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The Cub
Vol. 44, No. 2, Feb., 1988

President's Message
Roger M. Rutland, Association President
The Holiday Season mill has passed, but Mattie and I
wish all "Golden Lion" members and their families a
happy and a prosperous year for 1988. It is great to know
that our membership has doubled in the past ten years.
Many of us have retired which may account for the in-

crease. However, I believe personal contact with former friends has had a great effect in bringing our membership
to over 850. Lets continue to search for friends who may
want to join us.

    Now that the summit has concluded, I hope and pray that President Reagan and Mr. Gorbachev will continue to make progress towards easing the tension between out two N. tions. I believe all us that visited Russia in 1984 helped lay the ground work for better relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.
    Mattie and I have been busy since Mobile, in September. We visited friends in Louisiana after the reunion. In October we were in Atlanta for a week, to stay with our grandchildren, while their parents went on a vacation to Hawaii, In November we spent a week in Ridgecrest, North Carolina with a group from our church.

    Our grandson from the United States Naval Academy spent the Holiday Season with us. I gave him a "hard lime" for this is the first time Army has defeated Navy in football in many a year.
    Let's all mark our calendar and plan to attend the Reunion in Roanoke, Virgiania in September, 1988. The committee is already working on plans for an enjoyable event. It mould be very helpful to the committee if each of you, who plans on attending the gpeunion, would comply with the instructions as quickly as possible after you receive the registration forms. I am confident each of you can look forward to an enjoyable reunion in 88.

    Thank you John Kline, for the superior job you did on your first publication as Editor of THE CUB. We hope that you will continue in this capacity for many years. We all should make an effort to send information to our Editor. John will welcome your material and suggestions. I hope I see you all in Roanoke.

With appreciation to all;

Roger M. Rutland, President

From Past-President John Fritz

    As immediate past president of our great Association I would like to take this opportunity to offer my grateful thanks to all the Officers and the Board of Directors who served with me during the past year.
They along with the members of the Association made in a memorable year.
    Also my congratulations to President Rutland, his Officers and the new Board of Directors for the year 1987-88. With all their talent I'm sure we are in good hands.

    I have recovered from the accident I had in Mobile, (see Gilder letter above_Ed.)where I fell in the shower and cracked three ribs. ] am now okay and running at full steam. I was hospitalized and had to have a chest tube inserted to pump out a lot of fluid. Thanks for all your help

John Fritz
Past-President (Pres. 86-87).

Reverend Ewell C. Buick Jr.
Several years ago following one of our Reunions I read it
    a letter in THE CUB which saddened me because I was one of those guilty of what the writer was speaking . ,.„,,,„„......: ..%.
about. This member of our 106th Infantry Division As- IBIR 'Ff" ''' -'

sociation had attended that particular Reunion and 1

. . '" "".e--
had departed feeling left out and hurt. What had been

the cause of this was the emphasis which he had found 'f'' )k

placed on being a prisoner of war, This brother wrote 1 0

that he had joined the Division following the Battle of
the Bulge and served with it until its return to the
United States. he told of having to leave a wife and
children to fulfill his responsibility as a soldier and the pain that this had caused him.
    This man felt that those who had been prisoners placed too much emphasis on the sacrifices which they had made and did not fully appreciate the sacrifices which he and other members of the 106th Division had made.
    It may well be that what this brother said is often true. This seems to be a natural failing of the human race--we tend to think that what we have done or suffered is, somehow, of greater importance than that of other persons. For men who have been taken prisoners, this does tend to occupy a very big part in our lives.
    However we should all realize the sacrifices made by those who did not suffer this fate. We should also be aware of the sacrifices made by each person who was and is called upon to serve our country in the time of war or "police action."
    Whether a person is married or single, to have to leave familiar surroundings and people that you love is a sacrifice. To do this in time of war and then be placed in hazardous situations is really a soul wrenching experience.
    All of us in the 106th Infantry Division Association should understand that we may have suffered different experiences but the sacrifices made by each of us was tremendous. I ask the forgiveness of this brother and any other, for myself and any others who made him feel that what we did or suffered was more important than what he or others gave.
    Each one of us, along with millions of others, played a part in making victory in World War H a reality. Except for those who died or were seriously injured, none of us made a greater personal sacrifice than did hundreds of others.

    In writing to the followers of God in Rome, Paul had these words concerning their importance to God's work. "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober Judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you."(Romans 12:3)
    If we can all keep this admonition in mind, maybe we can be better aware of the sacrifices which all men who were a part of the 106th Infantry Division were called to make. Maybe the next time that this brother or another who was not in the Battle of the Bulge or captured attends one of our Reunions, he Will feel more at home and experience greater acceptance as "one of us." Reverend Ewell C. Black!,
COVER PHOTO: The Color Guard, Army ROTC Unit,lrom May Montgomery High School, Semmes
Alabama at Christ Episcopal Church, Mobile, AL during the 41st Annual Reunion Memorial Services

Adjutant's Report 1986 --1987

Membership 1986-1987
Renewals 596
New Members 23
Reinstated Members 6
Associate Members 20
Auxiliary Members 300
Memorial Fund Contributors 168
Delinquent Members (86-87) 39
Membership Gains (85-86:657) 88
Auxiliary Membership Gain (85 -- 86: 239) 61

11 Year Membership Recapitulation Year Memberships Associate Auxiliary
86-87 745 20 300
85-86 641 16 239
84-85 555 13 195
83-84 481 19 160
82-83 470 14 155
81-82 443 22 139
80-81 463 19 103
79-80 450 16 115
78-79 421 19 134
77-78 415 18 143
76-77 383 15 126
75-76 328 7 111

Deaths Reported
Arthur B. Phillips M Co., 423rd 14 September 1986
Richard C. Thompson G Co. 422nd 13 October 1986
Wanold D. Olman Svc Co. 422nd 16 October 1986
Richard DeHeer K Co. 424th 25 November 1986
J. Russell Enlow D Co. 423rd 13 January 1987
Joseph Fauche A Co. 424th 22 February 1986
Elmer (AI) Hellwig Hq Co. 3rd Bn 422nd 13 March 1987
Dr. David Wyman D Co. 422nd 4 May 1987
James W. Player M Co. 422nd 16 May 1987
Gabriel Aiello Svc Co. 423rd 25 May 1987
Louis J. Vincent A Co. 424th 14 May 1987
Robert G. Flaig Hq Btry 589th F.A. 31 May 1987

106th Infantry Division Association
Treasurers Report
1986 -- 87

Member's Dues 7,455.00
Auxiliary Dues 596.00
Interest Earned 1,433.11
Refund 40th Reunion adv. 1,000.00 No-Show donated 126.00

Reunion Surplus 111272 225.22
Sale of CUBS 15.00

Postage, sale of patches am

10 730.33


CUB Expense: Printing 2073.98
Postage 700.97 2,774.95
Printing & Supplies 556.93
Postage 607.95
Telephone 67.63
Advance to 41st Reunion
Reunion Committee 500.00

Order Golden Lion Medals 892.00
Ladies Luncheon-40th 125.00
Rosters 10.00
Coat Emblems Purchased 284.00
Patches Purchased 452.20
Registration fees-4 Officers 276.00


Net Increase 4 188.67 FUNDS ACTIVITY General Fund Recap

Brought Forward 22,651.74
Net Increase 4198.67

Memorial Fund Recap
Brought Forward 6,698.79
Contributions 2,360.00
Interest Earned 417.01
Sale of Patches 30005
Scholarships 1 won -1.900.05
Balance 6775.80


General Fund Memorial Fund Totals
This Year 26,840.41 8,775.80 35,616.21
Last Year 29 691 74 E6E1./.8 79;150.5a

Increases 1,181167 =LW. 6265.6q
Banks of Deposit
First Atlanta 92.92 Checking

897.00 Savings

Decatur Federal S & L a4.526.22 Checking & Savings

Total 11=1

    Resolutions adopted at the 41st Annual Reunion of the 106th Infantry Division Association, Stouffer Riverview Plaza, Mobile, Alabama
WHEREAS during the 1986-- 1987 year the Association completed another year of growth and accomplishment, and
    WHEREAS The Association Members present at this reunion have enjoyed the renewal of old friendships and has welcomed many new members to its ranks,

That the Association assembled does hereby recognize and express thanks and appreciation;
    To the elected and appointed officers of the 106th Infantry Division Association for the faithfid and efficient execution of their offices.
    To the Convention Chairman, John 0. Gilliland, Walter G. Bridges, Joseph C. Massey and their wives for planning and conducting. enjoyable reunion;

To the management and the staff of the Stouter Riverview Plaza for their hospitality during our time with them;
    To Mrs. Richard (Marge) DeHeer for the efficient mariner in which she has continued getting THE CUB published and mailed to the members;

    To the Congregation and Pastor of Christ Episcopal Church for the use of their Sanctuary and the Organist for enriching our with music;
    To our Chaplain, the Reverend Ewell C.service Black Jr. for his efforts in arranging the Memorial Service; also to Reverend Roy M. Hilliard for participating and for his stining message;
    To the Color Guard, Army ROTC Unit from Mary Montgomery High School-- Semmes Alabama, the bugler, Miss Michelle Bender, Davidson High School, Mobile, Alabama;
To the Mobile Press Register for their news coverage of our reunion;
    BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that these resolutions be published in THE CUB and a copy vent to the person/s and organizations so cited.

ADOPTED this 19th day of September, 1987 at Mobile, Alabama Committee on Resolutions:
Roger M. Rutland, Chairman
Robert A. Gilder

E.C. White
    Outstanding students John Scott, Edinburgh Community High and Almitra Thomas of Arsenal High, Indianapolis, Ind. were recipients of 106th Infantry Division Association Scholarships in 1987, Scott's award was presented by 0. Paul Men SV/422 in May 1987. Congratulations to John and Almitra from the men of the 106th.

41st Annual Reunion a Success!

    'Dateline- Mobile, Alabama September 17-20, 19871 The 106th Infantry Division Association just concluded it's 41st Annual Reunion in Mobile Alabama at the beautiful Riverview Plaza. It was an unqualified success. A good time was had by all, old friends met, new members as well as old members who had participated for the first time went away fully satisfied and with the pledge that they will be sure to be at the 42nd Annual Reunion in Roanoke on September 14-18th, 1988.

    One of the highlights of the reunion was the Saturday evening Mardi Gras Ball and Dinner held in the Plantation Ballroom. 477 people joined in thought, and with remembrance of those comrades who had been lost, or who were unable to attend, celebrated the close of the Reunion in a festive manner.

    It was the climax to the short few days of tours, meetings, Memorials and just plain old visiting and rehashing of those years spent together from 1943 through 1945.

    Many an old friendship was re-kindled when comrades met for the first time in 42 years, or from former reunions in the past.

    President John Fritz with the able assistance of his officers and Reunion Committee headed by John and Lee Gilliland, with Walter and Barabara Bridges: Joe and Haul Massey put on a tremendously satisfying reunion.

    As we left the Hotel on Sunday the halls were resounding with the words "See You all in Roanoke," and "Don't you forget, you show up at Roanoke!"

It was obvious that a good time was had by all.

John Kline-Editor

'War Buddies meet for for first time in 42 years.'

    The two pictures below represent several meetings of former comrades who met at th* 41st Annual Reunion since the end of World War II. This was the first Reunion attended for 47 members, many who had just joined. It was heart-warming to see old comrades meet for the first time since War.

    The heart and soul of the 106th Infantry Division Association lays in the camaraderie between individuals that fought, suffered or were triumphant in their tour of duty with The Golden Lion Division. It would have been nice to have more pictures like this.

M Co. 423rd First chat since "Bulge"

    L/R sitting Gil Helwig, Niles, Mich; Louis M. Cooper, Lakeland, Fla; John thine (Cub Editor), Apple Valley, Minn.; Standing John Hohenstein, Illopolls, W.. Helwig ended up in 40, Bad Orb; Mine in Stalag 8A, Gorlitz near Czech border.; Cooper was on duty at St. Vith,; Hohenstein was transferred out of M/423 leaving England..

F Co, 422, First meeting since "Bulge."

Not present in this photo was Martin Lawlor, F. Monmouth, NJ. (sorry Martin, the other photo was too dark.)

    UR James Reynolds, Otter Lake, NY; Donald Whitner, Millville, PA; Marlin Hawkins, Hendersonville, Tenn.; Charley Henderson, Merrillville, Ind. Photo sent by Hawkins.
General Photos, Mobile and Reunion activities
Pictures during the Banquet and Mardi Gras Ball
THE CUB of the Golden Lion


111 Pictures during the Banquet and Mardi Gras Ball

THE CUB of tho Golden Lion


Annual Reunion Attendance-- Mobile Ala.-- September 1987
106th Infantry Division Association
    NOTE: This listing from the sheets that were posted on the bulletin boards in the Riverview Plaza Mezzanine Lobby. Association membership only

106 / Unit Unknown
Feinberg, Samuel R.
Coghlan Jr., Charles M.
Crook, Herbert D.
Friedman, Herman .1.
106 / Band
Addison, Fred W.
422 / A
Black, Jr., Rev. Ewell
422 / AT

Chimer, Home
Pawluk, Walterr S.
Vance, George T.
422 / C

Edwards, Carl E.
Mapes, Robert E.

Messes, YoTsVhC. 422 / CN

Gaither, Jack L.
Diamond, Jack
422 / I)

Brummer, Harold J.
Hilliard, Rev. Roy M.
Olecki, Edward A.
Rutledge, Boyd A.
Sanders, Joseph T.
Saucerman, Eugene L
Smith, Charles L
Trautman, Frank S.
Walker, Robed F.
York, Robert E.
422 / E
Henderson, Charley S.
Rehm, Carroll
Vermont, Ernest B.
422 / F

Hawkins, Marlin H.
Lawlor, Martin V.
Reynolds,. James E.
Whitner, Donald R.
422 / G

Chesney, Lonas L
Kcecel, Euene
Silviah, Manuegl C. J.
422 / H

Iv, William F.
J yenkins, William D. Deck, Charles F.
422 / HQ

Johnson, Donald E.
Rickard, Wiliam
Seaver, Ralph C.
Sexton, Maynard
422 / HQ 1BN
Thome, Michael
422 / HQ 3 BN
Dickerson, James J.
Farrell, Neil K.

Slaback, Harley W.
422 / I

Breite, Victor W.
Gillikin, Ross E.
Green, Charles B.
Kelch, Eugene B.
Uchtenfeld, Seymour
Rydzinskl, Edward
Smith, Douglas E.
Basle, Robert H.
422 / M
Adolphson, Maynard
Hoff, George

Kopatz, Alfred E.
Larson, Gilbert

Stoehr, Martin G.
Tranchita, Paul A.
Younger, Clovis C.
422 / MED
Dean, Verner W.
422 / SV
Bradley Lynn B.
Gibson, Charles R.
McMillan, Paul
Merz, O. Paul
Russell, Jefferson B.

423y /0 nAc k Pala
423 / B

Lucsay, William
Malone, William Punta, Frank
423 / C
Kelly, John H.
Schwartz, Murray A.
423 / CN
Collins, Virgil L.
Houston, William C.
Vaughn, Ray R.
423 / CO 2BN Puett, Col. Joseph
423 / D

McCravey, Paul S.
Zenn, Mike
423 / E

Cohen, len T.

Ralla, Dr. Al Frank A.
423 / F
Edwards. Howard S.
423 / G
Franks, Ray H.

Malueg, Russell J.
423 / H
Alborg, Sylvester Cooper, C.L.
Coker, Gordon B.

423 / HQ EineerAyber,
423 / HQ 1BN

Bryan, Kenneth V.
Davis, Jr., Sam E.
423 / HQ 2BN Frankinl, Dick
423 / I
Freed, Charles W.
423 / K
Biancamano, Domenic P.
Gaon, Carl L.
De Poyster, Fred
423 / L

Carman, Joel Reiss, James A.
423 / M
Helwig, Gilbert
Hohenstein, John J.
Kline, John P.
Cooper, Louis M.
423 / MED
Costa, Antone
Costa, Lawrence B.
423 / SV

Behr, Richard H.
Collins, Sherod
Grlasso, Salvatore V.

Hall, John L

Mabry, Jahn W.
Noon, Cleotus E.
Young, Theodore W.
4231( / 424 /
Terrio, Howard J.
424 / A

Harvey, Charles
Schwarz, Burt P.
Yearout, Jay F.
424 / 8
Crosby, orge FljO-1".
Prewett, Edward A.
Rutland. Roger M. Vamadore, ay.
424 / C
ntrIlj,ogli'-J.rt O.
Kelly, George S.
424 / D
Bridges, Walter G.
424 / E


Britton, Benjamin B.

TnzrtZ= c.

McIlvenny, Albert R.
424 / F
Mayotte, Russell J. Nesbit, Sohn
Schober, Milton J.

Schutte, Phillip F. 424 / G
Wyatt, Van S.
424 / H
Armington, Donald R.
Ashburn, Nolan
Bailey, Harold M.
Brown, Robert

Collier, Sr., James E.
Harris, Abner T.
Howell, Roben F.
Murray, Jr., George 424 / HQ
Burkes, Robert A.
Fritz John R.

Ross, Glenn
Zoll, Edward W.
424 / HQ 1RN

Butler, Jr., Harry W.
Gilder, Robert A.
424z/ornH,Q 2,,,BwhIr9 R.
424/ H
FrurSa En R.
Suttle, Melvin W.
424 / K

Johnson, Jon H.
Rowan, Williham K.
424 / L
Bailey, Gibbs
Coss, Sr., Kenneth L.
424/ M
Bagby, Howard 0.
Boibely, Frank
Dodge, William
Downing, James G.

Hers. James L
Jones, Edwin N. H. Mueller

Weiner, Milton
424 / SV
Carter, Tiller E.
589 / A
Gatens, John

Humphrey. Donald B.
Schaffner, John R.
Wenslow, Marshall B.
589 / B
Kuizema, Harold
Strohmier, Bernard C.
589 / C
Brumfield, Vernon E.
Patrick, L. Dale
589 /
Aspinwall, Francis H.
590 / A
Hinson, Sr., Arthur E.
House, Pete
Young, Edward E.
590 / C

Coffey, Douglas S. 590/ MED

Pine, George R.
590&592 / MED
Clark, Dr. James I.
591Y1/Williams, Oliver G.

591 / C

Black, Wiliam C.
Bowers Walter H. Jr.
White, E.G.

591 / HQ

Booltheimer, Merrill E

Carter, Gordon N.
Giesle r, Carl W.


Keahl, Edward A.

Smith, Ray C.

591 / SV

Bradfield, Kenneth
Dane, Charles T.
Howard, John W.

Mosley. Newton L.
Ringer, Robert C.

592 / A

Wyatt, James V.

592 / HQ

Bottoms. Ira G.
Lauman, Clarence W.

592 / SV

Dorosky. Thomas C.
Gilliland, John O.
Hartlieb, Glen O.

Paananen, Arvo

Sgrignoli, Michael G.
81st ENG / A

Agostini, One° E.

Chum, Andrew

Cowden. Sr. William E.

Kerr. Allen W.
McCullough. Lyle K.
Messina, Carl

Sandbero. Robert E.


Turner, Ceben V.
Wassgren, Milton L.
Plyman, Herman R.

Blot ENG /13

Wojahn, Edward C.
81st ENG / C

Ehrhardt, Roger J.
Pierce, Sr., Roben W.
Adams Jr., Earl R.
81st ENG / CO C
Wells, James E.

81st ENG / CO HQ
Ward, N. Duke

81st ENG / HQ

Prokoryrn, Casimir T. Zngaretti, Primo

ARTY/ HQ DIV Mileski, Marion S.

De Heer, Mrs. Marjorie
Enlow, Mrs J. Russell
Hill, J., Ralph G.
Waltrers, Dan E

Walters, PressN.e S.
ammemlan. Mrs. A.


no, Col. Samuel P.

HQ 423 / MED
Johnson, Newton
HQ 422/DIV
Matthews, Jr., Col. Joseph
Loveless, Mrs. Key

ORD/ 806 Erpner&Dn'ala G.
Childs, Dean F.
Howard Jr., Nes T.
Kups, Stanley
McDonough, Jr., James
Middleton, Jack
Villwock. Russell H.

Unit Recap:

Slot Eng.......17 806th Ord .... 2 106th Sig ....... 6 106th Band .. 1 1066 Div Hq. 3 Div. Arty ....... 1

Meds (331st) included in Det. Units.

Associates ....... 6 Life Member ... 1 Unknown units.1.0_

    (does not include guests or Auxiliary members.) 306n Gilliland,1987 Reunion Committee Chairman, advises that there were 477 people that sat down to dinner together At the Banquet.

Order of the Golden Lion -Commander Class.
Russell Villwock, Recipient
1987 has been a great year for Jackie and me.
    We are both enjoying good health and the many miles we have traveled during this, our third year of retirement, have been great.
I had an outstanding year as Commander of the second largest post in the V.F.W. and was an "All State" Commander.

    I have received other awards in the Boy Scouts of America, which I was always proud of, Order of the Golden Lion - 1987 Mobile Reunion

1.110 Bob 6.1tler an..., Assoc r,...1011„ Fntz. and WI.
    but the award I will always remember, and am the proudest of, is the one Jackie and I shared when the members of the 106th Infantry Division Association gave as the "Order of the Golden Lion" during the Reunion at Mobile.
    I would like to thank the members of the Awards Committee, the members of the Board of Directors, and the membership at large for this great honor. It is a time of my life that I shall always remember.
    To Doug Coffey and Sam Cariano, who made the presentation and to long time friend, President, John Fritz, I say "Thank You!" To Bob and Jean Gilder, who also received the "Order of the Golden Lion," Congratulations!

Russell Villwock
Beautiful Medals and Certificates were given to each of the recipients.

Order of the Golden Lion, Commander Class

Russell H. Villwock

Served with 106th Signal Company of the 106th Infantry Division during World War II


He has been a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association since it's beginning and has served many

terms on is Board of Directors.
He also served as Adjutant in the year of 1948-1949 and as Chaplain in the year 197g-1979.

    As Chairman of committees he hosted three well-planned and well managed reunions in the Chicago area in 1949, 1959 and 1979. For many years he has been the mainstay in holding meetings in the local Chicago area group each December to commemorate the battle of the Bulge.
    Accompanied by his wife, Jackie, he traveled with the Association group that toured Europe in 1974 and was present at the wreatthlaying ceremonies at St. Vith, Belgium and the Hamm Cemetery in Luxembourg.
    He later served as 2nd Vice-President, 1st Vice-President and as President for the year of 1981 --1982. He always has had the best and sincerest interest of the Association at heart.
    IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of his dedicated service, continuous support and participation. The Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards him the

Order of the Golden Lion, Commander Class (COGL)
Donal atthde,Cdityanod Eighty-seven.

Mobile, Alabama, this Nineteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand

Attested: For the Board of Directors;
Samuel P. Cariano John R. Fritz, President

Orber of the 03olben Kinn
Tompanion (51uss

Jackie Villwock

Wife of Russell H. Villwock who served with 106th Signal Company of the 106th Infantry Division during World War II


    Since 1949 she has been very active in matters and functions of the Association. She has diligently supported her husband and assisted him while he solved as Chaplain, Vice-President, President of the Association and Chairman of three annual reunions in the Chicago, Illinois area and as hostess of numerous December meetings in Chicago far the 106th Infantry Division members of that area.
    She has contributed greatly to the morale of the Association with suggestions for improved welfare of it's Athliary members and is always willing to render assistance to members when needed.
    IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of her dedicated service, continuous support and panicipation.The Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards her the

Order of the Golden Lion, Companion Class
    Done at the City of Mobile, Alabama, this Nineteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Seven.
Attested: For the Board of Directors;
Samuel P. Cariano John R. Frits, President

Orber of tilt' Olotorn Kinn
Tornmartbrr (!lass

Robert A. Gilder
Served with Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 424111 Infantry
106th Infantry Division during World War II
    He has been a member of the 106th Infantry Division Association since 1946 and attended the lust Annual Reunion in Indianapolis, Indiana, July1947. Since that year he has attended eighteen reunions. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors Inc nine years and for many of those years was Chairman or a member of the Nominations and Resolutions Committees.
    When the CUB EDITOR unexpectedly resigned in 1968, he volunteered and became Co-CUB editor for the t968-1969 year assuring publication of THE CUB. He and his wife were a part of the Association members group which traveled to Europe in July 1969, to assist in commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge in St. Vith, Belgium.
    Ile was elected Vice--President for 1970 --1971 and President of the Association for 1971 --1972,during which time he was instrumental in increasing the membership of the Association. He was Co--Chairman of the highly successful 1977 Annual Reunion in Elyria-Lorain, Ohio, where a record attendance was reached. He helped organize the Ohio Chapter of the Association and with his wife opened their home to host the annual Detember 16th meetings for a total of eleven years. On three occasions he and his wife volunteered to house and host Belgian friends and visitors from the Battle of the Bulge area.
    IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of his zealous and dedicated service to the Association. the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards him the
Order of the Golden Lion Commander Class (COOL)
    Done at the City of Mobile, Alabama, this Nineteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Seven.
Attested: For the Board Of Directors;
Samuel P. Cariano John It. Fritz, President

(!ktlrr of 1I (6olbrn Kinn
Tomponion (!lass

Jean Gilder

    Wife of Robert A. Gilder who served with Headquarters Company First Battalion, 424th Infantry, 106th Infantry Division during World War II. CITATION:
    Since 1946 she has actively supposed the goals of the 106th Infant, Division Association and with her husband attended the first Annual Reunion in Indianapohs, Indiana, July 1947. Since that year she has attended eighteen reunions and has been very active in the Ladies Auxiliary of the Association.
    She has strongly supported and assisted her husband during these past forty years when he served as Co-CUB Editor, Vice-President; President of the Association, Co-Chairman of the 1977 Annual Reunion in Elyria-Lorain, Ohio; Hostess of eleven annual December 16th Dinners in their home and host for BelMan friends and visitors from the Battle of the Bulge area.
    She with her husband traveled to Europe with a group of Association members in July of 1969 to assist in commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge in St. Vith,Belgium. She has always been cheerful and cooperative in undertaking any task to benefit the Association.
    IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION of her dedicated service, continuous support and parumpation,lbe Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association unanimously awards her the

Order of the Golden Lion, Companion Class
    Done at the City of Mobile, Alabama, this Nineteenth day of September in the year of our LoM One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Seven.
Attested: For the Board of Directors;
Samuel P. Cariano John R. Fritz, President

    The following "Thank You" letter from "Order of the Golden Lion" recipients Bob and Jean Gilder appeared in the last CUB, but has it's rightful place with this publication with the article and picture of the Order of the Golden Lion presentations.
To the 106th membership.

    Thank you all for the great honor that was given to us, the GOLDEN LION AWARD, at the Mobile Reunion. We Gilders are very happy and appreciative. It was nice to see so many of our old friends and to meet so many new people. We hope you will all attend next year's reunion at Roanoke. As many of you know, who were at Mobile, our Past President-John Fritz injured himself by slipping in his bath tub. You can believe that he has had better trips home. One thousand miles and two days later we arrived in Ohio and he went to his doctor. John is resting well and letting his two cracked ribs heal. Martha will have her cast removed next week. Hoping to see all of you at the next 106th Reunion- We will wear our medallions with pride. Sincerely,
Bob and Jean Gilder, Hq 1Bn/424
North Ridgeville, OH


Reunion Schedule

Wedneday 14 Sep 1988
0900-1200 Early Bird Registration
t330-1700 Tours (to he announced)
1800 Dinner (own your own)

Thursday 15 Sep 1988
0800- 1700 . . . .Registration
1000 - 1630 . . . .Tours
1303 - 1630 . . individual Unit Reunions
1800-1900 . . . Welcome Reception
Wine and Cheese
1930 - 2300 . . Virginia Hoedown
(Pig Roast. Cloggers, Square Dance)

Friday 16 Sep 1988
0730-0900 . . . Buffet Breakfast
0900 - 1200 . . . .Optional Tours
1200 -1330 . . . .Ladiers Luncheon
1200 - 1330 . • . . Men's Luncheon
1400- 160g . . . Unit Reunions
• Optional Tours
11330 Memorial Services

Saturday 17 Sep 1988
0730-0900 . . . Buffet Breakfast
0930 Ladies Shopping, Valley Mee
Mall, on your own for lunch.
0900 - 1130 . . . Optional Tours
1200-1330 . . Man's Annual Luncheon
1330 -1530 Business Meeting
1530 New Board Meets
1900 Reception/Dinner wrsash bar

Sunday 18 Sep 1988
0730 - 0900 . . . . Breakfast and Good-byes

Prices for planned meals and Registration will be announced at a later date

From the 1988 42nd Annual Reunion Committee
Dateline: 2 January, 1988-

     Committee persons - Ralph and Elizabeth Bowles, 3637 Grandview Ave., Roanoke, VA 24012 - (703-362-5081) called to inform me of preliminary arrangements on the 1988 ROANOKE REUNION. More complete details later. Registration forms will be made available for you. The dates are - September 14-18, 1988. It will be held at the HOTEL ROANOKE, 19 N. Jefferson, Roanoke, VA 24026..
Rates are : $58.00 either single or double.

    In Virginia call toll tree, 1-800-542-5898. Outside Virginia call toll free, 1-800-336-9684. It should be understood that the agenda is not complete, but Elizabeth tells me that there will be the usual activities, with a Reception on Thursday Eve. Sept 15th,. Lots of festivities, including a HOE DOWN and time for visiting.

December "Bulge" Commemoration Activities
Chicago Area

By Russell Villwock 106 Signal.

     On December 5th 1987 members of the 106th gathered at the home of Bill and Florence Lucsay, to renew old friendships and reminisce about our days in the Ardennes, during the winter of 1944.
    Everyone had at least one story to tell and talk about friends of yesterday. They brought pictures, books maps and stories. One even had a newspaper dipping about the Battle of the Bulge.
    A buffet dinner was prepared by Jackie and Florence for everyone's enjoyment. You can see by the smiling faces that Bill makes a fantastic cocktail.
I would like to thank Bill and Florence in behalf of all that attended, for the generous use of their home.
    Those in attendance this year were: Ted Kopczynski, Bud Peterson, Hugh Hochstetter, Richard Juriga, Ben Carpenter, Antone Costa, Lawrence Costa, Howard Niemitz, Allen and Florence Cohen, George and Joanne Zak, John and Virgiania Bieze, Ed and Sylvia Rydzinski, Darrel and Viola Boyles, Tom and Stella Kapsalis, Herb and Luella Meagher, Robert and Alice Pinnow, Bill and Lorraine Branlcin, Bill and Florence Lucsay and Russell and Jackie Villwock. John and Ginny Swett were to attend and we regret not seeing them. Ted Kapsalis paid his dues to the 106th and several others have promised to join. I will follow up on these.
    I would like to thank everyone who attended and for making the evening a memorable one. Those asking for a list of members living in Illinois get in touch with me and I will mail a list.

Northeastern Ohio Area
By John Fritz H0/42,1
     On December 5, 1987 Elaine and Mike Zenn hosted the annual Northeastern Ohio December Commemoration Dinner in their lovely home in Poland, Ohiuo.
    There was a fine turnout of 25 people and the food and companywere absolutely enjoyable. Present: Lloyd and Betty Anglin; Frank and Mary Barlow; James Burrell; John and Martha Fritz; Charles and Willie Garn; Robert and Jean Gilder; Walter Hilterbrand;Robert Sr. and Jeanne Pierce; Robert Jr. and Marcia Pierce; Casimer and Pauline Prokorym; John and Marilyn Robb; Frank Trautman; Edward and Millie Zoll and our splendid hosts, Mike and Elaine Zenn.

Minneapolis Area
By John Kline M/423

     On December 4, 1987 a gathering of former 106th Infantry Division members met at 'Borsch's of Hopkins, Minnesota" for a delightful luncheon. Only two of those present had met before.
Minneapolis Area Commemoration
Left to Right, see first name and unit above
Kline, Untiedt, Sandberg, Gunvalson, Hatch„ Smith, Brunner and Dahl
    Present were, Lloyd Brunner A/424 a new member from Red Wing; Floyd Dahl, C/590 of Minnetonka (who arranged the meeting place); Russell Gunvalson A/590 and wife Betty; H.M. (Jim) Hatch, Div. HQ from Wayzata; Robert Sandberg A/81st Eng and his wife Pat; Raymond Untiedt, C/423 of Eden Prairie; Myself--John Kline M/423 and William D. Johnson of A/110/28th Div, a new Associate member (friend of mine from Stalag 8A).
    Considering the sparse number of 106th Division members from Minnesota we felt the turn out was tremendous and promises were made to continue the tradition next year.

Sacramento, California Area
John Gregory 0/424, member Assoc. Board of Directors
    First, congratulations on being selected as Editor. The board made a good choice --I hope you too think no in the "Morning Light." Your first CUB looked good.
    There are very few 106ers in California so we have done well to have December lunches here. One in LA. area and one four hundred miles north in Sacramento. This one in Sacramento drew nineteen, including wives, and was the "second annual" December 16th luncheon.
    Mike Thome was the lunch chairman this year and it should be recalled that he is the man who proposed havingthe 1990106th Reunion here in Sacramento. We havean informal committee working on the 1990 Reunion, kicking around selection of a hotel and a plan of organization between ourselves. Someone on the board said recently that there was a question about meeting here.
Believe it! Sacramento in 1990, and it will Inc a good one. We heard Mike's proposal and the performance will match.
Sincerely, John Gregory.

December "Bulge" Commemoration Activities

14 Atlanta Area
Sharod Collins
An unusually time meeting of the Atlanta Area Golden Lions.
    As one of the oldest "Bulge" Commemoration gatherings in the country, this year's meeting seemed to reach new heights of good feeling and fellowship.
    We enjoyed the usual private dining room at the Open Mess at Dobbins Air Force Base. Our group began arriving about 3:30PM and some visited the adjoining bar. Mixing, mingling, handshaking and discussions of the past year's activities consumed the next two and one-half hours until dinner.
They served a tasty prime-rib dinner topped off with a sinfully rich French silk pie.
    Duke Ward arranged an interesting talk by a special guest. Mr. Peter Bardoul was a nine year old boy in Holland when liberated by the 30th Infantry Division at Heerleen. His speech told of his feelings and experience while under German occupation, and as he was freed by the Americans. Mr. Bardoul came to this country later and served in the US. Army before settling in Atlanta.
    Those enjoying the festive occasion numbered 45 and included Bob & Frankie Barites, Bob & Louise Howell,Jim &Maydean Wells,Carroll Padgett &Ernestine Holland, Bill & carolyn Alexander, Ira Bottoms and guest John Catham, Duke & Martha Ward, Morris and Sara Piha,Joe & Ida Puett, Bill Defect' & Marie Worrell, Newt & Yvonne Mosle and guest Regina Thomas, Rocky & Ginnie Moyer, Joe Matthews & Miss Ann Matthews, Bill & Annette Jenkins, James & Susie Dickerson & daughter Trish, Lyman & Ann Maples, John & Lee Gilliland, Storey & Mary K. Edwards, guests Joe & Georgia Monnerat and Greg Ward & Pamela Michaels and Peter Bardoul and your writer Sherod Collins & Dot Waldrop. The hosts were appreciative of so many coming, some from some distance, to add to the festivities. They voted to meet next year, some time, same place.

Bill & CaroUrTAnieTargareT'IYIdartha Ward
Col. Joe Poen

L/R Joe--Ida Regina Thom Rued. Yvonneas --Newt Mosley
Lett facing--Morris & Sarah Piha, Joe Monnerat-
Col. Matthews hold Court!!
Standing L/R Bob Burkes, Louise Howell j

Bob Howell 1
THE CUB oil, Golden Lion


L/R facng camera Frankie Burkes
Mary--Stiorey Edwards. Bob Burkes

Lin TnnOlnkV:ilnadnVG`bogg,Vic,'Lti'?"plgaw'll
L/R Mane Worrell. Bill Derrell
Mt. Vernon Illinois Area
John L MIkalauskis I-1/424
    On December 12th, 1987, a group of 106th members attended a party celebrating the Battle of the Bulge at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon, Illinois

    An enjoyable times was had by all and it was decided that next year's Commemoration Party would be held on 10 December 198S. Photos of the men and women below:
First Time Together in 43 Years!
By Orlon (Gus) Agostini
    Enclosed is a picture, taken at the 41st Annual Reunion in Mobile hot September, of some 81st Engineers, first time together in 43 years.

In Memoriam

Doctor Maurice DELAVAL, L.S.D.
Vielsalm. RAInium
By Doug Coffey

    man and dedicated friend of the 106th Infantry Division Association has passed into history. When all others were criticizing the 106th's stand in the Battle of the Bulge, he wrote"Cil Ion Pleads Not Guilty.? Ile wrote fairly and inter-viewed our GIs personalty, so as to not to depend on a written statement and their own interptetations on what happened. It was through the efforts of Carol Beals in having her students at Iowa Univ. translate Doctor DELAVAL's book that was made available to the 106th Infantry Division members. When the Division decided to have a memorial in St. Vith, I contacted John Toland, Author of The Battle of the Bulge." by Random House (1966), in addition to many other World War II stories and historical books Toland was going to Belgium to do on-site research Maurice DeLaval Vielsalm, Belgium search on the battle. He met Dr. DELAVAL, who at that time hadbecome well known for his knowledge of the Bulge.
Jan DeLaval-wife, Maurice Delaval, Simone DeLaval, his sister

    The Dr. has a "War Room" with more memorabilia of the battle of the Bulge than most museums. He bee personalized books from most all authors who have ever written about the Bulge, with photos, personal notes and signatures of most Generals and others that were involved in the Bulge, including the German side.
    John Toland recommended that I get in touch with the Doctor, which I did. He became my liaison to enable us to get the Memorial started.
    While visiting me here in the States he said .1 would have never answered your letters, if I had known you were a Mason." He is a devout Catholic and had been indoctrinated that Masons hated Catholics, and Vice versa. When he met my wife and I and having met Generals-Baker, Clarke and Jones, he felt that Mason's could not be all that bad so he served the Association for many many years.

    He always contacted the College and the Mayor of St. Vith to ensure there would be a Ceremony on December 16th each year. He was my interpreter on many official occasions where the 106th Division was represented for many years.

    One trying time was on the occasion he was visiting me and was invited to Gettysburg to meet President Eisenhower. He had planned on presenting the President with an autographed copy of his book. He asked that I accompany him, but since I had no official invitation one of the Generals Aides caned me and apologized, but could not see how to work me in since all the arrangements had been made. So how did the good Doctor react? He refused to present his book unless I was there. To my knowledge he did not present President Eisenhower with his book. I shall miss him so very much. The 106th Infantry Division has suffered a great loss. The only remaining liaison that we have in St. Yoh from the beginning days is Mayor Wilhelm Pip, who is another staunch friend and continues to place a wreath on every official occasion.



Who was Dr. Maurice DELAVAL?

By Edward A. Prewett B/424,

Re 2 Box 730, Brentwood CA 94513.
    I first read about Dr. Delaval in our CUB. The ary title stated that he was interested in garnering material about the 106th Infantry Division in regards to the Battle of the Bulge. It went on to say that he lived in the village of Vielsalm near St. Vith and that if you traveled that may be sure to look him up.
    In 1964,I was operated on for cancer and went through the cobalt treatments --the works. In thou days this munt the end for me. My fathers uggested that he and I go on a trip together before I returned to my work. I am sure he was not prepared for what I suggested. In the spring of 1965 Pappy and I left on en extended trip back to the battle area. Our families kept the ranch operating and kept a light in the window for those two wandering curmudgeons.
    We met Maurice and Jany and, although perfect strangers to them, they went out of their may to make welcome.Maurice's fathers still living in 1965 and he and my father hit it off well. Language barriers seemednoproblerry they both would light up their pius and were very comfortable with each other. Simone, Maurice's sister, and Bernard, his son, also made our visit very memorable. Maurice and Jany took time from their busy schedule to drive us around thee= and help us find familiar ground.
    Reddie and I returned to Europe twice with the 106th tours, in 1971 and again in 1974. In 1978, we rued during the Duemberbattle dates with a group from all units who were engaged in the Battle of the Bulge. In 1971 Dr. Delaval was invited to the 7th Anmored Division to be their guest speaker at a convention in Chicago. After the convention, he and Jany flew to Las Vegas where Reddie and I met them. Together we toured the Southwest --Zion, Bryce, Grand canyon and mach of California's best. Needless to say, we became good friends.
    Dr DeLaval pramiced dentistry and Jany was his nurse assistant in the French speaking village of Vick salm. Unfortunately, Vielsalm is smack dab in the middle of the Ardennes, a favorite path for people making war. Thiswas the path taken by Gennany in World War land again in World War II. In 1939, when Belgium and thecontinent wereoverrun, Maurice was in the Belgium Army and was captured. As he told me his experiences. the Germans really didn't have time for prisoners no made it easy for him to escape, to return to Vielsalm and dentistry.
    In the fall of 1944, Vielsalm was liberated by the Ameriuns. In December, the Germans retook Me area and in January, we took it back apin. lie said that he pulled German teeth, then American teeth. then German, then American Teeth, When reading our history books, the military aspects of the Battle are mainly related --we give very little thought to what the civilians endured. Things were mating so fast that they had no place to go and had to hole up and pray while the hat- passed through their rea,
    Some sought sa few the the basement of the school house. Others went dawn into some old whetstone mines. He said that a couple Of restless youths climbed out of the mine, curious to see what was happening, never to be heard °lapin.
    When I suggested to my wife that we plan on attending the 106th Reunion in Mobile, Alabama, she suggested that we go via Europe. We kept tabs on

Mau and knew he was under treatment for cancer.

    So if we were going to visit him it we should do it 110W. Thus her suggestion to go to Mobile byway of Vielsalm was adopted. Correspondence flew between us and schedules were firmed up.
    Dr. Delaval wrote us that he might need another operation, and therefore may not be able to meet us to planned. Its suggested that we telephone before coming to Vielsalm from a uheduled stop in Switzerland. We telephoned for three days to no avail.
    We Rh great concern when we embarked tot-Belgium We were determinedtogo toVielsalm regardless. We fell we could contact neighbors or find out from someone where Dr. [Maya] might be.
    As we arrived gaggle of children were noisily embark-Mg on therain. Oat of this confusion emerged a most friendly nelson, who inquired if we might be the delaval.Americans coming to see Dr. Maurice Laval. What a great and welcome surpriseto be met by an English- Speaking friend. Thus, Andre Hubert entered and soon won our henna.
    Andre quickly brought us up to date on Maurice. Maurice indeed was hack in the hospital. Before going In the hospital. he had arranged to have Andre meet as and he would not take us to see Maurice and Jany and would be at our disposal during our visit. Accommodations had been re rued for us and we became imrnerfate celebrities.
Vielsalm is a small town with very few able to peak English. Good oldsign language neededtobe put
    ..'That evening after a delightful dinner at our ittlehotel,we look sulk upthe lathe square (General truce Clark Square), A local band was playing music -- Aiday night (TGIF all over the world). After listening O the music, we retired to the small Lido Barton a think. We were swamped with offers of free drinks. I didn't think we looked different, but somehow everyone scented to know who we were out least that we were -- as they euressed it--the valiant American veterans who helped liberate thenduring the great Battle of the Ardennes.] dunk Mey were disappointed that lwas in-Um, rather Man tanks.
    Saturday. Andre look us to Leige tovisit Maurice. Jany has a ern in his room and never left his side. Bernard, their only son, was also there. Maurice looked done in by a recent operation, but cheery and had the spark familiar to those that knew him. He was extremely happy to sec us and insisted on Reddie singineSumnu' lime: which brought to toall who remembered ryppler i mu, We had a short visit because he tired
    easily. Bernard,Andre, Reddie and 'went to kinch.lany would not leave Manner's side even fora short break. Bernard enlightened as that this was his father's twenty-second operation, since the cancer had been detected.
    Bernard works for the World bank supervising loans in African countries. He lives in Washington D.C. Itwas providential that he was sent over on business and was able to be there. Bernard had to return to Washington D.C. the next day. He had already delayed his return quite some tim.
    We returned after lunch for still a shorter visit, then left with the promise that ate would return to are them again on Tuesday before leaving for England. Tuesday morning, when Andre came, he informed at that Jany had called him at home and left word that Maurice had gone through a bad night and shouldn't have any visitors, so we didn't get to see them again. However, as requested by Maurice, Andre had obtained a tape recorder and Rcddie sang and recorded a med.. ley of songs for Maurice and lacy.
    We went on to England for a two week visit We called the DeLaval home before flying on to Alabama and the convention. Bernard answered the phone. He was back in Vielsalm. Maurice was home with nursing help. He was heavily drugged to hold down the pain. Ile was sleeping most of the time. but when awake asked to hear Reddie's tape.
    In Maurice's War Room, he had a wall.sized map. He tracked all the movements of the 106th and other divisionsengaged in the Battle of theArdennes. Letters and memorabilia from the famous and not so famous adorned the room. He was the author of al least two books on the subject. unfortunately they we re in French, which I cannot read.
Wherever we traveled on our journey through the Southwest 1971, he knew people or was known by them.

Peace finally came to Maurice DeLaval on 18 November 1987.

The veterans of the 106th Infantry Division lost a very dear friend.

Note: This letter received by Col. Samuel P. Cariano just prior to Dr. Delaval's death

     You are right! It is awful to see how time flies! However, I remember. just as it was onlyrsterday, the pleasure I had meeting you and Mrs. Cation, first, in Heidelberg (as guests of the dear Gen. Bat er--in April 1963) then in Belgium in December of the same year.
    Unfortunately I cannot write "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED SIR!" but I do not plead guilty. When I phoned the new director, he told me that at this lime it was impossible because the students were too busy, the exams near and in July and August they will have vacations, so perhaps in September or October.

    (Note--these remarks in reference to presentation of the ORDER of the GOLDEN LION--OFFICER CLASS to Herr Joseph Pankert).
    Of course--I immediately called Father Pankert and sent the medal. Yesterday the certificate reached Vielsalm (nearly two weeks after the medal) and was forwarded to Nidnmi, where the former director is now a "Parish Priest"-- Just in case, his address is: Cure' J. Pankert, 0-4740 Nidrum, Telephone: (080) 44-6082. Sincerely

Dr. Maurice Delaval
48 Rue Du Vieux Marche'
Vielsalm, Belgium 5690
Wilburn L. (Rip) Wood SV/422

5000 North Ocean Blvd, Ft Lauderdale FL 33308
    The News of the death of "Rip" in Ft Lauderdale on January 2, 1988 has saddened his many friends of the 106th Infantry Division and especially the members of Service Company/ 422nd Regiment. He will long be remembered for the many good times shared and will greatly missed. Our heartfelt sympathy to Dolly in her lose.
Charles Gibson SV/422

Paul S. McCravey D/423
    209 Mt. Vernon Rd. Lithia Spdngs, GA 30357 The Association received news that Paul passed away, on December 8, 1987, while working with The Shriners setting up a sound system for one of their events.

    The Officers and Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association wish to express their condolences to families and friends of the deceased. May they rest in Peace.

From Sherod

To the Editor;
     Just received Vol. 44 No. 1 of THE CUB, your first effort in editing and printing our "life line." I want to offer thanks and congratulations on a job well done. I am well aware of the amount of work that went into this first edition.
     I was impressed with your treatment of the Leo McMahon story. The General's military career was distinguished and as we all know he was proud to place (U.SA. Rd.) within his mailing address.
     His time with the Association was distinguished also. Back in the lean years his picture began to appear as a participant and his support of the affairs of the 106th Infantry Division Association was unsurpassed as long as he was able to travel and write. As Doug Coffey said, he was especially good at welcoming newcomers to reunions and this bridge enable as to keep new members. He was elected Vice--Pres in Cleveland in 1963 and President in East Orange, NJ in 1964 for the year 1964-65, thereby presiding at the reunion in Augusta, GA in 1965. If Inlay enter a personal note, he was responsible for me becoming deeply involved in the ongoing affairs of the Association. Upon being elected President, he ask me to be his Adjutant-Treasurer. I accepted and served that year and three more in that double office.
     When General Jones realized he could no longer carry on the work of writing his continuing column called "Bag Lunch" he asked General McMahon to carry on for him. Leo accepted the challenge and wrote "Bag Lanch"for as long as he was able, dedicating it to General Alan Jones.
Yes, I've lost a good friend and the Association has too.
Keep up the good work!
Sherod Collins C.O.G.L.

Return to Europe-1989

Doug Coffey;
To the Association members
    We have just celebrated the 43 anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, 1989 will be the 45th anniversary of this battle and most of the major battles of World War II.
Plans arc being made to commemorate these historic events throughout Europe.
    The interest among all veterans of World War II appears to be undiminished, in fact it is growing. We believe that many of our Association members will want to "GO BACK" to commemorate and relive some of those memorable days.
    We are starting early to insure all the arrangements are available and in place without imposing undue pressure on those that are always involved in our successful return trips. Proposed plans include selected spots in the popular parts of Norway, Sweden and Denmark starting Monday September 5, 1989 to Thursday September 15th, 1989.
    THEN an overnight sleeper train to arrive in Aachen Friday morning September 16th, Ili 1989. Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be spent in the Battle of the Bulge area with guided tours as well as free time to return to former combat areas.
Departure will be Monday September 19, 1989 from Brussels to New York.
The Land price is estimated at $1450.00 per person, Air fare New York and return estimated at $430 per person.
    Some have suggested Vienna, Austria and Bavaria instead of the Scandinavian tour. Give me your suggestions and ideas.
Contact Mr. Doug Coffey
2236 N.W. Arnet St.
Port Charlotte, Florida 33948
for more information.
Doug Coffey C.O.G.L

New Members -- Welcome!
(Not listed in past issues of CUB)
Charles M. Coghlan Jr., 81Ocklan, AL 38578
Thomas H. Gauge, 81ar Box a5 ...Ion, AL 36578
Robert J. Fox 36. 96111 22/CN Ave Rock end. IL 81201
Jack L. Gaither Memphis, TN 30128
Jack Diamond 8001 522L 33 851hAve loleunl, F.13 22/E
Charley S. Henderson 1 Wed. Lane .21154111e, IN 46910 22/H II
Albert M. Yelochan 7,:=IrrtL, .22/HS 1BN
Myron J. Swank Naeklwell,N.1 07008 22/I
Dougloldas E. Smith 300 liax Bre., AL .26
Robert H. Bosie V.3:4,z411°,33. 23/CN
Edwin D. Lewis E. Gondola Dr. Venk, FL 34.3
Charles A. Brown Jr. 1:.25112plett,TA 18/10
Thad Kopczynski GOV So. Luella Ave Chicago. IL 80417
Richard S. Juriga trr'gr,too.n. 23/D
David L Detlenbaugh Ile 8 Box 580 ClarerflOre. OK 74017
Emest CI F. Dukes 11 Pave.atrses 23/E
J. Don Holtzrnuller 202 Germantown Pike Fermenille,F1 4325
W.G. Bennett 1=7,17,T= 23/G
J. H. Watters ti OYU IL 82301 423/H
Jacob F. Antonovich r233t7r1333, 423/HQ
Charles Sartori 423/HQ 2BN
Herbert D. Kephart rar,i, 423/HQ 3BN560
James C. Green 2,'221Ltrg1;.'01( 73818 423/K
Carl L. Daun
Norbert Kowalickl 1"Z3 ,3 423/M
Reuben Hay 26809
B.R. King 139 Cameo Or DanvIlle, CA .828 423/MED
Harr/ S. Jackson %tsb'SgPA 15210
James L Ulrich 424/
Michael Guidice .50 2 Strelr=10 424/A
Donald W. Bendier t.ts.
Lloyd J. Brunner Rai.% 1.1 55006 424/B
Martin E. Troutman 'ar...tn33, 424/CN
Robert L Pinnow e,,IFatr,T"aa 424/HQ 1BN
Ben C. Carpenter 8802 Norin Ashland Chime, IL 80828 424/HQ 2BN
Harry C. Luscombe 'Ply'rclatt 02360 424/HQ 3BN
LeceaElefrick Vinton.. 70668
Ed Unstrom 773L'7,!=3' 424/M
Alan J. Bauman Jr
Walter E. Shirk 424/SVTotr3;,. PA 1.0.8237
Harvey D. Bradford .3.41.17" 589/HQ
Samuel Feinberg 590/SV
Herbert J. Friedman 2611 fleyshore Blvd Tam.. FL 23828 592/A
Alex M. Lauro 1:374 806 ORDE 1^41
Charles R. Lewis 81st ENG/C 2.
Earl R. Adams Jr. ASSOC/
Dan E. Walters .0 kis Orive Laurel, 1.15 31.0
Cpt. W.E. Black 12,:rMAR°' ASSOC/28th DIV
William D. Johnson 7. MN 55118 DIV/BAND
Fred W. Addison 3„03V.I --3 DIV/RECON
Ltc. Joseph C. Haines Fir 3,8.132 PI Rene. ON 73036 DIV/SIG
Peter L DiRenzo '21722Re'ld 7110, 00 11040
Hon. Alex Howard, Jr. 1°,13r3r1r
Dr. Vance S. Jennings 2228 eoann.Avenue 7u0281 FL 33617

From the Editor:
     As you probably already realize--this issue of THE CUB is a large one. There may have been larger ones, but since this is just my second publication it has been both a joy and a bear to put together.
    This particular column for "NEW MEMBERS" is always an exciting one. For it is here that we look for those former comrades who have just awakened to the fact that the 106th Infantry Division Association actually exists. I know!, for I am amongst some of the recent "Newcomers."
    Since many of the New Members listed on the preceding page joined at the Mobile Reunion, and therefore did not submit a letter, or history, with their application, I decided that I would print the list on the preceding page and browse through the few letters that I do have and make comments for the writers on points of interest and on information they are seeking.


    Ernest F. Dukes 423/D writes--that he read of this Association in "The Retired Officer" some months ago. Even though unable to attended the Mobile Reunion he wanted to become a member. He was a late comer. As a ground officer with the 8th Air Force he volunteered, after The Ardennes, for the Infantry. Was sent to Fontainebleu, France for training and joined the 423rd as it was being reconstituted in Brittany. He was EXEC Officer for D Company until the time it was de activated. Even though his, as he says, career with the 106th was short--he has maintained an interest in it's role in the war.* •
    Charles Sartori 423/HQ says that he has been threatening to join for forty years and final-A ly made the move with some arm twisting by Gordon Zicker HQ/423.Sartori did not mention; which Battalion...
    W.G. Bennett 423/E was with the Division from it's activation-- reported on 15 March 1943, and served till captured near St. Vith in the Bulge. He is interested in obtaining past copies of THE CUB, and if there is a roster of members would like to locate some of the E Company members. (Editors Note: Willard, copies of past CUB publication are rather short, The Association has no formal office, we are all "volunteers." Our historian, Sherod Collins maintains a library (I do not know how complete) of older publications for our Historical Archives. I do know that he does not have extra copies. Maybe one of our members will respond. I too am looking for old copies to research for article that were of interest in the past that could be printed today.
    There are thirteen Association members shown for 423/E.1 will send you their addresses. For your information, a roster is published once a year. It was published in July of 1987. Our membership in growing rapidly and rosters soon become outdated. Welcome Aboard (or is that Navy slang.),
    Lee Berwick M/424 is interested in receiving bulletins and information pertaining to the Division. Lee, from the looks of his letterhead, is into Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horse racing at Delta Downs. Lee you are on the roster and will receive all membership publi.dons.*
    Harvey D. Bradford 424/SV has nine grandchildren, retired from the Pennsylvania Rail-Road (now Conrail) after 42 years service. Hobbies Woodworking, Music, Gardening, Photography and Reading. He was a member of the Association from 1946 thru 1950. (Interesting Harvey, my father who is still living was with the New York Central all of his working life. Retired in 1966 and is 86 going strong... Editor.) • *

B. IL King 423/M it is my special pleasure to enter this gentleman into the roster. B.R. is

    one of the 32 former M Company men ! recently 'found' after having no contact for 42years. He and one of our other members William Wentz are good friends, having survived the Mining Camp at Mukenberg (spelling?) together. B.R. says his home was Columbus, Indiana. If you used the mortar range, about forty acres of it was on his Uncle's land. B.R. worked 37 years with the GreyHound Company.* #
    Reuben Hay 423/M another of the 32 M Company men. I came across Reuben last August. He recently retired from Armour Company after 36 years of service, 2 in Indiana and 34 in California. Reuben and his wife Mary have 2 sons David and Roger both of Cupertino, CA. One daughter Marsha Draper and 3 grandchildren all of Victor, Montana.
    He was on special duty as a jeep driver back of the lines when the Bulge broke. He ended up, after going through the confusion, with a "Long John" Artillery outfit. (771 FA 8th Corp) He mentions being near Bastogne (Houffalieze?). Recalls them pumping in 1600 rounds on one incident. Spent Xmas at Namur. Ended up in charge of a motor pool after reactivation with 106th Div HQ's. On detail hauling 0.1.s hack to rest area at Eupen. I have several photos that I hope to use in a later publication. Welcome to M/423 men. I just learned that Joseph Fazio M/423 lives in Monroeville, PA. Am going 10 contact him. We have thirteen 114/423 men on the roster at this time.* •
    Jacob F. Antonovich 423/H was a mechanic, started with the Division at Ft. Jackson from the beginning. Captured at St. Vith, ended up at 4B, Bad Orb then on to 4A at Ziegenhain, Germany. Wants to hear from others and interested in any and all 106th news.*
    Charles A. Brown Jr. 423/CN Retired after 40 years as a Union Carpenter. Works with "Meals on Wheels," the A.A.R.P, Church work and stagecrafter work. Reports he and wife in goof health.*

    k Michael P. Guidice 424/? a New York retiree from the Dept. of Correction, and the U.S. Post Office. Went from Ft Dix Sept 4210 Army Air Forte Gunnery School for B-17's asked for a transfer and was shipped la the Infantry. Assigned to 106th Infantry Division in 1944, returned to States Sept 2, 1945. Wife Anna with 3 children, Carmella, Frances and Paul. 3 grandchildren who live in Greece. Wants info on the next Reunion. Michael, welcome -- to answer on the next Reunion--It will be in Roanoke September 14-18,1988. The hotel is the " Hotel Roanoke," $58.00 for a single or a double room. Two toll free numbers for reservations, in Virginia 1-800-542-5898, elsewhere 1-8004336-9684. All plans have not been made yet. There will be a reception, as usual on September 15th, with the usual Reunion activities during the days. Lots of time for visiting with old buddies and looking around Roanoke. Hope to see you there.*
    Alan J. Bauman, Jr. 424/M a widower with 4 grown children, 8 grandchildren. Still in the contracting business as a Paving Contractor. H-814-455-1006, W-814-452-3748. •
    James C. Green 422/HQ 3Bn Just found out about the 106th Infantry Division Association through Aubrey Williams 592/A who gave him the July Vol 43-- No.3 CUB. A POW in Stalag 4-B Ziegenhain, is a member of AX-POW in Okla City. Wants info on medals available and how to apply for them. Married45 plus yearn, 3 children, 8 grandchildren. Retired from FAA after 36 years of service.
    (Jim there was an article in the November CUB about WWII medals. Write U.S. Army, Reserve Component Personnel & Administration Center, St Louis,M0 63132 ATTN: PSE -- VS. I believe the VA Centers also have that information available. I show thirteen Association members from 3Bn HQ/422. We have been working on a roster sortedbyUnits. Will send you a 99P),) • •
    Ed Lewis 423/CN Ed was reported in the last CUB but I had not yet received information on him. He learned of the Association at a POW --MIA meeting in Chicago. Met Dick Judge and Thad Kopeynski both who had been in the Cannon Co. He also met Don McCarron who
    informed them of the Division Association. His first issue of THE CUB contained a roster of members, to his surprise he found the name of Virgil Collins, another Cannon Co. member who lives in Venice. Have had several get-to-gethers with he and his wife Martha. Spent his first night as a POW in a church yard in Bleialf on December 19,1944.*

    Richard Juriga 423/CN I just found out from Don McCarron 423/HQ, that the 106th had a very fine Association going. I would very much like to join. Welcome Dick.* •
    Jack L Gaither 422/CN with 3 children, 4 grandchildren and 28 years with Mobil Oil Jack and wife, Phronie join as from Memphis.* *
    Robert Pinnow 424/CN and wife Alice. Recently got together with three other 106'ers, gave them extra membership applications. We all pledged to join and be at the nets Reunion in Chicago. I was part of the original 106th when it was formed at Ft. Jackson. 63 years young, 5 grandchildren, loves Golf and collects Golf score cards.* ,
    Hon. Alex T. Howard, Jr. DIV/SIG Visited the St. Vith Division Memorial in 1981. Appointed as United States District Judge for the Southern District of Alabama on 14 Oct 1986 by President Reagan. (The Board of Directors and Officers of the 106th Infantry Division Association extend their congratulations) • •
J. Don Holtsmuller 423/E & 589/A Semi-retired was a Ford tractor dealer for 35 years. Married with 5 children.*
    Charley Henderson 422/SV,422/E, 424/6 Joined the 106th in April 1944, would like to hear from anyone who he crossed paths with. 4
    Joseph C. Haines DIV/RECON TRP Retired State of New Jersey Department of Transportation 1977, 5 children, 6 grandchildren. Retired in 1970 as LTC, FA (AUS). • Herbert D. Kephart 423/HQ 2BN Say "Hello" to Sherod Collins for me •
Dan E. Walters ASSOC Retired Police of Chief, Laurel, MS; Korean Vet, US Navy 1951 --
    55, USS Zelima. E-6, MM-1; 54 years of age. Is a military buff with great interest in the BatVat de of the Bulge. Welcome Aboard
    Norbert Kowalicki 423/K Married June 7, 1944 -- 2 daughters, 2 grandchildren. Left the Division as a replacement for the 83rd in May 1944. Wounded at St. Lo. Then worked Limited duty at American Express building in Paris and later as warehouse foreman in Aberville. Discharged 50% disabled Jan 11, 1946 * •
    Peter L. Memo DIV/SIG Was with the 106th from March 44 to March 45, then transferred to the 3rd Infantry Division Signal Company and subsequently to the 1st Constabulary Regiment for occupation duty until mustered out in 47. Back in the Signal Corps for 18 months in the Korean War. •
    Carl L. Dann 423/K Never knew of the Association. Former POW attended Reunions in Rosemount (Chicago) Illinois. Stalag 4-B --Arbeit Kommando in Gleina, Germany. Retired school teacher. Life member DAV. Former Pres, Indiana Federation of Teachers, 33 yrs in Teachery at Hammond, Ind, Public Schools. Joined us at Camp Atterbury. •
    Dr. Vance S.Jennings DIV/SIG (farmer member) Currently Professor of Music and Director of the Graduate Music Studies at the U of South Florida, Tampa. Wife Chris, is a sixth grade teacher. Older daugther Terri, is a junior in high school and concert mistress of the orchestra. Younger daughter, Sherri, 7th grader, also a violinist and Honor student. Great to find you again. (Dr. we are the ones who are happy that you found us.) • •
    Lloyd J. Brunner 424/A Retired Feb 1986 after 37 years of service with the Northern Stales Power Company (a public electric & gas company). Has lived in Red Wing, Mn since day one. Was a member back in the late 40's & early 50's but dropped out till now. (Lloyd attended the Minneapolis Area Bulge Commemoration Luncheon on December 14th, his picture appears in that section of this issue.), •

Donald Beseler 424/A and wife Marcia. Retired after 30 years in public school administra-
    lion. 3 children, 4 grandchildren, enjoying retirement on Big St. Germain Lake, with midwinter snow bird trips to Arizona and California. Would appreciate word from his old buddies.*
    Davidl. Dettenbaugh 423/D Currently owns and operate an Independent Insurance Agency in Oolagah, OK. Wife owns and operates an Artcraft supply business in Claremore. Getting ready to retire in a year or so. Want to hitch up our 5th wheel trailer and boat and see the good of USA and some 106th members along the way.*

From the Editor's Outpost
    'Dateline- 10 January 1988, My 63rd Birthdaul During, my holiday vacation from work, I have been putting the final touches of this issue of the CUB together. It is a particular complex and large publication.
    We had many subjects to cover. The usual, but important messages from officers, the listing of the Board of Directors on the inside cover. (an item I overlooked in the last issue, my apologies), coverage on the Mobile Reunion-even though it happened 6 months ago, it does take time to accumulate the information and photos-1 hope you like the attendance listing (and I didn't miss anyone), then there were the December 16th Commemoration events, with pictures, 55 new members -I chose to list them in an orderly list by units-then summarize their remarks-let me know whether you like this format.
    Then there were many letters from members for the "Mail Bag' with some pictures. If we have missed you there, or in the NEW MEMBER listing, or you would like to convey something to the rest of the membership, please drop me a line. My address is on the inside front cover of this publication.

    We do our best to "not" miss any one, and there are times when we just can not fit all letters in the current publication. Bear with us - You must realize that we are "volunteer - workers" for an organization we love. The Association does not have a permanent office. All files and work is located at, and is done in our homes.
    We are a unique organization bound by the love of our fellow buddies of World War II, seeking satisfaction and solace from the memories of that comradeship of many years ago. Keep your letters coming-we will use it when we can trying to keep on a first come-first served basis.: I hope this issue of THE CUB is to your liking. HAVE A HEALTHY NEW YEAR. John Kline

Anybody out there who traded a watch for bread in 1945?
    Ina letter written to me (Editor) this last October, Ted Young, Service Company/423rd asked my help in locating the owner of a watch. The story has it's beginning around January 7, 1945. It goes like this as I read Ted's letter.

    I am looking for the owner of a watch. I want to tell you a little story that happened the day we arrived at Stalag Muhlberg, Germany.
    There were a lot of POWs waiting outside to be interrogated, the temperature was a little above zero and the snow was about a foot deep. I had a piece of bread about the size of a walnut and was about to eat it when some G.I. came over to me and said "I'll give you this watch tor your bread." I don't know who he was but I am sure he was from the 106th Division. I still have the watch and it still is in pod operating condition. Sure would like to find the man who it belongs to. The watch is a Hamilton wrist watch and in a very fine gold case. Would like to return it. I kinda imagine this watch was a graduation present. The chances are worse than the odds at Atlantic City.

Ted Young SV/423

P.O. Box 1555, Ozark, AL 36361, Phone 205-774-6712

Mail Bag

    Ina recent issue of THE CUB you printed a great list of 106th people. There was a mistake in the number of my division unit. It's E/423 not E/422. Please correct in the next issue of THE CUB.
Ernest B. Vermont E/423
1739 Weston Ave
Baltimore, MD 21234
Adjutant's note-- correction made.

    Got together twice this summer with Oliver Patton who fresh out of West Point, was a rifle platoon leader in our company, wounded in the BULGE and a POW. He stayed in the Army and retired as a Brig. Gen. After several novels about U.S. Indians and Iran he has now written a novel--"The Silent Snow" about a young Lieutenant that missed being captured and about his experiences behind the German lines, in the BULGE. I gave him your address and hope he will join the Association.
Jack A. Salser F/423
917 North Ashton St.
Alexandria, VA 22312

    (editor's note (11/21/87)--I am presently reading the "Galley Proofs" from Patton's "The Silent Snow." Hope to have a short review in the Feb 1988 CUB, as the book is scheduled for April 1988.

Please note my new address: Allen D. Stolar L/424
21249 Harrow Ct.
Boca Raton, FL 33433

    Have retired from position as college dean. Now working part-time as a consultant, My wife and I recently enjoyed an 8000 mile auto tour of the U.S.A. during which we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. Daughter Judy is married and works in Jacksonville as a physician's assistant.
Eric R. Mills, Col.(USA Ret.) HQ IBN/422 5007 Dian Wood Dr. East
Jacksonville, FL 32210

    My wife , Betty and I made a trip to the N.C. Smokie Mountains. Enjoyed visits with friends. We went from there to West Tennessee to see a daughter and her family. Another daughter from Kenosha, Wisc. and family came here to visit. Had a wonderful time.
Irvin G. Minor A/592
6911 49th Ave North
St Petersburg, FL 33709

    It was great being in Ft Jackson and Columbia last year. I hope most of our men and wives received something from my Memorial Address they could treasure and take home with them.

    The whole experience was rewarding for my wife and me. It was good to re-acquainted with some whomI hadnot seen since December 1944. Ivan Long, HQ Company 423rd was there. it was he who helped lead our squad and others stragglers (18th-21st) a through the lines back to where wejoined the NI 7th Armored for a few days.

    I have a picture made by the Stars & Stripes, January 1945, made in St. Vith of Ivan, myself and others. We all looked like we had had it! Cannot make it to Mobile this year due to other commitments. Will try to make Roanoke next year. We will be retiring from the active ministry in June of 1988; not totally since I will need some part-time employment. We are looking forward to getting into our own home which we bought a couple of years ago--for our retirement years.
My regards to all.
Sincerely, "Ike",
Rev. (sham A. Harris, Jr. H/423
1716 Greenwood Ave
Nashville, TN 37206
(Reverend, maybe those pictures would make good copy for THE CUB--editor.)
Dear Sam,

Very happy to hear from old buddies from
the 423rd. John Kline and Margot have been
wonderful supplying all the information that

    he could about M Company and the 423rd. I was in Stalag 9A & 9B, Bad Orb andSiegenheim, like to hear from Robert Colley and Sgt Salazar if possible and all the rest of the men from M/423.
Lou Edelman M/423
245-30 Grand Central Pkwy
Bellrose, NY 11426

    (Editor's note--Glad to report that Sgt Salazar was located and reportedly has contacted Lou. The lead on Salazar was given to me by B.R. King a former M/423 man 'who I am happy to say just joined the Association,' Salazar had already joined and appeared in the New Members" in November 87 CUB.)

7/4/44- Salazar & Edelman, M/423 - see below
The following from former S/Sgt M/423, Ernest Z. Salazar:
    I have two pictures I would like foryou to see. The first (see above) is a picture of Lou Edelman and me, (I am on the left) walking along a street in Cleveland, Ohio on 4th of July, 1944. Remember the fourth of July Parade? The second (right column) is a picture, that was given to me by a French Bishop (also a prisoner) as a memento. It shows a carving of the Virgin from the Portal of the chapel Notre Dame de France that was completed by the prisoners of Stalag IX-A at Ziegenhairs where many 106th men were.
Thanks John

Ernest Z. Salazar M/423 7 Grandview Pl.
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
    (Editors note: I also have an article and pictures on Stalag 9-A, as it is today, submitted by Donald Ptotenhauer D/422, of Gladstone, Michigan. If room permits, in this "extra large issue" I will include it as a featurette. If not -- next time. It's an interesting article.
    I received the latest issue (November) of our "CUB," the letters from readers and articles of association interest make for an interesting magazine. I for one, appreciate the time the editor spends to get the news and notices out to the members.
    I observed from the South Carolina reunion--that the sizeable increase in attendance -- was most interesting. First, the promotions to attend were more professional. Second, the greater percent of World War D 106th Infantry Division members are
    at retirement age, families raised, time on their hands, and friends to cover the expense. With renewed efforts to acquaint or serve notices in the issues of the D.A.V., American Legion, POW groups and VFW being actively utilized --I can see the membership growing considerably.
Give the above further thought.

    What a small world Shill and I were driving to Traverse City, Michigan last month. Stopped in a little National Guard town of Grayling (?)--for a quick dinner. Who did we run into, but Emily and Jack Bryant HQ/422, they have a summer home nearby. Emily refuses to cook dinner (I'm told). Nice visit --lots of laughs. Hopefully I can arrange my schedule to get to Mobile.
Again, to Sherod and Sam--thanks for your input.
Shirley and Jack Gillespie C/422
3536 Darcy Dr.
Birmingham, MI 48010

Retired six years, Service manager for Cincinnati Milacron-- Herald Corp. Member of the Dennis Goff Club.
    Have four children and 10 Grandchildren. Florida in the winter and Cape Cod, 9 months. Still have my health, would like to hear from other Anti-Tank/422 friends. William C. Hoag AT/422
24 Hillside Dr. PO Box 1154
East Dennis. MASS 02641
    I stayed in the Army for 26 years and retired february 28, 1969 as a Sergeant Major. I am now a Social Worker for the City of Newport News. I plan to retire Aug 1987.
    I am married, have two sons and one daughter. I belong to the VFW and the DAV. My platoon sergeant in the 106th was TSgt Glenn Kennedy. he was an outstanding noncommissioned officer. During my 26 years of service I never met a better one.
Captain Charles B. Reid was also a fine Company Commander.
Jesse 0. Kershner AT/423
17 Ridgeway Pkwy
Newport News, VA 23602
    Going down to Chillicothe, Ohio in August for Sunriser Forest Rally as Crew Chief (Chief Mechanic = grease monkey to you) on Junior's Rally Car. It's a two day affair. My youngest son, 21, is the navigator (map reader). I'm a man who has been blessed that we three generations 67, 42 and 21 get it on together and I feel we are Winners and will pull it off sometime, maybe this time--could be it!
Came home from the BULGE a winner didn't I. ',alright!

Donald G Speer Sr. 806th ORD
7884 Stafford Dr.
Saginaw, MI 48603
    We are getting ready for the 34th Reunion at Hersey Park, PA--Sept 6th, 1987. Most of those attending will be 592nd Service Battery, plus friends and others. We will all have a good time.
    Our son just retired with 21 years of service') in the United States Air Force and is touring the country. our Grandson Michael is in the Army and on his way to Korea.
Good Health to all.

Thomas Dorosky SV/592
146 Mt Airy Rd
Shavertown,PA 18708
    I am 73 and still working with WFMH AM--AM radio station in Cullman, Alabama. I've been here since 1953. My wife Lucille is still working part time.
We have one son, Mike and two Grandsons who also keep us busy.
I worked with some Special Services overseas, Lost my guitar in theBULGE, someone found it and returned it.
    I now mostly write and produce commercials for radio. I hope to someday make a Reunion. Would like to hear from any of the fellows that may remember my "St. Vith Blues" and other off the cuff songs written on the spur of the moment.
I had a brother L.D. Murphree, D/422.,
    Machine gunner at Atterbury Infiltration Course. He held the 106th record for 30 Cal. Machine gun. He was captured in the BULGE, almost starved by the Germans. never fully recovered his health. He died a couple years ago. His twin brother O.C. Murphree was in the South Pacific with 777th Ordnance Co., 77th Division. Will write more next time.
Leon A. Murphree HQ & HQ Co. 2BN/423 409-13th St. N.E.
Cullman, AL 35055
    Really appreciate what you and your associates have done and are doing for our beloved 106th Infantry Division Association. We are unique in many ways.
    After being discharged I married, worked as a welder, started College on the G.I. Bill, became a teacher, had six children, 3 boys and 3 girls (all married and doing well). I've been at the same school 33 years, 28 as Principal. love it and now that I have reached retirement age -- don't really want to.
Guy M. Stephens F/423
5477 Yankeetown Rd.
Boonville, IN 47601
    (Guy, the rest of your message was missing, must have been on the back topside and was cut off-- let us know if you have more to say, Thanks -- Editor)
    Age 64, been in Air Conditioning in Poles Springs for 32 years. Wife Sheri age 43 been married 15 years. Am involved in Ham Radio, Been a Ham for two years and upgraded to General Class license. Call letters --KB6HSB. Enjoy golf and oil painting, hope to retire soon and travel U.S.A. Recently received my medals, all except the POW. did receive the Soldiers Medal for Heroism saving a pilot from a P-38 that had crashed and burned in Van Nuys, California prior to joining the 106th at Atterbury in 1944.
Rudy Zeman Cannon 423
2933 Biskra Rd.
sPalm Springs, CA 92262
    (editor's note: Rudy, I have held a Ham license since 1958. My call is K9GN, (got my call in Wisconsin) Extra Class license. At the moment am not on the air-- moved into a town-house when I moved here in January 1986. Hope to get back at it someday. Hold DXCCCertificate #8 for CW (Morse Code) contacts made when the CWDXCC certificate came out in 1975,1 got in 120 countries in less than six-months at that time. maybe there are other 106th Hams out there--let us know, maybe we could have a 106th Association Net.)
    Been retired, have lived in Milwaukee, WI for past forty years. Do enjoy the news from the old 106th Division, keep up the good work.
John J. Babich B/424
219 North 70th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53213
    Active supporter of Ohio State University--the best College Football Team in the Country--Have had three children attend with two more on the way.
Clinton H. Wilber B/424
16724 Lake Ave
Lakewood, OH 44107
(Anybody disagree with his statement about football teams? Let m know.)
    Retired from Cal--Poly University (San Luis Obispo Campus). Keep busy cattle ranching, traveling (5th Wheel)and helping our son in his contracting business.
    Celebrated 43 years of marriage with Phyllis this past June 17th, 1987. We were married in Columbus, Indiana while I was stationed at Camp Atterbury. Would like to hear from anyone from A battery/589th FA. It was so long ago that I cannot remember names. We hope to get to a reunion one of these years, but had two trips planned for this year; one to Hawaii and a Panama Canal cruise. best wishes to all
Alfons P Lerno A1589
PO Box 118
Santa Margarita, CA 93453
    Hook a 21 day trip to China thespring of 1987 to see the sights and visit the people. A great trip, but sure glad I was born in America. Our way of life is worth fighting for. yes, Sam, I would do it again if my country needed me. sincerely
Robert F. Flick C/81st ENG
211 Cambridge Ave, Box 527
Avonmore, PA 15618

Adjutant's Ad-Memo
    still have several shoulder patches and blazer (jacket) emblems for sale. The shoulder patches are $2.00 and the emblems are $3.00 each. For those members who are not familiar with the emblems--they are 4" in diameter and ' are very attractive when sewn on a dark blue blazer coat or Jacket.
Col. Samuel P. Cariano
305 Parkside Place

Indian Harbour Bch. Florida 32937
Hello Sam,
    I was recently elected Commander of the Brick, New Jersey, Chapter 20 of the D.A.V. will be vacationing in Cape Cod, Mass. Hope to see a few buddies there from HO 3BN/423 -- Good luck on the Mobile Reunion.
Edward E. Carr HQ 3BN/423
31 Glenmere Dr.
Brick NJ 08724
Retired February 1987, and am spending a lot of time trying to outsmart the fish in Lake Champlain!
Clifford Austin C/589
125 South Maple
Vergennes, VT 05491

Semi-retired about 20 years ago. I keep ac-
tive and busy playing golf, bike riding and
    fishing. Annually I go to Norcinda (?), Canada for two weeks and fish for walleyes. two weeks trout fishing at Crowely Lake and Salmon at Shasta Sacramento River.
Always looking forward to my fishing trips. Got zeroed out a few times.
Joseph Litvin Ce423
1_959 West 185th Street
Torrance, CA 90504
Dear Sam,
    Joined the 106th shortly before they went overseas. So I didn't get acquainted with nearly as many as I would have liked.
    I was with K Company in Europe and was captured with some of them. was at Stalag 9A and then 9B where I was with a group of about 50 men, the best I have ever known. I still had my roll-call list. My wife died a year ago and I cannot find it. I would She to check the list against the names that appeared in THE CUB.
    Am living alone now, not enjoying it. I have two children both close to me so that helpst Have a lot to Thank the Lord for.
Dwight Dodson Med Det/423rd
3317 Kage Rd.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
    Jane and I are now landed immigrants for one year of Nova Scotia, Canada; 45 minutes east of Digby. Residing on the shore of Bay of Fundy, with dog Daisy and a cat.
    Sunsets are gorgeous as we view them toward St. John, New Brunswick on clear nights. Thanks for reminding me of the dues, we all are getting more forgetful as we get older. Edmund C. Purdy F/422
RR #1
Hampton, N.S. BOS1LO, Canada
    After discharge, Ft Ord, California, Ft Lewis, Washington--resumed my life. Was admitted to Graduate School, Univ. of Washington (Seattle), received Phd in 1950; taught sociology and demography at Western Slate University (Bellingham, Wash.) Joined U.S. International program and went to Peru for 8 Years, involved in blot,
statistics in cooperative program.
Had daughter, now employed by U.S. Dept. of treasury. WM celebrate 50th wedding anniversary soon.
    Have worked for various Federal Agencies, including the National Institute of health (Bethesada, MD.) and UN International Agencies in Kenya and Cyprus (Nicosia). Am now retired and busy answering inquiries such as this and earning some economic advantages in the stock market Dr. Joseph A, Cavanaugh C Co. & HQ/422 6029 Rossmore Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20814
    THE CUB had me listed as G/423, that is wrong, I was in G/424. Last May my oldest son was killed in a work related accident, he lived in East Aurora, NY, the home of Fisher-Price Toys. My youngest son and I took a train from Buffalo, NY to Portland, Oregon to visit my daughter who lives in
    igene, Oregon. We also took a helicopter p inside St Helens. I would like to know if I can get a list of the men that served in G/424 overseas.
George P. Gelb G/424
2892 Wild Horse Rd.
Orlando, FL 32822
Our condolences on your eldest son's death.)
    In NewJersey they issue POW license plates. They are free to any American POW living in Newlersey, and driving his car in New Jersey. I never thought much of the various types of plates (so called vanity plates) but something made me apply for the POW plates. I got them last August, so far I have had nor reaction to them, an unforeseen result is that I drive more carefully now-- I don't want to give as ex--POWs a bad name.
Joseph (Joe) Mack HQ 3BN/422
45 Burnet Hill Rd
Livingston, NJ 07039

Lifelong resident of Mobile. Married. 6
..children all in Mobile, 11 Grandchildren,
Real Estate business. Wife--Peggy
James B. McDonough Jr. 106th Signal 600 Shenandoah Rd West
Mobile, AL 36608
    Went to Hawaii for our 46th wedding anniversary, with members of our wedding party. Attended the funeral of Joe Kopacz who was a member of B/592 FA. Had a reunion with Rich (Peachy) Stengel who was in my section B/592. All is well.
Robert L. White B/592
514 Oglesby Ave
Calumet City, IL 60409
    I was the Mess Sgt, B/424. I am retired, live near the Blue Ridge Parkway close to Mobry Mill. Doing fine--have a craft shop for past time. Enjoy your CUB very much. Hope to come to the reunion in Roanoke, only live 80 miles from there. Would like to have Ernest Notorio address, the address in the CUB was not correct.
Riley W. Meeks Sr. B/424
PO Box 714
Meadows of Dan, VA 24120
    (Editor's note: all we have is Box 404, Calumet, MI 49913 for Ernest Notorio, apparently he has been getting the CUB at that address)
    Here are my dues. I enjoy getting THE CUB. My wife and I and my brother and his wife attended the Reunion at Columbia, our first one and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Got to see some buddies I hadn't seen in over forty years. Can't make Mobile. my wife had a heart attack in April, doing better now. Curtis Lindsey H/424
Rte 1 Box 319
Waco, Texas 76710
    Am serving as Deputy Mayor of Princeton Township, NJ and would like very much to see any and all 106th Vets who are in this area visiting,
Thomas M. Poole 11/423
52 Mason Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540

Liaison pilots and observers Dec 1044 - see story below
    I amtrying tolocate an enlisted manwho flew with me as a messenger from Bad Ems to Fulda, Germany on the afternoon of June 16th, 1945.1 broke my leg in a freak plane accident and would like to contact him. I have also included a picture taken at Namur, Belgium 20 December, 1944 (appros.). It is a group of Liaison Pilots (P), and Observers (0) from the 106th Division Artillery. A few of them were at Bastogne the morningof the 20th and left prior to the time the Germans encircled Bastogne.
    If anyone knows the where-abouts of any of these men I would appreciate the information.Front Row: Left to right -- Lts Gray, McKenzie and Scott, all pilots.
Middle Row: Lts Neese (0), Strafford (P), Lange (P), Unidentified (0), Elliot (P).
Back Row: Major Unidentified, Lts McClure, myself Lowman, Ceferetti -- all pilots and Lt Cassibry (0)
C.W. (Pete) Lawman Liaison Pilot
592 FA & HQ Div Arty
6399 Smiley Ave
St Louis, MO 63139
    At Lyons VA Hospital I received an award for over 1,000 hours of Volunteer work-- for Catholic War Veterans. Joseph Salerno and Nicola Risoli, both 106th members--were in attendance for a dinner when the CWV honored me.
Fred Schieferstein A/424
431 Madison Hill Road
Clark, NJ 07066
Dear Sam,
    I was 19 years old when I joined the 106th. Captured 19 December, 1944 after 4 days in a has car which was bombed and strafed by our own planes. We were marched to Bad Orb, Stalag IX-B. I went into forced retirement after 30 years as an Analytical Research Technician.
    My wife and I, Lorraine have been married 42 years, we have 3 children, two girls and a boy, all married with three beautiful Grandchildren.
I would sure love to hear from anyone in D/422.
William J. Brankin D/422
5035 Wapella Ave.
Mt. Mt Prospect, IL 60056
    Congratulations on a real good "CUB."(Nov.) I knew you would do a good jab when you appeared before our committee am re-sending the 'RETURN TO EUROPE,1989," please put it in the next 'issue. It may seem early but we have commit, ments to make to keep the rate firm.
Best Personal Regards,
Doug Coffey
2236 Arnet St.

Port Charlotte, FL 33948
    Sorry this is late but Forrest has been in the hospital and I have been pushed for time. He is home now and hopefully better. Signed by Mary Hemming.
Forrest Hemming 806th ORD

755 Stelzer Rd Box 171 Columbus, OH 43219
Dear Marge,
    Since I didn't attend the reunion in Mobile, I don't know if a new CUB editor has been appointed yet. Consequently this letter is addressed to you.
    Agnes and I really missed seeing all of our 106thfriends this year, but it wasjust not possible to attend. We do, however, wish to express our profound appreciation for the special card we received which was signed by a bunch of our D/422 members and other friends at the reunion. Thanks for thinking of us.
We have every intention of attending the Roanoke Reunion. Hope to see you then. Sincerely
Fred B. Chase D/422
5 Morris Lane
Clifton Park, NY 12965
Congratulations on your new job!
    As a long time member, I think that one of the items we need in the Association is a roster of members, separated by Divisional Units. We could charge a minimal fee to cover it's costs. It would be of a great benefit to all as most of us do not know all the members that were in our unit.
    We do know a portion and see some when we attend a reunion. I missed the last one, will make Roanoke in 1988. How about it
We were all sorry to hear about the demise of General McMahon, he was a great guy.
Learned from the CUB we were also born in the same place, Rome NY. He will be missed!
Recovered from a heart attack of a year ago. Taking pills of all shapes and colors. Seems to be doing the trick.
Henry H. McKee USA (Ret) HQ/422
414 Spacoway
San Antonio, TX 78239
Dear John,
    With the possible exception of the annual reunions, THE CUB is the most important of all of the 106th Infantry Division Association activities. Interest, news coverage and membership growth are vitally dependent upon THE CUB.
    We are grateful to you for excepting the big job as editor, and your early efforts leave no doubt as to the further success.
Thank Youl
Have a Happy Holiday
Col. Joseph Matthews HQ/422
Assoc. Board of Directors
4708 Western Blvd
Raleigh, NC 27606
John & Margot
    Received your recent letter. I want to congratulate you on your first edition. I thought it was great. I like the format you used and I know you are on the right track. Received a call from Iona Hohenstein on Nov 26. She told us that John had suffered a heart attack. She expected to be in the hospital for about 10 days. I called his home on Dec let, he was home. We had a long talk and he sounds just like he always did. If I hadn't been told that he had an attack, I wouldn't know it. I told him he was too "slow"' to get a heart attack, he laughed and said he was exercising by walking around the house, that Iona takes his pulse before and after he walks and that his pulse is slower after be gets through walking. I told him again, I don't doubt that since he walks so slow. Have you heard from Lou Cooper? (another M/423 man) I think I will

drop him a line. As ever,
Gil & Lucille Helwig M/423
2006 Ontario lot #55
Niles. MI 49120
    At last I finally got around to writing you after the Reunion. It was nice to visit with you on the plane ride back up north. I enjoyed the autobiography you gave me concerning your experiences from Atterbury to after liberation.
I'm going to start now, in getting people interested in the Roanoke Reunion in September of 1988
    You know the road map of Czechoslovakia you showed me, I've been trying to find one in LaCrosse but haven't been successful (I sent him one, this map a Michelin #987 covers most of the area that we all marched through as prisoners, a very good map...Editor)
I located "A Time for Trumpets," a very' good book, reading it now.
Your first issue of THE CUB was a good one, keep up the good work. Hope to see you in Roanoke.
Edward WoJahn B/8Ist ENG
1553 West Young Dr.
Onalaska, WI 54650
John & Margot
    The last issue of THE CUB was a honey, but my recent letter to Sherod Collins told him that Dick and Marge DeHeer was a hard act to follow. But I had an idea from the little time spent M correspondence with you that I expected none would be disappointed with the new "Editor" who might even eam a few accolades. ( Editor... the rest of Leo the Lion's letter is covered by Sherod Collin's article in this publication.)
Leo & Eleanor Leisse HQ 3Bn/422
4346 Gapsch Lane
St Louis, MO 63125
Dear John,
    Received your letter with the proofs of the "Mail Bag," where Jack Sulser's letter appears. I owe him a beer for the plug he gives me on my new novel, "The Silent Snow" about the 106th Infantry Division.

Silent Snow release in March
    I sent copies of some reviews on the book, one from Charles B. MacDonald which will be headlined on the front cover. "The Silent Snow" will be published in March. Are you aware that MauriceDELAVAL died in early or mid-November? I had a notice from his family but the date of death was not given, or my French can't cope. I will send a copy of the notice if you want. Many thanks for your help.

Oliver B. Patton F/423 Brig. Gen. USA (Ret.) 4817 Morgan Dr.

•evy Chase, MD 20815
    Received my copy of THE CUB last week and most say that I enjoyed it very much. Jack Janicke told me that you would do an outstanding job as editor, and you have. "Thanks," as the editor (THE CUB) is very important to the life of this organization. I don't mean to take anything from the "DeHeers" they did an excellent job and Marge went "above and beyond the cal of duty after Dick passed away. She cannot be thanked enough.
    I had written a note for the CUB previous to you becoming editor. It is possible it was misplaced or lost or you just had no room for it last time. Should you have room in the next issue please include it. I didn't know how to start it, "Dear John" doesn't have the ring to it. (Editor.). Thanks Charley, here it it. I get lots of "Dear John" letters these days. We all have Jack Janicke to thank for the hard work he did in putting the Association mailing roster together.)
    To the Editor, Heard about the 106th Infantry Division Association Reunion, joined and made the Mobile Reunion in September, I enjoyed it very much. Learned some things, met many wonderful people who have much in common, but met only one man I remembered, M/Sgt Paul McMillan of SV/422.
    Joined the Division in Camp Atterbury in June of 1944. Assigned to SV/422 June 1944 from there to F/422 late August then in January 1945 to G/424. I was in the hospital when the Bulge broke.
    Am looking for anyone who may remember me during this time. Also if anyone should remember Johnny Lego of Altoona, PA or Al Henderson of Bangor, Maine who were in the 422nd, I would be interested in hearing. See you all in Roanoke --in 1988,
Charley S. Henderson G/424
1 Meadow Lane
Merrilville, IN 46410
    (Congratulations on your appointment to Editor of THE CUB. After reading the last issue lam sure you are capable of filling Dick Deheer's shoes as editor. Good Luck!
Enclosed is picture of John Cam, F/422 PO Box 66, Greensboro, GA 30642.
    John was an excellent cook with F/422. Unfortunately he has been unable to attend the reunions. Would like to take this opportunity to wish John a "HAPPY 76th BIRTHDAY" on March 29th, 1988.
James Reynolds F/422


John Can F/422
29 March 1988
From 1st Vice-Pros. John Robb,
    On Dec 5th, 19871 attended a gathering of 106thInfantry Division members at the home of Mike and Elaine Zenn. At the meeting I saw a copy of the November Cub which had been delivered two one-half weeks earlier. Since I have not received mine, possibly you can mail me one. (Editor.. His vacationing neighbor found his copy in her mail)
You have put together an excellent edition and are to be congratulated.
    It was impossible for me to attend the Mobile Reunion because of a conflict with a professional meeting. I am looking forward to meeting you in Roanoke, VA during the 1988 Reunion.
The party at Zenn's was a lot of fun, about 25 people. Mike and Elaine were great hosts in their beautiful home.
Again, thank you for accepting the position of "Editor."
John Robb D/422
Ass'n 1st V. Pres.
238 De Vore Dr.
Meadville, PA 16335
Dear John,
    I was with the 106th Infantry Division Signal Company as a messenger. Discharged in October of 1945. The next 25 years in the US Postal Service, I am now retired.
    Looking forward to Roanoke in 1988. My wife and I enjoyed the Mobile Reunion. I am sending you a copy from the "Indianapolis Star" that I have kept for years, telling about the 106th's disaster in the Bulge. It was printed January 23, 1945.
Stanley Kups 106 Signal
8831 Radner
Sterling Heights, MI 48078
(Editor... Thanks Stanley, will be in touch. Need little better copy.
I would like to hear from those in Cannon/423--Send a letter to sunny California. Allen L. Lowith CN/423
10905 Peach Grove St #3
North Hollywood, CA 91601

    This picture submitted by Sherod Collins shows Col. C.C. Cavender, 423rd Regimental Commander (1944) holding a shadow box of various medals awarded to him during his 36 years of active service for his country with the United States Army.
Col. C.C. Cavender, Regimental
Commander • 423rd Reg (1944)
    On October 2nd, 1987 Col. Cavender celebrated his 90th birthday at his home at 28262 Pebble Beach, Sun City, FL 92381. He plans on attending a reunion at West Point next May. Good Health to you Col.
    Enclosed is $10.00 to our dues.. Enjoyed your letter, even though I don't know you. I am proud to be the wife of a 106th Infantryman. Wilburn is presently in a VA Nursing Home Care Unit at Gainesville, Florida. He has had four strokes but still knows everyone and still has his good sense of humor.
We are thankful for our blessings. I visit him
for one week each month. I have cared for
him totally for the last four years, a labor of
love. We celebrated our 38th Wedding Anniversary last month and it was the first time we could not see each other.
For Wilburn Grant H/424 his wife Eleanor 479 East Spencer Field Rd.
Pace, FL 32571

(God Bless you Eleanor for your care ) Members-- Wilburn Grant would appreciate your visits, prayers and cards.
From Clyde Filkins (in part)
    ThanksJohn for writing me as a former 106th comrade and as a buddy on the evacuation march of 415 miles out of Stalag SA, Cora., Germany. That was very scenic and yez enjoyable tour (joke). Like you I have not had much interest in military life until a few years ago. I then made quite an effort to contact members of C/422 and was fortunate to locate and keep in touch with several.
    Peg and I were able to attend two reunions, Mass. and West Virginia. But the last three I did not feel well enough, but it was sure nice be with the guys.
    eems as we get older that this time of the year (December) brings back the memories of 44-45 and each year it is more vivid.
It would be a pleasure to met you, possibly we will at one of the reunions. Would appreciate hearing from you.
In Comradeship
Clyde L Filkins C/422
Rte 1 Box 176
Westerlo, NY 12193
Dear John,
    I received your letter last July and em sorry for not replying. The brief summary you sent then refreshed my memory somewhat on the trip from the front to 8A and the evacuation march. A brief but graphic account is written up in Ex-POW Bulletin Vol 44 Dec 87 Pg. 51. I was with K/423 from the beginning at Ft. Jackson.... What really is peculiar is that all this has come out of the wood-work within the last year. I thought I was the only survivor or that people were so anxious to forget that no one was interested in what happened. I

will appreciate hearing from you. Harry Henriksen K/423
1623 N 49th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
I received your letter of November 18th, but didn't get the CUB until Nov. 27th.
    In regards to THE CUB,the print couldn't be better and the work as a whole was commendable. I am for one happy that we have obtained your services.
    I noticed in the November CUB mention of a couple of C/422 men, David Dreamt and Frank Dobe. Prior to Hill 576 Lt. "Red" O'Neil C/422 of Syracuse, NY, myself and a S/Sgt from C/422 captured 14 Germans on the 16th of December, which included a SS Non-Com, his machine gun and squad. To my knowledge Lt Red O'Neil was the only an to escape the ring of fire around Hill 576. He told use he was going to try and escape-1 gave him a German pistol, he felt that would be better than carrying a carbine, and he took off.
    I knew he was fromSyracuse so in 1948l searched for him and found him. He successfully escaped and fought on with the 424th. I have since lost track of him and cannot recall his first name. I would like to find him again and learn the name of the S/Sgt which f failed to ask when I first found him..
    Further Cpt Littlejohn of C/422 was captured on Hill 576. I visited with Cpt Porter of D/422, who was also captured there and he told me that Cpt. Littlejohn had died in prison. This could possibly be some news to the C/422 men. Cpt Porter has since passed away.
    Katherine and I expect to attend Roanoke in 1988. In closing we wish you and Margot a Joyous Christmas and a Healthy, Happy and Exciting New Year.
John Adams Jr. 0/422
    Sorry John, had to shorten it a little, next time maybe more room. Were you the "John" that sent me a Xmas Card and had fallen off gladder? All I have is the signature, "John."

Remember ROANOKE, Vain 88
The beautiful HOTEL ROANOKE

A GALA Affair, net friends, ENJOY!
September 14 -- 18, 1988

A Thursday Night Reception -- A Hoe Down, Dinners and Comradery
For The 106th Infantry Division Association

Roger1st Vice- Pres. Dr1.1,br G1'.12:11)
god Vice-Pres Orfeo E. Agostini
Treasurer Sherod Collins
Adjutant Samuel P. Cariano
Historian Shored Collins
CUB Editor John Kline
Memorials Chairman Douglas Coffey

    West Apple Valley, N (612-423-4837) The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association includes subscription to the CUB.
Send all editorial matter to:
Mr. John Kline
    5401 Upper 147th Street West APpk.6;110134P124 Send all business matters, inquiries, death reports, address changes to: Col. Samuel Pa P. Carious 305N 1--Ma 10) rkside y Place Indian Harbour Bch., FL 32937
305-777-2876 Sendai membership dues and contributions to the Memorial Fund to:
Mr. Sherod Collins-Treasurer
448 Monroe Trace Ke n nateGA0311144
Make checks payable to "106th Infantry Division Association."
Membership Dues $10.00 per year
Associate Dues 510.00 per year
Aludliary Dues $2.32 per year

Sant P. Cation - Adjutant

Board of Directors
Orfeo E. Agostinl A/81st ENG 202 Ellaabeth St., Hinesville, GA 31313 912-876-5424
Benjamin B. Britton E/424 36 Warren Road, Auburn, MA 01501 617,932-2308 305
Douglas S. Coffey_ C/590 2236 N.W. Ann. Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 813-629-5711
John R. Fritz HQ/424 170 Shore Acres, Vermilion, OH 44049 216-967-W6
Charles S. Darn H/424 1937 Highbridge Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 216-9233370
Robert A. Gilder HQ 1BN/424 36303 Behm Drive, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 216-327-4492
John 0. Gilliland SV/592 0 605 Northside Drive, Enterprise, AL 3633 205-347.7730
John A. Gregory E/424 4624 Ashton Drive, Sacramento, CA 95864 916-481.3353
Glen 0. Hartlieb SV/592 1805 Olive St., Highland, 11_ 62249 616854-7382
William Lucsay B/423 12612 South Moody Ave., Palos Heights, IL 60463 ph 312-388-8989

Cl. se Matthewsr. 4o709 Western Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27606 919851-4851
Thomas J. Maw A/592 436 Beech Sleet, Rockland, MA 02370 617-878.1796
John F. Mcvitt A/81st ENG 158 Queen Lane, RehDeoboth Beach, DE 19971 302227-3911
Paul McMillan SV/422 294 Albemarle Place, Macon, GA 31204 912474-1909
Dr. John G. Robb D/422 238 De Vote Drive, Meadville, PA 16335 814333-6364
Roger M. Rutland B/424 6532 kcadia-Woods Road, Columbia, SC 29206 803-787-69%
Russell H. Villwock 106 SIGNAL 6908 West Higgins Ave., Chicago, IL 60656 312831-2027
N. Duke Ward CO HQ/81st ENG 2140 West Carlyle Court, Marietta, GA 30062 404971-8594
Van S. Wyatt G/424 Rte 2 Box 5-0, Benton, KY 42025 502-527-1796
Edward Zoll HQ/424 1016 Milford Street N.E., Canton, OH 44714

Index for: Vol. 44 No. 2, Feb, 1988

Index for This Document

106th Div., 2, 22, 26, 33, 36, 40, 43
106th Div. Arty., 43
106th Inf. Div., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
106th Infantry Division Association, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 32, 33, 34, 40, 45, 46, 49, 50
106th Sig. Co., 17, 18, 21, 47, 50
30th Inf. Div., 23
3rd Inf. Div., 34
422nd Inf. Regt., 29
422nd Regt., 29
423rd Regt., 48
424/A, 31, 35
424/C, 31, 34
424/I, 13
424th Inf. Regt., 19
589th FA, 41
589th FA BN, 41
592nd FA BN, 43
7th Armd. Div., 37
806th Ord. Co., 31
81st Engr., 25
8th Air Force, 32
'A Time For Trumpets', 46
Aachen, 30
Adams, John, 49
Addison, Fred, 9
Addison, Fred W., 9, 31
Adolphson, Maynard, 10
Agostini, Orfeo E., 49
Aiello, Gabriel, 4
Antonovich, Jacob F., 31, 33
Ardennes, 21, 27, 32
Armington, Don, 13
Armington, Donald, 13
Armington, Donald R., 13
Ashburn, Nolan, 13
Aspinwall, Francis, 14
Aspinwall, Francis H., 14
Assigned To 106th, 33
Austin, Clifford, 41
Austria, 30
Babich, John J., 40
Bad Ems, 43
Bad Orb, 7, 33, 38, 44
Bagby, Howard, 13
Bailey, Gibbs, 13
Bailey, Harold M., 13
Barlow, Frank & Mary, 22
Bastogne, 33, 43
Battle of the Ardennes, 28
Battle of the Bulge, 3, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 30
Bavaria, 30
Beals, Carol, 25
Behr, Richard, 12
Behr, Richard H., 12
Belgium, 18, 19, 20, 25, 27, 29, 43
Berwick, Lee, 32
Beseler, Donald, 35
Biancamano, Domenic P., 11
Birmingham, 39
Black, Rev. Ewell C., 3
Bleialf, 34
Bottoms, Ira, 23
Bowles, Ralph & Elizabeth, 21
Bradfield, Ken, 14
Bradfield, Kenneth, 14
Bradford, Harvey D., 31, 32
Brankin, William J., 44
Breite, Victor, 10
Breite, Victor W., 10
Bridges, Walter, 12
Bridges, Walter G., 5, 12
Brittany, 32
Britton, Ben, 12
Britton, Benjamin, 12
Britton, Benjamin B., 12, 50
Brown, Charles A., 31, 33
Brown, Robert, 13
Brumfield, Vernon, 14
Brumfield, Vernon E., 14
Brummer, Harold, 9
Brummer, Harold J., 9
Brunner, Lloyd, 22
Brunner, Lloyd J., 31, 35
Brunswick, 42
Brussels, 30
Bryan, Ken, 11
Bryan, Kenneth, 11
Bryan, Kenneth V., 11
Bryant, Emily & Jack, 38
Burkes, Bob, 23, 25
Burkes, Frankie, 25
Burkes, Robert A., 13
Burrell, James, 22
Camp Atterbury, 35, 40, 47
Cariano, Col. Samuel P., 28, 41
Cariano, Sam, 17
Cariano, Samuel P., 18, 19, 20, 49
Carpenter, Ben, 22
Carpenter, Ben C., 31
Carr, Edward E., 41
Carter, Gordon, 14
Carter, Tiller, 13
Carter, Tiller E., 13
Cavender, Col., 48
Cavender, Col. C. C., 48
Chase, Fred B., 44
Chesney, 10
Chesney, Lonas, 10
Chesney, Lonas L., 10
Childs, Dean, 16
Childs, Dean F., 16
Clark, Dr., 14
Clark, Dr. James, 14
Clark, Dr. James I., 14
Coffey, Doug, 14, 17, 25, 29, 30, 44
Coffey, Douglas, 14, 49
Coffey, Douglas S., 14, 50
Collier, Sr., James E., 13
Collins, Sherod, 12, 23, 30, 32, 34, 46, 48, 49, 50
Collins, Virgil, 11, 34
Collins, Virgil L., 11
Cooper, Louis, 12
Cooper, Louis M., 7, 12
Coss, Sr., Kenneth L., 13
Costa, Anton, 12
Costa, Antone, 12, 22
Costa, Lawrence, 12
Costa, Lawrence B., 12
Crook, Herbert, 9
Crook, Herbert D., 9
Czechoslovakia, 45
Dahl, 22
Daun, 31
Dean, Verner, 10
Dean, Verner W., 10
DeHeer, Dick & Marge, 46
DeHeer, Mrs. Richard (Marge), 5
DeHeer, Richard, 4
DeLaval, Dr., 25, 26, 27, 28
DeLaval, Dr. Maurice, 26
DeLaval, Maurice, 25, 28
Denmark, 30
Diamond, Jack, 9, 30
Dickerson, James, 10
Dickerson, James J., 10
Div. Arty, 43
Div. Arty., 43
Div. HQ, 22
Dodge, William, 13
Dodson, Dwight, 42
Dorosky, Thomas, 39
Dukes, Ernest F., 32
Edwards, Carl E., 9
Ehrhardt, Roger J., 15
Eisenhower, President, 26
Enlow, J. Russell, 4
Eupen, 33
Farrell, Neil, 10
Farrell, Neil K., 10
Feinberg, Sam, 9
Feinberg, Samuel, 9, 31
Flaig, Robert G., 4
Flick, Robert F., 41
Fox, Robert J., 30
France, 32, 38
Franks, Ray H., 11
Freed, Charles, 11
Freed, Charles W., 11
Friedman, Herbert J., 31
Fritz, John, 1, 2, 6, 17, 20, 22
Fritz, John & Martha, 22
Fritz, John R., 18, 20, 50
Ft. Jackson, SC, 33, 34, 48
Gaither, Jack L., 9, 30
Garn, Charles & Willie, 22
Gatens, John, 13
Germany, 33, 36, 43, 48
Gibson, Charles, 10, 29
Gibson, Charles R., 10
Gilder, Bob & Jean, 17, 20
Gilder, Jean, 19
Gilder, Robert, 13
Gilder, Robert & Jean, 22
Gilder, Robert A., 6, 13, 19, 50
Gillespie, Shirley & Jack, 38
Gillikin, Ross E., 10
Gilliland, John, 15
Gilliland, John & Lee, 6
Gilliland, John O., 15
Gilliland, Lee, 23
Gleina, 34
Gleina, Germany, 34
Gorlitz, 7
Grant, Wilburn, 48
Green, Charles B., 10
Green, James C., 31, 33
Gregory, John, 22, 23
Gregory, John A., 50
Guidice, Michael, 31
Gunvalson, Russell, 22
Haines, Joseph C., 31, 34
Hall, John, 12
Hamm, 18
Hamm Cemetery, 18
Harris, Ab, 13
Harris, Abner, 13
Harris, Abner T., 13
Hartlieb, Glen O., 15
Harvey, Charles, 12
Hatch, H.M. (Jim), 22
Hawkins, Marlin, 7, 9
Hawkins, Marlin H., 9
Hay, Reuben, 31, 33
Heidelberg, 28
Helwig, Gil, 7, 12
Helwig, Gilbert, 12
Hemming, Forrest, 44
Henderson, Al, 47
Henderson, Charley S., 9, 30, 47
Henriksen, Harry, 49
Hill 576, 49
Hilliard, Rev. Roy M., 9
Hilliard, Roy, 44
Hilliard, Roy M., 6
Hinson, Sr., Arthur E., 14
Hoag, William C., 39
Hohenstein, 7, 12, 45
Hohenstein, John, 7, 12
Hohenstein, John J., 12
Holland, 23
House, Pete, 14
Houston, William C., 11
Howard, Alex T., 34
Howard, John, 14
Howard, John W., 14
Howell, Bob, 24
Howell, Bob & Louise, 23
Howell, Louise, 23
Hubert, Andre, 27
Indianapolis Star, 47
Janicke, Jack, 46
Jennings, Vance S., 31
Johnson, Don, 10
Johnson, Donald E., 10
Johnson, Newton, 16
Jones, Edwin, 13
Jones, Edwin N., 13
Jones, Gen., 30
Jones, Gen. Alan, 30
Juriga, Richard S., 31
Keahl, Edward, 14
Keahl, Edward A., 14
Kelch, Eugene, 10
Kelch, Eugene B., 10
Kelly, George, 12
Kelly, George S., 12
Kelly, John, 11
Kelly, John H., 11
Kennedy, Glenn, 39
Kephart, Herbert D., 31, 34
Kline, John, 1, 6, 12, 22, 36, 37, 49, 50
Kline, John P., 12
Kommando, 34
Kopatz, Alfred E., 10
Korea, 39
Kowalicki, Norbert, 34
Kuizema, Harold, 14
Kups, Stanley, 16, 47
Lauman, Clarence W., 15
Laval, 27
Lawlor, Martin, 7, 9
Lawlor, Martin V., 9
Leige, 28
Lewis, Charles R., 31
Lewis, Edwin D., 31
Litvin, Joseph, 41
Long, Ivan, 37
Lorraine, 22, 44
Lowith, Allen L., 48
Lucsay, Bill & Florence, 21, 22
Lucsay, William, 11, 50
Luscombe, Harry C., 31
Luxembourg, 18
MacDonald, Charles B., 46
Malueg, Russell, 11
Malueg, Russell J., 11
Mapes, Robert, 9
Mapes, Robert E., 9
Marche, 29
Matthews, Col., 23
Matthews, Col. Joseph, 45
Matthews, Joe, 23
Maw, Thomas J., 50
Mayotte, Russ, 12
Mayotte, Russell, 12
McCarron, Don, 34
McCravey, Paul S., 11, 29
McDonough, James B., 43
McKee, Henry H., 45
McMahon, Gen., 30, 45
McMahon, Leo, 29
McMillan, Paul, 11, 46, 50
Meagher, Luella, 22
Meeks, Riley W., 43
Memorials, 6, 49
Merz, O. Paul, 11
Messina, Carl, 15
Middleton, 16
Middleton, Jack, 16
Mileski, Marion, 16
Mills, Eric R., 37
Minor, Irvin G., 37
Moyer, Ginnie, 23
Muhlberg, 36
Muhlberg, Germany, 36
Murphree, Leon A., 40
Murray, Jr., George, 13
Namur, 33, 43
Namur, Belgium, 43
Norway, 30
Olman, Wanold D., 3
O'Neil, Red, 49
Order of the Golden Lion, 17, 18, 19, 20
Paananen, Arvo, 15
Padgett, Carroll, 23
Pankert, Father, 29
Pankert, Herr Joseph, 29
Pankert, J., 29
Paris, 34
Patrick, L. Dale, 14
Patton, Oliver, 36
Patton, Oliver B., 46
Photos, 7, 25
Piha, Morris & Sara, 23
Pip, Mayor Wilhelm, 26
Player, James W., 4
Plyman, Herman R., 15
Poland, 22
Poole, Thomas M., 43
Prewett, Ed, 12
Prewett, Edward, 12
Prewett, Edward A., 12, 26
Puett, Col., 11
Puett, Col. Joseph, 11
Puett, Joe & Ida, 23
Purdy, Edmund C., 42
Reid, Capt. Charles B., 39
Reiss, James, 12
Reiss, James A., 12
Reunions, 2, 3, 20, 21, 34
Reynolds, James, 7, 47
Ringer, Robert, 14
Ringer, Robert C., 14
Risoli, Nicola, 43
Robb, Dr. John G., 50
Robb, John, 47
Robb, Marilyn, 22
Ross, Glen, 13
Roster, 4
Russell, Jefferson B., 11
Russia, 1
Rutland, Roger M., 1, 6, 50
Rutledge, Boyd, 9
Rutledge, Boyd A., 9
Salazar, Ernest Z., 38
Sandberg, Robert, 22
Sanders, Joseph T., 9
Sartori, Charles, 31, 32
Saucerman, E., 9
Saucerman, Eugene, 9
Schaffner, John, 13
Schaffner, John R., 13
Schieferstein, Fred, 44
Schober, Milton, 12
Schober, Milton J., 12
Schutte, Phil, 12
Schutte, Phillip, 12
Schutte, Phillip F., 12
Schwartz, Murray, 11
Schwartz, Murray A., 11
Schwarz, Burt P., 12
Sendai, 50
Sgrignoli, Michael, 15
Sgrignoli, Michael G., 15
Shirk, Walter E., 31
Slaback, Harley, 10
Slaback, Harley W., 10
Smith, Charles, 9
Smith, Douglas E., 10
Smith, Ray C., 14
St. Vith, 7, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39
St. Vith, Belgium, 18, 19
Stalag 4-B, 33, 34
Stalag 9-A, 38, 41
Stalag IX-A, 38
Stalag IX-B, 44
Stephens, Guy M., 40
Stoehr, Martin G., 10
Stolar, Allen D., 36
Strohmier, Bernard, 14
Strohmier, Bernard C., 14
Sulser, Jack, 46
Suttle, Melvin, 13
Sweden, 30
Switzerland, 27
Terrio, Howard, 12
Terrio, Howard J., 12
The Battle of the Bulge, 25
The Silent Snow, 36, 46
Thomas, Regina, 23
Thome, Michael, 10
Thome, Mike, 23
Thompson, Richard C., 3
Time For Trumpets, 46
Toland, John, 25, 26
Tranchita, Paul A., 10
Trautman, Frank, 9, 22, 44
Trautman, Frank S., 9
Troutman, Martin E., 31
Untiedt, Raymond, 22
Vance, George, 9
Vance, George T., 9
Vaughn, Ray, 11
Vaughn, Ray R., 11
Vermont, Ernest B., 9, 36
Vielsalm, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Vielsalm, Belgium, 25, 29
Villwock, Jackie, 18, 22
Villwock, Russell, 17, 21
Villwock, Russell H., 17, 18, 50
Vincent, Louis J., 4
Waldrop, Dot, 23
Ward, Duke, 23, 50
Ward, Duke & Martha, 23
Wassgren, Milton L., 15
Watters, J. H., 31
Weiner, Milton, 13
Wells, James, 15
Wells, James E., 15
Wells, Maydean, 23
Wenslow, Marshall, 14
Wenslow, Marshall B., 14
Wentz, William, 33
West Point, 36, 48
White, C., 6
White, Robert L., 43
Whitner, Don, 10
Whitner, Donald R., 10
Wilber, Clinton H., 40
Williams, Aubrey, 33
Williams, Oliver G., 14
Wojahn, Ed, 15
Wojahn, Edward, 15
Wojahn, Edward C., 15
Wood, Wilburn L. (Rip), 29
Wyatt, James, 15
Wyatt, James V., 15
Wyatt, Van, 13
Wyatt, Van S., 13, 51
Wyman, Dr. David, 4
Yearout, Jay F., 12
York, Robert, 9
York, Robert E., 9
Young, Edward E., 14
Young, Ted, 36
Young, Theodore W., 12
Younger, Clovis C., 10
Zeman, Rudy, 40
Zenn, Mike, 11, 22
Zenn, Mike & Elaine, 22, 47
Zicker, Gordon, 32
Ziegenhain, 33
Ziegenhain, Germany, 33
Zoll, Ed, 13
Zoll, Edward, 13, 51
Zoll, Millie, 22