 967Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, PH, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia08/26/1987 (61) Bayview Cemetery Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Grant-IanJ.jpg  27, GO 1945-051, FAG 146735857
Grant, Kenneth H.36 583 632SSgt 422 INF/3 BNWIA 12/11/1944, WIA 12/19/1944CIB, PH, PH/OLC
  1. Captured 12/19/1944
  2. Stalag 4-B
  3. POW # 311 949
  4. Liberated 04/22/1945 by Russians
     Grant-Kenneth.jpg59, Discussion Board 7/22/2009,
Grant, Wilburn N. 'Pappy'34 548 366TSgt 424 INF/H CIB 01/12/1994 (83) Milton Cemetery Milton, Santa Rosa County, Florida, USA   Grant-WilburnN.jpg  CUB 1949-10/11, CUB 1981-4/5/6, CUB 1986-3/4/5/6, FAG 26610104
Grantham, Gordon   423 INF/MWIACIB, POW, EAME/4, PH4-B Muhlberg Sachsen5/12/2010 (86) Gate of Heaven Cemetery Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland, USA During WWII, he served his country in the United States Army 106th Infantry Division, European Theatre in the Battle of Bulge. He was awarded the Purple Heart as a surviving Prisoner Of War. Grant-WilburnN.jpg Grantham-Gordon.jpg CUB 1992-10/11/12, CUB 9-12/2010, FAG 52419427
Grantham, Newton V.18 008 591SSgt 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944, WIABelgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951, PH4-B Muhlberg Sachsen12/17/1965 (53) Corine Cemetery Jacksonville, Cherokee County, Texas, USA WW2 & Korea
Grantham-NewtonV.jpg  8, 58, FAG 39395064
Grantham, Rufus D. T/5Wire SectionDiv Arty/HQ   01/01/2004 cir    1994-4/5/6, 2004-4/5/6 Robert Scherer 01/2010,
Grapisti, Charles F.20 319 238T/4Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Grasberger, Frank J.   424 INF/G CIB, EAME/1, GC. WW2 Victory, Rifle Marksman, Occupation 09/19/1972 (49) Mount Calvary Cemetery Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia, USA Author "The 106th: The Story of the 106th Infantry Division"
Grasberger-FrankJ.jpg  Grasberger-FrankJ.jpgCUB 8/2011, "The 106th: The Story of the 106th Infantry Division.", FAG 117393941
Grasberger, Mathew J.32 828 582T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • 01/06/1945 - placed on detached service with the Medical Detachment of the 424th Infantry.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076,
Grass, Emil J., Jr.37 605 588T/3 424 INF/2 BN, 424 INF/F CMB, BS 03/22/1990 (66) Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Lemay, St. Louis County, Missouri, USA Bronze Star for heroic achievement against the enemy on 12/25/1944 in Belgium.

Grass-EmilJ.jpg  CUB 1945-08-11, CUB 1945-01-02, CUB 1947-01-02, CUB 1951-2/3, CUB 1975-4/5/6, CUB 1978-1/2/3, GO 1945-013, FAG 77720280
Grasso, Salvatore V.32 820 626T/5 423 INF/SVC, 423 INF/HQ CIB, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/1944
  2. POW 4 months
  3. liberated by Russians 04/12/1945
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. newspaper article story of his service and as a POW.
  3. Newspaper article 05/08/2005: missing three toes on left foot and two on right from frostbite. The family received telegram stating he was dead. (Daily News)
  Grasso-Sal.jpg CUB 1987-3/4/5/6, CUB Sept/Dec 2011, GO 1945-051, Tallahassee Democrat, Tallahassee FL 05/08/2005, Daily News, New York, NY 05/08/2005
Gratson, John33 036 731SSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gratzer, Earl Richard Pvt 424 INF/3 BN/L   02/04/1990 (71) Beech Grove Cemetery Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana, USA     63, FAG 50161260
Graubard, William42 069 908  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Grauer, Jack L.36 725 089  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
06/23/2009 (85) Florida National Cemetery Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. Jack was a WWII veteran, serving in the U.S. Army, captured during the Battle of the Bulge and held as a POW.
Grauer-JackL.jpg  59, FAG 48259712
Gravelle, Edward L., Jr. Pfc 424 INF/C        10,
Gravenor, Cyrus W.33 850 378  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Graver, J. E.36 649 448Sgt 423 INF/MedicMIAEAME/4      1,
Graves, L. C.20 812 164SSgt824 Mess Sergeant422 INF/K    Fol EM 159th INF trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth: VOCG 15th US Army   SO 66,
Graves, Lawrence J.32 587 957Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/DMIACIB, POW, EAME/4, PUC
  1. 4-A Hohnstein, Saxony,
  2. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany.
  3. POW for 5 months. liberated by Russians 05/08/1945

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.

newspaper article 72 day furlough at home

   Graves-Lawrence.jpg27, 62, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051, Franklin Evening Star 01/30/1945, Star-Gazette, Elmira NY 09/27/945
Gravley, John Edward 'Jack37 581 765Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4, BSPOW camp unknown
11/19/1960 (35) Lakeview Cemetery Windom, Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Inscription Minnesota PFC Co G 423 Infantry World War II BSM
Gravley-JohnE.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 57558418
Gray, Charles C.36 559 371Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, EAME/4 03/04/1995 (76) Dayton National Cemetery Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051, FAG 717308
Gray, Charles E. Sgt     06/04/1979 (62) Springfield National Cemetery Springfield, Greene County, Missouri, USAMarried 02/15/1943 Gray-CharlesE.jpg  Time Recorder, Zanesville OH 02/15/1943, FAG 717340
Gray, Charles L.37 343 566  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen01/04/1998 (68) Riverside National Cemetery Riverside, Riverside County, California, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 717311
Gray, David E.34 889 419 Message Center Clerk in BN HQ422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured near the German-Belgium border 12/19/1944
  2. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  3. liberated when POW march was overtaken by the 11th Armour 04/23/1945.
  4. Marched 250 miles from Leipzig, Germany towards the Czech border
  1. newspaper article describing liberation and now new Court Clerk for Sullivan Cty.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  3. Was recently elected Circuit Court Clerk for Sullivan County.
   59, Kingsport News, Kingsport TN 09/12/1946
Gray, Elmer J.13 156 723SSgt 422 INF/F CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-A,
  2. 9-B
06/01/2000 (76) Davids Cemetery Kettering, Montgomery County, Ohio, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gray-ElmerJ.jpg  CUB 1947-01-02, 1, 59, FAG 35115232
Gray, Elmer L.37 102 234Pvt-T/5 Cadre060 Cook422 INF/K   01/10/1992 (73) Colbert City Cemetery Colbert, Madison County, Georgia, USAFol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945 Gray-ElmerL.jpg  SO 66, FAG 89461994
Gray, Forrest W.4 821 511TSgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 09/01/2010 (91) South Florida National Cemetery Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, Florida, USA Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076, FAG 94454638
Gray, George W.36 456 538Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 06/09/1996 (70) Quantico National Cemetery Quantico, Prince William County, Virginia, USA   Gray-GeorgeW.jpg  14, 17, 31, FAg 717617
Gray, Jack / O-926 898SSgt / 2LTLiaison Pilot l-4590 FABN AM  Air Medal for meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight from 01/11/1945 to 05/06/1945 in France, Belgium and Germany. GO 1945-077

   1944-05-05 5/5/44, GO 1945-077,
Gray, James A.   423/I  POWcaptured on Dec. 20, 1944, in Belgium’s snow-choked Ardennes forest12/23/2016 (91) Garden City, Long Island, NY https://www.newsday.com/long-island/obituaries/james-gray-former-wwii-pow-and-county-pr-rep-dead-at-91-l68059  WD
Gray, James A. (2)32 273 677Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/49-B
05/16/1994 (71) Mountain Home National Cemetery Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

  Gray-JamesA.jpg 27, 62, GO 1945-051, Cub In Review, FAG 717814
Gray, James Ernest Sgt 424 INF/C CIB, BS 07/25/2010 GRAY, James ErnestAge 92, passed away at home Wednesday morning, July 28, 2010. Jim was born in Giles County, TN on December 10, 1917. He was graduated from Hume Fogg High School and the University of Tennessee. On August 28, 1944, he married Gladys T. Greer, and this year would have celebrated 66 years of marriage. During WWII, Jim was attached with the C Company 424th Infantry Regiment 106th Inf Div, and was decorated with the Combat Infantry Badge 1st Award and Bronze Star, among other medals. He was a 50-year plus member of the Claiborne Lodge #293, Free & Accepted Masons of Nashville, TN, a 32 degree member of the Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, S.J. USA, Valley of Nashville Orient of Tennessee and a Life Member of the Elks, USA Nashville, TN No. 72.   Gray-James.jpgDiscussion Board 06/30/2007, Legacy,
Gray, James L.38 599 748Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-D Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gray, James R.6 862 921TSgt745 Rifleman422 INF/G    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Gray, Leon   423 INF/EWIAEAME/4, PH
  1. Captured 12/1944
  2. Liberated 05/1945
12/11/2015 Malvern Arkansasentered the United StatesArmy on November 18 1943. As a member of the 106th Infantry Division he foughtand was captured in the Battle of the bulge, remaining in a German prison campfrom December 1944 until May 1945. He was awarded the Purple Heart for beingwounded in action. Because of his military service he did not graduate fromhigh school. In 2003 the Arkansas State Legislature passed a bill authorizingschool districts to grant a high school diploma to veterans who were not ableto complete their high school education due to their commitment to service inthe armed forces of the United States of America. On July 4, 2004, Leon waspresented his Malvern High School Diploma by State Representative BillScrimshire.

   CUB 2009-5/8, Obit from W. Dunn
Gray, Paul M.17 054 516T/4 424 INF CIB, BS  Bronze Star (as Cpl) for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 12/12/1944 to 03/13/1945 in Belgium and Germany. GO 1945-075
   1945-09-16, GO 1945-075,
Gray, Peter T/4 422 INF/D    Report to Division Reorganization Area 3, 04/03/1945 SO 66   SO 66,
Gray, Robert John   424 INF/K   11/22/2003 (87)    Wayne Dunn; Obit
Gray, Robert R.            1972-1/2/3, 1972-7/8/9
Gray, unk LTDivision Pilot589 FABN/HQ Batt Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951        Gray-James.jpg
Gray, Walter L.37 628 488Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gray, Willard George35 931 923  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
10/22/1996 (75) Fox Cemetery Summers County, West Virginia, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, where he was stationed in Germany, was a POW and the recipient of three Bronze stars, the European Campaign Badge and the Infantry Badge.
   59, FAG 94152319
Gray, William C.34 004 524T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gray, William I.39 579 110Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Graycheck, Henry   424 INF/A CIB, POW
  1. Stalag 12A
  2. 9B Limburg An Der Lahn Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
Graziano, Anthony J.11 138 403Pvt 424 INF/B CIB, POW
  1. Gerolstein,
  2. 12-A,
  3. 10-C,
  4. 10-B
 He served in the Army in World War II and was in the Battle of the Bulge Ardennes Alsace where he was captured by the Germans. He received the Bronze Star for meritorious service.  Graziano-AnthonyJ-2.jpg Graziano-AnthonyJ.jpg1946-11
Grdich, Henry16 174 762T/4 422 INF/2 BN CIB 09/26/2002 (77) Maple Grove Cemetery Mattawan, Van Buren County, Michigan, USA     27, FAG 99650527
Greathouse, Oley Clifford35 924 581Pvt 424 INF/G CIB 01/09/1994 (68) Mount Mitchell Methodist Church Cemetery Wytheville, Wythe County, Virginia, USA     27, FAG 36853883
Greco, Americo M.34 025 171T/4 589 FABN/SVC Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Greco, Andrew J.32 771 885T/5 423 INF/Medic CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
5 OCT 2009 / Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington, Bergen County, New Jerseyhometown: Lyndhurst, NJ
Enlisted 10 MAR 1943; Service completed 17 Nov 1945
Captured during Battle of the Bulge
details unknown of capture
Greco, Joseph A.O-1 315 578  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
5 Jan 1995 (aged 72) Burial Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 718895
Greco, Peter C.32 771 622PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  29 Jul 2007 Burial Glendale Cemetery Bloomfield, Essex County, New Jersey, USA Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076, FAG 90440496
Greco, Ralph12 020 257t/4060 Cook422 INF/M    Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Greear, Raymond S.13 176 073Pfc 422 INF/CN CIB      27,
Green, Brice D., Jr.18 027 610  589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 POW camp unknown
25 Dec 1993 (aged 73) Burial Frederick Memorial Cemetery Frederick, Tillman County, Oklahoma, USA   Green-BriceD.jpg  58, FAG 113344672
Green, Charles B.14 039 657SSgt 422 INF/I CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
3 Aug 2010 (aged 88) Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Burial Pleasant Hill Cemetery Hughesville, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   27, FAG 56957681
Green, Charles E.35 902 445Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. captured 12/19/1944
  2. 4-B
  3. 04/1945 set to marching in circles to avoid advancing Allied forces.
  4. liberated by 36th INF 04/15/1945
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. newspaper article in Billings General hospital, Indianapolis IN
   GreenCharlesE.jpg27, 62, GO 1945-051, Muncie Evening Press, Muncie IN 07/21/1945
Green, Collie34 707 713TSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen14 Nov 1994 (aged 82) New Port Richey, Pasco County, Florida, USA Burial Glen Haven Memorial Park and Mausoleum Winter Park, Orange County, Florida, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Green-Collie.jpg  59, FAG 167735236
Green, Daniel J.33 619 348Pfc 423 INF/3 BN/HQ CO CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Green, Donald S.37 635 176Pvt 424 INF/L CIB      27, http://www.stltoday.com 12/2011,
Green, Douglas A. T/4 590 FABN, 424 INF    7 Jan 1994 (aged 75) Burial Houston National Cemetery Houston, Harris County, Texas, USA     CUB 1946-11, FAG 28112710
Green, Edward L.36 836 799Cpl 422 INF/MWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC
  1. 9-B
  2. Work Camps,
  3. Contracted Tuberculosis,
  4. 2-A,
  5. 11-B
     1946-12, 1948-8/9, 1949-12-1950-1 59,
Green, Edward W.36 739 790Pvt SIGNAL CIB, POW, EAME/4, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Green, Emery B. Pfc 591 FABN/Batt B        1947-03
Green, Emil Pfc          2009-5/8,
Green, Emory B.   591 FABN        CUB 3-8
Green, Eric D., Jr.18 027 6101st Sgt 589 FABN/Batt CMIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       8,
Green, Frederick39 712 706Pfc 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Green, James C.   UNKNOWN CIB, POWPOW camp unknown
     1988-2/3, 2005-04-05-06
Green, James H.34 811 474SSgt 423 INF/2 BN/HMIACIB, PH, EAME/4
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   1, GO 1945-051,
Green, John            1986-3/4/5/6
Green, Lawrence E.36 729 865  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
Death 28 Oct 1975 (aged 60) Burial Los Angeles National Cemetery Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 3712775
Green, Lee   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Green, Leonard C.37 621 554T/3 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg SachsenDeath 27 May 1979 (aged 63) Burial Doris Miller Memorial Park Waco, McLennan County, Texas, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Green-LeonardC.jpg  59, FAG 70221983
Green, MiltonO-Capt 106 Medical BN PH, Am Theater, EAME/3, 3 BS  newspaper article   Times & Democrat, Orangeburg SC
Green, Paul E.36 951 922Pfc 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Green, Raymond   423 INF/E EAME/4      1975-4/5/6
Green, Richard P.36 739 495Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Green, Robert Pvt 333 FABNKIA   
  1. Captured after a German sympathizer alerted the Germans to their hiding place in the village of Werth. Captured, tortured, beaten and finally shot dead. The 99th INF DIV discovered the eleven mutilated bodies 12/17/1944.
  2. Members of the 333rd Artillery Battalion who were killed in Wereth, Belgium, Dec. 17, 1944: Staff Sgt. Thomas Forte, Cpl. Mager Bradley, technicians William Pritchett and James Stewart, Privates First Class George Davis, James Leatherwood, George Moten, Due Turner and Privates Curtis Adams, Robert Green and Nathaniel Moss.
   "Red Legs of the Bulge",
Green, Roy R.34 547 257CM SGT 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen07/26/1981 Florida
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051,
  2. Roy R. Green (3/05/1924-7/26/1981), was captured and a POW in the Battle of the Bulge. He went on to have a career in the Air Force eventually retiring with a 100% service connected disability which finally took his life at the age of 57.
  3. Served in WW2, Korea and Vietnam
  ****MISSING PHOTO **** Green-Roy.jpg27, 62, 106 INF GO 1945-051, Daughter J. Green Boger 01/2015,
Green, William34 492 902Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Greenberg, Alfred32 823 803PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 Death 18 May 2002 (aged 89) Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, USA Burial Jewish Community Cemetery Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, USA Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076, FAG 11037303
Greenberg, Eugene Pfc 422 INF/I        1946-11
Greenberg, Jerome H.36 579 605Sgt 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Greenberg, Joseph P.13 090 284T/5 422 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Greene, Godfrey W.34 608 432SSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
Death 30 May 1995 (aged 74) Burial West End Cemetery West End, Moore County, North Carolina, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Greene-GodfreyW.jpg  59, FAG 156439146
Greene, Gordon32 605 022PfcMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 Death 24 Jun 2010 (aged 88) Burial Orange County Veterans Cemetery Goshen, Orange County, New York, USA
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • Ed Christianson 7/2007 - Jim, These are the names of men of the 331st/C who autographed the 106th Big Picture Books of Ray Cole and myself.
Greene-Gordon.jpg  33, GO 1945-076, FAG 77999787
Greene, James L.35 847 292Pvt 423 INF/ATMIACIB (MIA), EAME/4 Death 1 Jun 1997 (aged 73) Burial Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Lemay, St. Louis County, Missouri, USA Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051, Greene-JamesL.jpg  27, GO 1945-051, FAG 85297252
Greene, John   423 INF/1 BN EAME/4      1948-8/9, 1984-9/10/11, 1987-3/4/5/6
Greene, Joseph17 082 405Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/HQ CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Greene, Joseph M.11 095 198  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Greenhalgh, Sylvan39 924 484Pfc 424 INF/B CIB      27,
Greenleaf, Donald G.32 063 212SSgt 424 INF/M CIB, BS  Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/06/1944 to 01/27/1945 in Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-073

   27, GO 1945-073,
Greenman, Joseph   Unk        CUB 23-4
Greenspan, Harry H. Sgt 806/ORD        1946-09,60,
Greenspan, Philip F.36 691 373Pvt 422 INF/A & ServiceKIACIB, PH, GC 10/2/1944 SO 179      1946-09, 13, 53, 65, 102,
Greenvell, George   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Greenwald, Clarence E.            1947-01-02
Greenwood, Aurrin E.36 810 885Sgt 590 FABN/HQ Batt CIB, POW
  1. 11-B
  2. work camps
Death 6 Dec 1996 (aged 72) Wisconsin, USA Burial Green Wood Cemetery Reedsburg, Sauk County, Wisconsin, USA   Greenwood-AurrinE.jpg  CUB 1991-1/2/3, 57, FAG 120272725
Greenwood, Brooks O.38 663 824T/4014 Automotive Mechanic (2d echelon)423 INF/HQ  EAME/4  Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945   SO 66,
Greenwood, Michael E.31 329 322Sgt 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
Death 26 Sep 1999 (aged 81) Burial Riverside National Cemetery Riverside, Riverside County, California, USA    Greenwood-MichaelE.jpg 8, 58, FAG 722439
Greer, James C.34 725 036Cpl 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Death 10 Aug 2004 (aged 86) Burial Santa Fe National Cemetery Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 17543727
Greer, Lonnie H.35 126 213Pvt 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, PrussiaDeath 24 Feb 1993 (aged 69) Burial Florida National Cemetery Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 722674
Greer, Wayne M.6 882 287SSgt 592 FABN CIB, BS   Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy on 12/16/1944 in Germany.

    GO 1945-020,
Gregerio, James S.31 424 617Pvt 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 POW camp unknown
Gregg, George Pfc          1945-08-25
Gregg, Leroy NMI37 500 942Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Gregg, Reuben Samuel Sgt     Death 30 Dec 1984 (aged 74) Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, USA Burial Memorial Park Cemetery Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, USA Reported safe
   Republic 01/19/1945, FAG 141711672
Gregler, Earl H.31 458 789Pvt 423 INF/E CIB, EAME/4      27,
Gregory, Buel Defton38 179 669  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
Death 28 Apr 1995 (aged 75) USA Burial Bolton Cemetery Dean Springs, Crawford County, Arkansas, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gregory-BuelD.jpg  59, FAG 13657587
Gregory, Frank R.38 629 517Pfc 81 ENG(C)WIACIB, PH, BS  Purple Heart 02/08/1945.

Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy on 02/07/1945 in Belgium.

    GO 1945-021, GO 1945-032,
Gregory, James R. T/4 424 INF/3 BN/L        63,
Gregory, John Anthony39 292 110T/5 424 INF/3 BN, 424 INF/E OGL-Gold 2002, BS 03/16/2006 Sacramento CA    Gregory-JohnA.jpgCUB 1986-11/12-1987-1/2, CUB 2006-4/5/6, 23, Bee-Sacramento CA 03/17/2006
Gregory, Winnie Leo34 711 029Cpl 424 INF/3 BN CIB Death 6 Feb 2000 (aged 80) Hermitage, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA Burial Hermitage Memorial Gardens Old Hickory, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA     CUB 1971-1/2/3, CUB 1972-1/2/3, FAG 156603442
Gregware, Joseph C.32 948 532Pfc 424 INF/F CIB Death 9 Feb 1945 (aged 19) Burial Saint Johns Cemetery Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County, New York, USA   Gregware-JosephC.jpg  12, FAG 102055404
Greiner, John H.O-1 107 9911LT DHQ Ordnance, 81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   1946-11, 1951-12-1952-1
Greiner, John N.             
Grello, Thomas Cpl 591 FABN        1967-8/9/10
Gremillion, Jack Paul Faustin, Sr.O-1LT 424 INF/3 BN/IWIAPH 03/02/2001
  1. newspaper article Observer Charlotte NC 06/01/1992.
  2. Was the Democraticattorney general of Louisiana from 1956 to 1972. He was a member of the EarlKemp Long political faction. As the state attorney general of Louisiana, he wascalled upon to defend state law in the matter of school desegregation. He was aparty loyalist and a presidential elector for the John F. Kennedy--Lyndon B.Johnson ticket in 1960. Kennedy and Johnson easily won Louisiana's tenelectoral votes. In addition to school desegregation, Gremillion played aninstrumental role in other landmark cases of the day, including the Louisianatidelands and the Sabine River Parish boundary cases.
  3. Gremillion saw heavy combatin the European theatre in the V infantry division from the Normandy outbreakto St. Lo. He was severely injured as a First Lieutenant in charge of a platoonrooting out snipers. He was awarded a Purple Heart. His sergeant was killed inthe same battle.
   424 INF/I 1943 Christmas Menu, CUB 1994-1/2/3, Obit from W. Dunn
Grennies, Vincent   592 FABN/B        1996-7-8-9
Grennis, Vincent J.   592 FABN/B CIB, POW8-?     1989-7/8/9
Gresh, Michael, Jr.33 434 102T/5511 Armorer106 Recon Cav (Mech) POW, PHcaptured at Grosslangenfeld - POW for 4 months
Death 16 Nov 2016 (aged 93) Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania, USA Burial Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Cemetery Crossingville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, USA
  1. See Lt. Haines account of the battle under "Grosslangenfeld" link.
  2. CUB 2005 07/08/09
  3. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was a prisoner of war for four months afterward, for which he was awarded the Purple Heart for suffering frostbite while imprisoned.
   Gresh-Michael.jpgEd Strand 01/2016, Legacy, FAG 182301697
Gresham, Joseph Weldon 'JW'38 682 528Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G, 423 INF/1 BN CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 4-B,
  2. KDP Neudorf.
  3. Liberated 04/18/1945
Death 2018 (aged 97–98) Tyler, Smith County, Texas, USA Burial Cathedral in the Pines Cemetery Tyler, Smith County, Texas, USA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge (as 423/2 BN/G) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. As part of the "greatest generation", J.W. served in World War II where he was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and held as a POW until the war ended.
  Gresham-JosephW.jpg 62, CUB 1988-7/8/9, GO 1945-051, FAG 192242325
Greve, Walter C.36 903 484Pfc 423 INF/1st BN/HQ CoMIACIB (MIA), POW, EAME/3, BS, Victory, Am Theater, GC,
  1. 12-A,
  2. 4-B,
  3. 4-D
  4. KDP
28 Feb 2015 (aged 91) Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado, USA Burial Fort Logan National Cemetery Denver, Denver County, Colorado, USA
  1. Combat Infantry Badge (MIA) 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. Communications Platoon. Captured 12/19/1944 near Schoenberg. XII-A, IV-B, IV-D KDP coal mine near Furstenwalde, Leipzig
  3. newspaper article.
  4. Battle of the Bulge, Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star, Victory Medal, American Theater Ribbon, European-African Middle Eastern Ribbon with three battle stars, One Overseas Service Bar, Good Conduct Medal, and Prisoner of War Medal.
Greve-WalterC.jpg  62, CUB 1990-7/8/9, CUB 8/2011, GO 1945-051, Chicago Tribune, Chicago IL 04/06/1945, FAG 143375391
Grews, Maxcy S.O-399 801Capt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, EAME/4  Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, GO 1945-051,
Gribbin, Charles 'Tech'   424 INF/C        2004-1/2/3 10,
Gribbin, John J., Jr.32 074 310TSgt 424 INF/CWIACIB, PH, PH/OLC
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B Limburg An Der Lahn Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
Death 30 Jan 2013 (aged 90) Burial Long Island National Cemetery East Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York, USA   Gribbin-JohnJ.jpg  CUB 1946-12, CUB 1947-01-02 11, 27, FAG 125966449
Grice, Milton M.O-271 740Capt/Ltc. 424 INF CIB, BS Death 7 Jul 1968 (aged 65) Burial Fort Snelling National Cemetery Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/16/1944 tp 03/16/1945 in Belgium and Germany. Minn.

Grice-MiltonM.jpg  Grice-MiltonM.jpg237, 106th Photo Album, FAG 724105
Grick, Oliver U.   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Gridler, Richard   DIVARTY        CUB 13-4
Grieninger, Norman C.36 650 733T/5776 RadioOper L.S.106 Recon Cav (Mech)MIA captured at Grosslangenfeld.Death 12 Jun 2010 (aged 86) Burial Quinnesec Cemetery Quinnesec, Dickinson County, Michigan, USA GRIENINGER MISSING IN GERMAN FRONT
Cpl. Norman C. Grieninger, 21, radio operator with the 106th Reconnaissance troops in Germany, has been missing in action since Dec. 16. After basic training & Calvary School, he graduated as a radio operator on Aug. 19, 1944. He was given a brief furlough before being assigned overseas in England in Nov. The Grieningers' have another son in the service, Cpl. Raymond, who has been in the United States Army since June 1942 & has spent the last 3 Christmases in Africa, where he is attached to a trucking battalion.
(January 15, 1945, Daily News, Iron Mountain, Dickinson, Michigan.)
Grieninger-NormanC.jpg   Ed Strand from MR 12/19/1944, FAG 96657896
Grieve, Sterling Wilford  Truck Driver Light 345424 INF/SVC MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945 Death 6 Nov 2001 (aged 81) Burial Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan, USA Motor Vehicle Driver's badge
Grieve-SterlingW.jpg  Grieve-SterlingW.jpgCUB 1947-09, CUB 1956-11/12, FAG 90737347
Griffey, Tommie D., Jr.34 510 421Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/44-D Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Griffin, Daniel J.31 459 128Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Griffin, Gerald 'Jerry'   423 INF/H EAME/4 01/10/2014 NJ
Gerald entered the U.S. Army in 1943 and remained stateside for the duration. He made sergeant while in the 106th Division (The Golden Lions) and taught heavy gunnery. He would later join the Army Air Corps where he became a radio and radar specialist. Gerald was training with a B-29 crew to be deployed to the Pacific Theatre when the war ended
   2000-4/5/6, Legacy
Griffin, Glenn C. Cpl 1 BN        USAHEC Survey
Griffin, Harvey38 692 316Pvt 424 INF/F CIB      12,
Griffin, Henry B.37 550 233Sgt 423 INF/1 BN/C CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
 Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   Griffin-HenryB.jpg1950-2/3, 1952-2/3, GO 1945-051,
Griffin, Hugh D.20 402 178TSgt 422 INF/D CIB
  1. captured 12/19/1944
  2. German POW camp near Frankfort-on-the-Main
 newspaper article   27, 59, Republic, Columbus in 05/14/1945
Griffin, James A.34 615 074SSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
Death 25 Jun 1997 (aged 74) Burial Willamette National Cemetery Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Griffin-JamesA.jpg  59, FAG 724853
Griffin, John D.17 169 719  422 INF/F CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   2001-7/8/9 59,
Griffin, John W.33 928 557  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Griffin, Morris Webster34 015 231TSgt 424 INF/2 BN/G EIB Camp Crier 6/44, CIB, PH Death 3 Apr 1998 (aged 82) Burial Mont Rose Baptist Church Cemetery Quitman, Clarke County, Mississippi, USA     Griffin-MorrisW.jpg27, Camp Crier 6/16/44, Discussion Board by grandchild Olen Kuhr 11/25/2012, FAG 79538533
Griffin, Richard E.34 725 067SgtMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   1946-12, 33, GO 1945-076,
Griffin, Stewart L.36 652 129T/4 424 INF/HQ CIB      27,
Griffin, Wesley D.O-315 230Capt 424 INF/D, 424 INF/1 BNWIA BelgiumCIB, PH  
  1. Company Commander. CIB says 424/1st. Transferred to 75th Div 01/07/1945.
  2. Purple Heart 01/13/1945
   1945-08-25, CUB 08/25/1945, GO 1945-009,
Griffis, Carl L.14 124 151  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Griffis, Hugh D.20 402 178TSgt  422/DCitation for Exceptional Accomplishments  Citation for Exceptional Accomplishments. 02/29/1944 when the leader of his platoon became a casualty,. he took command and continued in that capacity during the remainder of the problem. On 03/01/1944, he covered the withdrawal of Company "C" using one section of machine guns to holdup the enemy advance. Baring, Maine.
   GO 1944-M-004,
Griffis, James G.34 546 782Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Griffith, Arthur G., Jr.33 589 525T/5 SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Griffith, Eugene F.33 121 859Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Griffith, Herbert D.35 763 532Pvt 424 INF/F CIB Death 22 Oct 2011 (aged 86) Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, USA Burial Cheatham Hill Memorial Park Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, USA   Griffith-HerbertD.jpg CUB 1977-7/8/9, 12, FAG 79271982
Griffith, William E.33 190 388T/4/SSgt DHQ AG Postal   Death 4 Apr 1978 (aged 57) Burial Long Island National Cemetery East Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York, USA   Griffith-WilliamE.jpg  FAG 2691801
Griffiths, Thomas V. Sgt 424 INF/CN        9,
Griggs, Birch6 318 667Pfc 423 INF/2 BN/E  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Griggs, Garland L.34 964 492Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Grignon, Raymond J.36 894 666  589 FABN Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 13-CDeath 18 Aug 1991 (aged 65) Burial National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA   Grignon-RaymondJ.jpg  58, FAG 726007
Grigsby, Alvin B., Sr. (Bud)35 698 130T/4 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. POW captured 12/17/1944,
  2.  liberated 04/28/1945
     1990-4/5/6 8,58,
Grigsby, John D.O-1 316 1472LT1st Cannon Plt Ldr424 INF/CN        9, 77,
Grillo, Thomas E. Cpl 591 FABN/Batt B   01/17/2003    1945-01-02, 1947-01-02, 1948-6/7, 1990-1/2/3
Grimes, Charles H.39 376 209  422 INF/F CIB, POW, EAME/3In 3 different POW campsDeath 14 Apr 1994 (aged 82) Seattle, King County, Washington, USA Burial Omak Memorial Cemetery Omak, Okanogan County, Washington, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   CUB 1993-4/5/6, CUB 1994-10/11/12, 59, FAG 43072688
Grimes, Elmer W.O-1 309 6711LTBN S-3424 INF/1 BN/HQ & HQ CIB      27, 77,
Grimes, George O.   424 INF/CN        1988-4/5/6, 2006-4/5/6
Grimes, Howard Pvt 424 INF/C EAME/3, CIB 09/07/1945 Solers, Francenewspaper article funeral after dying suddenly in military hospital in Solers.   Grimes-Howard.jpgPittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh PA 09/25/1945, 11/04/1948
Grimes, Robert L.35 503 095SSgtWire Chief423 INF/HQ CO CIB, EAME/4 05/29/1998 North Canton OHCombat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   GO 1945-051, CUB 08/1998
Grimes, Wesley I. Pfc. 424 INF        CUB 3-10
Grimm, Lawrence James37 572 808Pfc 422 INF/E CIB Death 30 Jul 2009 (aged 84) Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minnesota, USA Burial Holy Cross Cemetery Bemidji, Beltrami County, Minnesota, USA He joined the Army Air Corps in 1943 serving his country in Germany and France as a Military Policeman until 1946 after attaining the rank of corporal.(Note: many Air Corps personnel were shifted to Infantry when the need for pilots diminished.)
  Grimm-LawrenceJ.jpg 27,
Grimm, Leroy M.   592 FABN/B        1951-6/7
Grimm, Roderick N.35 922 037Pfc 424 INF/3 BN CIB Death 22 May 2010 (aged 84) Burial Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery Rittman, Medina County, Ohio, USA   Grimm-RoderickN.jpg  27, FAG 54149485
Grimos, George O.35 744 909Pfc 424 INF/CN CIB      27,
Grimsrud, Howard A.39 453 483T/5 424 INF/SVC CIB, MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION Service Company, 424th Infantry Regiment Cited for service from 16 December 1944 to 15 March 1945      27,
Grindle, Ernest L.34 831 801Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/K CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Grindrod, Paul E.36 829 322Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Grindy, Louis Leroy37 596 973Pvt 422 INF/C CIB Death 18 Aug 1997 (aged 71) Burial National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA   Grindy-LouisL.jpg  27, FAG 726765
Griner, John M.20 402 565SSgt 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
Death 21 Aug 1979 (aged 60) Burial Evergreen Cemetery Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Griner-JohnM.jpg  59,
Griner, unkO-Lt          1987-7/8/9/10
Grinnals, Raymond Dee32 847 950Pfc 422 INF/1 BN CIB Death 13 Oct 1975 (aged 57) Burial Oakwood Cemetery Chittenango, Madison County, New York, USA     27, FAG 122631162
Grisby, Alvin B. (Bud), Sr.     CIB, POW
  1. captured 12/17/1944
  2. liberated 04/28/1945
  3. 12-A,
  4. 2-D
  5. Stargaard,
  6. 2-A,
  7. 10-B,
  8. 10-C
1974    CUB July 1988,
Grisby, Raymond36 023 979Pfc 424 INF   12/17/1944 Plot H Row 9 Grave 4 Luxembourg American Cemetery Luxembourg     ABMC
Griseold, Stanton E.35 879 871  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Griser, William E.38 307 645Pfc 422 INF/F CIB      27,
Grisso, Paul Bennett, Jr.33 740 317Pvt 422 INF/G CIB, POW, EAME/3, GC 10/2/1944 SO 179
  1. 4-B,
  2. German hospital in Bad Lausig.
  3. Liberated there.
Death 1 Mar 2003 (aged 79) Burial Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Grisso-PaulB.jpg  CUB 1992-10/11/12, 1, 59, FAG 14437179, GC 10/2/1944 SO 179
Griswold, Stanton E. Cpl 422 INF/A CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 12-A,
  2. 9-B,
  3. Wurzen
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   1947-09
Gritton, George D.36 447 967Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Gritz, Marvin I.32 697 347Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Grivetti, Louis G.33 714 626SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/KKIACIB, PH, BS, EAME/4
  1. 4-B
  2. 12/19/1944,
  3. Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden, Germany
Death 20 Jan 2009 (aged 83) Burial Floral Hills Memorial Gardens Taylor Mill, Kenton County, Kentucky, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, Ervin Szpek, Jr. 3/2013, GO 1945-051, FAG 170792862
Grivois, unk Pfc  KIA       65,
Grizzle, Paul C.34 762 867  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/39-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, PrussiaDeath 24 Feb 1990 (aged 70) USA Burial Damascus Baptist Church Cemetery Calhoun, Gordon County, Georgia, USA422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 42484093
Grof, Phillip L. T/5 422 INF/Service   07/26/1944Died from accidental gunshot received during regular training.
   Columbus Herald 07/26/1944
Grogan, Henry Edward39 468 623Pfc 423 INF/1 BN/B CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg SachsenDeath 28 May 1974 (aged 72) Altoona, Etowah County, Alabama, USA Burial Wynnville Cemetery Wynnville, Blount County, Alabama, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Grogan-HenryE.jpg  62, CUB 1984-1/2/3/4, GO 1945-051, FAG 71769047
Groleau, Joseph W.38 663 251Pfc 424 INF/G CIB      27,
Groller, Edwin F.36 643 665Sgt 424 INF/2 BN/E CIB, GC, BS, EIB      Groller-Edwin-1.jpgson, Discussion Board 1/5/2010, CUB 04/2010
Grondin, Richard Keith Pfc 424 INF/3 BN/L   Death 4 Sep 2017 (aged 94) Burial Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery Rittman, Medina County, Ohio, USA Richard was a WWII Veteran, serving in all five European Campaigns as a “Tough Ombre” in the 90th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army. Never proud or boasting of the honors he was given, he was the recipient of the Purple Heart and 5 Bronze Stars   63, FAG 183144796
Groner, Ivan Leroy 'Roy'36 153 519  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg SachsenDeath 1 Jun 1980 (aged 68) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan, USA Burial Sand Lake Cemetery Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 120985246
Gronski, Leonard L.36 556 694Pfc 820 TD BN CIB, BS   Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy 12/20/1944 in Belgium.
GO 1945-044,
    GO 1945-044,
Grooten, Ralph R.   81 ENG (C)   06/20/2012 Delaware OH
  1. 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944.
  2. He proudly served hiscountry in the Army Paratroopers and 17th, 82nd and 101st Airborne duringWorld War II.
   CUB 1993-7/8/9, Obit from W. Dunn
Grosh, Joseph W. (Doctor)O-1 695 118Capt Medical CorpsCo D, 331 BN CODHQ Surgeon's Office, 331/Medic CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 Death 5 Aug 1998 (aged 92) Lititz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA Burial Moravian Cemetery Lititz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Combat Medical Badge (as 331/Medic) GO 1945-076
  • I stayed with the first platoon until approximately 1400 hours 19 December l944 when we were contacted by Battalion Hq and I was requested to return to Vielsalm.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076, FAG 110594034
Grosjean, Robert A., Sr. Pfc     Death 4 Sep 2003 (aged 77) Sarasota County, Florida, USA Burial Venice Memorial Gardens Venice Gardens, Sarasota County, Florida, USA He was an Army veteran of World War II, serving in the invasion of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. He was a lifetime member of the American Legion, the VFW, and the Disabled American Veterans.    CUB 1946-10, CUB 1952-8/9, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1987-7/8/9/10, FAG 132890024
Gross, Joseph J.EM / O-1 655 1181st Sgt / Capt 591 FABN/Batt CWIA 02/26/1945CIB, PH, BS 11/17/1999 San Diego CA
  1. Bronze Star for meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy 11/17/1944 to 05/08/1945 in England, Belgium, France and Germany. GO 1945-060
  2. WIA 1945-01-16 near Huaffilize, Belgium. Evacuated to England.

   CUB 1985-8/9/10, CUB 1985-12-1986-1/2, CUB 1989-4/5/6, CUB 01-02-03/2000, GO 1945-060, CUB 10/1999
Gross, Matthew M.            1978-4/5/6
Gross, Orville C.   424 INF/A   12/6/2005 (90)    Wayne Dunn; Obit
Gross, Sam42 061 281Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen 

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Grossbart, Sanford M.   422 INF/F   Death 16 May 1994 (aged 71) Fulton County, Georgia, USA Burial Westview Cemetery Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, USA     CUB 1981-4/5/6, FAG 84900254
Grossjean, Robert   422 INF/3 BN/HQ        CUB 43-3
Grosskopf, William Agt   Special Troops        Camp Crier 4/28/44,
Grossman, Fred N.6 632 801SSgt 634 AAA Automatic Weapons BN CIB, SS  Silver Star for gallantry in action on 12/18/1944 in Belgium. Ignored intense mortar fire and moved his guns to a more advantageous position. Assuming command of a group of 30 soldiers he reorganized and formed a skirmish line which succeeded in halting an enemy patrol. Later requested by CO of a tank unit to locate gathering enemy troops, helped deliver a devastating fire smashing an attack before it could begin.

    GO 1945-017,
Grossman, Harold I.31 301 968Sgt Special Troops CMB      33,
Grossman, Irving32 273 588Cpl 422 INF/I, Special TroopsWIACMB, POW, PH
  1. 12/19/1944.
  2. 11-B
Birth 24 Nov 1924 Bronx County, New York, USA Death 1 Jan 2016 (aged 91) Monterey County, California, USA Burial Soquel Cemetery Soquel, Santa Cruz County, California, USA Combat Medical Badge (as Special Troops) GO 1945-076 Grossman-Irving.jpg  CUB 1946-11, CUB 1999-10/11/12, 59, GO 1945-076, CUB 03/2016, FAG 168868166
Grossman, Lester   424 INF/H        CUB 38-1
Groszkiewicz, M. M.36 778 234  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Groteau, Robert J.20 142 473Pfc 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Grove, Harry S.33 691 696T/4Medic81 ENG (C) CMB  Combat Medical Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-059   7, GO 1945-059,
Grove, Michael C.   423 INF        CUB 43-1
Grove, William W. T/4          1945-09-16
Groves, William J., Jr.31 315 814Cpl 422 INF/Medic CIB      27,
Growth, Jack    KIA Died as POWCIB, POWDied in unknown German PW camp.      
Grua, Elvino nmi36 479 565Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 31,
Grubb, Willis L.37 737 115Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/L CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Birth 4 Oct 1913 Missouri, USA Death 31 Aug 1998 (aged 84) Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California, USA Burial Skylawn Memorial Park San Mateo, San Mateo County, California, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Grubb-WillisL.jpg  27, 62, CUB 1994-1/2/3, GO 1945-051, FAG 171254935
Grube, Carl E.32 924 394Pfc 422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
Birth 6 Feb 1925 Death 6 Mar 1984 (aged 59) Burial Stanhope Union Cemetery Morris County, New Jersey, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Grube-CarlE.jpg  59, FAG 29335324
Grubenmann, Arthur R.31 459 343  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3Stalag 4A Hohnstein, SaxonyBirth 22 Jun 1920 Death 29 Sep 2013 (aged 93) Hillsborough County, Florida, USA Burial Florida National Cemetery Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Grubenmann-ArthurR.jpg Grubenmann-ArthurR.jpg 59, CUB 11/2017
Gruce, Michael C. P.31 329 336T/5Company Mailman423 INF/1 BN/DWIACIB, POW, EAME/3, Am Theater, GC, PH
  1. Captured 12/18/1944 in Ardennes
  2. 9-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
  3. Liberated 1945
Birth 3 Jul 1921 Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA Death 10 Oct 2001 (aged 80) Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA Burial Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, USA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Mr. Gruce was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II and served with the 106th Infantry Division as a sergeant. During basic training at Ft. Jackson, S.C., he was the company bugler and the barracks postmaster. During combat in Europe, he was captured on December 18, 1944 in the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge. He was a prisoner of war until his liberation in 1945. He was the recipient of many decorations and citations, including the American Theater Ribbon, the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with three brass stars, the Medal of Good Conduct and the Purple Heart Award.
Gruce-MichaelC.jpg  62, CUB 1986-11/12-1987-1/2, GO 1945-051, FAG 45359214
Gruchow, Merten L.37 037 530T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945 Birth 1919 Death 2001 (aged 81–82) Burial Glen Oaks Memorial Park Chico, Butte County, California, USA Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076 Gruchow-MertenL.jpg  33, GO 1945-076, FAG 98586351
Grudzina, John P.32 662 098Pfc 424 INF/D CIB      27, 54?,
Gruen, Arthur H.36 649 189TSgt 423 INF/2 BN/HQ Co  CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Birth 14 Dec 1917 Death 31 Dec 1995 (aged 78) Burial Riverside National Cemetery Riverside, Riverside County, California, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 729378
Gruenfelder, Clifferd (sic)   589 FABN/Wire Section Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951       Gruenfelder-Clifferd.jpgCUB Sept/Dec 2011
Grumet, Alfred   422 INF/AT        2005-01-02-03
Grunza, John33 058 331Pfc 422 INF/SVC CIB      27,
Grushka, Theodore J.32 819 259TSgt/MSgt 422 INF EIB, CIB, PH
  1. 8-A
  2. Moosburg
Birth 11 Aug 1923 Death 1 Jan 1997 (aged 73) Burial Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA     27, 59, Camp Crier 6/16/1944, FAG 729715
Gryzwacz, Joe   423 INF/SVC        CUB 19-3
Gscheidle, Fred W.33 348 452CplMedic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gspes, Stanley G. Pfc  MIA       1,
Guadreau, Chilson P.6 148 280TSgt 424 INF/K CIB      27,
Guard, Melvin T.35 464 345T/4 589 FABN/HQ Batt MIA 12/16/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951 1944-12-24     8,
Guard, Paul D.   424 INF/A        1998-7/8/9
Guardado, John38 723 025Pfc 424 INF/B CIB 1/1/1978    27,
Guarnaccio, Michael Pvt 424 INF/C        10,
Gubow, Lawrence   423 INF/SVC EAME/4      Gubow-Lawrence.jpgCamp Crier 06/02/1944 CUB 1953-12, CUB 1956-11/12, CUB 1957-11/12, CUB 1957-12-1959-1, CUB 1960-10/11/12, CUB 1966-2/3/4, 1966-4/5/6, CUB 1970-1/2/3, CUB 1971-1/2/3, CUB 1978-7/8/9
Guczek, Edward J.   424 IINF Purple Heart 02/28/2020   Guczek-EdwardJ-2.jpg Obit
Guelcher, Harold32 898 834T/5Medic331 Medical BN CMB, 331st Medical Battalion Cited for service from 12 December 1944 to 12 February 1945  
  • Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076
  • 01/06/1945 - placed on detached service with the Medical Detachment of the 424th Infantry.
   30, 33, GO 1945-076, Camp Crier 6/9/1944,
Gueltow, Louis C.  Jeep Driver106th then 87 INF/345/DWIA   newspaper article    Gueltow-LouisC.jpgCourier Journal, Louisville KY 01/06/2010
Guenther, Christian, Jr.36 770 662Pfc 106 MP PlatoonWIA  Birth 8 Apr 1914 Death 31 Mar 1992 (aged 77) Bellwood, Cook County, Illinois, USA Burial Elm Lawn Cemetery Mausoleum and Crematorium Elmhurst, DuPage County, Illinois, USA Purple Heart (as Pvt) 12/18/1944. GO 1945-041,

Guenther-Christian.jpg   GO 1945-041, FAG 84163434
Guenther, William B.   424 INF/B        1948-8/9
Guerra, Alfred39 395 760  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Guerriero, Carmine Robert42 069 057Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/4
4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
Birth 15 Mar 1927 Death 27 Sep 1993 (aged 66) Burial Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, Atterbury Camp Crier 06/02/1944, GO 1945-051, FAG 4035622
Guggenheim, Charles E.   424 INF/E   10/09/2002    1994-7-8-9
Guglielmo, Joseph Pvt DHQ        Camp Crier 6/2/44,
Guglielmo, Joseph A.32 951 159Pvt 589 FABN/SVCMIA 12/19/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. 12-A
  2. 9-B
Guida, Angelo32 824 261SSgt 423 INF/3 BN/I EIB, CIB, PH, EAME/4
4-B Muhlberg Sachsen

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

   27, 62, Atterbury Camp Crier 6/2/44, GO 1945-051,
Guidice, Michael   424 INF        1988-2/3
Guiffre, Matthew J.O-1LT 423 INF/2 BN EAME/4      1946-09, 1948-8/9
Guigno, Joseph M., Sr.31 428 448PfcRunner423 INF/1 BN/A CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. 9-B, Berga
  2. Freed from a German hospital by the 357 INF, 90 Div.
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051
  2. 1987-7/8/9/10, 1988-4/5/6, GO 1945-051,
  3. Joseph M. Guigno, Jr. 09/28/2015.
  4. newspaper article with photo in a German hospital. Photo not clear enough to copy.
   Wilkes-Barre Record, Wilkes-Barre PA, 04/27/1945
Guilder, Robert A.   424 INF/1 BN/HQ   cir 2015     CUB 03/2015,
Guilios, Charles P.    KIA       65,
Guinn, John   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Guintard, Robert O.   81 ENG (C), 424 INF/C   Birth 10 Jan 1921 Death 2 Aug 2000 (aged 79) Burial Highland Memory Gardens Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, USA 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944 Guintard-RobertO.jpg  Camp Crier 5/12/1944, CUB 1987-11/12-1988-1, CUB 2000-10/11/12, FAG 23555230
Guippre, unkO-Lt 423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4POW camp unknown
Guirdanella, Frank             
Guiton, Robert   806/ORD        1986-11/12-1987-1/2
Gulch, Felix M.36 896 893CplAnti-tank gun crewman422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 4-B 
  2. 12/16/1944,
  3. 4-D.
  4. Escaped on 2nd attempt
Birth 9 Oct 1925 Death 13 Apr 2002 (aged 76) Burial Elmwood Cemetery Wayland, Allegan County, Michigan, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace Gulch-FelixM.jpg  59, CUB 04/2014, FAG 105208887
Gulios, Charles P.31 408 790Pvt 422 INF/EKIA 12/21/1944CIB, PH Birth unknown Death 21 Dec 1944 Burial Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial Henri-Chapelle, Arrondissement de Verviers, Liège, Belgium E-13-42  Gulios-CharlesP.jpg  CUB 1946-09, 13, 53, ABMC, 102, FAG 56281696
Gultzow, Walter A.37 663 573TSgt DHQ/HQ        1948-10/11, 1949-8/9, 1977-10/11/12, 1978-7/8/9
Gumm, Elmer6 667 265Sgt 168 ENG (C) (attached)KIA 12/21/1944CIB, PH Birth unknown Death 21 Dec 1944 Burial Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial Margraten, Eijsden-Margraten Municipality, Limburg, Netherlands N-6-8  Gumm-Elmer.jpg  ABMC, FAG 56299355
Gummerson, Joseph Pvt Band, Blue Band        1944-02-04
Gump, Solomon R. 'Ray'35 847 312  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
Birth 20 Sep 1925 West Virginia, USA Death 30 Jul 2009 (aged 83) Finleyville, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USA Burial Finleyville Cemetery Finleyville, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USA 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59, FAG 106610487
Gunderson, Lester Norman36 810 302Sgt/MSgt 424 INF/3 BN CIB Birth 4 Sep 1923 Pleasantville, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin, USA Death 6 Jan 2017 (aged 93) Hibbing, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA Burial Fountain Cemetery Fountain, Fillmore County, Minnesota, USA Lester, a part of the Greatest Generation, served in the army during World War II earning the rank of Master Sergeant. He served with distinction and honor during the Battle of the Bulge and remained in Europe for several months after the war to assist in the repatriation of civilians and soldiers.  Gunderson-LesterN.jpg 27, FAG 175204035
Gunderson, Ralph Pvt 422 INF/C   Birth 3 Feb 1919 Death 15 Jun 1995 (aged 76) Burial Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, Suffolk County, New York, USA     CUB 1949-8/9, FAG 732117
Gundlach, Robert A.33 588 087Pvt 424 INF/M CIB Birth 28 Feb 1926 Rock County, Wisconsin, USA Death 7 Jun 2014 (aged 88) Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin, USA Burial Milton Lawns Memorial Park Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin, USA He served in the US Army during WWII in the European Theater participating in the Battle of the Bulge.   27, FAG 131151006
Gunn, J. H.18 218 454Pfc 422 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Gunn, Paul L.37 101 065  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/34-B Muhlberg Sachsen 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gunning, John J.6 716 789T/5 Special Troops CMB  Combat Medical Badge GO 1945-076   33, GO 1945-076,
Gunter, Sidney Louis., Jr. 'Hardtack'14 190 639 / O-Sgt/Major 422 INF/E CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. 9-A,
  2. 11-B.

Birth 27 Feb 1925 Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, USA Death 15 Mar 2013 (aged 88) Rio Rancho, Sandoval County, New Mexico, USA Burial Santa Fe National Cemetery Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA
  1. Entertained fellow POWs with a 4-string guitar. Several times he fainted from hunger in the middle of a performance.
  2. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsac.
  3. He was known as "Hardrock Gunter", a pioneer singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music proceeded the rock and roll and rockabilly craze in the 1950s. He started performing as a solo novelty act in talent shows in his teens and joined Happy Wilson's Golden River Boys, a country swing group in 1939. After serving in World War II, he returned to work with the group, before leaving to start appearing on early local TV shows.
Gunter-SidneyL.jpg Gunter-SidneyL.jpg CUB 1946-11, 27, 59, Camp Crier 9/1/1944, FAg 107292047
Gunter, William J.34 795 622  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3
  1. Captured 12/16/1944
  2. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
Birth 13 Sep 1925 Perry, Taylor County, Florida, USA Death 18 Nov 2005 (aged 80) Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, USA Burial Longview Memorial Park Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, USA
  1. 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace.
  2. William responded to the call of duty by entering the Army on October 29, 1944. He was subsequently captured at the Battle of the Bulge, and survived four months of captivity, in Zeitz, Germany before being liberated.
   59, FAG 91110048
Gunthrop, Elmer   81 ENG (C)    81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   7,
Gunvalson, Russell L.36 810 206CplFoward Artillery Spotter590 FABN/A, 423 INF CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. Captured 12/19/1944 
  2. 9-B, 
  3. 9-A
05/23/2017 Rochester Wis Along with many other captured Americans, Russ was marched away from the front line area to the German town of Gerolstein, and from there transported by rail to Stalag IX-B at Bad Orb, southeast of Frankfurt/Main; the three-day rail journey ended on Christmas Eve 1944. In late January 1945 Russ was in a group of non-commissioned officers transferred to Stalag IX-A, Ziegenhain, and he remained here until this camp was liberated by advancing US troops on 30 March 1945. Russ was moved to a medical facility in Rouen, France, then in early May 1945 shipped to the US; he spent the time until his discharge in December 1945 back home in Wisconsin, and recovering at several stateside medical facilities.
He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1943. Cpl. Gunvalson was a forward artillery spotter in Battery A, 590th Field Artillery Battalion,106th Infantry Division. His location was overrun by German troops on Dec. 19, 1944, and Russell was one of 6697 troops in the 106th captured by the Germans.
Russell spent from Dec. 19, 1944, to March 30, 1945, in three different prisoner of war camps in Germany. His war experiences were published in a book he wrote. Russell was a frequent guest speaker to many high school history classes in Rochester and the surrounding area. He was also regularly interviewed by students for their historical research papers.
Russell was a member of the American ExPOW organization belonging to the Wisconsin Indianhead Chapter and a founding member of the Minnesota Hiawatha Chapter of the organization. He was a member of the ExPOWs, DAV, American Legion, and the 106th Division Association organizations at the time of his death.
   CUB 1984-9/10/11, CUB 1985-8/9/10,CUB 1986-3/4/5/6 57, Thomas Saylor - Concordia U., St Paul, Legacy, CUB 11/2017, CUB 04/2018
Gurganious, Jasper31 457 140  422 INF CIB, POW, EAME/3POW camp unknown
 422d Infantry Regiment Northern France, Rhineland and Ardennes Alsace   59,
Gurganus, Dalton14 018 248Pvt 423 INF/1 BN/D CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg SachsenBirth 28 Sep 1914 North Carolina, USA Death 4 Sep 1981 (aged 66) Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina, USA Burial Maplewood Cemetery Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina, USA

Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051

Gurganus-Dalton.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 101171384
Gurka, John Emil Cpl 423 INF/I EAME/4 Birth 22 Aug 1920 Death 30 May 1996 (aged 75) Burial Asheboro City Cemetery Asheboro, Randolph County, North Carolina, USA WW2 & Korea
Gurka-JohnE.jpg  CUB 1944-06-15, FAG 136278809
Gurlach, Phillip   Unk        CUB 8-3
Gurney, Roy TSgt  WIACIB, BS, PH Birth 6 Aug 1922 Death 2 Jan 2007 (aged 84) Burial Sarasota National Cemetery Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida, USA
  1. TSGT US Army, World War II
  2. Bronze Star, Purple Heart
  3. 106th INF DIV & 27th INF DIV
Gurney-Roy.jpg  Legacy
Gurule, Ramon38 583 663Pvt 424 INF/M CIB Birth 21 Oct 1921 Death 8 May 2005 (aged 83) Burial Santa Fe National Cemetery Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, USA   Gurule-Ramon.jpg  27, FAG 17544221
Gus???????, Harry34 761 149T/5 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Gusse, Robert L.36 739 531Pfc 423 INF/AT CIB, POW, EAME/49-B Bad Orb Hessen-Nassau, PrussiaBirth 18 Nov 1913 Death 30 Dec 1975 (aged 62) Burial Garden Plain Cemetery Garden Plain, Whiteside County, Illinois, USA Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051 Gusse-RobertL.jpg  27, 62, GO 1945-051, FAG 20696013
Gussman, Harry   DHQ        1966-5/6/7, 1968-3/4/5/6
Gustafson, Edward C.39 200 497T/5 422 INF/AT CIB      27,
Gustafson, Ellsworth K.37 023 394SSgt/TSgt Cadre610423 INF/AT EAME/4 Birth 14 Jan 1915 Death 6 Feb 2008 (aged 93) Burial Sunset Memorial Park Belgrade, Gallatin County, Montana, USA Fol EM 3d Inf trfd in gr to units indicated as Cadre pers to report at Div Reorgn Area 3 Apr 45: EDCMR: 3 Apr 45. Auth VOCG 15th US Army. SO 66 03/31/1945 Gustafson-EllsworthK.jpg  SO 66, FAG 76334864
Guste, William J., Jr. Pvt745 Rifleman424 INF/I/1st Plt    Birth 26 May 1922 Death 24 Jul 2013 (aged 91) New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA Burial Unknown    424/I 1943 Christmas Menu, FAG 114374584
Gusten, Lawrence J.33 071 353Pfc 135 Inf/CMIA       1,
Gutcher, William L.33 556 415Cpl 422 INF/D CIB      27,
Guth, George E.36 958 038Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/G  CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Guthrie, Bernard H.15 358 857Pvt 423 INF/3 BN/I CIB, POW, EAME/4
  1. Captured Dec 1944
  2. 4-B Muhlberg Sachsen
  3. Liberated June 1945
Birth 1919 Death 2009 (aged 89–90) Burial Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Cypress) Cypress, Orange County, California, USA
  1. Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051.
  2. Gravesite Details Corp US Army, 106th Div 423rd Infantry 1943-1946 POW Dec 1944 June 1945

Guthrie-BernardH.jpg  62, GO 1945-051, FAG 91471312
Guthrie, George M. Pfc 424 INF/EWIACIB, PH      1946-12
Guthrie, James B.35 313 863T/5931 Truck Driver Heavy Truck106 Recon Cav (Mech)    
  1. Driver of half-track taking 3 wounded to nearest medical facility 12/16/1944.
  2. See Lt. Haines account of the battle under "Grosslangenfeld" link.
   Ed Strand 1/2016,
Gutierrez, Jesus S.39 719 197Pfc 589 FABN/Batt AMIA 12/17/1944Belgian Fourregerre CUB Vol 8, No 2, 11/1951
  1. POW along with A. B. Grigsby
  2. 12-A.
  3. 3-A
     1985-8/9/10 8,58,
Gutknecht, Sidney E. SSgt 422 INF/K   Birth 16 May 1920 Death 9 May 1996 (aged 75) Burial Winthrop Cemetery Winthrop, Sibley County, Minnesota, USA   Gutknecht-SidneyE.jpg  CUB 1945-08-25, FAG 20667038
Guttenberer, Raymond O.36 741 029Pvt SIGNAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION 106th Signal Company Cited for service from 1 February 1945 to 1 April 1945      14, 17, 31,
Guttman, Stanley K.   422 INF/C, 80th DIV    Trained at Camp Atterbury with 106th, then sent as a replacement to the 80th Div.
   CUB 07/2017
Guttmann, Klaus31 408 316Pfc 422 INF/E CIB Birth 21 Jun 1925 Germany Death 8 Jun 2018 (aged 92) Rocky Hill, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA Burial Massachusetts National Cemetery Bourne, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA Klaus honorably served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was a member of the American Legion in West Hartford and the V.F.W. in Hartford.
  Guttmann-Klaus.jpg CUB 1947-01-02, CUB 2001-1/2/3 27, FAG 190541806
Guttyen, Walter            1970-10/11/12
Guy, Albert F.   81 ENG (C)   Birth 29 Jan 1920 Death 10 Nov 2004 (aged 84) Burial Gate of Heaven Cemetery Montgomery, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA 81st Engineer Combat Battalion Cited for Action in Germany from 12/16 to 12/23/1944   Guy-AlbertF.jpgCUB 1990-4/5/6, FAG 86976669
Guzozzo, Paul A.32 429 277Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Gvice, MiltonO-2 771 740Capt DHQ G-1         
Gwinn, Mark T., Jr.34 517 266Pvt 423 INF/2 BN/F CIB, POW, EAME/44-B Muhlberg Sachsen Combat Infantryman Badge 12/16/1944 GO 1945-051   27, 62, GO 1945-051,
Gworek, Richard J.O-1 304 899Lt/Capt   CIB, POW
  1. 13-B Hammelburg, Bavaria, Germany
  2. POW # 12 702
Birth 1920 Death 1975 (aged 54–55) Burial Saint Bernard's Cemetery Rockville, Tolland County, Connecticut, USA   Gworek-Richard.jpg  1, FAG 72168717
Gyrkie, Henry J.36 661 358Pfc 424 INF/2 BN CIB      27,
Updated: 02/27/2025 09:50