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Vol. 21, No. 2, Nov, 1964

106th Infantry Division Association. Inc.
President Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon
Vice President Col. Joe Matthews
Adjutant and Treasurer Sherod Collins
Chaplain John Loveless
Historian Sherod Collins
    The CUB is the official publication of the Association. Membership in the Association is $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the CUB.
Editor Richard DeHeer
All editorial matter should be addressed to:
Richard DeHeer, 19 Hopkins Street, Hillsdale, New Jersey
All business matters, renewal of membership, etc. should be addressed to:
Sherod Collins, 173 Huntington Road, N.E. Atlanta 9, Georgia

     To the Members of the Association: Cold and snow and December recall to the minds of Golden Lion veterans the fighting and the suffering and the agony of the "Bulge." This 16 December is the 20th Anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Ardennes. Not many of us will be back on the battleground for the occasion, but we will be represented there by our Memorial Chairman, Doug Coffey.
     The Division Staff with friends and guests will assemble at the Army and Navy Club in New York City on that date to relive those memorable days. Division Veterans of New Jersey and vicinity will assemble for a Memorial Dinner on Sunday 13 December at Paramus, N. J.
     Some of the television networks will mark the 20th anniversary with reviews of the Battle. We hope you will be watching, especially since our own Division Engineer, Colonel Tom Riggs, will be in one of them.
     As we go back in memory to those tragic days may we wish you all a merrier and more joyous Christmas than you experienced twenty years ago.
Leo T. McMahon

     Our good friends in Belgium, Dr. and Mrs. DeLaval, arrived in the United States on Friday, October 2. Doug and Isabel Coffey were their hosts. The following day they were taken to West Point to visit Major and Mrs. Wayne Elliott, Arty USA. Association members will recall that Major Elliott was present at the dedication of our Division memorial at St. Vith, and that he and his wife made a lot of friends of the Golden Lions and their wives at the reunion in East Orange, N. J.
     Major Elliott arranged a tour for Dr. DeLaval at West Point, where he sat in on a Military History class. You will recall that the Dr. is an historian himself and wrote the book "G. I. Joe Pleads Not Guilty." That evening they were entertained at a party at the West Point Officers Club.
     After the visit with the Coffeys, Dr. and Mrs. DeLaval took a trip to Florida. On their return they were entertained at dinner in Washington, D. C. by General and Mrs. Jones. They took off for Belgium after their Washington visit. Due to their short stay, a number of members of the Association who planned to entertain them were unable to do so.

     Jim Wells reports that on December 18, there will be a dinner at the Fort McPherson Officers Mess to commemorate the Battle of the Bulge. Colonel Harmon (20 years ago he was Capt. Harmon, Com'dng. Co. A, 81st Engrs.) and Nathan (Duke) Ward who commanded Service Co. of the Engrs, are making the arrangements.
     K1 and John Loveless 422 Inf., our Division Chaplain, are entertaining a few of the interested Golden Lions in the Baltimore area with a buffet supper at their home, 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore on Saturday evening, 12 December.



     Several days ago, upon receiving a request for a copy of our Division History from one who had served with the 106th, I wrote that we could be proud to be numbered among the Golden Lions. It seems almost impossible that the years have passed so quickly that we now commemorate the 20th Anniversary of what, to most of us, was our first ordeal under fire of those who were our enemy.
     Looking back, we recall the surprise of attack, the lack of equipment and support, the apparent futility of months of training, the sense of what we erroneously thought was failure. But when the real facts were revealed, we learned that overall we need not be ashamed ; rather that we should be grateful that as we served our country we were per- mitted to be a part of a great campaign. In testimony of this we have the words of Gen. Courtney Hodges to our own Gen. Perrin: "Please tell these men for me what a grand job they did." And that grand job continued until the deactivation of the Division.
     As members of our Association, let us continue to hold high our heads, to revere the memory of our comrades who have passed on from this life, and to strive for justice and peace for all men. "I remember the days of old, I meditate on all that thou hast done ; I muse on what thy hands have wrought. I stretch out my hands to thee ; my soul thirsts for thee like a parched land."
PSALM 143:5-6
John T. Loveless, Jr. Chaplain
106th Infantry
Division Association

     Any member who paid for a Division History at the Reunion in East Orange, N. J., and did not receive it, please write at once to John Loveless, 2549 Pickwick Road, Baltimore, Md.


     The veterans of our medium artillery battalion of the Divarty, the 592d F.A. Bn., headed by Tom Dorosky and Emil Solecki, originators of this annual get-together, assembled for their 12th reunion at Hershey Park, Hershey, Pa. on Sunday 6 Sept.
     This year featured the presence of Tom Dorosky's 4-month-old grandson, son of Tom Dorosky, Jr., who is in the Army with an Army Aviation Co., Ft. Belvoir, Va. Grandpa Tom and Grandma Alice were also accompanied by their two daughters, Alice Ann and Kathleen, and a guest, Steve Maceiko of Harvey's Lake, Pa.
     Another feature was the delicious fresh shrimp, served to all the guests by Jim and Violet Malesky. Perhaps this was to celebrate Jim's promotion with the West Penn Electric Corp. He was brought in from the field and is row statistician at the home office, Cabin Hill in Greensburg.
     This year the gang missed Mary Fox whose father is ill, but husband Tom was there with daughter Jane, son Larry and guest Russell Everetts. Tom still has the Buick Agency at Greencastle, Pa. Earl and Mary Runyon, of Ashland, Kentucky, took the prize (if any) for coming the longest distance. They were house guests of the Fox family.
     Frank and Therese Maloney were accompanied by daughter Joan Marie. Frank is still with the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia.
     Emil and Ethel Solecki of Sparta, N. J., were accompanied by daughters Judy and Lee. Emil is still in the masonry business.
     Daisy and Charlie Walsh (Charlie was Bn. Motor Officer) of Haddonfield, N. J., were accompanied by Adrian and Reed Trail, Daisy's sister and brother-in-law. Reed was in the Air Force in WW2. Charlie and Betty Latham, accompanied by daughter Kathleen and niece Linda Poireca, came from Lindenwold, N. J.
     Guests of the Battery at the reunion were National President Leo McMahon and Wilda, accompanied by daughter Carol and her guest, Patricia Cauffield of Middletown, Pa. ; National Chaplain John Loveless accompanied by wife Kay, daughters Kay 2 and Althea, and guest Raymond Kent of Washington, D.C. ; National Past President Clayt Rarick, wife Mabel and beautiful blond daughter Sherry Lynne. From Blandon, Pa.

Wilda and Leo McMahon

     The members of the 106th Division Staff, their wives and invited friends will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Ardennes, 16 December with a dinner at the Army and Navy Club, 4 West 43rd St., New York City.
     The list of those planning to attend as of 23 November General and Mrs. Alan W. Jones, Div. Comdr.; General and Mrs. William C. Baker, Chief of Staff ; Doctor and Mrs. Mike Belzer, Div. Surgeon (from Minneapolis) ; Colonel and Mrs. Tom Riggs, Div. Engineer; Colonel Lyle and Mrs. Mowlds, Div. Provost Marshal ; Colonel Herbert Livesey, Div. Chemical Officer ; Martin and Mrs. Dever, Div. Hq. ; Leonard and Mrs. Koplin (Div. Finance Office) ; General and Mrs. Leo T. McMahon, Div. Arty. ; John and Mrs. Warren, Div. Arty.
     The New Jersey Golden Lions will commemorate the 20th Anniversary with a memorial dinner on Sunday, 13 December, at the Suburban Restaurant, Route 4, Paramus, N. J. at 6:30 p.m. Edward C. Plenge, 589th FA BN., is the dinner chairman.


     There is concern in some quarters that the Great Society is rapidly becoming a mathematical one. This tentative conclusion is based on a trend which has been growing at an increasing rate during the past few years. It is a trend toward placing all of us in a kind of depersonalized, bland and machine-dominated world, and it appears to call for major changes in our national drive toward unlimited production and power. We must be sure not to divert our computers and automatic manufacturing machines from their function of freeing the human mind from repetitive activity, but we also must not allow them to duplicate, more and more, the human activities, mental or physical. We must guard carefully against losing our individual identity and becoming an assembly of robot types, who respond to a given situation by a prescribed formula.
     We shall bear witness to this trend by reciting a few of the items, which, taken together, constitute a pretty grim picture. At the time we entered the Army in World War I (note that even the wars are numbered) we were known by our name, and the name identified us among all other people in any activity. We knew who we were and could tell anyone who we were without hesitation. Then it began. We were given an army serial number and became officially known as 05886. Soon thereafter we were presented with evidence to prove that we were that number. The evidence was I.D. card 007924. In due course of time we became aware of the fact that we were entitled to certain services of the Veterans Administration, but only when properly identified as sickly C-6063156. As time passed the problem became more acute when we found that our personal, private checking account could not be used unless the magical number 0705287649 was delicately imprinted on each check we wrote. We next learned that we could no longer pay our cherished income tax unless we informed the IRS of the identification by which the Department of Health, Education and Welfare has contemptuously described us, i.e. 575476639. Fortunately, all is not so black since the American Express is pleased to pay our bills for almost anything we choose to buy, provided we use the title which they have no generously given us, the number 0073202419, and Walter Reed Hospital will permit the admission of our decrepit person if we can only remember to announce ourself as number 13760. By utilizing the number B283368, we receive complete X-ray service.
     So, you see, good of Zip Code 20016 believes that the time is fast coming when man will become more like machines and machines will become more like man until finally the two shall merge. Perhaps that will be the solution of all our problems. After all, Bob Cummings has a girl named Rota that looks pretty good.
     P.S. You can reach us anytime by remembering that we are nationally known as 2023621448, but don't try to call us collect as there is a limit to our personal automation.
     Twenty years ago we entrained at Camp Atterbury for England and then the Ardennes. We were the last of the combat troops to be trained there. After the war Atterbury was used for National Guard training following a period as a demobilization center. During the Korean War it saw limited service as an assembly area and supply center. The following item appeared in the papers recently:
     "Columbus, Ind., Nov. ( AP) -- Camp Atterbury, which swarmed with 55,000 troops in two wars, had only one military man today when the Defense Department announced it would be sold. This officer will retire after thirty years service at the same time." Good timing. Another Christmas and New Years are here. Alys and I wish the best of this earth to the families we have come to know and to like so much.


November 9, 1964
Dear Dick
     Sending the enclosed for use in the next CUB. This was given to me attached to a book regarding St. Vith, autographed by General Bruce Clarke of the 7th Armored. As this was written in August, 1964, it has not -previously appeared in any book, hence an exclusive for us.

     Even the former enemy highly appreciates the valor of U. S. Army troops committed at Bastogne and at St. Vith in eastern Belgium during the Ardennes Offensive of 1944-45. From the German point of view, and in my own opinion, these engagements were conducted in a manner equal to the best performances of the U. S. armed forces in theaters of operations other than the European. The devotion of the American soldiers and their courageous defense of St. Vith introduced the final phase of the defeat of the German Army in western Europe; the subsequent American counteroffensive brought about the ultimate defeat of these German forces in the West. Not only the weapons played the decisive role here, but also the rank-and-file, the commanders, the non-commissioned officers and the soldiers of all branches with their unshakeable trust in their military leaders to whom they felt .close and who, in turn, had a feeling of true camaraderie for their troops. Once again proof was brought that the war of weapons plays a subordinate, supporting role, and that the center of gravity lies in other spheres, namely those of politics, economics and psychology. Moral factors are all-decisive, for battles are won in the hearts of men-- St. Vith being a striking example! Therefore, the dramatic weeks of December 1944 occupy an important role when the history of the U. S. Army in World War II is being written.
     The courage of the men and the command of the troops-- especially of Combat Command B of the 7th Armored Division in action around St. Vith was, from the German viewpoint, of the highest order.
Hasso Von Manteuffel

    Note: General Von Manteuffel has agreed at several joint press conferences that for the German Counter-offensive of December 1944 to be successful at least three things had to happen:
a. The German attack had to be a surprise
     b. The weather to be such as to prevent strikes by allied aircraft on the German columns coming through the Ardennes.
c. The progress of the German main effort through and beyond St. Vith must be rapid and not delayed.
     Requirements a. and b. were met. Requirement c. was not met because of the defensive and delaying action of the 7th Armored Division and attached troops in the St. Vith area from 17 December to 23 December 1944.
     His time table called for the capture of St. Vith by 1800 hours on 17 December. He did not capture it until the night of the 21st of December and did rot control the St. Vith area until 23rd December when Combat C. "B" withdrew on order.
     On 22 September 1964, at a press conference in Watertown, New York, General Von Manteuffel stated "on the evening of 24 December 1944 I recommended to Hitler's Adjutant that the German Army give up the attack and return to the West Wall." He stated that the reason for this recommendation was due to the time lost by his 5th Panzer Army in the St. Vith area. Hitler did not accept Von Manteuffel's recommendation.



     Augusta has all the advantages of a large metropolitan area combined with a small country town, if you can imagine such a combination. The population of Augusta proper is about 70,000 and the metropolitan area 250,000. Of course our greatest claim to fame probably is the fact that Augusta is the home of the famous Augusta National Golf Course and the summer home of one of our past presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
     In the way of transportation to our city we are of course serviced by the ever-faithful Greyhound and Trailway bus lines, both of which terminate within a few blocks of the hotel. The Southern railway and the Coastline railroad both come to Augusta and end up about 3 blocks from the hotel. In addition our service by air is excellent-- Delta, Eastern and Piedmont Airlines all call on our fair city. If you are coming by auto, two of the north-south roads are Federal highways No. 1 and 25, both only three blocks from the hotel ; east-west we have highway 78. Getting back to the history of Augusta, it was founded in 1735, making it the second city in Georgia. The city itself was named after Princess Augusta. However, the first contact this area had with the western world goes back as far as the explorations of Hernando DeSoto in the sixteenth century. Augusta was fortunate in escaping the ravages of General Sherman in his march across Georgia during the Civil War and as a result still has many famous old buildings within easy walking distance of the hotel which are well worth exploring.
     The Town House Motor Inn has complete air conditioning for you Yankees who won't have time to get acclimated to warm Georgia sunshine and prefer to a degree the coolness of the far north. In addition to free T.V. and radio there is free parking for guests. We also feature a beautiful outdoor swimming pool, the most convenient spot to the pool being the motel rooms ; however it can easily be reached from any spot in the Inn. For Mother, we are right in the center of the downtown shopping district, also, for the whole family, the Augusta Museum is only three blocks from the Inn. Now for Dad, if he is a golf fan, we have several good golf courses close by. Augusta is also an open town as far as beverages are concerned (closed on Sunday, however).
     The convention or reunion dates are July 29 (for the early birds), 30, and 31, and Aug. 1 wind up. The place is the Town House Motor Inn and the town is Augusta, Georgia.

     I am enclosing a rate card for the hotel, also a folder giving some information about the place. In addition, the following notice received Saturday: The Twentieth Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge will be commemorated at a dinner by members of the 106th Infantry Division at the Fort McPherson Officer's Club, 7:30 p.m., 18 December 1964.
     Please call or write Lt. Col. Harold M. Harmon, 6727 Cambellton Road SW, Atlanta, Georgia, Bus. Tel. 752-3015, Res. 344-2243, for reservations by 14 December 1964.
     Incidentally it was sent out by Nathan D. Ward of Atlanta. Ward, better known as Duke Ward, was the CO. of H&S 81st Engr., and Harmon, better known as Lefty Harmon, was C.O. of A Co. 81st Engr. Elmer Fuller, the former C.O. of B Co. also lives near Atlanta, while I, who had the pleasure of being C Co. C.O. of the 81st Engr., live near Augusta. The odd part about it is that none of us entered service from Georgia. Must be something about this Georgia climate that does something for us poor Engineer boys.
Jim Wells
Convention Chairman


From All The Raricks
To All 106ers.

Camden, Maine, September, 1964
From The Church Office
     It is no longer news that at the Special Church Meeting on 11 August the members present voted unanimously to extend our call to the Rev. Dr. Ronald A. Mosley to be pastor of this church beginning 1 November, 1964. We are most happy to repeat that Dr. Mosley accepted our call.
     Laymen who have not participated in the administration of a church without a minister have not really lived nor died a few times. We believe it in order to make this an official commendation to not only the Pulpit Committee and the Board of Deacons and Deaconesses for their loyalty and perseverance during our months of trial but also to every other group that carried on with understanding and undiminished effort. Space does not permit citation by name. Dr. Mosley has been pastor of the Bar Harbor Church since December, 1956. Previously, he held pastorates in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and in 1946 was director of the Southwest-Tremont (Maine) Larger Parish. During World War II he was a chaplain with the 106th U. S. Infantry Division in the European Theatre and later with the 188th U. S. General Hospital in England. He holds the Bronze Star, Purple Heart with cluster, two battle stars, the Belgian Fours-guerre, the Presidential Unit Citation, and a citation from the Dutchy of Luxembourg.
     He was educated at DePauw University, Indiana, Boston University and Harvard University. His public education was taken in Canada, England and the United States.
     While at Bar Harbor Dr. Mosley has e served as moderator and scribe of the Hancock Association of Congregational Church and Ministers, chairman of the Hospital Chaplaincy at the Mt. Desert Island Hospital, president and secretary-treasurer of the Mt. Desert Island Ministerial Fellowship, and did religious news and broadcasting from 1958-60 at Radio WDEA in Ellsworth.
     He has served on many State Conference committees and on the Interdenominational Commission of Maine since coming to Bar Harbor.
     In 1960 Dr. Mosley and son Ronald visited the Near East and canoed down the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, and the Sea of Galilee in the Holy Land. He is well known for his motion pictures and lecture concerning this trip. In September, 1963, at the invitation of the Secretary of the U. S. Air Force, he was Protestant Missioner at Dow AFB, Bangor. He is currently listed in Who's Who in the East, and is author of a devotional book entitled "Lift Up Your Faith." Mrs. Mosley attended DePauw University and has taught English and Social Studies in the Bar Harbor Schools for the past seven years. She is currently working for the Master of Education degree in Guidance which she will receive in 1965. Mrs. Mosley has accepted a teaching position in Rockland.
     The Mosleys have three children: Mrs. William Elbring of St. Louis, Mo., a recent graduate of DePauw University, Cadet Master Sgt. Ronald A. Mosley, Jr., a second classman at the U. S. Air Force Academy in Colorado and Gordan Gunn, who will enter Michigan State University in September.
Col. John Wilson, Jr.


Division Headquarters Compound at Bad Ems, Germany.

Nov. 9, 1964
Dear Dick:
Here is something that may interest you and every one that attended the last reunion.
     A week ago Flo and I went to the Suburban Hotel for dinner. The first person we met was Rudy the banquet manager. He said "Your outfit really put us on the map." He then explained that DeHeer had sent a post reunion Cub to the hotel. Never had the Hotel received such coast to coast publicity. Mr. Taylor, the owner; Mr. Monica, the manager; and Rudy all wanted a copy. I delivered them the next day. (Got a free drink.) Mr. Monica said that they had never seen such a well-mannered outfit and the hotel was ours at any time.

Tom Bickford
November 20, 1964
Dear Dick:
First, let me say that I hope that Marge is fine and her own sweet self again.
    This message is way past due -- I wanted to write just as soon as we got home from East Orange. However, I had a very bad summer, suffering with labryinthitis, and when I finally felt better, was so far behind in work that I became quite involved.
Eunice and I wanted all of our members to know how wonderful Flo and Tom Bickford were on Sunday before we

Wish You All

    left. When it became necessary for me to call a physician, who did not arrive until after 1 p.m., the Bickfords would not leave the Hotel until they found out whether or not Eunice would need further help.
Father Day also stopped to see me after the Doctor had gone.
    Then on Monday evening, Doug Coffey called me at my home in Baltimore to make sure I had gotten home all right. We were truly appreciative-- but then that's the spirit of our 106th.
It was a very well arranged Reunion, fine facilities and was thoroughly enjoyed by my entire family.
     Would like you to know that we missed the Chaplain's column, which is always excellent, in the last issue of the Cub. Eunice and the children join me in wishing you all good health and good fortune during the coming holiday season and throughout the New Year.
Best regards, Henry M. Broth

     Jerome Frankel, Hq. 423, writes that he is District Manager, Sales for Advance Div. -- Carlisle Chemical Works, Inc., New Brunswick, N. J. He has been with the company 22 years. Jerry has a wife and two daughters, age 7 and 6. Now living in the suburbs two years after being a Brooklynite.
     Charles Swider, who was chief clerk for Col. Baker, has a wife and three children, One studying for the priesthood. Charles is a sales representative for the Duquesne Brewing Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Joseph Litvin, D/423, is in business with his brother-in-law, owning and


operating a "superette" located at 18727 S. Creushow Blvd., Torrance, Calif.

     Cliff Perras, H/424, says "I just had a birthday and feel fine. Our boys are growing too fast. It is hunting season and we are very busy. Weather is fine-- I lost my bid for reelection to the State House of Representatives this year, but I will try again in 1966."
     Mrs. Anna Dulebohn wants to thank the Association for the CUB, and "the many kindnesses to me. A very Merry Christmas and Peace in all the world to each and every one of the 106th Div."
     Dr. George Axelrod, 331/Med. has been in practice as a G. P. for 30 years in Clinton, Mass. Daughter No. 1 lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. and just presented them with grandchild No. 3. Daughter No. 2 is studying medicine in New York.
     Alfred Gericke, Co. D/423, is keeping himself busy as a general building contractor, Captain Inf. of the Ohio National Guard and County Red Cross Disaster Chairmen. He and his wife Marcia, have a daughter, Jennifer. Al visited "bulgeland" three times, 1958, '60, and '61. Saw the 106th Memorial at St. Vith in '61 just after completion.
     From Herbert Eidelman, Ser. Co/424: "I am still in the wholesale floor covering business with my brothers. Family consists of 3 children now, Jeff, 11; Lynn 8; and Mike 3."
     Ira G. Bottoms, 592 FA Bn.: "I am presently teaching general science in a school at Duluth, Ga. I also take an active part in church and civic organizations. We have five children at home, four boys and a girl, and one son in the Air Force, who is stationed at Ellington Air Force Base. It's still one of my ambitions to attend one of the 106th Conventions."

JULY 29, 30 and 31, AUG. 1 are the dates to remember!

Deceased -- Lewis H. Walker Box 570, Susanville, Calif.

     Do you know Arthur Fritag? If so, send his address to Sherod Collins. It seems as if everyone forgot to get his address at East Orange. Arthur is due some CUBS and his membership card. How about that?
483 S. Rochester Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46241
November 13, 1964

     I received my membership card. I'm enclosing a picture of 3 of my trucks. I also have 3 dump trucks working all the time, and they keep me pretty busy. I was sure glad to hear about the 20th Anniversary Convention being in Indianapolis. I hope to see some of the fellows I was in service with. I'm proud to have belonged to the 106th Division. I would like to hear from any of the fellows around Indiana.
I sure enjoy reading the CUB Magazine. Hoping to see some of you in Indianapolis in 1966.
Bernard D. Herbert


October 19, 1964
Mr. Sherod Collins, Jr.
173 Huntington Rd., N.E. Atlanta 9, Georgia
Dear Sherod
Enclosed, please find my check in the sum of $7 in payment of my dues and my wife's auxiliary dues.
The family is well and growing up. We have two children in college, three in high school and two in grade school.
The practice of law is flourishing.
I trust that we will be able to see you at the next reunion in Augusta in 1965. With kind personal regards, I am
Very truly yours, Robert E. Rutt

Mr. Richard DeHeer 19 Hopkins Street Hillsdale, N. J.
Dear Dick:
     We enjoyed the reunion in Orange this past July. Think the Coffeys and the Bickfords did a great job, and we had a wonderful time.
     I have just come back from a nine day deer hunt in Mason County. Had a good hunt and all in our party got their deer. Baby Gary came down for the last night and day and he went back to school with a small deer. We had a hard time getting him to place the deer in the trunk of his car. He wanted to put it on the hood of his car for all the world to see. In this part of the country, the weather is too warm for such vulgar display.
     By the way, Baby Gary is half way through law school. We are looking forward to having him home. We certainly can use him.
We are wishing for all of you good people of the 106th the best of the holiday season and a very happy New Year.
Sincerely, Ben Hagman

For The Holiday Season
K. John K-2 Althea

     Rhine bridge at Coblenz. This was a wonderfully constructed bridge built by the U.S. Army engineers on pontoons. The 422 and 423 were in the woods on one side and Bad Ems, division hdq. on the other. Hence a trip to headquarters every day over the bridge.

     The fine "CUB's" you have been receiving would be impossible without the terrific help from Fred Wilson, proprietor of:
     If you have moved recently, or plan to move soon, please notify Sherod Collins of your new address. Write him at 173 Huntington Road, N. E., Atlanta 9, Georgia.


JULY 29 - 30 - 31, AUGUST 1, 1965

Fifteen years ago
     Since 1947, about 1,800 different persons have belonged to the Association at one time or another-- and we have had over 2,000 address changes. Elsewhere in this issue is a list of former members for whom we have no current addresses, including former Association Vice-President Kenneth Perry.
     John C. Hebenstreist (C/589) lost his life in a mine accident at Shullsburg, Wisconsin on October 25. He honeymooned with his wife Mary at our 1948 convention.
     "I'm not going to renew my membership because I don't think I've been getting my money's worth out of the Association." How often we have heard that. The fellow is perfectly right if by "getting his money's worth," he means that he expects us to give him material things worth a dollar each year for each dollar of his dues. But here are some of the things his dollars go to pay for: information for next of kin, help to members, publicity for the Division, the Memorial Fund. If you expect, as an individual, to get your dollars in cash value out of each year's membership in the Association, you have completely missed the point. The Memorial Fund as of 1 January 1950 stands at $1,118.65.
     This issue of the CUB includes feature articles on K Company, 424, and includes pictures of seven K Company men who are now members of the Association. Pictured presiding behind the counter of his delicatessen is Richard DeHeer.

Ten years ago
     As you read this CUB, approximately 10 of your comrades in arms of the 106th are holding Memorial Services in Henri Chapelle Cemetery outside Liege, Belgium. Whether we go to church or not, this week of December 16, remember to thank God for your own life which was spared, and remember to Him those maimed ones still lying in hospitals and the kin of those who did not return. Service Battery, 592, reports holding its annual reunion at Hershey Park, Pennsylvania with an attendance of at least 18. This group has always done an excellent job of keeping the 106th alive in Pennsylvania.
     Ben Briles reports he is still in the "cow" business with 18,000 acres of land under his ownership or lease. Paul Merz is a foreman for the U. S. Shoe Corporation and runs a food locker plant at Vevay, Indiana.

Five years ago
We now have about 225 paid up members. What has happened to everybody else ?
     This issue of the CUB includes two pictures of our completed Memorial. With the addition of a memorial plaque (after we have decided on the wording), the landscaping of the area, and a U. S. Flag to fly over it, our Memorial will be complete.
     It is not too early to start planning to attend our next convention in the company of Maydean and Jim Wells down Georgia way.

Index for: Vol. 21 No. 2, Nov, 1964

Index for This Document

106th Div., 4, 15
106th Inf. Div., 10
106th Infantry Division Association, 1
106th Memorial, 15
106th U. S. Inf. Div., 12
422nd Inf., 2
589th FA BN, 4
592nd FA BN, 15
5th Panzer Army, 9
7th Armd. Div., 8
81st Engr., 10
Ardennes, 1, 4, 6, 8
Ardennes Offensive, 8
Axelrod, Dr. George, 15
Bad Ems, 17
Bad Ems, Germany, 13
Baker, Col., 14
Baker, Gen. & Mrs. William C., 4
Bastogne, 8
Battle Of The Bulge, 2, 10
Belgium, 1, 2, 8
Belzer, Dr. & Mrs. Mike, 4
Bickford, Flo & Tom, 13
Bickford, Tom, 13
Bottoms, Ira G., 15
Briles, Ben, 19
Broth, Henry M., 14
Brunswick, 14
Camp Atterbury, 6
Cauffield, Patricia, 4
Clarke, Gen. Bruce, 8
Co. A, 81st, 2
Coblenz, 17
Coffey, Doug, 1, 13
Coffey, Doug & Isabel, 1
Collins, Mr. Sherod, Jr., 17
Collins, Sherod, 1, 15, 18
Counter-Offensive, 8
Day, Father, 13
DeHeer, Mr. Richard, 17
DeHeer, Richard, 1, 19
DeLaval, Dr., 1
DeLaval, Dr. & Mrs., 1
Dever, Martin & Mrs., 4
Div. Chaplain, 2
Div. Engr., 1
Div. HQ, 13
Division History, 3
Dorosky, Tom, 4
Dulebohn, Mrs. Anna, 15
Eidelman, Herbert, 15
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 10
Elbring, Mrs. William, 12
Elliott, Maj., 1
Elliott, Maj. & Mrs. Wayne, 1
Everetts, Russell, 4
Fox, Mary, 4
Frankel, Jerome, 14
Fritag, Arthur, 15
Fuller, Elmer, 10
Gericke, Alfred, 15
Hagman, Ben, 17
Harmon, Col., 2
Harmon, Lefty, 10
Harmon, Lt. Col. Harold M., 10
Hebenstreist, John C., 19
Henri Chapelle Cemetery, 19
Herbert, Bernard D., 15
Hodges, Gen. Courtney, 3
Jones, Gen. & Mrs., 2
Jones, Gen. & Mrs. Alan W., 4
Kent, Raymond, 4
Koplin, Leonard & Mrs., 4
Latham, Charlie & Betty, 4
Liege, Belgium, 19
Litvin, Joseph, 14
Livesey, Col. Herbert, 4
Loveless, Chaplain John, 4
Loveless, John, 1, 3
Loveless, John T., Jr., 3
Loveless, K1 & John, 2
Luxembourg, 12
Maceiko, Steve, 4
Malesky, Jim & Violet, 4
Maloney, Frank & Therese, 4
Matthews, Col. Joe, 1
McMahon, Brig. Gen. Leo T., 1
McMahon, Gen. & Mrs. Leo T., 4
McMahon, Leo, 4
McMahon, Leo T., 1
McMahon, Wilda & Leo, 4
Merz, Paul, 19
Mosley, Dr., 12
Mosley, Dr. Ronald A., 12
Mosley, Mrs., 12
Mosley, Ronald A., Jr., 12
Mowlds, Col. Lyle & Mrs., 4
Perras, Cliff, 15
Perrin, Gen., 3
Perry, Kenneth, 19
Plenge, Edward C., 4
Poireca, Linda, 4
Rarick, Clayt, 4
Reunions, 2
Rhine, 17
Riggs, Col. & Mrs. Tom, 4
Riggs, Col. Tom, 1
Runyon, Earl & Mary, 4
Rutt, Robert E., 17
Solecki, Emil, 4
Solecki, Emil & Ethel, 4
St. Vith, 1, 3, 8, 9, 15
Swider, Charles, 14
The Battle Of The Ardennes, 8
Trail, Adrian & Reed, 4
Von Manteuffel, 9
Von Manteuffel, Gen., 8
Von Manteuffel, Hasso, 8
Walker, Lewis H., 15
Walsh, Daisy & Charlie, 4
Ward, Duke, 10
Ward, Nathan D., 10
Warren, John & Mrs., 4
Wells, Jim, 2, 11
Wells, Maydean & Jim, 19
West Point, 1
West Wall, 9
Wilson, Col. John, Jr., 12
Wilson, Fred, 17
Zorn, Harry & Betty, 13